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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile That yellow thing in the sky has disappeared Sad

oh wow, OHH! How cool is that! I'm with you, I would happily clean up the owl's messes if it stayed with us.

We have found it usually takes a day or two for the hospital to call back, popeye. Hopefully it won't be too long for you.

Something has eaten the butterfly chrysalis Sad There is a big chomp mark and no butterfly Sad

I'm still hand quilting the placemats, it's a slow process but I'm getting quicker at it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The Yellow thing is up here KM ... Sorry. Would send it your way if I could lol.

Interesting night last night. MrP back in a grumpy, moaning cos he hadn't had any of the ice cream that I took up for his birthday last week.. Im sure he told me they had some. I told him to talk to them about it not me.

Then he made a Big mistake of once again trying to tell me not to talk to his brother and sister in law. I lost it and told him I would speak to who ever I please. And I hung up. Its something he has always done, and I've always just eased off the talking. but Im now over that and I will talk to who ever I please. So he didn't like that of course and I hung up.

Had a good catch up with them both, my SIL had a partial replacement of her knee so it was good to hear how things worked for her. she is on warfarin also. Couldn't do her own clexane shots tho.. I can its easy for me.. I didn't know tho she admitted she doesn't handle pain well so its been a bit rough.
Her Hubby has got himself some new wheels,, a mobility scooter, Dam I should have asked if he has a flag lol.. But He's been taking good care of her.. And he also reminded me to start the car, while Im not able to drive it, and to move it if possible. So the tyre's dont get flat patches... neither of which I had thought of. He's my best brother in the world.

Have to go do my bloods, will pop into NW Butter is $4-49 (Pams) and Chelsea Sugar is $1-99.. So I will grab those. its a one day sale. And then go see if Grumpy has improved his demeanor.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Afternoon all
Fine and sun shining through the cloud
I hope both Popeye and OHH get your surgeries asap

Attended a conference yesterday it was great to extend my grey cells and catch up with some people I used to work with.

Had to drop DH of for medical check this morning and managed to fit a visit to Spotlight on my way back to my volunteer stint. Bought some floral cord fabric to make dungarees for DGD2 and towels were 50% off so bought a new set one of our sets is looking a bit tired. So will soak the towels in cold water before washing them
Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I remember an importer telling me to add salt to that cold water soak to let the fibres swell back after the crushing force when they were palletised for shipping. Very handy trick, especially on those that come in from India, though I guess the others go through the same packing.

I must renew my towels too soon. I noticed my favourites are starting to thin in places, and so they should after all those years...
(13-07-2023, 03:53 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I remember an importer telling me to add salt to that cold water soak to let the fibres swell back after the crushing force when they were palletised for shipping. Very handy trick, especially on those that come in from India, though I guess the others go through the same packing.

I must renew my towels too soon. I noticed my favourites are starting to thin in places, and so they should after all those years...

Years ago I had a pair of Cannon brand towels which lasted 20 years. Fat chance of that now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I remember Cannon towels, I think I was given a set as an engagement present many decades ago.

I'm eager for towel advice - ours are all looking a bit patchy and faded and I want to start replacing them.   My biggest disappointment is Fieldcrest;  I had old versions which lasted wonderfully but the most recently purchased have faded and gone patchy after about three years.

Which brands are dependable these days?   I don't mind paying well for something that will last.
(13-07-2023, 03:53 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I remember an importer telling me to add salt to that cold water soak to let the fibres swell back after the crushing force when they were palletised for shipping. Very handy trick, especially on those that come in from India, though I guess the others go through the same packing.

I must renew my towels too soon. I noticed my favourites are starting to thin in places, and so they should after all those years...
I once wound up doing quite a few contracts for a dyeworks. Salt rises were definitely de rigueur for most batches. Long rinses for high grade fabrics. Cheaper fabrics just got a bit of salt dosing in a routine rinse. The salt helped fix the die and alleviated some of the weaving/knitting stresses. The chief chemist was a strong promoter of long salt rinses in water with mild agitation and lukewarm temperatures in the process and before each of the first couple of washes. He said it was essential to do a wash cycle after the salt rinse as any salt crystals would cut fibres, a bad thing apparently.
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
Definitely need to machine wash after a salt soak, just to get rid of the salt. Aside from damaging the fibres it isn't good on skin already well hydrated by the bath or shower, and on a face cloth you can taste it. It is a good fixative for some dyes, I'm no chemist but I suspect my school days chemistry was right about osmosis and fluid density. A white vinegar rinse is another good trick with dyes that run, and it is great for hygiene purposes. I do a white vinegar wash on a regular basis in the machine I use in our shared laundry, having seen what some of my neighbours put through them. And because the smell is pretty distinctive I added orange peel to my big bottle of vinegar and it certainly works to add citrus oil and that clean scent to the mix.

