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You can never have enough...
(15-08-2023, 06:14 PM)Roma Wrote: I'm here now, lol. 

Been helping out the new mum today who had a bad night with bub! Of course bub slept like an angel during  today ... they always do! Possibly good to have Aunty there for reassurance  Smile 

Other than that, nice sunny day.

So pleased she asked for help Roma, So many dont and can get way over tired with nutty hormone's to go with it...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Still dark here

Returned home on last flight  rapturous  welcome home from k9s Still to encounter the feline.
Had lovely 2 days with sewing friends not much inspiration  fabric wise but  bought few pieces.  Very impressed with the new Ribbon and Rose store with its 3 stories. They now stock good  quality  garment fabric as well as all the other lovely goodies Cool
I am still tucked up in bed finishing a cup of tea and about to snuggle down with a book.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another foggy start here.

We know about those sleepless nights, eh, roma lol. Your niece is lucky to have you.

Good to hear you enjoyed yourself, mica. I saw online Ribbon & Rose have had a revamp.

I've had a 24 hour tummy bug, not fun at all. It seems to be over, thank goodness. But it did leave me feeling blahh and a bit woozy. I've had a good breakfast and so far so good Big Grin

I've finished hand quilting the placemats Big Grin Now to trim and bind.

The Fluffy One has pretty much slept the whole time she has been here. I guess at 17 human years, she's pretty much entitled to. The Furry One has been very respectful and isn't so bouncy with her now. We think he knows she's an old lady now and can't quite run as much as she used to.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The Sun is out, but there has been a fair bit of rain.

Hope you feel better now Kiwimade.

Missy is only 9.5 but has certainly been creaky for the last couple of days. Im having to pick her up to get her on my chair. I lower the stool but she doesn't try to get up all the time.

Off to buy bird seed for MrP's bird feeder. He is loving being able to watch the birds from mere feet away. The windows are covered, so people and animals cannot see in, but the inmates can see out. Im going to make one for here, but Ill put a Paper frame around it on the inside, Im sure my clever birds here will not mind if they can see in.

My school friend is coming this afternoon which will be lovely. She doesn't get alot of time off, as they run Waiuku's biggest nursery and she also has two days that she has dialysis too. So any time she can pop around I certainly will make the time. Bobbie wanted me to go see a new singer but I told her it would have to be another day.

Glad you were still able to make a few purchases Mica. My cushion fabric is still sitting on the bench lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I thought of you when I saw Unique Fabrics were having their annual open day and sale to the public, always wanted to check that out but Mt Eden is a bit too far away these days.

Heard yesterday the neighbour with covid is still down and now has pneumonia to go with, boy that karma thing really has caught up with her, poor woman. But she is being well looked after so that's good for her and us.

Sun is out, thunderstorns predicted for this afternoon, so it will be an early trip to the village for me...
Sun's out here as well and I shall get out there shortly for a dog walk ... after my coffee.

Sounded to be a fun trip Mica ... Ribbon and Rose is a lovely 'place' ... well it looks to be online. I imagine a visit would be even better and hard to resist coming away with something.

Karma sure bit hard OHH .... I hope (for their sake) they don't end up with Long Covid as well. It is going to be interesting to go forward now with no restrictions whatsoever and see how Covid 'behaves'.

I'm currently knitting some mittens for a GS ... he wants some for their visit to the snow later in the month. So far has involved unpicking half the first one as I decided it was going to be too small. Having to adapt from a gloves pattern which I hope works.

Coffee finished, time to get outside.

Enjoy the day.
Started off a few tomato seedsa yesterday, (will keep them inside until it warms up more) then did a bit more on the boots - not sure about them really, they may just get chucked up the gully but will finish them first, then decide.
Very cold again & looks likely to rain soon. Did a quick scouting mission to get brilliant ideas for Xmas but nothing presented itself, may need to look further afield.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I want to see these boots...
(16-08-2023, 10:12 AM)Roma Wrote: Sun's out here as well and I shall get out there shortly for a dog walk ... after my coffee.

Sounded to be a fun trip Mica ... Ribbon and Rose is a lovely 'place' ... well it looks to be online. I imagine a visit would be even better and hard to resist coming away with something.

Karma sure bit hard OHH .... I hope (for their sake) they don't end up with Long Covid as well. It is going to be interesting to go forward now with no restrictions whatsoever and see how Covid 'behaves'.

I'm currently knitting some mittens for a GS ... he wants some for their visit to the snow later in the month. So far has involved unpicking half the first one as I decided it was going to be too small. Having to adapt from a gloves pattern which I hope works.

Coffee finished, time to get outside.

Enjoy the day.

