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The new Covid 19 protection framework
Get ready for reds, oranges and greens!

Link to the new framework

I'm gonna need more face coverings, sigh.
It's good to hear that we have a target for Auckland to reach. Come on Aucklanders, get your jabs, and help not only yourself, but everyone else as well.

Wouldn't it be awesome, for the whole country to be at level 2 before Christmas. Fa la la la la la
Wonder what will happen if there's one DHB that can't get to the magical 90%. Will the government say "oh well, good enough" or will they hold firm, while the rest of us quietly seethe about Lakes DHB or whichever guilty party it is.
DHB based borders means challenges for Auckland, unless we put in internal borders...
Just looks like Levels under another name to me. Won't make any difference to us - we don't go out much anyway and have stuff delivered.

So when do we get the vaccination certificates? This year, next year?
(22-10-2021, 10:49 AM)Outsider Wrote: Just looks like Levels under another name to me. Won't make any difference to us - we don't go out much anyway and have stuff delivered.

So when do we get the vaccination certificates? This year, next year?
Looks like it could be at the end of November.
Thinking about the 90% goal... the restrictions on the unvaccinated won't come into being until we collectively get to 90%, so what exactly is the incentive for the those uninterested in the vaccine to go and get it done?

If they hold firm and we don't get to 90% they then can continue going about their business at Level 2, getting haircuts, going to the pub etc. Surely it's in their best interests collectively, for us to not reach 90%, and that is something that them and only them can control - effectively holding the country at ransom. Maybe the smarter move from the govt would have been to drop the restrictions from on high straight away and then it would be up to them to go and get vaccinated if they wanted some of their impinged freedoms back.

Of course, the traffic lights will no doubt come into play at some point irrespective of where we are percent-wise, but I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to make hay while the sun shines (not now though, it's gloomy and drizzling).
Forgive me if I sound pessimistic but I shall be pleasantly surprised if Auckland make 90% by Christmas.   
As for the rest of us I predict it will be well into 2022 before the gubment gives up and changes the roadmap once more.
I'll play my optimist card, and say Auckland will get there by Christmas - not preparing to wage any money on it though, lol

Waitemata 90% first dose, 76% second dose, 74,207 needed for 90%
Auckland 93%, 80%, 40,584
Counties Manukau 87%, 73%, 82,250
(22-10-2021, 10:49 AM)Outsider Wrote: Just looks like Levels under another name to me. Won't make any difference to us - we don't go out much anyway and have stuff delivered.

I think the biggest difference is for business, even under the toughest "red" setting, all (or almost all) businesses will be able to open. So it's the end of lock downs as we know them.
Yeah, a few can't seem to get their head around RED not meaning lockdowns.

RED is not bad-bad. It's not good-good, but it's got way more freedoms than Level 3 or 4. That's the danger of using traffic lights - RED in this case doesn't mean stop everything, dig a hole and wait for the end times, it just means carry on though the intersection with a bit of caution.

You know, like we all do when presented with a red light...
I'd like to know how all this can possibly be policed?
I mean, if cafes and restaurants need to see vaccination certificates and people say, "Oh sorry, I forgot to bring it with me" or "No, I don't have one as I wasn't allowed to have the vaccinations due to health problems" etc - can the cafe/restaurant really afford to turn away business, when they've had such a tough time? Surely everyone will be welcome.
And as a vaccinated customer, can I be sure that the owner of the establishment is only allowing vaccinated people in?
Random checks by inspectors, as on buses or trains, asking customers for their vaccination certificates?

Just can't see it happening.
I'd like to see a date announced. On that date all lockdowns cease, Vax certificates are mandated for businesses and customers, masking and social distancing operates, and we take our chances.

Because this Auckland lockdown is hell and it needs to end.
(24-10-2021, 01:34 PM)yousnoozeyoulose Wrote: Thinking about the 90% goal... the restrictions on the unvaccinated won't come into being until we collectively get to 90%, so what exactly is the incentive for the those uninterested in the vaccine to go and get it done?

If they hold firm and we don't get to 90% they then can continue going about their business at Level 2, getting haircuts, going to the pub etc. Surely it's in their best interests collectively, for us to not reach 90%, and that is something that them and only them can control - effectively holding the country at ransom. Maybe the smarter move from the govt would have been to drop the restrictions from on high straight away and then it would be up to them to go and get vaccinated if they wanted some of their impinged freedoms back.

Of course, the traffic lights will no doubt come into play at some point irrespective of where we are percent-wise, but I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to make hay while the sun shines (not now though, it's gloomy and drizzling).
The only reason for the certificates is an effort to increase the uptake of vaccines to 90% of NZ, once that happens, its pretty much pointless to even need them because if the vaccine does its job, the virus cant spread significantly.

And as has been seen in other countries, the public are getting tired of jabs, and as its time to get each booster, the less people are returning to get it.
(26-10-2021, 09:09 PM)Outsider Wrote: I'd like to know how all this can possibly be policed?
I mean, if cafes and restaurants need to see vaccination certificates and people say, "Oh sorry, I forgot to bring it with me" or "No, I don't have one as I wasn't allowed to have the vaccinations due to health problems" etc - can the cafe/restaurant really afford to turn away business, when they've had such a tough time? Surely everyone will be welcome.
And as a vaccinated customer, can I be sure that the owner of the establishment is only allowing vaccinated people in?
Random checks by inspectors, as on buses or trains, asking customers for their vaccination certificates?

Just can't see it happening.

I think we'll find most big businesses will police it as it'll become company policy - security guard at the door will check QR code scans.

Smaller businesses may not, however I think most business owners know it's in their best interests to police it to prevent further outbreaks and restrictions. 

But yes, it requires man power to police and some businesses just won't have that, so it'll be up to the individual to follow the rules. It's definitely a system with holes, but I guess it's no different to the current alert levels system that relies on the individual to follow the rules.
(26-10-2021, 09:35 PM)videomonkey Wrote:
(26-10-2021, 09:09 PM)Outsider Wrote: I'd like to know how all this can possibly be policed?
I mean, if cafes and restaurants need to see vaccination certificates and people say, "Oh sorry, I forgot to bring it with me" or "No, I don't have one as I wasn't allowed to have the vaccinations due to health problems" etc - can the cafe/restaurant really afford to turn away business, when they've had such a tough time? Surely everyone will be welcome.
And as a vaccinated customer, can I be sure that the owner of the establishment is only allowing vaccinated people in?
Random checks by inspectors, as on buses or trains, asking customers for their vaccination certificates?

Just can't see it happening.

I think we'll find most big businesses will police it as it'll become company policy - security guard at the door will check QR code scans.

Smaller businesses may not, however I think most business owners know it's in their best interests to police it to prevent further outbreaks and restrictions. 

But yes, it requires man power to police and some businesses just won't have that, so it'll be up to the individual to follow the rules. It's definitely a system with holes, but I guess it's no different to the current alert levels system that relies on the individual to follow the rules.
I can really only see it being policed properly at big events such as concerts.
Things like bars and restaurants, probably not so much. Some in the industry are not so keen on the idea, while others are.
Depending on the alert level, it seems businesses can choose if they want to accept unvaxed public, at the expense of less patrons.
I know some have come outright and said they are accepting anybody, so will be interesting to see how its going to be enforced.
In other industry where its not mandated, its going to be up to the discretion of the business from what I can gather.
Well, if the support packages only go to those businesses enforcing the certificate rule, I think a fair number will fall in line.

Look at how a few bribes boosted vax numbers. People love a freebie.

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