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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Fine here at present too Yay.

I love book fairs, ours must be fairly close.. There's a garage sale at one of our oldest schools this Saturday. I went last year and it was good. MrP asked if he could come but I said to him there is no way he could. The ground is rough as and its up stairs. Which is why I only went for the first time last year. They are doing a lovely job in restoring it.

I have a pick up today so that gives me a few extra dollars. Sold some pure wool blankets, which I know are from between 1974 and 1978. But they are in awesome condition.

Will load the dishwasher and generally potter about today.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's sunny, but that wind is cold!

The quilt is beautiful Mica, a work of art. 

Thanks KM ... I'll keep those dates in mind.  I was thinking when you mentioned the library that the last time I visited for books, it was to a couple of shipping containers .. temporary library at the time!

No plan for today, usually dirty my hands pulling the odd weed as I spy them which often leads to a "session". The wind is going to mean watering. 

Cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Sun and wind

No plans for today  no doubt I will get more done on my jacket.
Need to spend some time in the office have stuff to write but just not in the head space to do it have given myself a deadline so it will get done.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I've properly introduced the cat to Madame Le Dog. I can't be sure it went along the lines of: 'Die,cat!" & "Silence peasant.Bow down before your new ruler!" But I wouldn't be at all surprised.

Strong wind last night broke a branch off a tree & also smashed one of the old car windows I keep for protecting new plants so had all that to clean up once I got back from the dreaded shopping. Don't think I'll be doing much else once our obligatory daily walk is done, still quite cold but allegedly is set to warm up later.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have a frost, thank goodness MrK put the frost cloth over the blueberry and covered the new spud sprouts.

Lol, Lilith. I remember our cat ruling with an iron paw over the dogs. They were terrified of her lol. I had the Furry One (when he was a puppy) curled up beside me on the sofa when QB (Queen Bit**) decided she wanted to sit there. Rather than waiting (why would she?) she sat on top of The Furry One. There was absolute terror on the Furry One's face. I couldn't move without moving the Furry One and MrK had to come to our rescue. We had the Furry One's brother then as well and he was just as scared of her. She even bossed our black labby before we had the
Jack Russells.

The library books our grandkids borrowed need returning. As of 1st July, there are no fines if books are returned late as they just want them back. These have only been out a week (we can have them for a month) but no point in them being here when others can read them. While I'm out and about I'll fill the petrol can for the lawn mower. And I must phone the Stihl shop to see what's happening with our pruner.

And hopefully I can spend some time on the thrush. It really needs to be finished.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

A chilly start but hopefully it will stay as lovely as it is now. I like the sun when there isn't too much heat to go with it.

Our previous girl-cat Millie was not scared of dogs. She ruled over 2 foxies, and a German shepherd. The way our lounge kitchen and dining room were there was a central wall and she would chase those poor foxies around the rooms constantly. And she couldn't care less that the German Shepherd was massive compared to her. lol. Im sure she thought they were put on the earth for her to torment lol.

Off to see MrP again today, armed with more baking and the last of the steamed pudding. I must plug his phone in. Had to use their phone again last night. I wish he would just remember to plug it in after we have talked at night.

I got the front of the lawn done yesterday, and depending on how I feel later I might finish it. I find it a good place to do alot of thinking lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Very chilly start here too and its clouded over

Another household where the feline s have reignedcwith iron paws - well that was the Abyssinian. The tabby we have currently likes our 2 but not the DD k9 that is a permanent resident  

Got more done on my jacket lots top stitching so that slows thing down. Got notified that the adjustable edge foot that I ordered 3 months ago had arrived so nipped over to collect that. Having the right tools makes some tasks much easier.
Sewing maching shop just happens to be a few blocks from gluten free cafe so I popped in on the off chance they had cream donut yep one left generously creamed and jammed on the spot  Cool Big Grin

Going to nip up the coast soon to suss out a cafe to see if it will be suitable for our cafe pick for our brunch group.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(04-10-2023, 08:55 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all
Very chilly start here too and its clouded over

Another household where the feline s have reignedcwith iron paws - well that was the Abyssinian. The tabby we have currently likes our 2 but not the DD k9 that is a permanent resident  

Got more done on my jacket lots top stitching so that slows thing down. Got notified that the adjustable edge foot that I ordered 3 months ago had arrived so nipped over to collect that. Having the right tools makes some tasks much easier.
Sewing maching shop just happens to be a few blocks from gluten free cafe so I popped in on the off chance they had cream donut yep one left generously creamed and jammed on the spot  Cool Big Grin

Going to nip up the coast soon to suss out a cafe to see if it will be suitable for our cafe pick for our brunch group.

