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You can never have enough...
I am redoing my kitchen storage as you know and today won some more huge glass jars - Maxwell House Coffee jars with red lids already mine and I am adding these four Mansion House jars which are the same but green lids. They hold a full bag of flour or sugar or milk powder with room to spare, and being glass are easy to keep clean. Easier than the old bakelite lovelies. I shall line them up on the shelf and be able to see at a glance what is where and by how much! I was so pleased with the buy (those jars are hard to come by) I got the mop out and used it to clean the walls, so I feel very pure!

Then, when I went out to the laundry to fetch in the load I had in the dryer some kind soul had dropped off a carton full of breads from the Community Pantry, so I pulled out a pack of big dinner rolls with future homemade burgers in mind, and a ciabatta loaf all into the freezer - I shall use that for French toast treat brunches when Winter really gets going. Very handy seeing it is the end of the super cycle and things can get a bit lean around now.

So a good day here in the smoke, and Masterchef to keep me amused, life is good.
Wish we were closer Hunni. I have 7 I think of those big jars with the green lids. Sitting unused in the garage.

I would love to go with Jars, but worked really hard to get my Tupperware so am happy to carry on using it.

I cooked my huge pork chop, and the one agria I had, I thought I had two, but glad I didn't cos I didn't have room for a second one anyway. Was yummy.

MrP wasn't impressed with his tea tonight. They were meant to be having toasted Sammie's. But ended up with spaghetti, baked beans and mashed tatty all mixed together. He grumbled. I said you like all 3 so it didn't really matter than it was mixed. but it wouldn't have looked very nice.

Im taking two of his metal motorbike ornament's up tomorrow. Arthur likes them. I thought he had one metal and one plastic but it was 2 metal and one plastic. Wont take the plastic one incase it gets broken.

Along with some taties and steamed pudding.

I always tend to get more creative with food when there is less than usual to chose from lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh popeye... Can you hear the gnashing of my teeth? Lol... I have jar lust...
Morning everyone

A little damp here at the mo.

Happy to send the jars to you Hunni if you cover the cost. You dont need to pay for the jars. Im super extra careful with packing. Ill take a photo later to make sure they are the ones you like.

I have my buttons in Marcona jars, I love seeing the pretty shapes and colours. And have a collection of jars from the warehouse with red or white tops. With a metal bit in the middle and a strip of bumpy silicone around the middle. They aren't easy at times to get the lids on straight, but I've discovered if I do it with my left hand I get them on right more often than if I use my right.

Off to do my visits today. Then Ill come home and wash this Tupperware I got yesterday and re-arrange the display. Im going to take down some of the cookbooks to be able to fit the new stuff in.

Saw a classic straight up rip off trying to happen yesterday. Someone put a post on FB about their sons care being hit and the other car didn't stop.. Was just around the corner from me.. But several people asked if it was the commodore who was the same one that was hooning around town doing burnouts etc. I hope the insurance company does the info gathering properly.

Idiots like this who make false claims affect all our premiums in the end.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another damp start to the day.

Popeye, those people asking about the car probably don't have insurance and are hoping for the sympathy of others to pay for the repairs.

While doing the mulching over the last few days, I found buckets and buckets of oranges buried in it from the orange tree our friend had cut down. I've 'spread the love' lol and all our neighbours and friends now have oranges, and we have a bucket full ready for juicing. Was like finding buried treasure lol. Today's mission is to complete the juicing. Years ago, I found a big hand juicer on TM with a lever handle. It's amazing and gets every bit of juice out of citrus.

The Furry One is up but obviously not ready to say good morning. Usually he's jumping up onto my knee, but this morning has curled up on my feet and gone back to sleep. I suspect MrK has gotten up too early for his taste this morning lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Certainly too early round here, the birds and the early morning rush hour drone are the only sounds. I would turn over and doze some more but I have a friend coming this morning, so have to behave like a civilised human being rather than a hibernating bear...
Morning all
Rained overnight

Had nice day with sewing group yesterday.

Busy today have a meeting this afternoon so that will be my day filled up.

Cast on alpaca yarn but not sure about the size so will have 5o visit DGD2 to check before I knit any further. GD1 has lost her hat so will need to get onto that.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Wet underfoot after a weekend of rain and cold. More expected over the week. Not much chance of getting anything done around the garden.

