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You can never have enough...
Madame Le Dog has had a go at it before but this is the first time she's managed to actually open the door - I'm hoping its just a fluke & she never manages it again.. I'm slightly worried though in case it isn't which raises the awful possibilty of TBC & Madame Le Dog teaming up at some future point - oh joy!

Had a rushing about morning picking up prescription from chemist after going to Dr yesterday ( new one, my Dr has now retired ) only to discover they'd left one lot of pills out so had to ring & arrange to pick it up Monday, too tired to go back again. Haven't really done much today apart from wrapping a few more xmas gifts but really tired so not doing much more today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We are Home.

I managed to stand for an hour at the chemist. Leaning against the window doing exercises on my knees lol. The goodie bags are wonderful. will take a photo later. Its all samples from travellers etc. and a very good shopping bag.

Picked up Bobbie. Took her to the Oppie. Only one of the dresses I put aside fitted, but we got 2 dresses (one Ill turn into a skirt), 2 pair of pants, a top and a light Cardy for $27.

Then we went to Pukekohe, got her 2 tee shirts in lavendar and blue, she loves those colours and socks. She wanted to get us presents so got me a dress and a polo shirt for MrP. Went to lunch, went to Pak n save. She was tired and wanted to stay in the car. I said Dont you Move.. you can only hop out if it bursts into flames. So it was a tired sprint around there. Went to KFC and got me some KFC for the next 2 days. Stopped and got her some paper and tape to wrap the presents.

The home wanted receipts and the change and Bobbie said blow them. So I wrote on the envelope with the receipts then promptly misplaced them. But I found them when I got home. She wants me to keep the change incase I see her lip balm on special or needs anything at the supermarket. Tough if they dont like that.

So I will be having a very quiet weekend, unless MrPs home has opened. I haven't heard anything yet

Lilith wrap the door handle in Tinfoil, they dont like it lol

Congrats to the Furry one. He's recovered from his cousins visit yesterday

I really wish they would make Deep heat smell nicer lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Grey day today in the Bay - just as well the cruise ships came Wednesday - there were 2 ships in a total of 9000 passengers no wonder there were non stop tourist buses and vintage cars full of tourists up and down the street .My new refugee neighbour must have wondered what sort of neighbourhood they have plonked him in especially when the liquor store two blocks over was ram raided and the police pursued the perpetrators down our street at 2am -
Couple of clever dogs - an escape artist and a master of self sufficiency
Received a letter from Winz threatening to cut my pension as I had undeclared income in 2019 -evidently the bank paid me $3.44 interest when I sold the house - the solicitor stuffed up and short paid the buyers $40000 which sat in my bank at the most 2 days earning $3.44 - I signed the form and returned it authorising they take the money out of my pension having a chuckle as I did it
Winz are doing some dumb stuff at the moment. Might be eagle eyes in fear of job cuts...
morning ladies from an overcast Waikato.

Olive, I just saw your post about your Austin roses. My Austins ball in the rain but I'm hanging in there with them. The pic you posted of your picked roses, was gorgeous. Aren't we lucky to be able to have fresh flowers in the house.

The Furry One didn't even ask for his dinner last evening lol, he was so full from the rabbit. He's even turned his nose up at his breakfast. But he is going to have to eat something as he needs his medication and it's buried in his food.

The new camelia has been planted and MrK trimmed the others. It should look good once fully established.

Today is going to be a chill out type of day. I might even work on the thrush.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Gloomy here again. It got quite warm in the end yesterday.

Slept like a tot last night lol. The pain is easing thank goodness.

I have to pop up to the supermarket, forgot deodorant lol. of all things and I used the last yesterday. Might take a wander up to the Junktion too (recycle Centre). Haven't been up for a while.

Ill make a pudding when I get home. I miss it. Weet-bix isn't cutting the mustard.

Your Furry one is doing well for an older Dog Kiwimade. And a Natural way of getting rid of vermin.

I will have to cast on another stocking at some stage. I didnt see anything I wanted to see on tv last night lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I've dug out the rat trap and it has been put in the shed under the water tank. Was out in the garden doing the 'rounds' with the Furry One and a rat shot out from under some of MrK's timber and into the shed. I knew one was around as we have found a few dead baby birds and some bird's eggs on the lawn obviously cracked open to be eaten. I think we're doing our bit for a vermin free NZ Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Bribht overcast  day

Hope you get the rat KM does the Furry one indicats their presence?

Late start for us couldnt  believe when I woke at 7.20  the k9 alarms were still  snoring  they usually get us up at 6am.
So we having a lazy day. Everything is tidy just  need to wash the wine glasses. 

 The BBQ leg of lamb was delicious and the plum pud cooked in slow cooker worked out great so success.

Might get to finish dress this afternoon.

Have good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Somewhere recently I came across a pav that had been cooked in a slow cooker. Must say I was intrigued...

I do like a good pav.
morning ladies Smile  It's going to rain, thank goodness.  That will save me putting the hose on the garden.

The Furry One 'tells' us when we have vermin, mica.  Especially when we have a mouse in the house.  It was sheer chance I spotted the rat at the same time he did.  Haven't caught it yet.

