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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Misty rain here and a bit of a breeze.

Another disrupted night about 4hrs total sleep as after midnight before fireworks stopped being in a valley we get reverberation  Sad we put k9 one in a cage for his own safety all covered up. At 3.30 he decided he wanted out of cage and started howling lovely we rode that out so here we are. I have been to gym finishing my breakfast and of course he is dead to the world asleep beside me. The things we do for our kids he only lives with us cause he blotted his copy book. That behaviour is no longer. 

Not sure what we will get up to today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The car passed it's WoF without needing new tyres. MrK was adamant we needed new tyres even though the tyre guy had checked them and said no, we don't. He had a real bee in his bonnet about it and wouldn't let it go. Luckily we have known our service guy many many years and MrK trusts his judgement.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(06-11-2023, 01:11 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: The car passed it's WoF without needing new tyres.  MrK was adamant we needed new tyres even though the tyre guy had checked them and said no, we don't.  He had a real bee in his bonnet about it and wouldn't let it go.  Luckily we have known our service guy many many years and MrK trusts his judgement.

I was sure I would need tyres too but happy that they passed. Thankfully I dont do alot of mileage.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
At my last WOF, in March, I had to replace all 4 tyres. They had plenty of tread, but were 8 years old and had badly cracked sidewalls.
I do have other cameras!
My sister-in-law had to replace her tyres for the same reason, Praktica Smile An expensive exercise!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Had a nice visit. MrP wasn't well, they were cleaning him up when I got there. Then he thought he would try anger, when that didn't work he settled down.

At the other home it was a emotional day. I took photos of the sheet of photos they put up of Old Peter. So I can show MrP. And Poor Colleen had been shoved about by another lady with dementia. She was taken away at 1am this morning, but Colleen was still quite shacky. So I was holding her hand, and then rest home David got emotional so I was holding his hand, and then Bobbie got upset seeing the photos of Old Peter. I was emotional when with MrP as it would be my sisters 67th birthday today.

But I've just spent a couple of hours talking to my friend in Taranaki and she always helps pick me up.

I took my stockings up and they loved them. Ill sew them up and will do the variegated wool one before I go back on Monday. They are keen to see how it turns out.

Its a Beautiful day and I'm going to have a crust for my tea with real butter lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining windy and nippy here this morning 

Finished another vest last night  not sure what next on the needles.

Happy camper here  got notification that our application  for rates rebate was approved  Big Grin along with a bonus $700 low income remission very nice surprise.

Going for road trip today  up the line  

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning everyone

A mixed bag out, not raining but I think it might.

A nice rebate for you Mica, it all helps.

My day off. Ill make another steamed pudding later, I love it for breakfast lol.

MrP was sick while I was talking to him last night. His obs were fine but they will no doubt get the dr in. 3 times yesterday.

My brothers birthday today, so Ill text him later. Id love to see him but they dont travel far these days either.

I think Ill start the variegated stocking today. Then Ill sew the three of them up.

I saw two of Trumps Sons quickly before. My god they are like him, not really to look at but they look so smug, full of themselves and I imagine they are self entitled too and think they are above the law as well. But at least their hair wasn't blowing all around lol.

When I got home yesterday there was a pair of ducks on the front lawn. They weren't scared of me or the car. We used to have a pair visit in the last house too. There is a creek not too far away so I guess they were out exploring.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had some awesome rain last evening and heard some distant thunder. Just what the new vegie plants need.

Great stuff re the discount, mica Smile Every bit helps!

The Furry One is having a pedicure today. His claws are long and the vet nurse is going to cut them for us. Usually he would wear them down with walking and running but lately he's been sleeping more and more. His claws have caught MrK a few times and because he's on warfarin, he bleeds. We have always touched and patted his feet so he's used to having his feet touched. I just worry I'll cut them too short.

My favourite pair of earrings broke this morning while I was changing them. They were a cheapie pair but I loved them.  

The mole on MrK's back is getting bigger, just as well his appointment with the doc is tomorrow.

Better get cracking and start the day. Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Did dreaded shopping & then even tackled a bit of weeding so feeling quite virtuous as well as knackered.
Madame Le Cat has had several forays out today & the latest one was most of the afternoon. Must have been enjoyable as she was late for dinner which she scoffed at a great rate when she eventually deigned to come in.

Madame Le Dog requires more dog biscuits, & as hers are rather expensive ($30 for 3 kg bag) I was pleased to discover that pak n save have them at almost $10 cheaper so may have to venture out & investigate that. I need to head over that way again anyway since I have to get another Lush shower gel for the next birthday - there's a cluster of them towards the end of the year. And then xmas - oh joy!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Overcast this morning but we are expecting a hot day.

The Furry One had his pedicure but we were doubting if we would make it to the vets. There was a massive thunderstorm early afternoon which left the Furry One shaking and very anxious. As the vet nurse took him, MrK said, no pink polish thank you! She just cracked up laughing and said she hadn't thought of using polish on dog's claws lol. The vet nurse has known the Furry One all of his life Heart

After two weeks of waiting, MrK's doc appointment is today. Hopefully she can remove the mole or we can make a time to have it done.