Fairly quiet weekend with the main downside being son's dog put to sleep due to temperament issues around children ... growling/snapping at GD was the final straw. Very lucky to have not 'connected', but going forward was not going to work, despite all the expensive training undertaken  Sad

Good progress on the 8ply cardi, knitting the 2 fronts together as I do with sleeves. Good weather for knitting.

Another load of washing for the dryer and racks then morning tea time for nearly 4yo GD and me.

Enjoy the day all.
Good morning - the weather has been really awful all weekend but forecast tomorrow is fine - the people living in caravans in the Esk Valley with outside toilets will be pleased to see the sun
Two new refugees have shifted in next door - the ladies who shifted them in left me a card to contact them - the tree chopping by the last ones was done deliberately they wanted to be moved to Hastings .I asked her why two single men instead of a family are moving in to a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a lovely garden for kids to play in -she told me I won’t see these two they spend all their time playing games on the computer- but the decisions are made in Wgtn
That’s such a shame about the dog Roma but you can’t take any chances - my old boy fostered a lot of dogs for the SPCA - they brought him a lovely Pointer that had been surrendered he spent months with it but she unfortunately had been wired to attack and had to be put down .The SPCA rang him one night a shepherd had abandoned his 7 dogs - they were in a terrible condition - it was when we were on the orchard so they moved into the big shed - after a few weeks they were looking really good but were bored so he bought 4 sheep - not much orcharding got done- one by one they were found homes except a very old beardy - I thought he was going to be ours but an old man turned up one day in his Ute - my husband went to lift the dog on the back of the Ute - but no the dog went into the cab - we watched them drive out the dog was licking the mans bald head - we both shed a tear
Have dug the Dr Seus blanket out of my unfinished projects - soon realised why I had put it aside - insure can’t watch TV
We were given an English pointer who was a beautiful dog, but she too was a snappy bitch and after months of dedicated retraining and loving we took her to our vet and asked their opinion, and put her down as a result. It is a hard choice to make, but none of us could bear the thought of that beautiful animal taking a bite out of a child. Or anyone else for that matter...

I just came in from scooting up the drive to take rubbish bags and bins up to the road, much to the hilarity of my neighbours. I reckon they're just jealous because they have to carry theirs!
It's not always the animal to blame, some children can be devilish and surreptitiously tease, torture, badger and mistreat animals behind adults backs especially if the adults are not watching for it.

In Africa as children we were taught that animals are to be respected and treated well, and to respect their physical space, deliberate teasing or in any way mistreating an animal will be met with severe punishment. A child who mistreats animals is likely to go on to big problems in the future.

I know some dogs do not like children because of their unpredictable nature, unexpected movements, hyper behaviour and general screaming and noisiness. The children need to be taught that this is the case and not be allowed to be spoiled noisy uncaring brats like so many children I see today.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(19-06-2023, 12:04 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: We were given an English pointer who was a beautiful dog, but she too was a snappy bitch and after months of dedicated retraining and loving we took her to our vet and asked their opinion, and put her down as a result. It is a hard choice to make, but none of us could bear the thought of that beautiful animal taking a bite out of a child. Or anyone else for that matter...

I just came in from scooting up the drive to take rubbish bags and bins up to the road, much to the hilarity of my neighbours. I reckon they're just jealous because they have to carry theirs!

I wheel my rubbish bag out to the bin on a supermarket trolley -Robie had been in the media talking about the 200 trolleys that had been stolen - he received a call from a man saying that a woman in my street had been seen with one ! Actually they are very useful for shifting pots and wheeling the washing out to the line
You can be assured zqwerty that our children and grandchildren have a healthy respect for animals with my own kids brought up on farms and the others in contact with animals daily.  Definitely know what animals are not safe to be around humans and vice versa! This dog has had a great home since adoption as a pup and her unpredictable nature was never going to be changed. We weren't prepared to have an attack before euthanasia.
I quite agree, its a very serious and tough decision to make. Especially if the animals are well loved. But the safety of everyone comes first.

The hardest one for us is when we had to have our Foxy boy put to sleep. Unbeknown to us he used to howl and make a heck of racket if we weren't home. No Neighbour's ever bothered to tell us this. We noticed that he started shying away from MrP when he was using his walking stick, and we couldn't figure out why.

