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You can never have enough...
Morning all
RIning today

OHH waiting is so hard but it will be worth it  ant wait to see your set up when completed.

Had lovely evening with DS and his family last night I was worn out .

Done the shopping now off to do some un picking on my jacket cuff don't like the inside finish.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The package arrived and the plants were full of tiny snails, with a few bigger ones. The biggest one looks really sad, pulled right back into its shell, but I popped it into the tank anyway, maybe it will recover. The babies of course are small enough to survive in a film of water so they'll be fine. I just hope I can grow enough algae to feed them all!

And now of course, like any gardener, I have too many plants...
Good morning. 

Overcast but not cold. 

SI family have gone back home and other local family have gone away camping.  In for a quiet weekend, lol!

The traffic has picked up on our road ... again being used as a detour ... I guess holidaymakers are heading home. Saw a cat earlier use up 1 life crossing the road ... just in time  Dodgy

The aquarium sounds fascinating OHH. I once had success with an old cast iron bath ...set in the ground ... potted water lilies and a few goldfish that turned into a multitude! I added some snails I found in a nearby waterway. I learned quickly to put netting over it to save the hedgehogs!

Cast our votes yesterday ... the only ones voting at the time.  Will be glad when the election is no longer the topic of conversation, though it definitely will be afterwards for a good while!

Still knitting my vest to keep fingers busy.

Better get dishes done that are staring at me. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Yep up early to go to the big garage sale.. At least I hope I have the right day. Will check again shortly.

No other plans for the weekend, except I will do some listing on TM.. free selling today, so perfect timing to relist the Rimu drawers and pay no fees if they sell.

Have a fab day... Ill report back later if I get any good bargains with the budget I have allowed myself lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's lovely and calm this morning Smile

Am glad your snails and plants arrived safely, OHH Smile I can't wait to see pics as well.

One of my sisters-in-law is coming for lunch today. MrK has finished making a rustic sign for one of her gardens and she is taking some of our old bricks. I also have some plants from the garden for her. The Furry One will be exhausted by the end of the day as she will bring her border collie cross and dalmation with her. They have loads of fun together and often the Furry One will just run under their tummies when they are racing around.

The resident blackbird and I are going to have words soon lol, he flicks the garden mulch onto the lawn as he searches or bugs. Can't complain too much as we love having him and his family(ies) over the summer. I belong to a FB rose group and the amount of people who instantly spray for aphids and the like makes me shake my head in disbelief. No aphids here thanks to the hard working birds. One of my climbers isn't doing so well. I suspect it should really be a shrub not a climber. The plan is to cut it back, dig it out and replant it in a better spot. I suggested to MrK we espalier another camellia in its place, but he just looked at me and said, you know you want another rose lol. He knows me too well. But I did offer!

Better get cracking and get done what I need/want to before my sister-in-law arrives.

Have fun at the garage sale, popeye Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morni g all
Raining and cool

Joined friends for dinner last night and had a very enjoyable time

Not sure what I will get up to today. Been watching you tube this morning about colouring fabric with crayola crayons could be a future fun project with GK

Time to get moving
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

Managed to go out and back without anything happening to the car.. Same coast road lol..

Got a lovely Hurricane lamp that is sitting on a metal stand, a wooden cat curled into a ball, A very old fashioned sippee cup with a spout, a pair of shoes and a Gordon Ramsay Book.. The book I will sell. It has some neat recipes in but I did get it to sell, its like new. Spent the grand sum of $5 for all of it. Then my stalker turned up so I was polite enough to say hello then I left. Thankfully I was heading out as she was heading in..

Was back home before 9am...

I did learn one thing.. I cannot do stairs very well now. Mainly cos I only have one here and only use that if Im going out the back for chives. But there was 4 out there.. Im better at coming down or maybe I just wanted to get away from the stalker faster than when I went in lol

And now its been lightly raining.

Time to do some relisting since its free selling today.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have a foggy start to the day, typical Waikato weather.

Sounds like the garage sale was a success, popeye Smile We were watching The Chase last evening and one of the questions was about Tilly Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay's daughter. By the sound of it, she has her own cooking show?

