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You can never have enough...
Thank you ladies. I have to agree..

Of course I suppose they could be like in my Family. My Brother Married a Susan, but she also went by Su. She tried lording it over me, saying she was the Eldest and the Best, I simply replied with I was Born with it. End of.. Lol We didn't get on very well so it was handy they lived in Aussie.

I have Forest Gump on. A very young Tom Hanks lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(14-07-2023, 07:06 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(14-07-2023, 06:14 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Fantails love it when we work in the garden, we stir up teeny bugs and they feast. They also love it when we peep peep back at them. Gorgeous creatures. I was amazed when I saw the South Island ones for the first time, they are much darker than our locals.

Are they? I don't think I ever saw one while up north, but they're lovely little creatures. When I was a kid there was quite a bit of superstition about them, if one flew into your house it was said to mean that someone was dead or about to die, but it seems not so much these days.

I was lying here early one bright sunny morning with the doors open to the deck when one flew in and perched on the lamp at the foot of my bed and chittered at me brightly while regarding me with one shiny black eye. Coco was snoozing a mere foot away but the little bird wasn't concerned and stayed long enough for me to ask it what the devil it thought it was doing inside...

These days it is the wax eyes keeping me amused, tempted by the half apples or cut oranges I hang in a wire whisk in the peach tree outside my window. Their gymnastics are fun to watch, and I live in hope that one tui who visited a week or so back will return. They are magnificent close up.
morning ladies Smile Another grey start to the day.

We have a pair of fantails Heart who come and go and suspect they nest nearby. The resident blackbird is loving all the mulch on the garden and I find it flicked all over the lawn each morning. We don't care, just love having the birds back. MrK spotted a thrush the other day too. We used to have a pair of thrushes living here as well but since Cyclone Gabrielle and the magpies moving in, we seem to have lost a lot of our permanent residents. Hopefully they will be back soon. He also spotted a pair of waxeyes Heart and the swallows are semi back. And of course, our hawk keeps an eye on us all. She's a real beauty and looks quite young. Since the bird pest man has been taking out the magpies, the bird life is recovering nicely.

I might do a bit of weeding this morning, the gap where I ran out of mulch has quite a few thanks to the rain. It shouldn't take that long to do if I just get on with it and not dawdle along.

Lilith, it sounds like the new arrival will be thoroughly spoiled Heart Our daughter's friend and her husband now have their baby after their very last egg, so their very last chance, came to fruition through IVF. I've never seen such happiness Heart in a very long time.

Better get cracking, mrK and the Furry One are up and about and my coffee is finished.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
We pruned the roses yesterday and one of the casualties after the sodden season is Ali Mau, who despite her beautiful flowers is so spindly and diseased I think she needs to come out..   I'm wondering about replacing her with Abraham Darby, which looks to have similar flowers and is reputed to be hardy.   Does anyone have recommendations for something similar?

Our most successful roses are Compassion and The Chelsea Rose.
Morning all
Sunny day here.

Early start DH disturbed everyone at 5.30 so the k9s all got up. It was easier to feed them and go back 5o bed

,lunch at DS today  so that will be a fun time with all 3 DGK

We have a tui family that visits they are quite territorial. 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Sunny here too. And I dont think it rained overnight. Yay

I have a Myna who "helps" me mow the lawn. Tends to follow me around, chatting away. he was there yesterday but as the guy over the back fence was mowing too I could hear what the Bird was telling me, but saw his beak moving.

All of them come back about 4pmish.. No fantails now that the trees are gone from across the back. And I haven't seen or heard any tui for a while either.

I enjoyed Forest Gump last night. Id forgotten they had a son. Tom Hanks is my Fave actor. Im not a movie fan but do have several of his.

Not sure what Im doing today. The back really isnt long enough to mow so might just leave it. Its sit very wet underfoot. And the back is the hilliest and dangerous part for my stupid legs.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's two thirds of the weeding done for now Smile We had a visit from the Jehovah Witness' while we were having a cuppa outside. Politely told them no thanks. Washing is out enjoying the breeze and sunshine so all is right in our corner of the world. Doesn't take much to make us happy lol.

I didn't enjoy the movie 'Forest Gump' for some reason but I do like Tom Hanks.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oddly when I watched it last night I heard more of it, than watching for 2/3rds of it and I think that helped.

Im not a big movie person. But my fave actors are Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman and Forrest Whittaker. Forest Gump and Shawshank Redemption, That King of Scotland are my Best fave movies, that I've watched more then once.. And two others were Fried Green Tomatoes at Whistle Stop Cafe, and The Colour Purple. Quite a mix really. For oldies The sound of Music will always be a favourite.

In saying that tho I looked up this morning to see how much it would cost to go to the movies at see Oppenheimer.. $21 on a normal day.. but $15 on a Tuesday. Id like to see it but not at that price lol.

Have measured ingredient's out for Jelly Fruit loaf, Jam Drops, Eggless Banana Cake and Ree Drummonds Lemon Meringue Pie that I saw on tv this morning. Thanks to Missy waking me up to see it two mornings in a row lol (Pioneer Woman). Im making it to take up to CHT on Monday Morning cos Irene Loves it and its such a simple recipe. Haven't got huge eggs so Ill throw 5 in.. Thank goodness you can get them cheapish at the Warehouse lol

Knees are complaining so now they can rest. lol Dam things.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I also like Tom Hanks & Morgan Freeman - I'd quite like to know how the devil Morgan Freeman just gets better looking as he ages! Smile

Had another go at That Bloody Hedge earlier, & think I've just about killed the wretched thing but I bet there'll be little green bits sprouting from it in the spring. I think I've got some organic weed killer, must remember to have a look later.
Planted another couple of rows of garlic yesterday so feeling quite virtuous now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(15-07-2023, 03:51 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: I also like Tom Hanks & Morgan Freeman - I'd quite like to know how the devil Morgan Freeman just gets better looking as he ages! Smile

Had another go at That Bloody Hedge earlier, & think I've just about killed the wretched thing but I bet there'll be little green bits sprouting from it in the spring. I think I've got some organic weed killer, must remember to have a look later.
Planted another couple of rows of garlic yesterday so feeling quite virtuous now.

