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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Looks like the rain has gone looking forward to a dry day = less wet k9 paws might even wash the floors now Big Grin

I don't have good memories of coal ranges just memories of my mum cursing and the blistering heat in the summer.

Finished the trial rashie for DGD1 yesterday it looks cute so will include it as part of her birthday present.

Having a wee lie in this morning reluctant to move because I will disturb 2 k9s lying either side of me lol

No plans for today other than food hunting

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile More fog this morning, typical of the Waikato.

Yummmm cherries, they are my favourite summer fruit. And yep, you can buy them in cans and also in jars, I think.

MrK had some recycled rimu split in half yesterday and ommggg the grain is just stunning. He's making a jewelry box for my friend who wanted one like mine lol.

We had the Furry One to the vet yesterday, if it's not one thing it's another. He's been scratching and literally pulling his fur out with some sort of skin condition. He's now on prednisone and antibiotics along with his epilepsy meds. Our vet told us she has seen an increase in doggy skin conditions over the winter, especially in small dogs, and can't pin point why. He doesn't have fleas, his diet is the same and I always weed those awful sticky weeds that make him (and me) itch like mad. He scratched for a bit last evening but wasn't as bad as over the weekend. So, another reasonably sized bill to pay. Luckily that will be the only large 'extra' bill for the month. Our vet also told us the Furry One has been on his epilepsy meds for eight years now. Can't believe how fast that time has gone. He's the oldest dog the clinic has on these meds and has been on them the longest Big Grin Heart

Today I'm going to clean all the windowsills, especially the ones in our bedroom. I wipe them down regularly, but winter is playing havoc with them and until we can install a DVS for the 'crying' windows, I need to keep on top of any mold.

And then, more work on the placemats. Yep, I did some yesterday *pats herself on the back* lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny after a cool start. 

I have good memories of the coal range in the kitchen. A lasting memory is of the boxes of piglets that needed to be warmed/revived! My father had a piggery and a small dairy herd ... the pigs took care of the milk after the cream was separated for collection. I still have a cream can!

Popeye you can get cherries in jars, cans, frozen and dried! Good luck with the cake. 

Groceries to get and then the day is mine. 

Enjoy the day all.
Thank you Ladies. I figured you could buy them, just haven't needed to look before. Ill google and see what the prices are like.

MrP''s Eldest brother spent time in a shoe box on the wrack above the coal range. He was a 1 pound baby and they never dreamt he would live. He turned 83 in May lol. And is my Fave brother in law.. My Kindred spirit. We are bad when we are together, especially if shopping lol.

Poor Furry one Kiwimade. He certainly doesn't deserve any more complaints eh.

Time I actually did something lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Kiwimade does the Furryone have processed food - the ingredients may have changed slightly there has been a lot of compromises made with manufacturing as the supply chain is still not 100%
Black Forest gateau is lovely - chocolate cherries and cream - marriage made in heaven
That's what I'm thinking as well, JanW. He has a mostly raw diet but has biscuits occasionally. It's been hard to find 'his' brand and the cheaper brands have sugar in them... why on earth do our dogs 'need' sugar in their doggy biscuits? No wonder 75% if our K9s need dental care! I try and stay as natural as possible when buying dog biscuits but have had to chop and change brands. I refuse to buy Tux as our labby ended up with bad eczema and by taking them out of her diet, her skin cleared up. Our butcher has awesome pet mince for $12 a kilo which I think is better than a popular pet mince brand (which has reduced in size AGAIN but stayed the same price, so damed sneaky) He also eats any rabbits (fur, bones, the lot) he catches. I think I'll be using the website Lilith told us about a while back for his biscuits Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile We had a decent storm overnight Smile

We watched the Football Ferns last evening and were screaming at the TV lol. The Philipine goalie was screamed at the most, slowing the game down by 'falling' on the ball even though she had caught the ball on her feet. I think I'll stick to rugby lol, at least the ref tells the players to get on with it and kick the penalty/conversion if they are taking their time *yes, Damien McKenzie, that's you!*

The car needs a good clean out today. When I was in town last, I used the commercial vacum cleaner to vacum it, so might as well follow up with a good inside clean.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Shes wild and wooly out there. Just had a nice wee hail storm too.

And I have to go out in it. I dont think it will be a long visit, MrP is only talking for 15 minutes on the phone and it wears him out.

I have set an alarm to remind me to ring the hospital, I totally forgot yesterday, focusing on getting more listings sorted, and It simply got forgotten.

Gosh I know the Barbie dolls are popular, and I know they arent biodegradable.. but this woman is really taking it seriously. Kids need to be kids.. Im glad the movie is doing so well tho.

Have a fab day everyone. stay warm and dry
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I catch bits of Hgtv's Barbie Dream House, it is hilarious. Having grown up through the various eras and longed for a real Barbie I cannot believe the way this generation sees her by looking back. I used to tell Rose I only had her so I could have Barbies...

And it helped that my Mum was a Barbie, lol.
morning all
blustery storm overnight, still have a strong southerly blowing from Antarctica brrr.....

Been to gym earlier this morning,  have made a cheesecake with melt chocolate after dinner mints swirled into it looks good so hope it tastes good too. Will prep veges after lunch then I am done Cool

never had a Barbie - my younger sister did though.