We had a lovely lunch with my sister-in-law and she took all her 'goodies' back home with her. The three dogs chased each other around and as we thought, we had one tuckered out jack Russell. Only a senior JR would think he could keep up with a young border collie cross and dalmation lol.

I'm not sure what we will be up to today. I would like to weed along the fenceline and divide the dahlias that grow against the garage. MrK is emptying the compost bin so it would be a good chance to nab a couple of wheelbarrow loads of compost too. We make awesome compost, if I do say so myself Tongue Mind you, pretty much everything except weeds, rose prunnings, meat and egg shells go into it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its raining and miserable... But Im sure the plants are loving it.

Im off to see MrP this morning. He had an accident with his phone and the bedpan or pull up , honestly its soo crazy it would only happen to him. So I will go see him today to laugh and console him. We will have to have them ring me, which wont be good. He has 24 hours a day I dont. Its not a power trip but I work it around when it suits me, since I still have a lot more to do than he does.
He knows I cannot afford another phone, which is why this is annoying me. He knows to be careful.

Anyway I figured Id see him today since I have to get a rubbish bag, then I can see the Girls tomorrow after my Drs appointment.

Rest home David and I are planning Dianne's Birthday. He will do the cake.. He is one day out from being Taurean and Im learning to cope with the fact that he is like me lol.. But Ill figure out something else to make for the day too. So any suggestions will be appreciated. We dont have reheating unless its in the microwave. I must say its the strangest one Ive ever used. But I have managed to make it work lol. He hasnt so far lol... We can tease each other, its fun. Like I made him cut the onion last week lol.

Have a fab day everyone

(08-10-2023, 07:12 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We have a foggy start to the day, typical Waikato weather.

Sounds like the garage sale was a success, popeye Smile  We were watching The Chase last evening and one of the questions was about Tilly Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay's daughter. By the sound of it, she has her own cooking show? 

We had a lovely lunch with my sister-in-law and she took all her 'goodies' back home with her.  The three dogs chased each other around and as we thought, we had one tuckered out jack Russell.  Only a senior JR would think he could keep up with a young border collie cross and  dalmation lol.

I'm not sure what we will be up to today.  I would like to weed along the fenceline and divide the dahlias that grow against the garage.  MrK is emptying the compost bin so it would be a good chance to nab a couple of wheelbarrow loads of compost too.  We make awesome compost, if I do say so myself Tongue  Mind you, pretty much everything except weeds, rose prunnings, meat and egg shells go into it.

Happy crafting Smile

I just watched a series of Gordon Ramsay Kiwimade and 3 of his kids helped.. Tilly is the best one tho. She is the female part of twins, with her Brother Jack. Im sure she will do well. so long as people dont judge or compare her to her Father.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Cloudy and dry

Was going to bake this morning but DD and DGD1 are coming for a visit.
I fancied making melting moments don't ask me why just whim which I guess will have to wait.

Sewed up cotton summer top for me yesterday yet to try it  on. 
Got cardi for DGD2 on the needles, finished the back last night.

So my morning is spoken for nit sure what I will do this afternoon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
We've seen that series before, popeye Smile It was a fun watch.

Dwarf dahlias all divided and I finally have enough to almost do the length of the garage. When I first planted them there was only three tubers Big Grin Big Grin Next time I divide them I should have enough to finish the length of the garage and to gift.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Sort of cloudy but there is some blue sky. Typical for it to fine up now that school is back.

MrP is very confused at the mo. While talking yesterday he was telling me he had some jobs to do when he gets home. I let it slide, then last night he asked if I knew when he was getting out of the place... Got a little annoyed when I said we dont have the gear for him to be able to live here.
Spoke to the nurse and he has been confused all day.. Not sure why. But it wasn't nasty and I didn't bite so that was good.

Im off to the Dr's this morning. I need more iron tablets and Ill ask the Dr to write to the Super clinic again. When I rang them last time they asked if I had been back to the Dr's about it. So perhaps seeing the Dr more often will help.

Then Ill go see the ladies. I think Bobbie might have tried calling yesterday. But it wasn't a number I knew. Ill ring MrP again tonight. Well I ring them and they ring me back.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile what a stunner of a day we have so far. Yesterday we had a massive thunder and lightening storm. The lightening was awesome, so many strikes. The Furry One though was terrified and it was a very long hour and half for him.

