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You can never have enough...
Today's Crip Disaster? The tv remote has fallen off the bedside, onto the wooden floor, and slid into the bowels of hell. My longest poky proddy fetch it tool is useless.

I hate my life. And today hasn't even fucking started, dammit!

I have to laugh...
Oh crap, OHH Tongue I'm glad I'm not the only one here who can swear like a trooper! The odd f-bomb certainly helps!

Mica, I meant to ask earlier, how's your husband doing? Hopefully his back is recovering.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morni g all lovely day today

Oh OHH I think  that your were quite constrained pity the remote didn't respond and move.

DH improving he can now move and stand to watch a bit of cricket yesterday for 30 min he can't sit.

So no division of labour so vacuuming, bathroom clean , laundry done and I have walked the k9s. I 5hink they enjoyed the walk as I take different routes cf to DH. Now cuppa and the will wipe the kitchen surfaces.

Hope to finish the rashie for DGD2 I think I will have to make her another Xmas dress as she has had a wee growth spurt .

DGS showed me his garden yesterday 2 containers  of spring onion seedlings his 2 herb gardens are taking off. His dad and him have prepared  where he is going to plant the 5 tomatoes plants my neighbour grew from see for him.

We have DGD1 this afternoon  while her dad is at cricket and her mum returns from overnight tramp with work colleagues  you know the team building stuff. It would have been   very cold in Tararua s last night.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Oh Hunni not good for you. I do drop the F bomb many when Im annoyed at myself.

Do you have anyone that could come and dig it out for you?

Not easy when doing all your own stuff to take on the extra Mica. Take care ok
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(18-11-2023, 07:36 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Today's Crip Disaster? The tv remote has fallen off the bedside, onto the wooden floor, and slid into the bowels of hell. My longest poky proddy fetch it tool is useless.

I hate my life. And today hasn't even fucking started, dammit!

I have to laugh...

My favourite for moments like that is 'Bloodysoddingbastardhell!' But I recently nicked one from youngest granddaughter which i quite like: "holyshitbiscuits!'
Rolleyes Angel

Perhaps a broom might reach the wretched remote? Or, you might try asking your cat - that kind intelligent & lovely creature, to retrieve it? Good luck... Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Bloody useless animal. Tried to tell me I don't need tv. Fortunately a friend is due later this afternoon and I will get her to sort out the disaster. She is very good at rescuing me from ridiculous situations.

She is also bringing cake.
Good afternoon from sunny Wellington ... very wet back home apparently. 

DH can join the Ailments Brigade. Bad back playing up while away ... not helped with the different bed and not keeping as mobile which is his best aid to reducing the pain. He's a non-complainer, the dear man. Nice to have a change of scene and be shown around the sights of Welly though.

Glad you have someone to retrieve the wretched remote later OHH.

Enjoy the day all.
All is restored. My angel even checked the wound and redressed it so I can shower and wash my hair. And dark chocolate profiterole...

Prescription mood enhancer that stuff!
So pleased all is well Hunni.

Ive sorted my pantry, done the pudding dishes and just taken that out.

Measured ingredients for the baking session tomorrow.

Talked to MrP and my sister friend in Taranaki.

Going to watch s show while I wait for my listings to finish. Pop up for some ground ginger. Cant make ginger crunch without it.... and I Suspect another box of Trumpets may pop into the basket. Two of my sister friends got two boxes each. The Aussie both Mint, Me it will be both Boysenberry, Taranaki Friend one mint one blackberry lol... I am the Mint hater lol.

Once Ive done that I will try and get hold of Bobbie , talk to MrP again and relax for the bake off on tv
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(18-11-2023, 12:50 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: All is restored. My angel even checked the wound and redressed it so I can shower and wash my hair. And dark chocolate profiterole...

Prescription mood enhancer that stuff!

Excellent news - you may need to guard the profiterole from cat though,  just in case. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  Another wet day.  The rain stopped for around half an hour before lunch yesterday and hasn't stopped since.  The Furry One has checked both the back and front doors just in case it has stopped on one side of the house lol.  He needs to go out but hates getting wet.

Thank goodness for great friends, OHH Smile  Assuming the profiterole survived the night, I'd also hide it  from the cat... you just never know Tongue

Yesterday I worked on the thrush and should complete the body today.  It's been a long time coming and maybe this rain is the hint I needed to get it done. 

We've been watching Life on our Planet on Netflix over the last few evenings and have really enjoyed it.  Mind you, Morgan Freeman narrating it made it even better. 

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Wet here

Yes need to protect yummybthingsnfrom cats, our abys were devils, sponge cake, fudge we couldn't leave anything on the bench so nice our current tabby is a good girl..