If you have Ravelry check out The World’s Simplest Mitts by Tincanknits, it’s a free pattern and comes in several sizes. I’ve used it a lot for both children and adults.
Had my haircut and I'm feeling very chic Tongue My lovely hairdresser gave my hair a bit of a curl with the hair straightener (an oxymoron for sure lol) and I love it. I didn't realise how much grey I had lol but I'm keeping it as I've earned every grey hair.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Thanks Venetian. Very helpful, I have printed off the patten  Smile
(16-08-2023, 02:03 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Had my haircut and I'm feeling very chic Tongue  My lovely hairdresser gave my hair a bit of a curl with the hair straightener (an oxymoron for sure lol) and I love it.  I didn't realise how much grey I had lol but I'm keeping it as I've earned every grey hair.

Its lovely having your hair played with.. Im sticking with my grey too
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well, I phoned around the local hairdressers yesterday and none of them could fit me in this week... I made the mistake of telling them I wanted my v long hair cut and restyled into something short and manageable!

I was telling my girlfriends and both were outraged I was even considering cutting the stuff, lol, but hey, they don't have to deal with it. Don't get me wrong I love it, but it is so much work.

So we shall see.
I've not been to a hairdresser since before the quakes. They want around $40 just to take a bit off the length fgs! Every time I contemplate such a thing I can hear many,many Scots ancestors going 'HOW f**ing much??!"

There were once excellent haircut bars around the city - $10 a pop which was perfect if you just needed a trim but of course they no longer exist. So, I watched a youtube thing on how to cut your own long hair, had a bash & voila - done!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
A youtube thing huh? Hmmmm...
morning ladies Smile We have a beautiful day so far Smile

omg Lilith, you are braver than me lol. My time with the hairdresser is my 'time out', I don't go very often although this time I did make another appointment. She works from home and is much cheaper than salons in town. I trust her judgement and would follow her to the end of the earth to keep her as my hairdresser. The curls have all gone Sad but boy I loved the look lol. Even MrK loved it and he never comments on haircuts. Usually I get a grunt lol.

Not sure what we're doing today, I can't do much along the roadside until the weeds die and the rest of the garden is pretty much up to scratch. I would love a daphne bush but saw their price at Wairere Garden Center at $60! Since when did daphne become dearer than roses? MrK is making another jewlery box for my friend so is busy with that. I might trim the placemats and start binding. But if it's a nice day I would like to be outside. Hmm... I might start the new pathway down the west side of the house. It means digging two small trenches to fit the old fence posts lengthwise to mark out the ends of the path. Nothing like a bit of digging to get the heart pumping lol.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is up, so I hope it stays that way.

I used to cut my own fringe. And once my hair was long enough I would trim the split ends if I had any. Ive been cutting MrP's hair since we got together. Only cut his ear once, but that was when I first started using clippers. Its nice when you find a hair dresser that you like. Ive never seen anyone in the hair dressers that I had mine done in last may. She was going to be changing the name and doing it up, but that hasnt happened either. I know she was retirement age so perhaps she has decided to stop.

Shopping today. will do all my bloods this morning so the Dr has the results before I see him later in the month.

Woohooo I am getting a new oven. I haven't heard from the sparky that is bringing it, so hopefully its not too long.

Funny thing tho, when I got a new washing machine, several I knew also got them. And my Sister friend in Taranaki just got a new oven too, so maybe my others should be watching out lol. Kiwimade I think you kicked it off lol

Have a fab day everyone.. Spring is coming apparently lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunshine and not too cold.  It cooled down quickly yesterday afternoon though after a sudden thunder, lightning and hail shower!

I have thick, fast growing hair so keep it short.  Certainly miss my rural hairdresser (worked from home) ... I now pay double what I did.  Justify my visits with the fact that I save by cutting DH's hair ... have done since being together. 

Good that new oven is coming Popeye ... so it should be.  

Library book to return and I have started the last 7 Sisters series book. The mittens (2 at once) are half done. If it stays warm I shall get into the garden. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Sure bucketed down overnight, fine at moment but nippy.

Hope the oven arrives soon Popeye.

Quiet day yesterday. Volunteer day today so will be rugging up well as its very cold in the warehouse despite having a heater on probably just warms up by time we leave.

2ill dauphine grow from cuttings KM?

Might cut out some shorts for DGS later today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Daphne does grow from cuttings, I looked up the how tos last summer, and took nine cuttings from a neighbour's plant (with his permission, lol), in late January for a cutting pot. I brought it inside when things got a bit nippy and slowly pulled out the sticks that dropped their few leaves and turned brown and crisp. I got down to two by June when tiny green shoots started to appear and sure enough they are both definitely showing life now, sitting in among my indoor plant jungle so they get the same winterised watering. As soon as they are big enough and the weather is gentle enough I shall put them out in the south facing garden in a sheltered spot under the eaves between front wall and side ramp to my front door. It matches the position the parent plant came from, and that one at five years old is huge now, and flowers abundantly, so I have hopes these two will do well together there.

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