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You can never have enough...
Quote:"Quiet day here have cast on knitting a vest knitted sideways. Charity knit for The Nest Collective '
Is a vest knitted regular for more upright citizens?

Entropy is not what
it used to be.
morning ladies Smile We're in for a lovely day once the fog clears.

lol R2x1 Tongue

I have a small list of things to do today, it helps to have a list lol. And the Fluffy One is coming for her holiday with us as well. The Furry One will be happy to see her but by the end of the ten days will be over her and pleased to see her go home. Next week I'm having my haircut and my hairdresser has one of the Furry One's brothers Heart from another litter. He was our favourite from the litter, such a mischievous pup. She usually keeps him in his kennel when working (she has her salon at home) but when she cuts my hair, she lets him out and we have cuddles. He still remembers me from when he was still with his mum who we see every week Heart

Coffees finished just in time for the washing to be hung out.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Interesting story with the turbo oven popeye, it arrived all sealed in its factory box and packaging and was perfect when I unpacked it and wiped it out ready to go. I cleared a space, set it up, turned it oncto preheat and when it had been going for a minute or two it blew the rcd on the board. So I tried it on another couple of plugs, including the stove one and same thing happened. I called the Sunbeam help line and with model numbers and things we identified it as a manufacturing date of 2016... I then checked with a more knowledgeable friend and long story short the beast has a fault and the seller has been brilliant about it. Funny thing, I scanned listings for similar ovens and came across a $1 start one where the wonan was listing a brand new one with exactly the same problem, so maybe there are a bunch of old ones out there that are nfu now and coming to light...

Either way I am thinking about an airfryer instead but we'll see. Half the fun of these adventures is the planning!

And km, I too am considering a haircut. All this length is starting to drive me nuts, a pixie cut is appealing more and more, my lockdown hair may have passed its use by date too!
Morning all
Cloud with sun peaking through a bit windy 

OHH damm about your oven have fun plotting and scheming about your next purchase.

Watched Aust and France game ,ast night what a nail bitter. I don't usually watch sport but DH does so I usually watch subliminally.

Got to get sorted for my trip away today sewing buddy and I are off later this afternoon Cool

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
What a buggar about your cooker, OHH. Hopefully you can get it either sorted or your money back. But, as you say, plotting and scheming about buying something new is part of the fun.

Yep, it's time to have a haircut lol. With all our additional expenses at replacing items over the last six months, a haircut has been well down the list. This time I will book the next appointment as I leave so no excuses.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ohh the seller refunded immediately, really good guy. And I learned a good few lessons from the adventure, so all good in the end. I just have to find a way to get rid of the remains lol, though I'm sure bits of it can be recycled. We'll see...
Morning everyone

Overcast here so far.

Wow Hunni thats not good at all. I know with the one Im using now I can only have it running on the board. If I turn the jug on as well they blow the board. Sounds like you have a good trader tho who was quicky to refund etc.

Had several sales yesterday and once picked up Ill have my petrol money back And more paid on the garage bill. I still have my Tupperware selling lessons in my head as I had two add on sales as well.

I found the cushion inners, Yay and sadly they are bigger than I thought. So the two cushion covers I already cut out wont fit. But I still have enough for at least one teddy bear one. And the Pretty floral part of a duvet is going to be a juggle with alot of waste, to be able to have the biggest bunches of flowers in the middle. But Ill get two. And since the piece of fabric was only $1, I dont feel too bad in wasting it. I may cut it into squares and make MrP some more hankies. he wont mind if they are pink or have flowers on.

Will get onto those after I pop out this morning.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Brilliant day so far ... blue sky and no wind. 

Good the cooker blew up first go OHH than further down the track if it was going to do so! I'm saving Flybuys with the aim of buying an airfyer ... there's a lot to choose from though. 

Visitors yesterday so today is ours to enjoy making the most of. 

Enjoy the day all
The thing that puts me off most airfryers is their non stick surface. I have got rid of all that stuff from my kitchen and really don't want to bring back any more to replace the discards. But there are a couple of options and one of them suits a singleton household, so we shall see.
I hadn't thought of that aspect OHH.  I see there are s/steel and ceramic options. More research needed here obviously.
Lucky with the seller & the cooker Hunni, hope you find a good replacement & can recycle it.

