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You can never have enough...
Nice to be home again and enjoy the sunshine after an extra day away due to the fog. 

Sorry to read about you old k9 Mica ... you will be noticing her absence ... these departed pets certainly leave a big hole.

I had a rose fix wandering through the Wellington Rose Garden  ... I thought of you KM seeing Westerland happily climbing up a support.

The cider and pears would be no problem KM, I add apple to my own chopped dried fruit mix and lemon juice. Anything goes!

Catch up day here. 

Enjoy the day all.
Yup I reckon it will be scrumptious Kiwimade. The texture will be slightly different but who wants to always have the same anyway. I dont use Brandy. I dont remember what I used in mine this year. I used to use some of MrP's bottles of juice.

Love all the roses. I didn't get a chance to go out and take photos of the ones that they have just planted where MrP is. He was in a right mood. Not grumpy too much to start with. But once I finally told him that coming home for Christmas is not an option he was annoyed. So I had to remind him I have no way of getting him in and out of the car, into the toilet or anything. And that it wasn't My fault that I couldn't. I reminded him , it was he who chose to stop walking or make any effort, and now its too late. He cried, real tears even. But I didn't.

And I dont feel bad. I knew the time was coming. And he will be over it in a few days.

Have done the back lawn, thank goodness. Now I have the full weekend to myself.. Yay
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thank you ladies Big Grin MrK suggested I use some of my whiskey... I think the look on my face said it all lol. My Christmas spirit does not extend to sharing my whiskey lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I used scotch one year. Big bowl full of mixed fruit, in the pantry, slopped the 'orrible stuff over it on a daily basis and shut the door. Except the level in the bowl kept going down.

I finally caught himself with dessert spoon first thing in the am, coming in from night shift and having a wee breakfast bite as he called it.

Only fair I guess. It was his grog. And it was the good stuff, lol.
morning ladies Smile Another fine day here I hope. Still have a few things to do in the garden like cutting the hedge around the standard roses.

lmaoo OHH, it must have been good stuff! I relented and put half a cup of whiskey into the mix and omg, it does smell good. There is nothing like to smell of ground cloves and mixed spice to give that Christmassy smell. Just as well we are having two Christmas Days here (thanks to my sister and then MrK's family) so there will be plenty of fruit mince pies for both days.

MrK has his punch biopsy today. And he thinks the drops are working for his eye as he has noticed a difference already when watching the telly.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Quite grey today. Has been warm tho. I had the fan on overnight. First time this Spring Summer.

Glad to hear the drops are Helping Kiwimade. Our eyesight is soo precious. We donated mums and got a lovely letter saying they had helped two men in their early 40's to see properly again. Oddly my older brother didn't want his kids to know. Ive never understood that. But they are different when it comes to health stuff.

A very small shop this morning. I always hate insurance week, but it co-insided with having to top my phone up. Good that I try and keep a good stock in the house tho.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast at moment hoping that it will burn off not  cold

Babies OHO Cool
Fingers crossed that MrK eyes continue to improve.

Went shopping for Xmas gift for DGD2 yesterday flying solo without DH found bath toy she doesn't like baths so I hope it might make it more fun. I have also sewn her a pretty dress and some shorts 

Walked past Millars where I don't usually shop at but they had pretty cotton white t shirts and while I was waiting spied swimsuit for $20 in fact most items were 20 dollars. Now I don't have an excuse not to go to pool with GKs

Popped over to the g,uten free cafe/shop in the afternoon and picked up some gf sponge fingers for DIL to use for her wonderful tiramasu that she makes every year for Xmas.
My morning at the warehouse will do food hunt on way home

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(23-11-2023, 06:17 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Quite grey today. Has been warm tho. I had the fan on overnight. First time this Spring Summer.

Glad to hear the drops are Helping Kiwimade. Our eyesight is soo precious. We donated mums and got a lovely letter saying they had helped two men in their early 40's to see properly again. Oddly my older brother didn't want his kids to know. Ive never understood that. But they are different when it comes to health stuff.