Cheaper than the commercial cleaners and just as effective.
morning ladies Smile We have sunshine! or now, anyway lol. Happy Matariki Heart

I remember Canon towels Smile Mum had some along with Dramorn (spelling, sorry) linen. They both lasted forever, unlike the linen and towels you buy now. I also soak my towels or anything that has dye that could run in salt. Always iodised though for some reason. I can't recommend any particular brand of towels as I buy whatever is on special at Briscoes.

Housework for me today and then I'll keep pottering on with the hand quilting. Waxed thread is a PITA to use as it slips out of the needle so easily. But in saying that, it glides through the quilting layers beautifully with no knotting or tangles.

I have a small pile of things to donate to the op shop when it reopens next week. There will probably be a few more things in the pile by the time I take them. Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Fine so far ... hopefully stays that way. 

I agree towels aren't what they used to be despite the "Egyptian Cotton" logo. Another who received Cannon towels as a gift way back and I still had them probably 20 years later! I find nowadays towels I buy in the Farmer's sales are good.  The latest brand I have are Sheridan.

Visitors today for lunch otherwise hanging around for the weekend.

Off now to the supermarket.

Have a good long weekend all.
I have some Dramorn towels and blankets which were brought about 65yrs ago. They used to go around the hostels, nurse’s homes etc selling them, presumably for the young ladies setting up their trousseaux’s  Big Grin . 
I still use one of the towels from time to time it is blue with swans on which I thought was the height of fashion it is a bit thin on it now though.
 The blankets are wool with satin binding although the binding has frayed the blankets are still thick and warm.
Morning all
Started off overcast but sun is putting in an effort to break through the cloud.

Towels all washed and dried and have come up thick and fluffy and so soft Cool they are replacing 13 year old set.

Off to meet friends for lunch today we prepared to suck up 15% surcharge in exchange for good company and tasty food Big Grin

Slow start to this morning so got to move and do some cleaning up

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Bit of a lazy start. But when Madam is snuggly, I oblige.

I have a couple of older towels. one that I brought for my "Glory Box", ohh I loved those days. Gave them to Mum when I went to Aussie but got them back in the end.
And in the mid 90s, we and MrP's eldest brother went to Briscoes for a Sale lol.. They had some nice leopard type print towels. The sign said (I forget the price) but we will say $20 Per Pair... Oddly MrP and SIL didnt like the fact that my BIL and I both perhaps being stubborn Taureans decided to buy a pair each.. We got to the check out, I was the talker and of course complained when the price was doubled.
I suggested politely that they check the sign.. They ended up getting the manager, we got them for $20 for the pair, and the sign was binned in front of us. lol.. They have lost the Print side now and getting a little thin but are close to 30 years young.

Its fine at the mo so once med's have kicked in Ill start on the lawn..

Geeze I know I've never liked History but I always thought Anthony and Cleopatra were lovers.. Not Siblings. Mysteries at the Museum just educated me once again lol

I got a nice small piece of pork yesterday, and will cook a roast later.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Another mouse bites the dust thanks to the Furry One Big Grin Big Grin  He may be 12 and half years old but that certainly doesn't stop him.

I didn't know that either about Anthony & Cleopatra.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well done Furry One.

Yeah amazing what we think was fact was totally wrong eh Kiwimade lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Mark Anthony and Cleopatra were definitely not siblings. He was born in Rome and she was born in Alexandria, and they were lovers, so I don't know where M at the M got that idea from popeye...
Definitely agree re Mark Antony & Cleopatra not being siblings. The ancient Egyptians did often marry siblings/fathers, those two were not related.

Got back lawn done this morning; usually there's a blackbird who sometimes follows me around but haven't seen him for a while. There was a little fantail flitting about & talking quite loudly - perhaps it was telling me off because I'd run over a tree root from the cherry tree (forgot it was there) & taken some bark off so I put some grass clippings over it when I finished.

Then out with DIL & third granddaughter to pick up things she'd bought for their baby, due in September, their first so much looked forward to. I'm very keen to see DIL & Sweetie darling become grandparents & think in about the first 10 seconds of that wee boy's life they'll both be wrapped around his little finger. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Fantails love it when we work in the garden, we stir up teeny bugs and they feast. They also love it when we peep peep back at them. Gorgeous creatures. I was amazed when I saw the South Island ones for the first time, they are much darker than our locals.
(14-07-2023, 06:14 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Fantails love it when we work in the garden, we stir up teeny bugs and they feast. They also love it when we peep peep back at them. Gorgeous creatures. I was amazed when I saw the South Island ones for the first time, they are much darker than our locals.

Are they? I don't think I ever saw one while up north, but they're lovely little creatures. When I was a kid there was quite a bit of superstition about them, if one flew into your house it was said to mean that someone was dead or about to die, but it seems not so much these days.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(14-07-2023, 02:46 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Mark Anthony and Cleopatra were definitely not siblings. He was born in Rome and she was born in Alexandria, and they were lovers, so I don't know where M at the M got that idea from popeye...

Maybe M at the M they got their wires crossed or didn’t read google - according to Wikipedia the  Mark Antony who married Cleopatra (he had 3 previous wives) had children also called Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) who would of course have been siblings.

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