Sunny here but still freezing when we went for our walk & there's talk of more snow later in the week. Managed a bit in thre garden yesterday but too cold to do much.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good you got your money back OHH. I’m having fun with my airfryer oven. I find it ideal for one as get the advantage of 2 implements in one.  I didn’t want a basket type airfryer so did a bit of research and the type I’ve got had good reviews.  I think it is stainless steel, definitely not non stick surface type material, it has wire mesh type tray and rotisserie basket. 
Had a great-niece over the other day so we experimented with cheese toasties in the oven, they were rather crisp and darkish but still tasty so need a bit more practice there   Big Grin Then we did chips in the air fryer rotisserie part and they were really good. So far everything I’ve cooked in it has been edible  Big Grin
Morning all
Still dark here looking out over a carpark in hotel room.

The group I am with flew in from 3 different cities lower north Island all our flights were delayed so we had a very late dinner.
Will be whizzing around Auckland over next 2xdays  in van with 10 other women looking at fabric  fun Big Grin Cool

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The sun has just come into the back of the lounge. Hopefully it will be a nice day.

I have had an excellent selling weekend. And Made enough to finish paying for the car battery etc. Yay and put aside money for gas again. I like keeping on top of things so un expected things throw me out of whack.

Off to both homes this morning. I have a few things to gather for MrP. And I must get a book for Bobbie to write in. Not sure if we are doing toasted sammies today, but Ill take my pinnie incase.

My nursery friend is coming around on Wednesday for a cuppa and yak. It will be nice to visit. Have known each other since 1978.
I remember in sewing class she didnt want to make the skirt we had to make. So I sewed hers as well. I must have taken better care cos she got a better score than I did lol.. Then she was working in the Jeans factory here and told me there were vacancies so we both worked there for a while too. And I was her bridesmade.

Have fun cruising around the big smoke Mica. Be careful amongst the crazy drivers.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile More sun today but expecting rain Big Grin

lol mica, just 'looking? at fabric? Tongue

I saw Whitcoulls advertising a series of kids books by kiwi author, James Russell, about kids and dragons so today I'll do a bit of research and see what prices they are and cost of postage etc. Our grandkids have birthdays coming up and both are avid readers and love fantasy books. They take after their mum and Nana Tongue We have always bought books for our kids for birthdays and Christmas and have continued this with the grandkids.

I thought I could squeak the last of the dishwashing out until I grocery shop this week but nope, didn't quite make it lol. I'll rinse the bottle out and that will do for breakfast dishes, but it means another trip into town later today. I hate leaving dishes on the bench and we don't have a dishwasher.

More work on the placemats today, one more to hand quilt Big Grin Fingers crossed I will finish it today. Then I'll trim and bind.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
KM, that reminded me - I have a friend who is a writer & has written a series of so far 3 books, set in NZ in the future. Its likely that there may be another book in the works, too. I bought them for youngest granddaughter (who loves them) couldn't resist reading them first & thoroughly enjoyed them, despite them being aimed at mostly the young adult section of readers. So if anyone wants some good books by a Kiwi author its worth checking the Reveille series.

Good luck with fabric hunting Mica.

It was so cold here yesterday that I made another bird ball; the poor little things must have been hungry & they scoffed the lot in a couple of hours. Supposed to be more snow coming but it isn't really all that cold today so we'll see how it goes.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I took my screwdriver to the dead cooker this morning and have it in bits, lol, for recycling. That big glass bowl was just too tempting - I'm thinking a terrarium might be a good idea so I freed the glass lid up and I think I can either use it with the hole in the top, or block it with another glass piece... Next I shall strip out the wiring and the cord - they are very useful in the garden being both strong and slow to break down. The metal bits need more pondering on, but they are very interesting shapes, along with the plastic housings. Something will come of them before they end up in landfill.
Morning everyone

Wet but the sun is poking through the clouds.

Had nice visits yesterday. MrP was asleep for the first 20 minutes of my visit. But I had things to name for him so that was all good.

The girls were all good. The Female nark is trying to wriggle her way into our group, something that no one wants. She runs straight to the management. And she is also a smoker who is asking other visitors to buy her cigarettes and never pays them back. I must warn David who is a softy and brought them twice. Thats like $100. I need to text him soon as his partner looked very flushed and sweaty yesterday. It was warm in the lounge, but he was still covered up and cooking by the looks of it.

I for one will still continue wearing my masks everywhere. Especially in the homes, med centers and shops. 5000 cases a week is still far too many for my liking.

Have a couple of things to do this morning then I might cut out some cushion covers and make a start on those.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
No One else around today?
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm here now, lol. 

Been helping out the new mum today who had a bad night with bub! Of course bub slept like an angel during  today ... they always do! Possibly good to have Aunty there for reassurance  Smile 

Other than that, nice sunny day.

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