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You can never have enough...
Popeye - these just came through on one of my crochet thingees and thought of you - aren’t the clothes gorgeous - they are knitted
Chriuis coming so quick - could be a sugar shortage - a lot of the crop around the world has been destroyed by storms - if our normal suppliers don’t let us down we should be OK but it might be a good idea to pop a bag of any special sugar you need for your Xmas baking in the pantry
Hunni your venture into aquariums sounds exciting
Have had another single refugee shift in next door - he came over today with his washing expecting me to do it - he sure had his wires crossed - told him he has a brand new washing machine and dryer and I would be happy to show him how to use it - another one with just an overnight bag is pushing to get to Auckland and then to Oz as soon as he can - he doesn’t realise how lucky he is having a really nice house to live in
The weather has been stunning - my lettuce have bolted might have to shift one pod for the summer to a cooler spot
So over this chronic fatigue- wasting so much time
morning ladies Smile It's so calm this morning, not a breath of wind.

Your garden sounds like it's growing like mad, OHH Smile Amazing what you can grow in pots. Friends of ours has a swimming pool and gives us the big containers the salt they use for it comes in. A good scrub and MrK lops the top off with his saw, drills a few holes for drainage and bingo, we have the perfect containers for the spuds Big Grin So far we have 10 spuds growing in pots.

Thanks for the heads up about the sugar, Jan. I'll buy a little extra next shopping day. MrK uses white sugar in his home brew and I use brown in baking. I'll need icing sugar as well for the shortbread. Are these refugees not told about washing machines and the like? I wonder just how many use NZ as a pathway to Aussie.

Housework for me today, the Furry One has been playing with his tug rope and it's starting to fall apart. There's little bits of rope scattered through the house. He's slowly getting used to the new vacum cleaner, hopefully not too used to it so he 'saves' me from it like he did with the tellus.

MrK has some tree branches he wants to cut up this morning. I could do it, but he wants to play with the pruner lol. And it would tidy up the pile I have by the incinerator.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Strong winds overnight overcast skies

Thanks for sugar heads up we don't use alt but I do make jam for Xmas pressies so will get some next shop.

DD borrowing our car today so it will be an at home day for us

No plans

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Greyish here.

Ohh Jan they are very cute.

Wow the refugees sound like they either weren't told or didn't listen, being men.

Housework for me, not much to do. And I have two days to myself pretty much.

I have to ring and get the shop to hold me a phone for MrP. I realised this will be his 3rd in less than 3 years. Thats more than me. I told him last night. he better be careful with it and watch where it is cos I cant buy anymore. Thank goodness for Winz, but Im the lucky one who gets to pay for it. He doesn't have his own payment card, and I dont take him shopping anyway.

Thanks for the heads-up about the sugar Jan. I just topped up my sugar container, but since Ill be near a warehouse on Tuesday Ill get some more. I want to make some strawberry jam this year. I use it in baking, but for me I only add sugar to my weetbix, nothing else.

I won two tickets to our local Little theatre last night. I only have one "single" friend, David from the rest home, but the them of the play might be wrong for him. And I dont know who to chose from my sister friends. Ill see what happens. I havent seen a "play" since I was at school lol

Have a fab day everyone

25 cents off at Gull today ladies. Only today and until they run out.

Ill be getting my gas for Tuesday yay
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The non gardening neighbour came home from Bunnings yesterday with one of those garden beds on legs, $35, and I am so jealous. I just might indulge in a couple, it would be nice not to have to bend. She tells me they need an aggregate bed under the potting mix, so I listened dutifully as she parroted the Bunnings salesman's instructions... thinking to myself, 'I know someone with a vegepod who could give me the gen...'
Horribly strong wind seems to have slowed down finally. Very hot here though.
Finally got boots finshed the other day not sure I like them - probably would have done better to make the flowers a bit smaller, but on the other hand I've learnt from doing them & may eventually try out the other idea I had while working on them.

