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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Wet and windy here too.

A big trip Kiwimade. But Im sure you will have fun with both grandies.

My visiting day today. MrP was rather messed up last night. Not making alot of sense talking.

Wow I got a rather big shock last night. I decided it was time to cut the drawers down again. I just want to have a little more money for Christmas and help with the decluttering. I had No Idea that solid rimu furniture was worth so much. I think we paid $100 a piece, but they are going for $400-$500 for the approx same size. Ill get them cleared and do photos tomorrow. Would love them to go together.

And Ive taken the single linen out of a treasured set of drawers an old friend sold to us. And it matches the other white stuff in my room.

Will try and put the clothing idea into Bobbies brain today and see if we can sort it. Might have to talk to the Manager (Ugh) but pretty sure I can manage that.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

A good start to school holidays with heavy rain ... not.  Not so exciting for those of us who have dogs reluctant to venture out as well ... very necessary to do so sooner or later!

That was a big journey KM ... your days will be full but fun. 

A pink and white hydrangea sounds attractive... good luck with it OH. You did well to have it strike from an initial bloom. I've tried that tactic in the past and had limited success.

Yes Popeye, Rimu has stood the test of time and is a valuable timber.

A day to fossick out a pattern and yarn to have some knitting on the go. But first off dash out for a walk with the dog. 

Stay warm and dry all.
I did cut that stem into several pieces and steadily lost one after another. In the same pot were several daphne cuttings and those too dried up and fizzled one by one until just these two were left, side by side and both showing good green - the daphne a lot smaller than the hydrangea. Which was confusing in the early days because I couldn't tell the difference. I wonder if being side by side had anything to do with it, maybe they helped each other hold on since their January planting, lol...

Overcast day here 

Done my stint at the warehouse and about to go do battle with a quilt.

I admire anyone whom can get plants to grow from cuttings my DH is the green fingered one here.

Had to pop in to Kmart on my way home to get panties for DGD2 ( just turned 2) as she decided this morning that she wasnt wearing nappies any more in their morning rush to get to day care and work LOL DD has ordered some training panties which should be couriered overnight. I remember my DS doing the same on a day that I needed to be out and about too.

Hope everyone is keeping dry up north and on the east coast

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Arghhh what a day.

Bobbie was bad. Taking things, not eating her dinner until I told her it was ok, and refusing to have her BP checked.

Very hard to see.

Then the stupid insurance company cannot follow the instructions we made last week. Didn't think my rent would go out but its sorted.

So it looks like Im finding a new insurance company.. I cannot stand idiots.

And Im obviously tired cos Im chit at cards today lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope Bobbie's better next time, Popeye & your stupid insurance company sorts itself out.

Did a bit more on the boots, still not sure about them but will see once they're finished. Went to library to pick up a reserve & had a swift look in Whitcoulls because they have school holiday special on books, buy one get one half price so that msy be a good move with Xmas looming, didn't find anything but was a bit short on time so maybe look again in a day or so.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I just bought an aquarium.

I have absolutely no Won't Power.
phew, I have battled the White Screen of Death on the computer and won Big Grin Grandson downloaded a game (arrggghhh) and 'my side' of the computer crashed. Thank goodness I set the computer up for MrK to have a separate partition on this thing and I managed to get through (finally!) to my bit through his. It's only taken me most of the day off and on. At one stage I was thinking we were going to have to buy a new computer... just what we need after all the expenses we have had over the last six months! Am over the moon I was able to sort it all out.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet wet wet lol

Wow Kiwimade, not a good thing to happen to the comp... Just shows how easy it is done. Glad you got it sorted tho.

Got the mess sorted out re the insurance etc. Not something I needed tho. And I will be ringing them and putting my opinion in. I dont need the stress of it.

I have to go out dammit, I forgot to pick my pills up yesterday. And Apparently MrP ate a whole bag of lollies and chips yesterday. Ill drop some chips in. he wants tatties but to be honest I cant be bothered.

Sorry Not in the best of moods.. have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining and cold day.currently pinned down by 3 k9s while I have been reading.

Glad you solved your computer woes KM you can add computer whizz to your cv Big Grin
Oh an aquarium  OHH whatch going to use it for?

Finished quilting yesterday its all trimmed so will get the  binding  done today.

Got to get some paperwork sorted too need to give myself  a stern talking to keep forgetting to get onto  it.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I want to try setting up and running what is called a natural tank (stupid name, everything is natural, lol). It involves taking as many materials from the environment as possible, using minimal chemical inputs, and lowest possible tech help. Aquariums have become expensive complex machines these days so it is a bit of back to the future. So, deep sandbed over local mud base, heavily planted, rainwater filled, and see what happens...