Hopefully today MrP won't be so confused, popeye. Sadly, confusion is more than likely part of his condition.

Today the plan is to cut the shrub that borer has attacked, out. It's dying so the sooner it is out and I've burned it, the better. And just a warning to those of us who work with and around roses. My sister-in-law needed minor surgery to remove a rose thorn from her finger. She's on some pretty heavy duty antibiotics too and needed a tetanus booster jab. Be careful when digging those thorns out of your fingers! I wear gloves but occasionally a thorn slips through.

Speaking of roses, my first rose is starting to bloom, two weeks earlier than usual Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I was wandering the garden yesterday and noticed the sun shining through the thorns on the new mutabilis growth, they were a deep red. I must pull some more nasturtium overgrowth today and empty one of the big pots for a neighbour who has decided she wants to grow beans. Every year she gets all enthusiastic about spring planting and starts off with a hiss and a roar, but the enthusiasm dies, the energy input stops and the complaints about poor results begin. And the two of us who are gardening obsessives quietly nod in sympathy.

Some of us are just not good at gardening. Be a strange world if we were all the same.
Heart mutabilis Heart a gorgeous, hardy, rose that takes all the knocks. lol OHH, as the saying goes, do the mahi, get the treats Tongue

My little chainsaw-pruner is just awesome. I had the shrub cut down before MrK could find his gloves and come to 'help' (more like try to supervise me lol) Big Grin It cuts nice and cleanly and being battery powered, stops if my finger slips off the trigger. Why on earth did I put up with loppers and a hand saw Tongue lol The loppers still have a place in the garden though.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I need one of those to do the annual hair cut - severe- on that mutabilis! She fights back! But you are right, she is a delight, as is the fuchsia that lives alongside her. I devastate both in mid winter, feed the bed, and by spring the regrowth is lush and gorgeous. And we have buds...

Just about finished rearranging this little flat to accommodate the aquarium in a better position, and isn't that just so 'accidently' perfect? Right alongside there is room for another tank...

Afternoon all
cloudy mild day here

Gym this morning followed by a stint at the Nest warehouse.
Popped into Petes emporium to get buttons for my jean style jacket and some extra wide quilt backing fabric has followed me home. White background with big primary colours spots I will use it to back the quilts that I make for charity.

Had lunch now need to deicide what's for dinner tonight then possibly a bit more stitching on zippered summer hoodie for DGD1, up to zipper insertion.

another aquarium OHH - LOL if you have the space and the where for all go for it Cool
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Finally Home, at 3-30 lol.

Turns out it wasn't my Drs appointment Day.. I thought it was odd I didn't get the reminder text. So pleased I rang.

But I left home at 9am, did my bloods and went to see MrP for a little while.. Back to wanting to come home. They know the signs now so he saw the dr after I left and he has yet another urine infection. Im so pleased they know the signs.

Went down to the Girls.. Colleen had a med change and it really made her sick. Diarrhea anger etc. they tried to change a med that was working well for her.. So she was so cross they got the mental Health Conrad in. But they had a meeting. They have stopped the new med and added it to her notes.. Bobbie nabbed me on my way out, which in a good way was Good cos rest Home David went to leave but brought Bella in to see me.. she is a farm dog crossed with a chocolate lab.. Was most excited but I managed to calm her down... I will always miss having dogs.

Bobbie swears MrP went in to see her.. Thats both of us having these odd sightings, mine was a dream, hers probably was too. But she gave me the tie she wanted to take up to him. So I've promised to give it to him on Wednesday. I also asked her straight up about her clothes, she says she likes wearing them, they are easy to wear...

Rest Home David still smelt of wine so he is drinking every day, which is sad.

Time to put my feet up for a while and do my cards..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think if I could afford it, I might drink wine every day. The trick is to do it in moderation, like everything.

I am not good at moderation though.
Not sure where the day went; I have a cold so not 100% but did manage to spread some mulch around the beans & tomatoes & did a bit more work on the little house paintings for the great grandkids xmas gifts.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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