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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Wet here so the lawns wont be done before Friday.. Can't say I'm too disappointed. Its not super long or anything.

Was nice to see The Zoo Keeper from Miami updating us on how Paora (SP) is getting on. Apparently he is eating too well and he's having to diet a little.

I've decided to vacc today, but later. Then if need be Ill throw the little one around my chair again on Friday morning.

The last little Tupperware tumbler arrived yesterday. So pleased cos it evens things up.

And then I'll have a nice quiet day. Today seems to be the Only true day I rest.

Be safe on the roads Kiwimade.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well, that was an uncomfortable night, the muscles don't like me today. That'll learn me to stay vertical! But weather looks positive so, I shall scoot to the library and fruit shop in case to all goes bad tomorrow.

And buy wine, lol.
Good morning. 

A bit warmer today ... the sun is in and out of the clouds.  Rain expected, the fine spell too good to last!

Nana duty yesterday with the youngest now at half-day kindy.  Enjoy the exercise collecting the gc from school and kindy. Glad to have been unaware of the tragic train accident not that far away  Sad

Beach walk and coffee with niece this morning.  She is counting down the days until bub arrives. 

Those old photos and the clothes worn are so cool ... lol KM at the slapper/flapper mix up!

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Ovsrcast and windy.

OHH hope the muscles  ease quickly. 

Didn't get much done yesterday as I fell asleep for 2 hours in the afternoon.

Supermarket  today no plans other than need to vacuum

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Sunny & almost warm here; had intended to get that front lawn done but ran out of energy after dog walk & grocery shopping so its going to have to wait till the bad weather due later passes.
Made a start on painting the boots & have done two undercoats of gesso so its going to be interesting to see whether or not it: 1) works & 2) comes out looking reasonably OK.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I love talking to new people, especially when they are so lovely as to catch my eye. There was a gorgeous woman in the library, tall, slim, with her hair in beaded dreadlocks and when she sneezed I 'bless you'd' her and we got talking. She is new to Devonport and intrigued to find out about the community. Then there was another young woman in the cafe wearing her hair up in a way I admired, so I asked her how she did and she showed me there and then. And we got talking...

People are fun, helpful and kind. We are very lucky to be surrounded by people like us, lol...
(01-08-2023, 04:21 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I love talking to new people, especially when they are so lovely as to catch my eye. There was a gorgeous woman in the library, tall, slim, with her hair in beaded dreadlocks and when she sneezed I 'bless you'd' her and we got talking. She is new to Devonport and intrigued to find out about the community. Then there was another young woman in the cafe wearing her hair up in a way I admired, so I asked her how she did and she showed me there and then. And we got talking...

People are fun, helpful and kind. We are very lucky to be surrounded by people like us, lol...

I always Bless who ever sneezes, even if I only hear them.. I think it just acknowledges an older custom. I also love telling people if they are wearing or doing something cool.,.. I remember being in Pak N Save one day following a dude around with the coolest socks ever. In the end I caught up and told him so, it was during Covid too. So a time when we all needed to hear from others.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Wow, that was some storm that has just passed over us. Thunder, huge lightening strikes, the whole works Smile We even had a brief power cut.

I saw a young, gorgeous woman yesterday, tall, slim and wearing an overcoat made out of fabric similar to the old, tartan, woollen blankets. It was stunning in pale pink and yellow with lovely pink buttons. I think that fabric is becoming quite trendy.

This month we have a 'blue moon' thanks to having two full moons in one month. So that saying, once in a blue moon...

The Furry One has finally come out of hiding, he hates the thunder. He'll ignore his breakfast for a bit until he settles down completely.

I see St John are asking for more volunteer owners of dogs to use in the hospitals. They are great for helping with recovery. Funny isn't it, pet owners have known all along how our pets help with blood pressure and the like. I remember when MrK was in hospital once there was a chap opposite him who had been in hospital for weeks. His wife smuggled their dog in lol as he was missing it and the dog was missing him.

A sewing day today, I think. It's just the weather for it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

Shes a bit wild and wooly out there. Normally I dont hear the wind but I sure did this morning. The fence is still standing at least.

Off to see MrP this morning. But it will probably be a short visit as he seems to get tired very quickly. Ive asked him to sit in his chair for 15 minutes a day, to at least try and get joints and muscles moving. Otherwise he will end up like Ken and Arthur.

I got one pair of socks done yesterday, will do the other later. so MrP will be happy.

Apparently NZ's best pie is roast duck with onions and gravy. Take out the onions and I would love it. I like gamie meat. I do wonder how much it would cost tho. Gosh they have gone up in the last couple of years.

Be careful outside today everyone

Have a fab day

(02-08-2023, 07:50 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  Wow, that was some storm that has just passed over us.  Thunder, huge lightening strikes, the whole works Smile  We even had a brief power cut.

I saw a young, gorgeous woman yesterday,  tall, slim and wearing an overcoat made out of fabric similar to the old, tartan, woollen blankets.  It was stunning in pale pink and yellow with lovely pink buttons.  I think that fabric is becoming quite trendy.

This month we have a 'blue moon' thanks to having two full moons in one month.  So that saying, once in a blue moon...

The Furry One has finally come out of hiding, he hates the thunder.  He'll ignore his breakfast for a bit until he settles down completely.

I see St John are asking for more volunteer owners of dogs to use in the hospitals.  They are great for helping with recovery.  Funny isn't it, pet owners have known all along how our pets help with blood pressure and the like.  I remember when MrK was in hospital once there was a chap opposite him who had been in hospital for weeks.  His wife smuggled their dog in lol as he was missing it and the dog was missing him.

