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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Fine day

Glad the hedge haircut went well KM
Enjoy your me time Popeye.

We had a nice time with our friends yesterday .
Been to gym this morning  going to do vacuuming  before I hit the shower.
Hope to get my dress toille  completed today
My clicky finger clicked on Ribbon and Rose wool sale some red alpaca  is headed my way got sticker shock but DH convinced me to get it anyways he is such an enabler Cool

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
lol mica, MrK is an enabler too. I think it helps when he wants something Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Lovely day.

Have tackled the supermarket and unpacked the groceries ... the chore that never goes away!

Lol, another enabler GH here .... happy wife, happy life  Big Grin

GC day, with kindy GD to be picked up at lunchtime. Not a lot gets done on these days but have the rest of the week to myself.

Lol Mica, sometimes I can't help myself in sales but I didn't buy into the Black Friday sales, the true sales will start soon and even better after Christmas!

Make the most of your time off Popeye.

Have a good day all.
I have bought in the Black Friday sales before and saved $$$$ but this year I feel a lot of it a bit of a con. Briscoes were advertising a kettle in their Black Friday sale for $50. It's the same kettle I bought earlier this year for the same price!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Beautiful day in the bay - slowly coming out of my black hole - leg has healed - looks like one of those ugly face dolls we used to make with pantyhose - just as well I don’t wear short skirts - it has been an experience I don’t want to ever repeat - pity because the old girl at the motels felt comfortable asking me to get what she needed for the kids - the shop will keep on taking stuff to her and the pantry but they don’t have the time to go buy kids extras
My Doctors are closed again with Covid - if they can’t keep staff safe I am not going near for sure - the second vacc nearly finished me off so I need to be very careful .I asked the access worker who came to do my vacuuming to put a mask on I explained it was on instructions from my GP and why but she wasn’t pleased - have a feeling I won’t see her again
Made an absolute fool of myself - I hung some of those yellow sticky sheets in my outside garden and within hours they were covered in what I thought were aphids - called out to the adjoining neighbour to have a look - she burst out laughing it was blossom off my olive tree - subsequently I have caught lots of flying bugs but also a ladybird so they went in the rubbish
Popeye thank you for recommending World on Fire - both series are on demand - enjoying it - nice easy watch that doesn’t require too much attention .Only you know what’s right for you visiting Mr P - I realise you would not be allowed in while they have Covid - as long as you have no regrets - my husband passed way quicker than expected - I nearly bit his head off when he woke me for the last time about 1am to tell me he wanted my granddaughter down south to have my beater - we chatted for a while he put his ear phones in to listen to Neil Diamond and slipped away .
Just finished reading Exodus - with what is going on in Israel at the moment it certainly has given me much to think about - seeing those new born babies broke my heart stopped me feeling sorry for myself
I have water out for the blackbirds but they are eating the lemons that have fallen off the tree - never seen that before - they are the very sweet thick skinned old type
Pain and restricted mobility is depressing Jan, it is a normal part of the process. Nana naps are a great way round the dark hours, and laughter is such a boost. You gave me a grin over the olive blossoms, and I too am becoming addicted to youtube and tvnzplus. I measure each day by the achievements, today it's laundry lol. Normality is something to look forward too. I long to attack the creeping nasturtum invasion!

As for the motel people, you have gone above and beyond, time to let someone else do their bit while you get your leg back. Summer is coming, if these cold snaps would just move on the sun it would help us hobblealongs a great deal.

That and getting rid of this hideous gray vinyl orthopedic chair...
The way I see it Jan is we can all go at any time. Ill still ring MrP. I am pleased that they have shut us out, its for their and us safety.

I have just got home from the Other rest home. Had a lovely day, But without knowing it I was standing and talking to a lady with Covid. odd thing is she tested negative and was finally allowed out of her room. but by post lunchtime she got tested again for some reason and positive. our masks went back on and lunch was tucked in behind masks. so Fingers crossed.
Im actually taking her some wool on Wednesday cos she has knitted all she had. I periodically take some up there, but this will go to her to keep her occupied while locked in again. Although she is allowed outside to walk. She's short and round and trying to lose weight and Makes 6 laps around the home every day.

Rest Home David and I have offered our "Toad" an outing. He desperately wants to see home before it is sold. This is why he walked. So we said to ask his partner Gavin if he will take him home, but if Not we will get him into Davids Van and take him home for the last time. He needs to say goodbye, which we understand. I swear David and I were reading each others mind cos we pretty much said the same thing at the same time. It reminds me of my old gay friend. We never had to say complete sentences cos we knew what we were going to say. We talked about how hard it would be, but they have good memories to remember too. And he knows I call him a Toad with love.