I'm hoping to have the lawn mown today, it must be spring as boy, it's growing fast. If I can keep it under control it doesn't take as long to mow and it's easier to compost the clippings.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's fresh out there this morning and we've had a few showers.

A quiet house here in more ways than one.  DIL and GD have returned home and sadly my nearly 16 yo feline never returned from a vet visit yesterday  Sad  His absence will take some getting used to. 

What a long wait KM ... I'm very glad our Dr appts only have a couple of days wait ... at present.  I have a mole removal myself today!

Tidy up and catch  up day. Maybe I'll get a chance to finish off the cardi which has taken a back seat lately.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Fine here.

I know what you mean about the lawns Kiwimade. My front needs doing already.

Sorry for your Loss Roma. Its a day I dread.

Off to visit the grumpy one today. I really hope he is in a better mood but I wont hold my breath.

Started a variegated stocking. I hate it lol. but Ill finish it. No doubt someone will like it. 25 rows to go. It will be slightly bigger than the glittery ones. And not as soft.

Feeling sinussy, the pollen must be building up. The cabbage trees are flowering so I suspect its them.

Good luck at the Drs Kiwimade. Cost me $120 to have a mole removed a few years ago.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Today I get to bring my shiny new hip home, and I cannot wait to collapse into my lovely bed and sleep for the forseeable. Funny thing about hospitals, how in recovery they wake you every two hours to see if you are still alive...

Now the real work starts.

(08-11-2023, 06:26 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning. 

It's fresh out there this morning and we've had a few showers.

A quiet house here in more ways than one.  DIL and GD have returned home and sadly my nearly 16 yo feline never returned from a vet visit yesterday  Sad  His absence will take some getting used to. 

What a long wait KM ... I'm very glad our Dr appts only have a couple of days wait ... at present.  I have a mole removal myself today!

Tidy up and catch  up day. Maybe I'll get a chance to finish off the cardi which has taken a back seat lately.

Enjoy the day all.
Oh Roma, that is so sad...
Morning all
Overcast here

Roma sorry for your loss you will miss her. She will forever be in your heart.  Heart

OHH fabulous. a new hip new adventures await you.

Hope the mole removals successfull for Mr K and Roma

Had nice day out yesterday came home to our elderly girl k9  acting very strangely confused luckily back to normal this morning.

Bought material yesterday so that will get washed and dried today.

DH off to k9 sit DD dog

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
What good news OHH ... a new hip for Christmas. You won't know yourself once you've recovered. Now it's Popeye's turn for a new knee.

Thanks for the best wishes. VERY quiet round here with the lack of yowling that was always in existence but becoming constant in recent times. It's always a whole new way of going about your day when a long-lived pet is no longer at your beck and call. I'm sure my dog is noticing his absence as well with a bit more to-ing and fro-ing (on her three legs) around the house ... she's staying close to me.
awww Roma, I am so sorry to hear about puss Heart But wow, 16, what an awesome age!

Wahooooo OHH lol... look out world.... OHH is raring to go lol. That's great news and the best Christmas pressie.

MrK needs a biopsy to be sure about the mole. Our doctor is mostly confident it isn't a melanoma but there is a bit of the mole's edge she isn't sure about. Better safe than sorry. She's very cautious which we love. It would seem MrK's carpel tunnel surgery isn't on the list at all, even after all the tests and the doctors saying it was urgent. Our doc has sorted that out too.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That;s hard Roma; I still miss the cats I had years ago even now.

Excellent news re the hip Hunni; don't try & overdo anything, just rest. You've the rest of your life in which to wear it out. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Ohh Hunni Im soooo Pleased for you.. Do what you are told but dont over do it.

Get someone to put a chair out so you can admire your garden beauties and enjoy the sun.

Im just simply sooo happy for you .

I spoke to the clinic again this morning. Got upset, damm.. but it was good timing, they are doing their next planning session tomorrow, and when I told the lady I was having my echo on Friday she said she will put a note on my name to say that it will be available.
Im afraid I was norty and asked them did I have to wait for it so long that it rots and kills me like what happened to Mum. Also said I didn't want to put back on the 50 plus kilos I've lost in preparation.

One of the ladies suggested I contact the ministry of health. Which I will do if I dont hear anything back in the next week.

Didnt go to see MrP. I woke up with a nasty sinus headache.. I can see Cabbage trees flowering so will blame them. Missy was in no rush to get up either, and is sticking close to me.

I will say one good thing about our fur babies is that these days its soo easy to have photos. Previous ones I dont think we tended to take as many photos cos of the prosessing costs.

Your Dr sounds like my last one Kiwimade. Safer to check anyway re the mole.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have been a bit surprised by how different this op has been to the last one (2006!!). The technology has changed considerably. I don't even have matching scars, this one is much smaller and the drugs are so much better too. The lady in the next bed has had a knee done, her second too, and she said it was much easier this time round. But we will see how it goes without a load of bossy nurses following me round.

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