One particular day, I was out but MrP was home, working in the garage. And he heard "Digger" bark then whine, so he had a look out the crack in the door and there was the old fella next door trying to hit Digger with his walking stick. Digger coward and ran away. But MrP didn't. He went and asked the man what he was doing. Which is when we found out about him barking when we were out.

It was the last leg for Digger, he wouldn't go anywhere near MrP if he had his stick. We took him to his vet and he said that he was severely physiologically tortured and he wouldn't ever come around and Trust MrP. So we had to have him put to sleep for his own mental health, even tho it hurt us. To see him cowering from the very man who owned and loved him was heart breaking.

Back from my visiting. Bobbie is going backwards very quickly. Telling me how they covered her in this black stuff and she had to peel it off. She had had her hair done so Im guessing it might have been the cape, but she has it muddled in her head. Apparently one of the other dementia ladies attacked Coleen the other night and the Blardy home didn't even ring colleens family. This lady roams around the place but is now grabbing knives etc. She needs to be moved on for everyone's safety. If they want to have bad dementia patients they need to build a secure wing.

A dietician came in, not employed by the home but asking people about the food. She said she asked in a couple of the other dining rooms but no one would speak to her.. So we all did. lol Perfect day for it cos they were dished up lukewarm grey hoki with a white sauce that didn't have any seasoning or cheese or mustard. Lumpy mashed tattie's and the usual carrots and pea's... Then apple crumble with the most anemic looking custard out. So she got pages of comments from us. She asked why the others wouldn't say anything and we said two reasons.. One they are scared they will be kicked out, and Two, changes happen and then it reverts back to the same crap.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sometimes there's no other option but to have an animal put down, much as we don't want to.

Ventured out yesterday & got the bus over to one of the malls to do a bit more birthdays scouting/ shopping & found a book for eldest great grandson's unbirthday gift. Just a small thing so when his little brother has his birthday he doesn't feel altogether left out, & the same for little brother when its his birthday - just until they're a bit older.
By the time I got home I was knackered so not much else done yesterday.

I wonder Hunni, if anyone took a picture of you scooting your rubbish out! Smile
Hope the dietician enquiring might mean better meals for them Popeye; they sound pretty bad.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I reckon they're jealous... But that scoot saved me a great deal of pain. Or asking for help. I loathe doing that!
(19-06-2023, 04:01 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I reckon they're jealous... But that scoot saved me a great deal of pain. Or asking for help. I loathe doing that!

Yeah - don't we all.  Smile Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Clear(ish) skies this morning so a chance to get some shopping done while avoiding the raindrops.

lol OHH, you sound a lot like one of my sister's-in-law, she would do the same thing! Whatever works for you Tongue

I am sorry to hear about the dog being PTS, roma. It's tough when things like that happen, especially when alternatives have been tried.

The Furry One's doggy registration bill arrived yesterday and that will need to be paid. At least that hasn't gone up in price this year. I've checked on the rate increase and ours is increasing by 11.90%. I noticed they have also increased the value of our property when housing prices are meant to be going down.

Coffee is finished, time to move. Hopefully I can do some embroidery this afternoon, let's see how good these new glasses really are lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Fine and nippy

Always sad to loose a k9 what ever the reason.

Off up the line shortly for my quilting group have a binding to attach to a baby quilt while I exercise my jaw Big Grin

Have a good day everyone
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Have grey and blue skies out. And a little chilly.

Hunni Im a firm believer in doing what you have to. If I have rubbish to take down to the road and Im able to lift it I plop it on a walker was toddle down. Recycling I wheel down with my walking stick on top for the return journey. Im beyond throwing the bag up on the bin now tho.

My silly mother was very self conscious about using a walking stick. And wouldn't cos my brother asked her once why was she using it. Not me, Ill use what ever I need to , to feel safe and secure and I dont give a hoot what people think. Before my Pretty metalic blue, with ladybird stickers all over gave up it used to get lots of comments from the little ones.

I washed all my new Tupperware last night and once Im dressed Im going to Play with my Display. Ill also thin out the cook books a little there, as there are a few that once Id read through them didn't inspire me so ill see if I can give them away on FB. I've been collecting Kiwi cooks books, but a couple I dont like.

Im enjoying seeing John Campbell on Breakfast again. I never used to like him, but seeing the caring way he speaks to people these days, especially when he was on the East coast Ive come to enjoy him.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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