I DID it.. I got Bobbies dress off her. She's been wearing it daily for 3 weeks. Its far too short. And I was right she was wearing it back to front. So I managed to get her changed. Im washing it. Ill put a wide piece of elastic on the waist. And see if I have something to add to the bottom.

And I put my Taurean foot down and Told David I am baking for his Partner Campbells birthday with the Gang, he can take care of the Family visit. He didnt argue lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Things dont sound as if they're much fun for you just now Jan & that's hardly surprising, but keep in mind that they will definitely improve & with luck by Xmas you'll be feeling much improved. I read Exodus some years ago & remember the parts about the Warsaw ghetto in particular, because of what's happening now, think I might still have it here somewhere.

Well done Popeye - & good luck with Bobbies dress!

I'm thinking of changing Madame Le Cat's name to That Bloody Cat!
Or possibly something worse.
I was standing at the bench doing something yesterday when she leapt up & landed on my shoulder; gave me a fright but no claws involved - just launched herself from the floor. She was apparently a gymnast in a past life & I'm starting to understand why her former humans moved. To the UK.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's cooler this morning, perfect for lawn mowing if I can get this hayfever under control. There is a crazy amount of privet around. So much so, you can see a light dusting of pollen on the red roses.

lol Lilith, That Bloody Cat (TBC) must be getting close to loosing one of it's nine lives by now. We had a cat that would jump from a sitting position to the top of the fridge. She loved it up there.

My sister is calling in today. She uses our mechanic for her WoF as she has found being a single woman, she was being ripped off by her mechanic. And we have known ours for over 30 years and trust him completely.

The Westlander bud is starting to open : D It's so vibrant I can see it from across the lawn. Can't wait to see it open completely. The clematis I planted three weeks ago has reached the top of the fence and is starting to spread across an old wooden gate just as I hoped it would.

My goodness that Winston Peters is a piece of work. I've never been a fan but I know lots are.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Dull grey here today.

I saw a headline from Winston Peters. Ill read it shortly. I think its going to be a rough 3 years for sure.

I like TBC lol.. they can be a nightmare sometimes.. Madam here is starting to get a bit stroppy and biting if I dont hurry up to give her her Puree Kiss as soon as my eyes are open in the morning. She has biscuits available, so if she's hungry its her fault.

Bobbies dress is nearly dry. So it should be ok by the time Im ready after breakfast etc.

I need to get some cellophane bags to wrap up the Goodies for the Gang. Need to start buying the ingredients for the trifles. I have the sponge and jelly so it wont be much I need.

I hope the Christmas Afternoon tea at MrPs home still goes ahead. Its on December the 10th. so hopefully the covid will be gone by then. Its also my fathers Birthday He would have been 90.

Have fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Rain for us today DH is out walking k9s before it starts raining

LOL Liltih my last aby would jump on command and loved wrapping herself around my neck. Occasionally  she would leap without warning. Miss my Abyssinians. Madam le cat sounds like she has character 

Finished dress toille yesterday fits but not keen on it it might have a stint in the magic wardrobe to see if it improves if not I will donate it.
My red baby alpaca yarn arrived 6.30am this morning k9s have a special courier bark. Also the crochet tension rings were delivered.  The merino possum yarn I am crocheting is hard on the finger. I purchased it last year at Woolyarns annual sale. It feels coarse  due to the dressing on it so it goes through the machines ok it washes up soft and fluffy.
So I will have a play with how t he ring works

No plans for today other than knit group night

Have fun day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile An overcast and chilly start to the day so far.

No plans as such but I do need to dead head the roses to encourage the next flush. All the rain we have had has made some of my Austin roses turn into balls of mush. It looks like my first Westerland rose is out Heart My goodness it's bright!

My sister has had a directive from her boss that she is no longer allowed to take the Fluffy One to work with her. Even though all the staff and her clients love her, they even say good morning to the Fluffy One before my sister. The Fluffy One can't cope with being at home on her own anymore and can't cope in a doggy daycare. If we lived closer, we would have her during the day but that is just not possible. We (including her staff lol) are having to think how the Fluffy One can be managed while she is at work. I suspect it may just be the end of the road for the Fluffy One Sad In saying that, she is 17 years old with cataracts, going deaf and has arthritis and has lived a very very good life. But not fair on either my sister or the Fluffy One. Especially as the Fluffy One has been going to work with my sister for around eight years now. We just can't see why it can't continue until the natural end of things, which we think won't be far away anyway.