Finally got printer organised thanks to sweetie darling's techo savvy & have printed 4 of the 5 little house paintings for the great grandkids xmas gifts, one still needs work which may take a while so its a good thing I started early.
Really need to get into garden but too hot today & it was still too wet yesteday for digging.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thought this might interest a certain bird stitcher...

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(14-10-2023, 05:19 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Thought this might interest a certain bird stitcher...

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That looks interesting, might pass that on to a friend in Welly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Hunni - the jury is out on using perlite or something like that in the pod -supposedly a layer in the bottom slows water draining through and if you mix with the soil it doesn’t dry out so quickly .But some people swear by it - others say it’s a waste of money - I used it because I got it from my friendly supermarket owner
The lady from the refugee centre popped in today - she said the single men are very entitled - the families are entirely different but unfortunately headquarters are using this house as temporary accomodation ,It’s a lovely family home with a garden kids who are living in a motel would love to live in .The owner is not going to renew the lease in February with Housing NZ
I think the idea with the gravel/aggregate base is to provide water storage to prevent overwatering and boggy soil, bit like me burying old sponges in my pots to provide a reservoir for hot weather, but I would be tempted to combine that quality with a hydroponic set up if I couldn't sort out a watering schedule. It might be that novice gardeners are latching onto these set ups and the advice is to offset that common first timers mistake. The more I learn about hydroponics the more intrigued I become, it is such an efficient way to grow food plants. Just as well I'm too old to get involved in that adventure!

As for the refugees, it might be a cultural thing. In some communities the men are spoilt silly by our standards, by their womenfolk, fed, watered, and housekept from birth as prized family livestock - she says rather rudely - being raised that way leaves them incompetent by our standards. It must be culture shock to arrive here and be expected to know how to run a home that isn't managed by women.

We have a lady here who has always had servants in her home country, her daughters emigrated here and when Mum was widowed they brought her over under family reunification arrangements. Only none of them actually want her in their homes so they arranged her social housing application accordingly. She has home help to clean, but that is task limited, so she does things like toss rubbish over the fence, or steals space in her neighbours recycling bins with inappropriate discards, and lies through her teeth when challenged.

And then there are other residents with mental health issues, or the completely anti social ones - or the very few like me'n him with gardening obsessions, lol - people are very weird creatures. Up close they get even stranger, just as well we have doors we can close to keep our own quirks safely tucked up inside!
morning ladies Smile The sun is out for now but we had some good rain overnight.

Thank you OHH for the link! I'm feeling inspired to keep going now. I love the textures used and the 'birds eye view'. I'll keep the link and go back to have a closer look after the rugby.

We didn't bother watching the election results. We just couldn't win with the coverage lol. Paddy Gower just makes us nuts and neither of us like John Campbell. We ended up watching an awesome documentary series on Netflix called Predators. We thought it was fitting under the current political climate Tongue

I'm off to hang the washing out before the All Black game. My heart is with the ABs but my head is saying Ireland. If the ABs can keep the discipline, NO red cards (that really pi**** me off, so stupid of them), and not have any penalties against them they may win. I hope I am wrong and they do win but when all said and done, it's just a game.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny so far. 

A new government ... let's see how they go especially with Winston a part of it ... in some way ... his speech was actually quite restrained! We enjoyed the commentary on TV1 as the results rolled in with fair comments from the panel. Good to see a lot of new, young women winning their electorates.

A slower day today after a busy one with family and friends yesterday and a late night. 

The birds were works of art OHH ... something to aspire to KM  Smile I'd love to be that clever  ... or patient.

Go All Blacks.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Grey here too.

Its just taken my tv 30 minutes to get the picture.. How Rude one of my fave building shows is on.. Sitting there swearing my head off, I cant afford anything else... But thankfully I do have a spare, its small tho. and I dont think the ariel lead will be long enough to move it closer. I cant read much of the writing on the huge tv. But Ill dig it out later and see what I can do. Since its only me, I dont suppose it matters if something is sitting in the middle usual walkway.

