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You can never have enough...
Chilly windy start to the day here but at least the sun is shining
When we were in Oz my old boy used to take our staffie into the children’s cancer ward - sometimes there was resistance to him because he was a staffie but he soon won them over - kids loved him because he looked as if he was smiling and he loved nothing better than cuddling up beside kids and listen intently to them read him a book - we had several calls in the night from the parents of children nearing death for him to come up to the hospital - that used to upset the old boy .We had another dog 30 years ago who used to go to the local kindergarten everyday - the teachers loved him as upset kids gravitated towards him - when we moved from there to the orchard he came home from kindi on his last day with a big bow round his neck and a leg of lamb tied on his back - took him a long time to settle at the orchard
My indoor tomatoes are flowering but I don’t think the crop is going to be excessive - won’t be making relish
Slow progress with Dr Seuss blanket - just started the top hat section -
(02-08-2023, 10:45 AM)Venetian1 Wrote: He must know what he is doing as he has won the supreme prize 8 times. I’d love to try some of his pies but unfortunately (or more like fortunately) I’m too far away  Big Grin

My husband, who is the pie lover of the household, ate one of Patrick Lam's award-winning pies a few years ago (Steak and Cheese I think) and said it was quite good but nothing out of the ordinary.  Don't forget that the pie awards are a promotion for Bakels' products, which I assume means that the pastry will be the standard Bakels' pastry used by most bulk manufacturers.
gosh that wind is cold. Beautiful and warm if you can keep out of it. One of my sisters-in-law sent me a pic of Mt Tarawera in Rotorua covered in snow. No wonder it's cold here.

A bit of gardening done... I've dug up a teeny tiny piece of lawn to extend the garden just a tad and it looks so much better. And I've moved a few of my precious small plants that will benefit from the early morning sun rather than the hot afternoon sun. And the bonus is, lawn mowing will be a lot easier in that spot Smile I've 'baggsed' some old fence posts to go towards the new path. MrK has offered to cut them to size for me and they will be the beginning and end of the path, marking out where the stones will go and keeping them in place. I'll have to dig a wee trench to keep them stable and in place. But that's a summer job. It's too cold to work on that side of the house in winter but it will be nice and shady in the summer.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Freezing again here & rained & blew last night so still can't do anything in garden. Did a bit more on boots, much more difficult than I'd realised but will keep going; I can always chuck them up the gully if they don't work out well.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another stunning frost here and another gorgeous day.

OHH, how's your butterfly doing? I wish I had bought ours inside now. Something attacked them while they were in their chrysalis. I read somewhere that chrysalis is Greek for gold Smile It could be for the little gold dots.

Housework for me today and hopefully I can get the sheets dry. Mind you, those artic sheets don't take long even if in the drier. And I need to go into town today at some stage.

I'll try and do more hand quilting, I've done three placemats, three to go.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

A stunning day out there today. No frost this morning.

Had a nice time shopping yesterday. No one seemed to be in a hurry which meant I could enjoy looking around.

Picked up the Hottie I had put aside for me. Glad I did cos they didn't have anymore. And its lovely having it back on my lower back.

House inspection today. I dont expect to be failing it. I will say one person doesn't make a mess. Unlike MrP who is a messy critter. Ill go visit him after "Eden" has been. Take him up some supplies for the weekend.

I have some jammies to shorten the sleeves and legs. He hates long sleeves. Clothes and jammies.

Since I have the weekend free, I might find some other sewing to do. I have the , what I think is part of a duvet, I might turn into a couple of cushions, or pinnies. Possibly a tablecloth would be nice too.

Have a fab day everyone

(04-08-2023, 07:55 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  Another stunning frost here and another gorgeous day.

OHH, how's your butterfly doing?  I wish I had bought ours inside now.  Something attacked them while they were in their chrysalis.  I read somewhere that chrysalis is Greek for gold Smile  It could be for the little gold dots.

Housework for me today and hopefully I can get the sheets dry.  Mind you, those artic sheets don't take long even if in the drier.  And I need to go into town today at some stage. 

I'll try and do more hand quilting, I've done three placemats, three to go.

Happy crafting Smile

Could be the grasshoppers Kiwimade. They kill the caterpillars so possible they would do the chrysalis too
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Its sunny! Big Grin

Wool wash here  and it should dry today.

My toile top didn't look good on me so its destined for  the charity bag.

Need to get buttons for czrdi that I finished last night. Think will start eyespy qui,t that I promised to make for friends DGS who will be coming for a visit from Canada next month.
I might be on k9 walk duty and giving them a brush as DH had several  lumps removed yesterday potential melanoma  he on 6 monthly checks.