Whipped up a swimsuit for DGD1 yesterday - quick sew need to see how it fits before I make any more. Havean  order in for more merino body suits for DGD2 she will be 1 year in couple weeks  and is petite still in 6 month size width but needs more body length.

DH has just left all rugged up to walk K9s who have been looking hopeful for the past hour since the rain stopped

My neck and shoulders are very stiff - too much sitting and knitting but it is getting uncomfortable to knit for long- think I need a nice massage dont know when I can fit that in.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(26-07-2023, 08:28 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I catch bits of Hgtv's Barbie Dream House, it is hilarious. Having grown up through the various eras and longed for a real Barbie I cannot believe the way this generation sees her by looking back. I used to tell Rose I only had her so I could have Barbies...

And it helped that my Mum was a Barbie, lol.

I hadn't realised the Barbie house had started yet Hunni. 

I too never had a barbie doll lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(26-07-2023, 12:34 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(26-07-2023, 08:28 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I catch bits of Hgtv's Barbie Dream House, it is hilarious. Having grown up through the various eras and longed for a real Barbie I cannot believe the way this generation sees her by looking back. I used to tell Rose I only had her so I could have Barbies...

And it helped that my Mum was a Barbie, lol.

I hadn't realised the Barbie house had started yet Hunni. 

I too never had a barbie doll lol

My wife never had a Barbie doll either, maybe because of her age, a youthful 76 years.

However........ she got a Ken doll in 1963...

Meee..  Tongue Tongue
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
When we were kids, my Mum went on a buying trip to various cities in Europe, and she and my grandfather finagled that trip into a family reunion taking her kids home to meet her father in law in Edinburgh. So, we boarded the Canberra and lived aboard for about a month. One of the other child passengers was an American girl my age and she had a suitcase that opened up into a Barbie house, complete with everything any self respecting Barbie might need, right down to the bathroom necessities.

I fell in love...

But we didn't get Barbies here in NZ until I was too old for them. The British version, yes, but she was never a Barbie...
Mica, if you haven't already tried it, perhaps a heated wheat bag for your shoulders might help. I sometimes use one for sore muscles & if I remember rub some Voltaren in first, either or both seems to help.

I was just that bit too old for Barbies but I had a walkie talkie one - well, they called it talk but it was more of a bleat really.

Freezing here & was set to mow that back lawn but it rained again last night so it would be rather like trying to mow a swamp, & in a freezing wind so it can damn well wait till tomorrow. Went for our walk over to the park & still massive puddles everywhere we had to wade through; hope it doesn't rain yet agin tonight.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My sister and I both had Barbies Big Grin Our favourite uncle sent to them us for Christmas one year. I promptly cut her hair and pulled her apart to see how she worked Tongue My sister's lasted a lot longer and she ended up with 'Cindy'. I'm guessing Mum & Dad decided I wasn't a 'Barbie' girl Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Barbie wasn’t around when I was younger enough for one but have made quite a lot of clothes for both Barbie and Ken over the years for various young ones. Fiddle things to make but the little recipients liked them  Big Grin
That is the bit I like best too!
Barbies weren’t around back in my day I had a rubber doll her nose and fingers had perished but I thought she was wonderful - My granddaughters had Jan McLean dolls - very clever lady from Dunedin
morning ladies Smile Frosty start to the day Smile

We had a phone call from Waikato Hospital asking if MrK could fill a cancelled appointment for his carpel tunnel, so we spent the morning there. They used an electrical current to test his nerves, it wasn't very pleasant at all. Then they stuck needles into his fingers to see how the nerves and his muscles work and finally a sonagram. It's all part of a research programme to find the best way to diagnose carpel tunnel. The electrical current had him wincing and saying, I give up, I'll talk! lol. But the gist is he has severe carpel tunnel along with some muscle wastage in his arm. And it will be nine months before surgery can be done. So now we wait. We are at least, 'in the system' and that's half the battle.

I'm back up at Waikato hospital this morning with our friend for his monthly appointment. I said to MrK yesterday, I would love all the hours spent waiting up at the hospital back!

Am really annoyed, thought I had the crockpot on overnight to cook a ham hock for soup but forgot to turn it on at the crockpot. It's in a pot cooking now. MrK will have to be on 'soup duty' while I'm in Hamilton.

Better get moving, our friend has a very early appointment which suits us both.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Looks clear but cold here.

Wow the tests sound Very nasty Kiwimade. I hope he gets a sooner appointment. Nine months can mean things deteriorate alot too I imagine.

I rang the hospital yesterday too. The lady resent the email. I said Im going to ring fortnightly just to check.. Sadly I think the only way to get things done is to have a fall and it needed to be done faster. but that only pushes the list down again too.

Im off to Pukekohe today. I have quite a list sadly. Im hoping to be able to pay some on the garage bill. Time will tell tho. And I am quite strict, and dont often splash out unless I know I need something.
Its amazing the price differences between 3 supermarkets.

The nurse told me yesterday MrP had refused pain meds on Tuesday but he denies that. I beleive the nurse. He is such a Marter.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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