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You can never have enough...
I use a paste of baking soda, dishwash, with a wee bit of water and one of those plastic scourers on my shower glass. It doesn't get the etched water marks off from the very old glass but it does clear soap scum and shampoo dots off. Cheaper than any of the commercial stuff too, and even with a good scrubbing it doesn't scratch the glass or the plastic. You can use a cut lemon too...
Thank you Ladies.

The marks were there when we moved in. I dont think anyone cared enough for either shower.

Ill give all suggestions a shot
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Another sunny day

DGD1 2nd birthday today.

Popeye my neighbour/sewing and best buddy uses that set and forget shower cleaner and really likes it her DH insists on using g bar soap so that generates scum.

Easy no plans for today will need to remedy that.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Hi Popeye,
I have heard that WD40 is good for removing water stains etc. I have not tried it.
I use bar keepers friend, only use it about every six months, but I wipe the shower out with a towel after each use!! Anal I know, but after paying to have the bathrooms done a good few years back I swore I would keep them looking good. The shower still looks like new.
Good morning. 

The sun has taken its time, but finally out. A beach walk with sister warmed us up. 

Agreed liquid soap reduces soap residue. We use a silicon scraper after every shower to reduce water stain.

The jewelry box is lovely KM. The fittings finish it off beautifully. One lucky recipient. I will have to have a look on Amazon for them. During the burglary a few years back the A**e wrenched my heirloom one open and wrecked it ... didn't even need to, it wasn't locked. Still took the contents Angry

Crocheting a large peggy square cot blanket.  Not too much thinking required!

Time for coffee and then get some jobs done. 

Enjoy the day all.
I had my hair cut in the sun this morning by a local guy who told me stories about diving in the Caribbean as he snipped away - best $30 I have spent for ages. Still long, but now all evened up.
The roses and the espaliered camellias are all fed potash and epsom salts Big Grin Bring on the warmth so we can enjoy the new growth. And I've weeded a bit more, and oooppsss, I've 'accidently' increased the garden size. My bad Tongue Not by much, just enough to even out another curve that didn't look right.

It feels so good, doesn't it, OHH, to have your hair cut. It doesn't take much to make us happy lol.

Still no word from the Fluffy One's mum. No reply to my text messages or calls. Must admit, I'm getting a tad pis*** off with her.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
We were just talking about our covid/pneumonia stricken neighbour who is staying away for another week, leaving the village to look after her cat. Who is seriously lonely.

Makes us very cross...
morning ladies Smile Another bug killing frost this morning Big Grin Big Grin

The Furry One's mum rocked up after lunch to take her home. One very happy dog Smile And the Furry One is happy too. He likes having her here, but always happy to see her go home. I get why you and the other villagers are becoming cross, OHH. It's being taken for granted that gets to me and I'm assuming you are all feeling the same. And poor puss.

I'm quite surprised to see how many weeds I've pulled from the garden. Mind you, it could be a lot more if it wasn't for the mulch. I'll finish it today (as if it's ever finished lol). The lavatera has self seeded, if I can't find homes for them, then they will be pulled out. Always something to do out there Smile

I'm working my way through the placemats, only the binding to stitch down then I can go back to the thrush. I'm thinking after I've finished the thrush, I might do some more hardanger.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The sun is shining after a cool start.

There are quite a few cats around us who have owners that go away and have someone leave food. I am always amazed they manage to survive crossing the road which they do more of when lonely. I guess they just continue to use up those 9 lives!

Who else burst out laughing at the Trump mugshot ... typical Trump behaviour.

Big peggy squares accumulating fast.  I can add another colour if not enough yarn. 

Had better move, off over the hill to visit family, a different trip this time with no "oldies" to visit anymore  Sad

Enjoy the day all.
omg it's cold out there lol. Gotta love hanging washing out on a frosty morning. But at least it will dry. And the corner of the garden I'm working in is always the last to see the sun.

Safe travels, roma. Watch for ice on the Kaimais.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

A beautiful day here today. Wish I had a clothesline in the sun. I like to wash blankets on fine days.

MrP was a mess last night. So I rang and they hadnt given him the meds he was allowed. I firmly told them off.. Im going to pop in and see if he has calmed down this morning. I have some news that although it sounds mad to others, it will bring a smile to MrPs face.
The man that he had a run in with at the other home has finally died. And wont be able to boss everyone around like he used to. He told straight out lies about MrP and Bobbie remembers how things actually happened. And MrP will simply agree Karma took care of that one.. Its the same man who they call the Brigadier cos he won the war for us.. just him on his own. lol.

I have a sale to drop off at the Oppy on my way.

Then I think Ill pop in and get some more meat. My DR has referred me for a gastro and colonoscopy. Well that Aint happening unless they totally knock me out. So I best make sure I eat plenty of iron.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
Overcast fine here

DD and her wee family popped after they picked up DGD1 from daycare yesterday, she had her birthday crown and told me she was 2  Big Grin
she loved the sheepie soft toy we got her and DD loved the rashie, togs and swimwear coverup I made for her so everyone was happy.
They went and got take away Thai for tea so we didn't have to cook dinner - even better Cool

I have been busy this morning cleaned the kitchen and the  white leather lounge suite just waiting for the conditioner to dry before apply a couple layers of protection which makes just a wipe over every now and then a goer. So I feel like I have had a good work out.

plan to finish track jacket today just the collar to go. not happy about how the pocket zips look next time I will use invisible zips this time I followed the pattern recommendations often a mistake.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Garden is weeded and a couple of plants that barely survived winter have been moved to better spots. I got the usual eye roll from MrK lol. He often tells the plants not to get too comfy as they will be on the move soon. He's building a couple of sawhorses for his sister's Christmas present. She's wanted a couple for a very long time and it's our turn to buy for her this year.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I am watching my new monarch stretch her wings. What a privilege...
(26-08-2023, 11:08 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am watching my new monarch stretch her wings. What a privilege...

It Truely is eh Hunni.

MrP was pretty stoned but not complaining. Yay and he was pleased to hear about Ron. He was just one nasty nasty man who thought he ruled the roost.

Got a pork roast, casserole steak that Ill do in the crockpot and pull for meaty gravy, chicken thighs and some schnitzel and lamb chops which I will crumb later and also do the sausage meat for my tea. All for $39-50. Very pleased. 

So that should all help boost the iron. Now I just have to eat it lol

And the checkout lady got a little confused and gave me two lots of Stickers.. I didnt complain lol. 

Also got the fruit and apples for the fruit mince, to make  fruit mince pies for the freezer. Will mix that and cook it while I crumb the meat. And then make and bake tomorrow.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(26-08-2023, 11:08 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am watching my new monarch stretch her wings. What a privilege...

From my photos.  For your pleasure  Blush Blush

Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
(26-08-2023, 11:08 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am watching my new monarch stretch her wings. What a privilege...

And some more  Blush                    
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
(26-08-2023, 01:15 PM)Kenj Wrote:
(26-08-2023, 11:08 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am watching my new monarch stretch her wings. What a privilege...

From my photos.  For your pleasure  Blush Blush


For yours...


See how fat her belly was, all that fluid to be pumped into her wings. Such incredible systems to enable her to fly. If ever the weather warms up enough...

(26-08-2023, 01:54 PM)Kenj Wrote:
(26-08-2023, 11:08 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am watching my new monarch stretch her wings. What a privilege...

And some more  Blush

We are so lucky to have seen it.
Lovely photos; we live in such a beautiful world filled with beautiful creatures. And humans.

in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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