Must move shower and breakfast required

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Butterfly doing fine in among the pot plant jungle, every now and then I see it move so it is alive and pupating well. Fascinating process...
Its been a lovely sunny day .

Eyespy quilt well underway need to get some more blue fabric for borders will do that tomorrow. Nice to have something cheerful to sew after my disappointing top toile
Out to dinner at friends home tonight a wee drive north at least expressway the whole way so nice drive.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A foggy and frosty start this morning. It's not as cold as yesterday though. We're pretty sure we had -4.

At some stage over the weekend, we're going to Rotorua to see all the house painting my sister-in-law has had done. We also need to return her books we borrowed and borrow more Tongue

The south and west sides of the house need waterblasting but it is too cold to do that. That job can be put into the 'later-in-the-year' pile. And we have to find someone who can clean the gutters for us. The leaves have finally finished dropping.

Not sure what the day will bring but hopefully it's something outside.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Not cold this morning. its rained I think..

Thankfully Missy woke me up in time for my cooking shows. Im sure I put the alarm on but must have missed a button lol.

Im going to the Junktion this morning to drop off some stuff for the Kai Cupboard. There are two in town here. The other is run by my ex friend and I know that she takes alot of stuff to feed her family. Which is wrong. So Ill supply the other one.

Then Im off to see MrP and Ill pick up my meds on the way home.

Passed the inspection. Apparently the bottom of the oven has wholes in it. I couldnt see them... Yeah I know I need new glasses lol.. So hopefully Ill get a nice new oven , with Instructions, or at least numbers and things like fan bake grill etc lol.

Ohh Val ( Bertinelli) I hate seeing people drinking from jars.. Im no snob but it just looks uncouth to me lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Read this morning some people are waiting up to three years for hip surgery, so it isn't just us then! Blaming covid again...Still, I am sure there are some worse off than me. I am grateful to have library books though when it becomes impossible to find the right sleeping position as happened last night, and for sleeping alone - at least I am only annoying the cat at 3am. Looks like a clear day out there so I will definitely go down and add to the pile on the bedside table. Being down to two is like running out of tea bags, scary stuff, lil...
Good morning. 

Sunshine ... no frost, unlike yesterday's decent one showing on the lawn rather than windscreens!

Those surgery wait lists are terrible. I wonder if it's the same for heart patients. Otherwise fit and healthy BIL finds he needs open heart surgery for aortic valve replacement. No date given. 

I know the feeling of reading material (books) supply dwindling ... something that needs sorting as soon as!

We must have a detour via our road ... non-stop traffic. Watch out cats we see regularly crossing ... let alone humans!

A day to get outside with the wind not as bad/cold.

Bootees finished to go with the baby jacket. Now to find something else to knit ... maybe for me.

Popeye I hope you get a new oven.

Enjoy the day all.
The Home rang this morning. MrP was very down upset and crying. They have finally asked for the mobile Xray to come down on Monday.

So I went up after I had cooked some tatties and sausages. Nothing too much wrong with his appetite at least. while I was there he ate 2 sausages and sauce, a cheese scone with Jam and was munching on Tatties when I left. And they were having sausages for lunch lol.

Took the spare groceries up to the Junktion. Ex friend arrived at the same time. I hope she doesn't take it. She already steals from the one she runs for others. Got some more nice lemons.

Went to the supermarket to buy the cream and chocolate for the Gateaux. Ran into the partner of another man at the first home. He enjoyed the toasted sandwiches last week so much that he went and brought his own machine, and he was getting fillings at New World, while I was getting stuff for the cake lol.. We are having toasted sandwiches, Cake and Ill make some muffins cos Colleen cant have cream on Wednesday for Young Peter. . We talked for nearly an hour, standing in the chiller area, I was sooo cold lol

The waiting times are scary... They wont let anyone needing heart surgery wait. In 2006 I went into hospital on November 8th, they wouldn't let me go home despite being put off 3 days in a row. In the end I told them I had to organise our money for the rent etc. So I went home for 2 nights.

Thats why Im glad I have been doing exercises and trying to carry on as much as I can cos it could be a long painful wait.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A frost again this morning but got outside later & did a bit of pruning the dreaded ivy. Supposed to be snow coming early next week - oh joy.
On our slightly longer walk this morning two more houses are going up around the corner, one in front of the other so unlikely the back one will get much sun until late in the day.