A very small shop this morning. I always hate insurance week, but it co-insided with having to top my phone up. Good that I try and keep a good stock in the house tho.

Have a fab day all

I donated my darlings corneas. Those and his pituitary, were all they could harvest, it being a holiday weekend. Never got a thank you though, lol.
(23-11-2023, 07:54 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(23-11-2023, 06:17 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Quite grey today. Has been warm tho. I had the fan on overnight. First time this Spring Summer.

Glad to hear the drops are Helping Kiwimade. Our eyesight is soo precious. We donated mums and got a lovely letter saying they had helped two men in their early 40's to see properly again. Oddly my older brother didn't want his kids to know. Ive never understood that. But they are different when it comes to health stuff.

A very small shop this morning. I always hate insurance week, but it co-insided with having to top my phone up. Good that I try and keep a good stock in the house tho.

Have a fab day all

I donated my darlings corneas. Those and his pituitary, were all they could harvest, it being a holiday weekend. Never got a thank you though, lol.

I thank you Hunni.. Its the ultimate form of recycling. I wish more would do it. They will get MrPs, and anything of mine they can use they are welcome to.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My sister-in-law was one of the nurses who would travel with the donated body bits and would pick them up and drop them off. She always saw it as a privilege to do so. Both MrK and I will be donors. Recyling right to the end!

We have a resident magpie with an injured leg. He's been hanging around for a few days and it looks like his whanau have tossed him out. He's pretty wobbly but seems to be finding food and can still fly. MrK and I have decided to leave nature to do her thing, regardless of the outcome. He won't let us near him anyway. And thankfully, the Furry One is leaving him alone for some reason.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yep someone's getting all my bits & pieces I haven't already worn out when I fall off the perch; its just the sensible thing - the ultimate recycling.

Not sure where the day went but almost out of afternoon already. Did a bit more gift wrapping, after the happy discovery that the stuffing for the cushion covers were already in inner covers, when I'd thought I'd have to stuff them & then get them into the outer covers so far quicker & easier than I'd feared - happily, even I couldn't stuff it up, but managed to stuff them! Smile

And managed to put a few cherries under net so will have a very few when they ripen; the birds get the top half of the tree & I get the bits I can reach & cover with old bits of net curtains.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Wild wind and expecting some heavy showers

All day meeting for me today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wet here, Im sure the ground and plants will enjoy it.

Off to see MrP this morning. He is in a hmm Stern Mood. I might bring his phone home and talk to a tech person I know and see if he can sort it out for us. I get everything I say back in my ear and that's when MrP is talking so I dont hear it. And MrP cant hear on the home's phone.

I need to make another pudding this afternoon. Giving MrP a couple of slices has shorted me one breakfast lol. Its not hard work so Ill have one made for breakfast.

I might finally get to go through the box of books over the weekend. The lawns are done I can have a nice relaxing time .

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had some good rain overnight Big Grin

Popeye, MrP's phone isn't on speaker is it?

I'm halfway through the housework and shortly will take our friend's granddaughter to work. She doesn't drive and has the late morning shift while my friend has the very early shift.

Today I am hoping to try again with hydrangeas along the main fenceline. Roma, two of your cuttings has taken Big Grin An achievement considering how bad the weeds grew around them. I have more cuttings that have rooted nicely and will plant them out either today or tomorrow as they are outgrowing their pots. I have also warned MrK I will be cutting the bux hedge and it will be a good, hard cut. He's not happy and reckons I'll kill the hedge (yayyyyy if I do lol) but I've pointed out to him the new regrowth on the hedge pieces I couldn't dig out so cut back hard against the soil.

The local rose show is on today and the plan is to go later on. Some chill out time to enjoy the local beauties and hopefully learn a few things along the way.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

We have sunshine, but there have been a few showers overnight. Very warm.   

