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You can never have enough...
(23-07-2023, 07:16 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(23-07-2023, 07:08 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That's lovely Popeye; its always lovely when someone does some small kind thing, it always gives you a bit of a lift. Smile

Its does Lilith.. She is as addicted to Tupperware as I am lol.. Fb is fantastic for meeting like minded people. She has asked me to send photos of the 2 containers I am missing and she will keep an eye out too. 

Ive always believed we get things eventually and thankfully I have all the patience in the world.  (well not for me knee tho) lol

Kiwimade Ill get that bottle off to you when my funds are a little better..

The other day I bought two jewellery boxes for Xmas gifts on TM, from the same trader. Only later when they emailed me to say they'd refunded part of the postage cost did I realise there must have been a combined post which I managed to miss, so that was really good of them - not every trader would have done so & they'll get a good feedback from me for it. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(23-07-2023, 07:20 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(23-07-2023, 07:16 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Its does Lilith.. She is as addicted to Tupperware as I am lol.. Fb is fantastic for meeting like minded people. She has asked me to send photos of the 2 containers I am missing and she will keep an eye out too. 

Ive always believed we get things eventually and thankfully I have all the patience in the world.  (well not for me knee tho) lol

Kiwimade Ill get that bottle off to you when my funds are a little better..

The other day I bought two jewellery boxes for Xmas gifts on TM, from the same trader. Only later when they emailed me to say they'd refunded part of the postage cost did I realise there must have been a combined post which I managed to miss, so that was really good of them - not every trader would have done so & they'll get a good feedback from me for it. Smile

I like good traders like that..!!!
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone

A foggy wet start here this morning.

I said the other day when they told us about the Asian real estate lady that it wouldn't end well. I just had that feeling.. But I do wonder how they know she was kidnapped when they dont have her.. I dont think it will end well some how.

Im off visiting today. A short visit to MrP. and then Im off to see Bobbie and the girls for Bobbies 88th birthday. I decided to make pikelets and am taking some passionfruit, pumpkin and pineapple jam I made a while ago. Its all set up to cook. Ill buy a can of spray cream on the way. I know Colleen doesn't like cream, but Im not sure re pretend cream.

MrP is very sore, and he was looking quite pale yesterday. its getting harder to recover from each fall he has. But he was in a good mood and is busy designing a bird feeder. He needs stuff to occupy him.

I managed to get to 37 listings, of which Im pleased about. A very long time since I had so many listings.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The sun is peeking through the fog. Fingers crossed for another fine day, or at least, morning.

I've been thinking about the lady in Christchurch as well. Her family must be worried sick. Fingers crossed the police will find her one way or another.

I see Kiri Allen has resigned. What a sad way to leave, I hope she is able to take time out and recover and the other political parties will leave her alone.

We still have a mouse. For days now the little buggar comes out to taunt us in the evenings and avoids the trap. Even when the trap is placed in places I know it will be, it manages to avoid it. I don't know what it has on the Furry One, but he's leaving it alone lol.

There are a couple of things I need to do in town today and I plan to bake as I didn't quite get that done yesterday. And of course, work on the placemats. *chants: I must not procrastinate, I must not procrastinate...*

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(24-07-2023, 08:05 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  The sun is peeking through the fog.  Fingers crossed for another fine day, or at least, morning.

I've been thinking about the lady in Christchurch as well.  Her family must be worried sick.  Fingers crossed the police will find her one way or another.

I see Kiri Allen has resigned.  What a sad way to leave, I hope she is able to take time out and recover and the other political parties will leave her alone.

We still have a mouse.  For days now the little buggar comes out to taunt us in the evenings and avoids the trap.  Even when the trap is placed in places I know it will be, it manages to avoid it.  I don't know what it has on the Furry One, but he's leaving it alone lol. 

There are a couple of things I need to do in town today and I plan to bake as I didn't quite get that done yesterday.  And of course, work on the placemats.  *chants:  I must not procrastinate, I must not procrastinate...*

Happy crafting Smile

Yeah I wish they would leave Kiri alone, to work through her problems and come out on the better side of things. It shows that a hard life and job can be very damaging to anyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunshine with a cool start to the day. 

So nice to have a fine weekend. We were inspired to get some shrubs somewhere different for a change to replace some lost ones.  Now in the ground and looking good. Also got in a bike ride which I need to get back into!

My cross stitch is on its final leg after a concentrated effort to complete.  Now finishing off with the highlighting stitching. Hope to get some knitting on the go after that. 