It is a nice feeling when you get something done. No matter how big or small.

French toast coming up for tea me thinks. I have some tiger loaf left
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile More big grey clouds out there this morning Sad

Morgan Freeman is another of those 'timeless' actors we love. You just know you're in for a good movie if he's in it. We watched the final two episodes of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan last evening and loved it.

Before it rains the plan is to finish (or at least attempt to) the weeding. And I missed the fuchsias when pruning so they will be chopped back as well before too much new growth appears. It's amazing what is flowering out there already. The Bidden, polys, hyacinth, pansies, gerberas all in full bloom. The roses all have new growth including the three I moved over autum. All signs spring is almost here.

When I get rained off, I'll keep hand quilting the place mats. I'll be glad when they are done lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Looks like the rain isn't far off here.

I enjoyed Poppy last night. My SIL said she comes from Wanganui. A terrific little actress for sure.

All pretty much set to bake. I like it when Im trying new recipes.. So fingers crossed they all work. I haven't told anyone Im taking the pie to the Home, so if it flops there wont be any disappointment lol

My geraniums are starting to flower. The old violets are blooming quite well considering how crammed in they are. Im glad I planted a super big container with them so I can take them with me no matter where I go.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Grey clouds floating by here as well with some wind. Hopefully will stay fine enough to get the washing dry! So nice to have a sunshiny day yesterday. 

KM where did you stream Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan from? I like his books, some of which I inherited from my dad. 

Nice dinner out last night for DH birthday ... home in time to watch the final of the Great British Bake Off.

Today will be catch up after visitors Friday and Saturday. New school week ahead and back to routine on a Monday with 3 gc to mind. 

OHH and Popeye I hope your surgeries are real close now.  All the doctors who flat next door work such long hours ... so tough for them as well as (potential and current) patients.

Cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
A couple of months off last I heard, so we keep grinning and bearing it.

I was a bit surprised yesterday when swapping out the empty orange shell for a nicely sawn off fresh one, to see a bloody white butterfly inspecting my garden. Unfortunately it escaped, but it is a sign we just haven't got cold enough this year to wipe out the pests. Oh, and my solstice planted elephant garlic is poking green through the soil among the brassicas. I have never had much luck with garlic, so I am rather excited to see these showing willing...
Roma, Jack Ryan is streamed through Amazon Prime Smile We 'share' my sisters account Tongue Until Netlix got a tad cranky about sharing, we used to return the favour by sharing Netflix with her.

Damed white butterflies, OHH. MrK has also found them amongst his brassicas. I'm thinking of trying companion planting and planting marigolds in pots around the brassicas. The white butterfly is meant to be partial to marigolds and will eat those before tackling the brassicas. And I don't mind sacrificing marigolds if it means we have fresh veg.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Popeye good idea to keep your violets in a pot or they tend to take over everywhere. Several years ago I had one little plant and now they are all over the place and I “weed” out buckets full all the time.

Found 4 caterpillars on the fennel and a couple on the lettuce yesterday. They seem to like fennel and I’m happy to use it as a decoy plant but the little pests still seem to like my other plants as well.  Big Grin

Having doctors in the family I agree Roma that they are really pressured at the moment - not made any easier as so many patients feel that they should be their priority and keep pestering them while they are trying to juggle the unexpected, emergencies and waiting lists all at the same time.
Sun came out so I took the secateurs to the roses, the fuchsias, and the hydrangeas for their mid winter chop, almost filling the green bin. My neighbours will be cross. And still a bit more to do on mutabilis, I am down to the hardwood core and she needs opening up with the big loppers, but I need more energy to do that. So I have a vase with several Iceberg flowers scenting the air, such a lovely thing.

I need another sun day with no wind to do the copper spray on the peach trees. I have three in the gardens and one in a pot all from stones, all with buds swelling. The good days can't be far off now.
I was doing the Netflix thing on a granddaughter's Netflix too until Netflix decided to get all sniffy about people doing that so might look into something at some point but for now I'm just re watching some old shows instead.

Finished The good life last night - the final episode was attended by the Queen & Duke of Edinburgh which I'd forgotten about. What a lot of bowing & scraping from actors, writers etc etc. But the royals seemed to enjoy it, they were apparently fans of the show.

Found another old series to watch, Absolutely Fabulous. Haven't seen it for years so should be good.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Been on road trip to Palmerston North where sewing group meets cold and overcast and very strong winds, definitely  brighter at home in Wellington

Has lovely day out always nice to see what others are making Cool.

Have had a lovely cup of tea on my return home and just spent the last half hour on phone to AirNZ to get access to my account  had a lovely person helping made me feel not so inept when they couldn't get it to work either but exceelent trouble shooting  fixed so now my app is working. I need it for when I fly to Dunedin this week.

On the old TV shows we have been watching Yes Minister

DH has a casserole  cooking for dinner it smells  lovely then got to do some prep for a meeting tomorrow. So my evening is spoken  for
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have dropped all my pay for streamers with the changeover to Electric Kiwi. I am reading so much more, lol. But it is interesting watching how much I am saving on power and unlimited bb. Once I get an idea of long term expenses I may add one or two back in, but I think Netflix will be well down the list.

We'll see...

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