Back into GC duty yesterday ... the 4 yo had a day off kindy which meant entertaining each other for the day. Not hard after the 5 busy GS's before her!

The 2 hydrangeas I have here don't do nearly as well as back in the Waikato. Google tells me they like rich, damp soil so I'm picking plenty of added compost which they won't be getting enough of here!

We are eating our potatoes  ... so nice having spuds straight from the ground. The mint is being put to good use. 

How strange all the bomb threats to random schools and hospitals including the rural college my kids attended being locked down. The day before DH and I watched GD in a quiet part of the airport while her mum took a call. We realized we were sitting in the middle of a training session for explosives dogs with suitcases hidden near by  Shy  Good entertainment for the 1 yo ... she loves dogs. 

Plenty of weeding to catch up with today.

Enjoy the day all.
I have a hydrangea cutting putting on leaves right now, that I cut from the stem of a cut flower head I fell for at the fruit shop. It was a pink and white frilly, and had a very long stalk, way too tempting, and I took three pieces off it, this single one survived. I am going to pot it on soon so with luck I might get a flower this season, but definitely next. As for them liking rich damp soil, I suspect the damp bit is more important than the rich, I have one white that has its feet in the poorest little bit of dirt out, but I keep it well supplied with water. And the odd handful of sheep poo. It does very well considering its poor treatment. I have one of its cuttings in a pot in its shade, and those white flowers are staying lime green, which is exactly what I had hoped for. Next project is to get a blue one, my adding the right metals to our pink ones hasn't changed a thing. I might have to buy another flower, lol...
Only the floor to do and that's the house done for a week.  I suspect changing the colour of the hydraengea is more to do with soil acidity. Mum tried to change colours by burying a piece of copper pipe next to it but that didn't work.  I love your plan though, OHH Tongue  I think another flower is in order Heart

Roma, I just heard on the radio more schools are closed today thanks to those threats.  There are some sick minded people out there, that's for sure.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
You're correct in thinking that hydrangea flower colour is pH related. This article explains the details, just be aware that rhododendrons, azaleas and vireyas prefer acid soils and detest liming so worth being mindful of that if you're planning on raising pH to promote pink hydrangeas.
And some hydrangeas are just the one colour. These new hybrids are a different beast, but oh, a hydrangea lover could really build a collection...
I Love Hydrangea's

Old nails help change the colour, I just cant remember which way.

Was ready to go visit MrP and the Home rang. They have covid there too. So they are locked down for now.

Was leaving to take his bag of goodies up to drop and the ambulance came in our street, and down the shared driveway. So I came back thinking it would be one of the couple next door. It was Pat going off so I told the Ambo lady that who ever is left can call on me.
I went over when I got back, they were still there and it was Pat. He's 99 I think. Maureen his wife, Ive seen to wave but never talk to. She is 101.. So we met, I made her a cup of tea and wrote my number down. her carer was coming, so I came home to ring MrP. her Daughter is visiting this afternoon and she said she would probably stay.

She asked was it me that gave them the shortbread last year. I said yes I hope it was ok. She said it was the best they had ever tasted. She is Irish. and I knew Pat was a cockney. So she has the classic Irish Womans name to be sure. And her birthday is two weeks after mine.

I watch their blinds to make sure they are up, but it gets tricky in the summer cos sometimes they dont raise them.

I had a neighbour years ago in Mangakino who was again someone I said hello to but we didn't stop and chat often. I noticed one day her Back door was open, so I knew she had been out for her paper, but the bedroom curtains weren't open. I went over and she had fallen in the kitchen, thankfully in front of the coal range. She went to hospital. and Lived 10 days..
Oddly the week before she asked me inside and showed me where her families Numbers were incase I ever needed them. The family came and thanked me for finding her. They all had time to say goodbye.

I see we have 2 deputy Prime ministers. I guess Winnie wasnt giving in lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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