Niece coming around for a knitting fix up soon ... she only has a week or so until due date and filling in time! Have GD to pick up from Kindy later and her brothers from school this afternoon.

Certainly a mystery as to the wearabouts of the Chch RE agent. Very glad the police are making progress with the case. 

Time to move, enjoy the day all.
I listed a bunch of blue and white plates on free Saturday thinking a cheap start would reel some watchers in and got two whole views over the entire weekend. So I checked the site stats and on average only 13000 were online. Either TM is sliding downhill or the economy is...

I too am sad to see Kiri fall over, she was a good MP and we need more good ones.

This seems to be a Winter of many discontents.
morning all
Raining and cold here so a good day to be indoors.

Been to gym, popped out to get a zipper with plastic teeth to use in the rashie suit I am trialing for DGD1 if it works out it will be part of her 2nd birthday present to accompany the toweling swim coverup I made.

good luck with your TradeMe sales ladies.

We have people coming for dinner on Wednesday so I plan on searching my recipe books for a nice dessert, my friend cant eat apple or pears so the eliminates a couple or so of my go to  dessert recipes.

KM sound like that mouse is taking the mickey at  you and the furry one  - hope the trap gets it.

Off to  call a friend who left a message yesterday.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I hope it goes well with Kiri Allan & the media & opposition MP's give it a rest & allow her to sort herself out.

Eldest granddaughter & her two boys called in - she reminded me that its her cousin's baby shower this saturday. Lucky she did since I thought it was next month.
Raining again here - oh joy, at this rate I'll need scuba equipment to mow that back lawn!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Just arrived home as the blardy rain returns again - supposed to rain heavy for a couple of hours just to keep us on our toes - temp has dropped as well - walking on the lawn is like walking on a springy sponge
Just took my refugee neighbours up to an emergency motel on the Marine Parade - they are desperately lonely and unhappy - all their belongings fitted in an overnight bag - will be much better off up there they can walk into town or across to the beach - hopefully HNZ moves a family in next door - it’s now furnished for young men surfboards bikes play stations etc
I unpicked my blanket - everytime I picked it up I could see the wonky sides
Having oxtail for tea - Robie is away so gave the butchery a call - he had to order me one in as the restaurants take all theirs they cut up whole cows - from the wholesaler it was $25.50 kg - when I was a kid the butcher used to throw it in with Mums order - it better be good that’s ridiculous
Can’t understand why Kiri went back to work - maybe she remembered the awful treatment Todd Mueller received when he suffered a breakdown from the media and MPs - there are so many protocols introduced by the government to protect people with stress it’s sad she has a lot more to recover from - I don’t think the two girls from the supermarket who were there the night they were all held hostage will ever go back to work - a bullet went through the cabinet they were hiding behind and showered them with glass - the ambulance couldn’t get through so if she doesn’t return to work it’s understandable - it would be a real shame if Kiri doesn’t return to parliament she has a lot to offer .
Oxtail! The best oxtail soup I ever had was as a child on the Flying Scotsman from London to Edinburgh way back in the early sixties. I had never been on a train before, let alone one as famous and well set up as that one, with its restaurant car and waiters serving drinks. We were made such a fuss of, but that soup was just so yummy...

I have never been able to reproduce it.
And to think I used to cut the oxtail up for the dogs when it came back with the processed beast  Big Grin I could not bring myself to cook it ... bad enough chopping it up! Same with shin ... have learned now, it is delicious slow cooked ... albeit another expensive choice compared to 'back in the day'!

Jan it's hard to look past an error, when you've already tried to decide 'should I/shouldn't 'I! Hopefully the refugees are happier now.
I've never tried oxtail, but wouldn't since you make a casserole or stew etc anyway.

Oddly we were talking about food as we generally do at the home and talking about rabbits. And I told them how I cooked a Roast goose once.. It Stinks, it absolutely reeks.. but man it was good. Roasted in a covered roasting dish with an inch or so of milk.
I've cooked Ox tongues for MrP but wont touch them so use tongs lol... He loved them. Used to get huge ones for $5 each.
When we got here in 2004 we could buy the big black meat tray of lamb shanks or neck chops covering the full tray for $5 per tray. Now they are 3 times that for one shank.

Today they had precooked sausages sliced in an onion gravy with lumpy mashed tattle and ummm pumpkin I think it was. But our table pretty much picked but enjoyed pikelets instead.