It looks like we are hosting Christmas for MrK's family this year. It suits us as we won't have to travel. I guess the Christmas tree will be going up lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The sun is coming out and the day is going to be very warm later. 

That's a tough call for your sister KM and seems unfair, I wonder why the boss has suddenly made that decision after allowing her at work for so long.

A few things to do out and about today ... I have family staying over the weekend, so a tidy up in order as well. My sister will bring me some books to read ... she is a really good source!

Nothing on the needles yet but a family member is having her baby today so a baby garment is always enjoyable to knit. 

Time for some late breakfast.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Dull here, but not too hot yet.

Oh KM that sucks re the Fluffy one. Id want to know why as well. Especially after soo long.

Had an early call from rest Home David. His partner has covid. Which totally sucks. He I think and I must ask has either had strokes or I think possibly Motor Neurons' disease. So its not going to be easy for him to fight. And David knows he can talk to me about that sort of stuff cos MrP is nearing his end too. And yes it was his Birthday I was making the cakes for , on Monday so we will put that on hold until he is well again. If we get that option.

Im going up to the home this morning with wool for Dianne, a client. Shes on lockdown again. And Ill take Bobbies dress and let her chose what she would like on the bottom of it.

Then I plan on going to the oppy. My power rebate came in and its ages since I went to the oppy for a look.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining and wind

Disappointing about fluffy one being laid off from work KM hope your sis can work something out.

Very quiet day yesterday  did some repairs and alterations  on some merino clothing I bought home from nest warehouse last week.
Washed rayon fabric again and blasted in dryer so hopefully  and shrinkage has occurred  now planning on making Tessuti Milenda dress pattern.

Need  some new t shirts for me too will have to dive  into the stash.

Really like the crochet tension ring. Used it last night much easier  on my hands too.  Its quite pretty too

Better move enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Yes, it's a rough choice, that's for sure, mica.   Apparently someone else wanted to bring their dog.  So, the rules were changed.

I like the look of that crochet ring as well, mica.  I might buy one for our daughter for Christmas as she crochets more than me now.

My very first Westerland rose has opened this morning and I thought I would share.  It's stunning!  And I love love love the orange.  The black ties are there until she grows taller and can be supported by the wires.  I'll remove them then but in the meantime, I ignore the ugliness lol.   It's nice soft 'rope' so gentle on the new growth.


Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(29-11-2023, 08:54 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Yes, it's a rough choice, that's for sure, mica.   Apparently someone else wanted to bring their dog.  So, the rules were changed.

I like the look of that crochet ring as well, mica.  I might buy one for our daughter for Christmas as she crochets more than me now.

My very first Westerland rose has opened this morning and I thought I would share.  It's stunning!  And I love love love the orange.  The black ties are there until she grows taller and can be supported by the wires.  I'll remove them then but in the meantime, I ignore the ugliness lol.   It's nice soft 'rope' so gentle on the new growth.

Beautiful flower, love the colour
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(29-11-2023, 08:54 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: My very first Westerland rose has opened this morning and I thought I would share.  It's stunning!  And I love love love the orange.  The black ties are there until she grows taller and can be supported by the wires.  I'll remove them then but in the meantime, I ignore the ugliness lol.   It's nice soft 'rope' so gentle on the new growth.
It's a lovely rose.  Ours has several trusses in bloom now and the flowers look wonderful in a vase with deep red roses (Munstead Wood, Falstaff).   Westerland stems do tend to be fragile and last season we  lost several branches to the wind.

My newest rose is Auckland Metro, which is the palest ivory pink with a lovely lemony scent.  I'm hoping it lives up to its reputation for high health and vigour - so far it has given us two blooms, both perfect but on quite short stems.
oohhh Olive, I have Munstead Wood and it's a real stunner in spite of all the thorns. I read that NZ breeders are going to stop breeding Munstead Wood here in favour of more modern roses. I've heard good things about Auckland Metro Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I'm starting to wonder after reading some comments here about Abis, whther perhaps TBC may have some in her ancestry. She's extremely bossy & rather loud in giving her opinion; she smacked Madame le Dog in the face the other day, for getting in her way as she went through the door. Madame Le Dog was in shock for a while...

That's tough about the Fluffy one - it seems a bit mean especially if the employer knows Fluffy one doesn't cope well in doggy day care or alone at home.Perhps a friend who loves dogs might look after the Fluffy one during the day?

Gorgeous rose, lovely colour.

Supposed to rain later so got front lawn done, not a drop so far so hung a bit of washing out - any minute now no doubt.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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