Unfortunately I upset MrP yesterday. Telling him about the phone and that he had to be bloody careful cos I cannot afford to get any more. By our night call he had settled down.. he has always thought that money grows on trees, and he should be able to have what he wants. So very entitled like the refugees. Sadly him having a phone makes my life easier. But this one is the last.

Im making a steamed pudding later. Im not sharing this one lol... I love it cold with milk for breakfast lol

Might attack the dust later.. Im still "getting to it" But if Im moving things around I might as well make it look better.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thank goodness it's half time, discipline was starting to wane in those last few minutes. Here's hoping the half time break has given them time to regroup.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Looks ok outside soo far.

Off to the Drs and MrP this morning. Should be home around lunchtime I hope.

Bit the bullet yesterday and parked my butt on the floor to Dust. My goodness it was thick, used wet wipes, which are brilliant.. But.. OMG without the padding on my butt it hurt lol.. But it does look soo much better. And I think its started my spring clean mode. I have yet to do the Tupperware so will do that this afternoon. I was worried about getting up, but did manage it..

I have been thinking about having a nice bubble bath, but getting up off a carpeted floor was hard enough. Ill give the bath a miss for now. lol

Wouldn't you know it the TV started straight away this morning lol.. Maybe the leads simply needed a shake up.

A good weekend for our Kiwi sports people.. Wins in the Rugby, Squash and Womens Crickets.. !!!!

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A slightly overcast start to the day so far.

'That' rugby game had me screaming at the telly lol and literally sitting on the edge of the sofa. It had to be the best game I have seen and just wish Dad was here with me to watch it. He would have loved it.

Yesterday I started pruning the shrub blocking our view of the main road when we pull out in the car. MrK decided he would 'help' and pretty much took over. He obviously wanted to use the new pruner. I have most of it chopped up into the bin (our compost bins are both full and MrK is starting to empty one) and the bigger branches have been cut up for our friend's brazier. Once the bins have been emptied, I can bin the rest. It makes a huge difference, not just to driving but also to the garden on the other side of the fence by letting more light in. Boy that pruner cuts well, nice clean cuts and quick. And while I was out on the main road, I spotted two hydrangeas I thought I had lost growing Big Grin That really made my day. I'll plant the others once I have the weeds under control.

Today I plan to move a rose that isn't doing very well as a climber. It's decided it wants to be a shrub Smile That's ok, there is a rose that wants to be a climber lol. And a quick weed along our little road and that will be the weeding for a bit.

Time to get cracking before it becomes too hot to work along the fenceline.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Fine day

KM your pruners sound like they are fun to use.

Had nice day out with my sewing group up the line. Also good as my buddy drove so I could relax.

Been to gym shower next then off to do stint at warehouse 

Need to wash some fabric I bought at Foxes Cottage on way home  yesterday cute cotton that I plan  to use  to make a  dress. 
Meeting this afternoon so full day here. 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I had an excellent day, and the weather was kind. I set up the new aquarium and planted it, and also put together a small dome terrarium with the red fittonias. Todays project is chasing down a ridiculous traveling parcel from TradeMe that started its journey from Christchurch on the 25th of last month, got to Auckland, disappeared for a week, reappeared under assessment, and is now back at Christchurch airport.

There has to be a story there somewhere! Worth a phone call I think, once the little phone has charged.
Good grief, OHH, you seem to have fun and games with NZ post!

What I thought would take an hour, took two.  Mind you, chatting to the neighbour probably added to the time spent lol.  It's getting really hot out there now.  I've left the rose in a bucket of water and worm wee in the shade for now.  I'll plant it early tomorrow morning when it's a bit cooler.  Hopefully it will be happier in its new home.

Kettles boiled, time or a cuppa.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I'm too scared to call Post about this one after they got cracking on the last one and solved the problem for me. They might think I'm jinxing my parcels lol. So I have emailed the seller, who should be getting the parcel delivered back to him today and requested either a refund or Sort It Out Please. I would prefer the goods, it was a multiple bargain.

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