There are six larger ones going up around the road backing onto the park; they're quite big so perhaps flats.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have frost again Big Grin Big Grin

Yesterday was so lovely we packed our lunch up again and went to Mt Maunganui. That was a mistake lol. As we were merging into the traffic (OMG!!!) near the new roadworks there was police sirens and lights on the overbridge. We suspect there was an accident on Hewlitts Rd. Thank goodness we were heading to Pilots Bay as the traffic heading in the opposite direction was banked right up to the town center and beyond. It was a dreadful snarlup. Could be why you had all that traffic, Roma.

My hands are so dry, I'm using handcream at least three times a day and Aveeno usually only needs to be used once.

I'm going to brave the frost and hang out the washing. With this sunshine, it should be dry by lunchtime.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Another cool one but should be in for another sunny day. 

KM there is a road closed over here while roadworks happening (when is there ever not) hence the diversion. I heard the sirens and read that a pedestrian was hit (probably trying to cross the darned road) ... not seriously hurt luckily. Sometimes I yearn for the rural town roads!

Good to know heart patients are seen to Popeye ... when you end up with breathing problems, it's  serious!

No plan today ... it was good out in the garden yesterday, a new layer of garden mix ready to add vege plants. I have potatoes sprouting. 

I've started knitting a vest for myself, hoping I have enough yarn. 

Cuppa finished, enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Overcast  and nippy,

KM sounds like good idea to decamp  with picnic lunch Big Grin

Only got outer borders to sew on the eyespy quilt then I can sandwich it up and start quilting, possibly not today as DGD 1st birthday  party today her birthday is later this week. 

Time for coffee and need to move things need tidy up 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone.

The sun is out and its beautiful. I might pop out to the wind Turbines today and take some pictures. The plants are still too so maybe the wind has finally gone too.

Tested the water suggesting I visit MrP on Tuesday rather than Wednesday. He didn't like that. But he was in a mood anyway. And Ill do what is best for me anyway.
Hopefully he will be in a better mood today. One nurse reckons he's not taking his pain meds. Which is totally stupid especially at the mo.

I May try and make a chocolate sponge later. I have a really good normal recipe, and I've heard that if your adding cocoa to take out the same amount of flour. So Ill give it a shot. My Stepfather could make the best ever sponges but couldn't make chocolate ones. I've never tried. And if it fails, Ill be having sponge and cream lol.. if edible lol.

They have shut the road smack on the edge of our town center. Right outside the fire station. there is one place where it constantly sinks and there's no way of avoiding it. Means people on the other side of it have a rather large detour to get into town. But only meant to be shut for the weekend.

Some crafty kids on the detour set up a stall with lemonade, Jams and fruit and made a Killing with all the extra traffic... Wise Wise kids lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Been a beautiful day here - been out to the park watching my granddaughter play hockey just finished in time it’s starting to cool down
I have been lucky to avoid the health system - only go to the doctor once a year to get my repeat prescriptions to continue but couldn’t keep my asthma under control - scared myself a couple of times then I was feeling increasingly fatigued so decided the breathlessness might be my ticker .Waited 10 days to see GP - had all sorts of tests hearts good blood work all good - light bulb went off I remembered when I was 65 I received a lot of literature from Ministry alerting me to post polio symptoms that people were starting to experience - breathlessness fatigue muscle spasms which I have been having in my hands I thought it was from too much crocheting - several other symptoms I had written off as old age .So GP contacts the Ministry for me to go to the diagnostic clinic - funds were cut in April as part of the health restructure and the centre has been dismantled- there are hundreds of different inhalers I can try surely one will work - might start drinking stout my Mum used to have one a day for fatigue - who ever would have thought polio would come back and bite me after all this time .I am not a very good patient
No wonder the hospitals are all struggling everytime one of these idiots shoot each other they use up hundreds of health hours and people needing hips and knees and things wait even longer .It staggers me when I read people denying crime has not increased .This week supermarket crime stooped to a new low a young Mum was buying her lotto - her full trolley was beside her with her toddler in it - the gang recruit grabbed the trolley and took off out to a parked car - several people rushed to help so the driver got out with a metal pipe - they grabbed the groceries and pushed the screaming little girl onto the road .But even though the gangs are out of control here we aren’t having regular gun fights like Auckland - we have only had two murders in the last 12 months Feel so sorry for the frontline police
Just picked broccolini carrots and broad beans for my dinner - have a couple of chicken sausages which will compliment my veggies
The first lambs have been born on my sons farm - it’s very cold down there so they all have coats on

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