Our old girl k9 has gone blind and not coping very well  sad to see will see if her copi g skills improve. One of our older girls did this but she coped well and the other k9 used to wait for her and guide her outside very sweet.

Off up the line for sewing group today xmas lunch included 

Have fun day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wet here too which makes it easy to stay inside and bake.

I got to the supermarket last night and my phone rang. Two hours 18 Minutes later we finished. David from the rest home lol. We are both very alike, and its nice to talk to someone who understands the feelings that come along with placing a loved one into a rest home. As soon as we hung up I rang MrPs home and yes he was asleep.. oops. Ill be sucking up this morning when I call him.

I am glad it was on the way in tho or my second box of trumpets would have been running out of the box. I looked in the singles chiller and they were $3-70 Each..!!! So a box of four for $4-99 was a steel. I wonder what dairy's and garages charge for them.

Baking this morning, then Ill have to take the wheelie bin and rubbish down to the street. I will no doubt get drenched cos its impossible to push the wheelie bin hold a stick and an umbrella. I need to stick for the walk back lol.

We are making toasted sandwiches tomorrow and having marshmellow shortcake, ginger crunch and an Orange cake that David has made. We were talking about food and I told him how the Cook said she didn't know how to poach an egg. David said could we do that. I said Ohh yes we can, I could take my electric frying pan in. So that will happen before Christmas.

Hope DH is feeling better Mica. Crap backs are horrible.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
One garden weeded in between the raindrops.

How on earth could a cook not know how to poach eggs? I would have thought that was a basic requirement for being a cook.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Just as well I take pics of my work in front of a window.  I thought I had finished the body but the light behind it shows I haven't Smile   Am very happy with it so far and will tidy up the body before moving onto the tail and legs.

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Because they actually aren't cooks. No decent cook would work for that pay in the real world, I don't know what their qualifications actually are but it aint culinary! And the result is almost universal fear of ending up in a resthome because the food is so poor. Quality and quantity.

Bit of a sore point for me. I have watched too many women I loved go into those places as well fed women only to almost starve to death. And be helpless to do anything about it.

Which is why I think popeye is an absolute angel...

Personal rant over.

And speaking of breakfast, I wish someone would make me some, lol.
(19-11-2023, 09:02 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Just as well I take pics of my work in front of a window.  I thought I had finished the body but the light behind it shows I haven't Smile   Am very happy with it so far and will tidy up the body before moving onto the tail and legs.

That is absolutely stunning, KM. You're hugely talented - & also patient, so well done. Smile

Managed to take Madame Le Dog for our longer earlier weekend walk; had let Madame Le Cat out & she'd very obligingly come back in before we left. Not so sure she was best pleased when I left her shut in while we went for the walk but she seems to have forgiven me.

I hope.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It's a stop-start kind of day. A bit more weeding done which involved some digging. The ground is lovely and soft after all the rain, perfect for weeding and planting.

Thanks Lilith, more practice than talent lol and lots and lots and lots of swearing and unpicking Big Grin

Lunchtime. Friends gave us some fresh fish yesterday and MrK has turned it into a raw fish dish. So yum, I knew I bought the tin of coconut milk for a reason.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Rain, rain go away.

GD turned 1 today, good way to use up the morning opening and playing with presents. Of course, the wrapping paper provided the most fun, lol.

The thrush is coming along beautifully KM. Do you have a 'next' bird in mind?

I agree, Popeye you are an angel to those you look out for. 

That will be a big adjustment Mica, for you and your K9.

Stay warm and dry all.
She is stunning Kiwimade. Soo love all the birds you have done.. trying to think , have you done a Pukeko? or Kereru?

I know it totally floored us when told she didn't know how to do the eggs.. the thing being, they really dont cook. they mix pre-prepped stuff together and follow instructions. The cakes and puddings are soo fake they are tasteless.

Next tine they have the "WTF is that" pudding which is generally a piece of cake in a puddle of white stuff. The consistency of custard, but white And even David couldn't say what it tastes like. I will try it next time I see it.

And if it wasn't for families taking so much food into their people they sure would starve. Both Dianne and I have said we would love to cook, but not what they are supplied with. I bet you could walk into that kitchen and not even find a crockpot, or dishes to slow cook things in.

Yet it costs a fortune to reside there. We were taking about the lack of fruit. I said they could get 8 bunches of bobbie bananas and everyone could have one. Apparently David did see some fruit yesterday, 2 segments of orange and one slice of apple. Its just totally sad.

Baking done, and some frothy fudge, it didn't want to stop bubbling. But that's for me anyway. Im a clean as you cook so no dishes either.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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