A sewing day today, I think.  It's just the weather for it.

Happy crafting Smile

Ive seen a few people on Face book buying blankets and making clothes from them. Great Idea for sure. Nice and warm and will last for ever if looked after.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Roast Duck, onions and Mushroom Pies... $8-90.. OMG lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Stirmy night now all calm overcast and some intermittent  showers. 

Wool blankets make good garments  I was given moth-eaten blanket last year a d managed to cut around the holes to make vests using this pattern

Got alterations done on DIL skirt yesterday and cut out a princess line  cowl top in light weight  merino blend,  I hope it will be a wearable  toille. 

Picking up DGD1 from daycare  later today looking after her while her parents  attend a football match.

Paperwork  to do today and vacuum - need to vacuum alot her with 3 k9s

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Glad to be back from school run as the cold blast is on the way! Lucky the rain had stopped for 5 minutes. 

Just as well we're car distance away from Patrick Lam's pies. I've never seen such a selection. They are delicious and his awards have certainly put his shop on the map. Next when in the area will have to check out duck and mushroom  Tongue

I have a DIL who repurposes the old tartan blankets ... very warm as a jacket or vest.

It's looking like an inside day so will replenish the baking supply and finish off the baby cardi. 

Stay warm and dry all.
Just as well the Kaimai Ranges are between us and the pie shop lol. But we will have to try it. Every time we're at Tauranga Crossing MrK suggests we visit the pie shop 'just to look'. Who on earth goes into a pie shop just to look? lol
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
There is a company doing slippers out of blankets, they are so much fun. But also so much money...

The Navy's radio tower on Mt Vic blew down last night. Must have been some gust to bring that down...
(02-08-2023, 09:43 AM)È kiwimade64 Wrote: Just as well the Kaimai Ranges are between us and the pie shop lol.  But we will have to try it.  Every time we're at Tauranga Crossing MrK suggests we visit the pie shop 'just to look'.  Who on earth goes into a pie shop just to look? lol

He must know what he is doing as he has won the supreme prize 8 times. I’d love to try some of his pies but unfortunately (or more like fortunately) I’m too far away  Big Grin
Yesterday I came across a tiny tragedy, one of our new hatched monarchs had been blown cold and unable to pump its wings open and the ants were attacking it. Heart breaking, but above the wreakage another had fixed and dropped into pupating position so I lopped off the twig and brought it in out of the chill hoping it would survive. And this morning I have a bright green bejeweled case to watch over.

Lose one, win one...
Yes, KM its interesting that we seem to be learning (or perhaps relearning) just how important & useful pets can be for humans. I don't doubt that we'll continue to learn more about how valuable they really are for us, & perhaps to some extent, us for them too.

Very cold out today, went on a coffee hunting expedition due to my favourite having disappeared from local supermarket & according to the net being available at two other supermarkets. Ha! If only! Nope, neither Pak n save nor New World had any so either no one' s doing it any more or there's some problem with supply, will no doubt find out in due course.

Madame Le Dog not best pleased at being left home alone for most of the morning but has graciously forgiven the human after a longish walk.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Freezing and still strong winds and rain.

Didn't get much done yesterday.  Sorting out and paying bills. Seeing  if we qualify for rates rebate. 

Started sewing after lunch but DS and DGD2 come around and stayed  until school pick up.  DIL back at work this week after year maternity leave.  DS  looks after the kids.
Picked up DGD1 from daycare while DH picked up takeaway  Thai for tea. Her parents got home at 10pm so longish day for us. They had an exciting game to watch luckily they were in a fairly sheltered  part of the stadium and avoided the hail shower.
My volunteer morning with temps 5 degrees so I will need to be really rugged  up .

Keep warm.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
MMMorning everyone

Im plain cold.. Have decided to join the modern trend and will go back to a skirt but will wear some tights underneath.

Have to go out cos my bloods are due and I need some groceries. Will leave town as I need to pick up another hottie from the warehouse. The Long ones are on special for $12-98. Which is a little over half what everyone else is charging. but check online cos not all shops have them. My friend is paying for it, which is lovely so I can treat my back and knee.

MrP was grumpy when I first got there yesterday, but he came around in the end. He just doesn't like asking for help. So I pressed the bell and got him sorted.
There weren't many out on the golf course, far to windy.

The sky is clear now which is great.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  We have an awesome frost this morning Big Grin  Long may the frost reign!  Anything to kill the white butterflies lol.

It's going to be a stunner of a day so I'm going to try and finish digging out the last two stubborn pieces of the bux hedge.  I may just resort to chopping them off at the roots using the hand saw and let the rest rot away.  I was looking at the garden yesterday and realised I have three 'big' projects left to work on and then the bulk of the heavy work is pretty much done.  It's taken years to get this far.  The west side of the house needs a decent, safe, path so we can maneuver the wheelbarrow through and across the fenceline on the main road.  There is one more bux hedge that needs to go but MrK loves it.  This one is going to take a while lol.  And the front along the main highway needs some serious attention, not just the odd mow and spray around the surviving hydrangeas.  When we bought the house, we knew it was going to take time and lots of hard graft to get things the way we (using the royal we here Tongue ) wanted it.

We haven't seen the mouse for a while now, usually it wanders across the living room to the kitchen in the evening just to taunt us.  We suspect the Furry One has caught it as the trap is still set.  And there have been no signs of rats Big Grin Big Grin either.  I think we have finally gotten rid of them (for now).  We knew as soon as the maize was planted rodents would be back.  And the bird pest control people have gotten rid of the magpies Big Grin Big Grin  All is well in our little world of birds.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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