It's gardening underwater, and if the results are okay, I might buy myself some fish for my birthday in November as a reward, lol.

It is a very neat little tank, tall and square, 23 litres which is challenging but okay for a couple of fish, built in light and basic filtration system, and the seller threw in a little heater and delivered it last night, an hour after I paid for it. Lovely woman too, so that was a bonus.

Quite exciting to have a project to being focused on!
afternoon ladies Smile Managed to mow the lawn in between the raindrops and grandkids Smile

Oh wow, OHH, I would love to see pics as well! That's something a little different to do.

MrK is a tad worn out with all the kids chatter, and we have them until Sunday lol. But they are great, busy playing lego and the like. Tomorrow is another kids session at the library and they both have asked to go. We took 13 books out of the library yesterday and I think some may need to be returned already. Gotta love wet school holidays.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well...good luck with the Aquarium Hunni. There's only the one way to find out how to do it really & that's do it. Hope its a success. Smile

Huge respect KM - I'm a technoklutz & fairly useless with computers so admire those who can manage the damn things. And yes - nothing quite like wet school holidays to increase their book knowledge.

Hope your day's a better one tomorrow, Popeye.

Did the dreaded groceries earlier & wouldn't you know it - sods law struck, & they're working on the piece of road I usually go down on the way home, I'd had a feeling thay might just manage the one day I didnt need them to do it! Never mind, went the other way & snuck along the footpath a little bit to get round the bad corner.
Did a bit more on boots & a bit in garden, that's probably it for today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I just did my shopping list. Too much grey in those clouds, too much wet in the air. But my water buckets are filling nicely. Maybe shopping tomorrow, I need apples...
morning ladies Smile Another grey, blustery day today.

That's Murphy's Law, Lilith lol. But at least the repairs are being made. I think as summer kicks in, more road repairs will be done.

Today it's back to the library (by the kids request) to join in the kid's session. And we need more bananas. One grandchild has a wiggly tooth so it's bananas being munched. We may have a tooth fairy visit soon Big Grin Big Grin

Time to organise breakfast Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet and windy today.

Off to see MrP today. He was ok last night. Was wondering why the physio lady didn't arrive, until I pointed out that she comes on Wednesdays. Easy to get the days muddled.

I managed to get the furniture changed around again. Something I've always liked doing. And there has been interest in the rimu already. Only listed them last night.

I badly need a day out and this hopefully will help. And make Christmas a little easier. Although most of my presents are home made or baked.

The Toothfairy just wont be the same when we become a cashless society..

Another of our banks has closed here. We used to have ANZ, BNZ, ASB, Kiwi Bank did TSB and Kiwi Bank. Now we have Kiwi Bank but no TSB and the ASB is only open in the afternoons.

Shops have to travel out of town to do their cash banking.

Rang the Superclinic yesterday. It seems that if I was to go to my DR more often and get him to try and hurry things along that I might be seen earlier. I said I go often enough to get pain meds.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes, same as I was told popeye, be a squeaky wheel. At $25 a pop that squeak is my budget...
Morning all
Blo...ody cold wet and windy, pretty stormy overnight

Been gym and run some errands after I have defrosted I will make a double batch  gluten free pastry so I have some at the ready when needed.

Like the sound of your aquarium OHH.

No plans for today definitely an indoors day.

Enjoy your day.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Miserably cold & wet here, Madame Le Dog decided we wouldn't do any throwing the ball for her this morning by going onto the back porch instead, & giving me one of her 'stupid human' looks while waiting for said human to open the door (which she can manage to open all by herself with no difficulty but why bother when there's a human to do it for you) to let it be known that there would be no ball throwing required today thank you.

Damn dog. We'll be doing the rainy day wlak later, past Grumpy Dog's house. The only time we go that way since he tends to rush up to his gate & stick his nose through the railings while barking frantically at us, but stays inside if its raining, so it makes a nice change for Madame Le Dog, with different things to snuffle at.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-09-2023, 08:36 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yes, same as I was told popeye, be a squeaky wheel. At $25 a pop that squeak is my budget...

Thankfully I have to get some more Iron tablets, and its cheaper to see the Dr than request a prescription. So Ill make an appointment shortly, which no doubt will be in 3 weeks time. 

Thankfully my new Dr doesn't charge for referrals like most of them at the clinic do.  And Im in credit Yay.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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