Enjoy your day
We had two Abyssinians - amazing cats - one used to chase the Rottweiller supposed orchard guard dog and wack him on the backside - the dog used to run away squawking .But the king of the orchard for all the wrong reasons was Asha - huge Abyssinian very affectionate and demanding used to ping the microwave to warn you his fresh fish meal needed warming up - he was so tall he could reach was not appreciated when the microwave would start pinging in the middle of the night .My husband decided to rescue some discarded hens from the local egg farm - they could just fossick round in the orchard and go in the barn at night .He started finding dead chooks - blamed the foxie next door so had words with the neighbour - another one died - so he shut them in the barn at night and next door kept the foxie home at night - he heard a kerfuffle one night in the chook run - my beautiful Abby cat was the murderer - suffice to say the chicken rescue came to an abrupt end .He disgraced himself when we moved he decided he would catch all the fish in the fish pond while we weren’t home and leave them sunbathing on the lawn - felt terrible as the lady who sold us the house was very attached to the fish
(04-10-2023, 06:24 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We have a frost, thank goodness MrK put the frost cloth over the blueberry and covered the new spud sprouts.

Lol, Lilith.  I remember our cat ruling with an iron paw over the dogs.  They were terrified of her lol.  I had the Furry One (when he was a puppy) curled up beside me on the sofa when QB (Queen Bit**) decided she wanted to sit there.  Rather than waiting (why would she?) she sat on top of The Furry One.  There was absolute terror on the Furry One's face.  I couldn't move without moving the Furry One and MrK had to come to our rescue.  We had the Furry One's brother then as well and he was just as scared of her.  She even bossed our black labby before we had the
Jack Russells. 

The library books our grandkids borrowed need returning.  As of 1st July, there are no fines if books are returned late as they just want them back.  These have only been out a week (we can have them for a month) but no point in them being here when others can read them.  While I'm out and about I'll fill the petrol can for the lawn mower.  And I must phone the Stihl shop to see what's happening with our pruner.

And hopefully I can spend some time on the thrush.  It really needs to be finished.

Happy crafting Smile

I had laugh at the lovely mental image of cat sitting on dog!  Big Grin Big Grin My previous cats also trained the dog I had then but neither of them sat on her.

Got front lawn done, have to venture out later on but if I'm not too knackered, might get a bit more done in garden afterwards - we'll see.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Cat sitting 0n dog. The cat rules here.

lol GJW, love it! At least your dog doesn't have that terrified look on his face! Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That's a gorgeous image GJW ... though it could be mutually beneficial for keeping each other warm ... until puss gets too heavy! 
My old burmese would dearly love to snuggle with my furry dog but she is out of her bed like a shot if there is any hint of close contact! This burmese rules!
(04-10-2023, 10:16 AM)GJW Wrote: Cat sitting 0n dog. The cat rules here.

Ohhh a perfect match.  Love it. 

Back done now Im shattered. I've left the mower out, which I shouldn't have done cos now Ill sit and seize up. But never mind its not going to rain any time.

Stopped and got a bag of Fire pellets.. $12-59 for 15 kilos.. Once I have brought the mower in I will use the cargo trolley and slide it out of the car. And I have a good lidded bucket that Ill scoop some into and then start transitioning madam. I hope she likes it cos its certainly cheaper. And thank goodness for phones with the internet cos the new guy at Mire 10 didnt know what I was talking about. And an added bonus, its nice and close to the checkouts too. 

MrP had physio while I was there and then they took him off for a shower, and he needed it. So he actually apologized for cutting our visit short.. He never apologises... Sorted his phone out so it should be ok to call him tonight. 

Arthur was off to the Super clinic for an appointment and Ken was in the lounge so I suggested MrP enjoy the peace and quiet this afternoon.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(04-10-2023, 10:16 AM)GJW Wrote: Cat sitting 0n dog. The cat rules here.

Oh dear - not a happy dog!  Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They are literally the best of mates, under the cat rules. God help the dog if she moves and the cat wants to stay in the same position.
(04-10-2023, 09:21 AM)JanW Wrote:
(04-10-2023, 08:55 AM)Mica Wrote: Morning all
Very chilly start here too and its clouded over

Another household where the feline s have reignedcwith iron paws - well that was the Abyssinian. The tabby we have currently likes our 2 but not the DD k9 that is a permanent resident  

Got more done on my jacket lots top stitching so that slows thing down. Got notified that the adjustable edge foot that I ordered 3 months ago had arrived so nipped over to collect that. Having the right tools makes some tasks much easier.
Sewing maching shop just happens to be a few blocks from gluten free cafe so I popped in on the off chance they had cream donut yep one left generously creamed and jammed on the spot  Cool Big Grin

Going to nip up the coast soon to suss out a cafe to see if it will be suitable for our cafe pick for our brunch group.

