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You can never have enough...
Mica, I plan to do a runner for our dressing table. The one I stitched years ago is too small and I'm not happy with it anyway. But I'll finish the thrush first Smile

The survey people asked if it was convenient to do the survey then and there on the phone, and I thought, why not, saves me having to sort another time out. They do try and fit in with you and there are loads of ways they can do it.

MrK found a suitcase in the garage full of snorkling and SCUBA gear. I thought we had sold it all as we no longer SCUBA or snorkel lol but obviously not. A quick listing on Marketplace while having a cuppa was done. Now let's see what happens. He jokingly said well, that's a bit less you have to sort through after I fall off my perch.

Happy anniversary, popeye Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Happy Wedding Anniversary Popeye.

KM if the suitcase is an old one, it will have value as well  Big Grin I cringe when I think of all the ones I've chucked out over the years as the contents stored in them no longer needed (from my parents mainly). simply for lack of room!
Thank you for the anniversary wishes. None coming from MrP . he was in a mood, over some pillowcases. and annoyed that I cant be there. Oh well its not something I can help.

Still got clothes to put away but the floors are done, dishwasher changed over and on. and I finally remembered to top up the bird feeder.

Will do my clothes later.. I dont miss washing his clothes and then finding them thrown on the floor.

On TV yesterday , on the news I think or maybe breakfast was an artistic display of older suitcases . With many different items in them. Top dollar for old suitcases these days thats for sure.

Games now... chicken, potato and coleslaw later... Already seeing the extra iron in my body. The blood is thinner and I have a nice bruise on the back of my right leg, it comes from using the side of the car for stability when I get out.. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have decided to freestyle the rest of the gold fish - he has eyelashes which are layered over the white eyeball which isn’t flat - there is a lot of texturing which is achieved by rolling other strands under the working thread - so my fish head will be flatish with embroidered bits .The texturing was OK coming up the body of the cat but not so easy in the fish - but the colours really stand out
I have started another plain blanket to safeguard my sanity
Happy anniversary Popeye, hope it gets better as the day goes on.

I had the day all planned out - I really should know by now what happens when I do that, & sure enough it went west fairly quickly. I'd done the washing, & the 30 minute phone survey & had almost finished a little bit on the boots when Madame Le Dog announced visitors - eldest granddaughet & her youngest lad & his little cousin. We had a cuppa & the kids played with the chalk outside on the path & they discovered that you can also draw on a wooden fence with it so they had fun. I hadn't seen the wee ones for a while so good to catch up & they've grown hugely.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Sadly, the suitcase wasn't one of those old ones Sad
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I use old suitcases to store things under my bed. Photo albums, tapestry wool, old art pieces, textiles I cannot bear to part with, lots of things... They are those lovely old boxy kind, very useful. Though I do have one big one, which I have held onto because it is covered in old shipping labels. It has always been there, I think it was my grandparents originally...

Nice to know they are worth having. But will I swap them out for plastic bins? Nope...
Morning everyone

Super Foggy today.

A normal Thursday for me, Bloods shopping but I will pop in to see MrP for a short time. Since we couldnt yesterday. He was grumpy most of the day. grrr. I wish he would remember that he is still better off than others.

My sister friend in CHCH had sent my New World Stickers, so today I will pick up my flash new roasting dish. I seldom cook meat in the oven, But it will make lovely big cakes. So it will be handy.

Be careful on the roads everyone in this fog.

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had a gorgeous start to the day with the Super Moon shining in all her glory. Then within half an hour, the fog came down. And it has just gotten thicker and thicker. One minute I look out the window and it's wispy bits, five minutes later it's a pea souper.

Today I have my friend's funeral Sad Still no news of how she died, I'm assuming there had to be an autopsy as she died suddenly. The world is a greyer place without her in it.

The placemats are finished! I even cheered and did a happy dance lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Bright overcast day at moment.

Woohoo KM now the fun handwork  can be enjoyed.

Enjoyed Oppenheimer  movie yesterday  

To day usual Thursday volunteer morning not sure what I will get up to this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Is damp out there and 8.5 degrees, but will clear to sunny later this morning. My immediate neighbour is back from her month in Oz, heavy sigh. I love it when that flat is empty, peace and quiet and no banging and bumping. I am an awful hermit these days, lol! I really need to live in this flat, with this view, on top of a mountain...

But with courier access so I can still have all the little luxuries of life delivered, but without annoying neighbours!
It's still foggy, a waste of time hanging out the washing, I think. It's going to be one of those bleak days, in more ways than one Sad
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My treat to myself this week was a Metalbird bird feeder post. It has a spike to hold an apple or an orange and perching space for a tui or two, so I shall be out there with the mallet later this afternoon whacking it in to the end of my balcony side wall where I can watch the visitors. Great fun!
Gorgeous day here, after some nice rain yesterday afternoon.  Spring has sprung with my first daffodils and erlicheer flowers here adding to the effect  Smile

That bird feeder is cool OHH. I had a look online as I was given one, a pair of piwakawaka a couple of years ago for a gift.  We placed it on a deck post so it is silhouetted against the sky. 

That movie looks good Mica ... I will probably wait to see it on TV eventually ... a long stint at 3 hours!

Hairdresser this afternoon and I will cook a meal for new mum niece for tomorrow. Only a few more squares left to crochet for the blanket.  Easy to do in front of TV at night. 

Enjoy the day.
Ive been watching the birds eating from the seed feeder on the ranch slider. They dont seem to notice humans inside.

Love the sound of your feeder Hunni.

MrP has finally been given a lounge chair. He was facing the front door when I got there. still in a grump. Moaning about everything I said and did. I "banged" the door when I went to top his feeder up, so I simply said well you do it then and you will see how hard the door is. I left... Im sick of being moaned at.

Picked up my Roasting dish from New World. The one you collect the stickers for. Aiming for the frying pan next I think.

Of course I forgot to pick up my pills so Im going to do that shortly.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Meant to say Oppenheimer is a movie I want to see too. But Ill wait for it to be on tv. I dont like the prices at the picture theaters these days. Even on Cheapy Tuesdays.. Might be the Scottish in me. lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Wife and I used to like going to Andre Rieu's concert movies, up till last weeh when there was to be a showing for two days at Napier. Looked into it only to find it was $40/ticket... bloody ridiculous. Didn't go! Sad
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
After a gorgeous day of sun and little wind I went to close my back doors which lead onto the deck, and find they have warped or swollen or something (maybe something to do with the hinge replacement back in July?) and will not close. Of course I have to discover this ten minutes after business hours and the LL contact number goes to a security company.

Yeah, that'll work...
(31-08-2023, 05:28 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: After a gorgeous day of sun and little wind I went to close my back doors which lead onto the deck, and find they have warped or swollen or something (maybe something to do with the hinge replacement back in July?) and will not close. Of course I have to discover this ten minutes after business hours and the LL contact number goes to a security company.

Yeah, that'll work...

Jeez, hope it gets sorted tomorrow. Lucky you have the attack cat,eh. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They sent out a young man who forced the doors closed for me, and they have booked a carpentry callout to fix permanently tomorrow.

So I can sleep safe tonight, and will let them open it tomorrow. I'm not risking it again lol...

Dammit. What do you bet no sleep in for me tomorrow?!

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