Young Peters Birthday is Next... 9th of August.. I asked what his fave cake was... I wish I hadn't but I like a challenge. Black Forrest Gateaux.. Going to do some googling to find cooks I like and see what they do.. or Ill be buying one lol... Taking the toasted Sammy maker up again on Monday. So he's just under 10 years older than me. he had 6 pikelets, I jammed and creamed them, cut them up and moved his plate as he used a fork for each piece. We work well to cover his Parkinson's.

Home to an email for our next inspection but I knew it would be soon as my friends was last Friday.

Sunny here after the very heavy fog this morning.

MrP was still in bed this morning. Dr saw him and said they wont send him for xrays cos it would hurt too much. He touched his hip. Didn't even move his leg. So it could be broken but they dont want to have it checked.. He was very pale too..

Was a nice Birthday for Bobbie. Apart from the fact that the idiots there cut up her cake and had shared over half of it around Bed=fore they remembered she hadn't seen it and she hadn't fanned out the candle. The Pillocks.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have never been able to match my Mums oxtail either Hunni neither have I had it in such an impressive location as yours - our kitchen when I was a kid was at the other end of the spectrum but that coal range cooked beautiful food -
(24-07-2023, 04:05 PM)JanW Wrote: I have never been able to match my Mums oxtail either Hunni neither have I had  it in such an impressive location as yours - our kitchen when I was a kid was at the other end of the spectrum but that coal range cooked beautiful food -

I very much miss my coal ranges... You never seemed to ruin anything in coal ranges. 

First time I used my mother in laws, My father in law sat there waiting for me to burn and ruin tea... he didnt know that on our way over MrP had taught me all the quirks. So my FIL had to concede I knew what I was doing lol

If I was to build a new home I would have one put in
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Except that Aga in the Taupo house we rented, that had its flue hard up against a ceiling joist. Installed by the homeowner.

That ruined a lot of stuff, and gave me lifelong ptsd about the smell of smoke...
We had a coal range when I was young. One year my sister and I, 11 and 9 years old, decided to make a birthday cake as a surprise for mum as she was out for the afternoon. We rushed home from school and stoked up the fire, mixed a sponge cake and put it into the oven as soon as the gauge got to the right temperature- not realising that we needed to let the fire die down or the temperature  just keeps on rising.
Mum came home to 2 very dejected girls in a rather smoky kitchen - the cake was solid black on the outside while still runny on the inside   Undecided 

By then of course the oven had settled down and together we made another cake which the whole family appreciated   Smile  Everything mum cooked turned out beautifully.
Orphaned lambs loved that thing...
The oxtail was lovely - plenty left over - even made some dough boys - sent a photo to my vegan granddaughter she obviously chose not to join me
We bought Mum and Dads house and my old boy decided to take the coal range out and replace it with a Fat Boy Chippie with a wet back - it was great until the pipe burst in the Chippie and water and ash poured everywhere -by the time we arrived home the water was all through the house - that was probably our first insurance claim
(24-07-2023, 11:20 PM)JanW Wrote: The oxtail was lovely - plenty left over - even made some dough boys - sent a photo to my vegan granddaughter she obviously chose not to join me
We bought Mum and Dads house and my old boy decided to take the coal range out and replace it with a Fat Boy Chippie with a wet back - it was great until the pipe burst in the Chippie and water and ash poured everywhere -by the time we arrived home the water was all through the house - that was probably our first insurance claim

I can imagine the mess.

Oddly I used to love the whole process of cleaning Coal ranges. I always looked forward to it. In saying that I would like another one, it probably doesn't make sense for just one person. But then if its closer to the kitchen and lounge it would still be good heating, and free hot water.. 
And since the only way I could ever build a new house, would mean Id have to win lotto, Id also buy Heaps of firewood.

I could use the house plans I designed years ago, right down to power points and lighting lol. And a "catdoor" type door to feed the firewood through the wall for the coal range

Morning everyone

Second time I woke up so I decided to stay up.

A day off today, but Im going to sew some socks / stockings for MrP later. Its just tubing, but I need to sew the toe end. And we want it rounder than the last ones. He was a little short last night but only cos he is so sore. And he cant sit up long.

House inspection on the 4th of August, that wont be hard to do. I only make a mess in the lounge and kitchen really so I never worry these days.

I looked up Black Forrest Gateaux last night. Do we even do canned Cherries here? and it wont have any alcohol in it for sure. Ree Drummond and Mary Berry both have nice recipes.. Pretty much a flash multi layered chocolate cake with whipped cream and drunk cherries.. And I reckon Young Peter is testing me. But Im up for the challenge. I will make a very small separate cake for Colleen as she like MrP cant have cream.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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