Enjoy your day
We had two Abyssinians - amazing cats - one used to chase the Rottweiller supposed orchard guard dog and wack him on the backside - the dog used to run away squawking .But the king of the orchard for all the wrong reasons was Asha - huge Abyssinian very affectionate and demanding used to ping the microwave to warn you his fresh fish meal needed warming up - he was so tall he could reach was not appreciated when the microwave would start pinging in the middle of the night .My husband decided to rescue some discarded hens from the local egg farm - they could just fossick round in the orchard and go in the barn at night .He started finding dead chooks - blamed the foxie next door so had words with the neighbour - another one died - so he shut them in the barn at night and next door kept the foxie home at night - he heard a kerfuffle one night in the chook run - my beautiful Abby cat was the murderer - suffice to say the chicken rescue came to an abrupt end .He disgraced himself when we moved he decided he would catch all the fish in the fish pond while we weren’t home and leave them sunbathing on the lawn - felt terrible as the lady who sold us the house was very attached to the fish
What  coincidence one of our Abyssinian was called Assha too. She actually tried to kill our old girl when we got her at 8 weeks old you know rat size. The old girls always had a healthy respect for her yet 4 years later when we got our boy k9 she thought he was the bees knees and they were the best of mates, played slept together etc. He did respect her though.
Many moons ago we were going away on holiday and had a house sitter to watch our 3 dogs  and 2 abys she asked if she could bring her lab to stay too - no problem except the Abyssinians made the lab sit in one corner of the lounge and if she moved look out.

 Had coffee at Cafe up the line, coffee was good but we won't be having brunch there, not safe gluten free eatery and the people not exactly try welcoming. Its fun finding new places we haven't been before though it is becoming a challenge  after 4 years to find somewhere we haven't  been before.
Finished my jacket need to get buttons to finish  it  off
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
It is interesting the way different cat breeds have very different personalities. I have had Burmese, rexes of both descriptions, Siamese, Orientals, Balinese and mogs, and I definitely lust after an Abyssinian. And a Bengal, truth be told...

These finely bred animals may have physical challenges of their own, but oh their personalities are just so interesting. But hey, cats are superior beings. We just have to accept the fact if we ever hope to catch up.
(04-10-2023, 04:00 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is interesting the way different cat breeds have very different personalities. I have had Burmese, rexes of both descriptions, Siamese, Orientals, Balinese and mogs, and I definitely lust after an Abyssinian. And a Bengal, truth be told...

These finely bred animals may have physical challenges of their own, but oh their personalities are just so interesting. But hey, cats are superior beings. We just have to accept the fact if we ever hope to catch up.
My last cat was a Manx - we took him to Oz with us and he had to be a contained cat so we built him a gigantic cage over the back yard - he was a humorous cat - hopped like a rabbit - used to chase the staffi terrorise him
(04-10-2023, 06:55 PM)JanW Wrote:
(04-10-2023, 04:00 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is interesting the way different cat breeds have very different personalities. I have had Burmese, rexes of both descriptions, Siamese, Orientals, Balinese and mogs, and I definitely lust after an Abyssinian. And a Bengal, truth be told...

These finely bred animals may have physical challenges of their own, but oh their personalities are just so interesting. But hey, cats are superior beings. We just have to accept the fact if we ever hope to catch up.
My last cat was a Manx - we took him to Oz with us and he had to be a contained cat so we built him a gigantic cage over the back yard - he was a humorous cat - hopped like a rabbit - used to chase the staffi terrorise him

My Sister had a Manx Cat. Sam... Oddly when the truck ran into her house, in the corner brick there was a jar with a letter from the family that built the house and they apparently had Thames First Manx cat. Sam died not long after my sister died. I think it was meant to happen
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A cloudy start to the day, perfect for mowing the lawn shortly.

We've always had moggies. They have randomly turned up and moved in lol. There is something special about being chosen by a cat.

My voters pack turned up yesterday, there are so many parties I have never heard of! At least here in NZ there won't be any accusations of cheating, we are so lucky to have what we have.

Yesterday I divided the Star of Bethlehem bulbs ready for my sister-in-law's visit this weekend. She lost hers when she moved and it's great to be able to return some of them to her, another good thing about sharing your garden goodies. The iris' are starting to bud up already. Usually the dutch iris' flower first then the iris'. Nope, not this year. So much is changing. Those of us that garden can certainly see climate change in action.

Washing machine has finished, time to get moving and make the most of this cloud cover. We're supposed to hit 20 degrees today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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