Last evening we went to see Bill Bailey, the British comedian, in Rotorua.  Omg he was so funny, we had tears running down our faces.  His political jabs were right on point, and it wasn't just our politicians he 'picked' on.  He had digs at the Brits, Americans and Russia.  Too funny, he had us all in tears.

Yesterday I spent some time on the thrush and hope to work on it again today.  Just tidying up the gaps and deepening the depth of colours at the moment.

I love a good pav as well, OHH and use Chelsea Winter's recipe.  It's straight forward and if you follow her instructions to the letter, you get a great pav.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very close to rain out there.

I like pav too Hunni. Crunchy on the outside, soft and marshmallowy on the inside. I have a recipe where you chuck it all in a bowl and let it beat for 10 minutes and bung it in the oven. I've heard of them being made in the crockpot but haven't tried one as yet.

Im making some egg and dairy free chocolate cakes today, for Campbells birthday tomorrow. Ill decorate it when I get it there. he is on soft food so we will mush some up for him. he understands what we say etc but cannot talk back. Such a shame, he's only 61. Will no doubt find something else to make, since the oven is on. Might see how the bones are once the pills have kicked in. Perhaps some extra Shortbread.

MrPs home text yesterday, the Ladies were out Christmas shopping for the patients and they asked my opinion on a shirt, they found, they havent seen him in Green. I said he used to wear a lot of green so they chose well. Its run by the Health department but they have a Womans Auxiliary group and they take care of spoiling the patients etc.

MrP is starting to get wound up about being locked in. And I fully understand that. Dropped a bag of goodies off for him yesterday.

I got two square Christmas themed plates yesterday from the Junktion, New prices were still on them $10 each, I paid $1 each. And they will fit the chocolate cakes on, so perfect timing.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all

Another pav lover here too good thing they are gluten free Cool

Looked up slow cooker pavs and I am tempted to try.

Slow start here  woke up with a raspy throat fingers crossed that symptoms  don't progress. 
Finished my dress it was too big needed to take 2 inch side seams ( total 8 inches) to get a semblance of good fit. It will be a cool addition to summer wardrobe.

Today will be a quiet one

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning - bit damp in the Bay supposedly for the next few days - not going to complain as I know I will be complaining soon about the drought heading our way over summer
The residents in our nearby community house for mentally challenged adults have Covid - their carers are having difficulty convincing them they can’t go up to the RSA as they normally do -this is one of the community houses Helen Clark established and with the help of the neighbourhood it has survived - its brilliant they normally have their freedom - we are within walking distance of town so they get all dressed up and head off to whatever is going on - even when the rugby World Cup was on they wandered off about 7am to watch it in a bar
My granddaughter arrived at a family birthday last weekend with air fried pavlova - it was lovely - crisp on the outside with a soft centre - I am going to try meringues- if they aren’t any good will make them into Eton mess
Just watched the Christmas episodes of Virgin River - the story line is very weak but it’s great to see our Martin Henderson doing so well - a sixth season has been announced which is a big deal on Netflix as so many series have been cancelled or put on hold
Had an email from some kiwi friends who for the last ten years have been grey nomads travelling around Oz in their camper van - they arrived at a campground where we had often stayed together right on a beautiful beach - normally it is packed so they were very surprised when they arrived at sunset and the camp was empty .As soon as they stopped they realised why - the camp was overrun with rats - because of climate change acres of wild grasses have seeded every year instead of every five years or so but this year there has been no rain so the rats have turned into cannibals - they high tailed it into town and booked into a Top 10
Better get cracking - have to go and check on my granddaughters dogs - they all left early on a hike so she has left her dogs at her parents home for 8 hours - they have access to inside and outside but she is worried they might be anxious! Lord help us all if she ever decides to have children
lol Jan @ Lord help us if they ever have children! If they ever o, they will learn very quickly like the rest of us did lol

We've also been watching Virgin River and agree, weak story line. But the scenery is stunning and as you say, it's great to see Martin Henderson do so well.

The thrush now has a tail Big Grin Still no legs so a little legless Tongue I need to find the right colour to stitch the branch before I can do the legs and claws as I always stitch the background first.

MrK was given a couple of ox kidneys from a homekill so he is busy cooking that. He can have it all to himself, it's not my thing. I like the flavour, just not the texture.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I do not care about the storyline, I just love the gentleness of that particular soap, heavens even the murders are done quietly and without blood and gore. And I love the houses, the quilts and the scenery.
Come real Summer I may reinstate Netflix for a month so I can catch up with the characters.

Raining here now, I had my long Sunday scrub down - shampooing is an exercise in patience when it is this long, and when I came out to the deck to comb the stuff out I spotted a hedgehog ambling across the reserve in the damp, nose down, obviously in search of a worm or two. Not often we see those out in daylight, but it looked healthy enough so maybe just taking advantage of the wet...
Tinfoil sounds a good idea - I'll keep that in mind if she manages it again, the little toad. She was exceptionally angelic this morning on our walk, even allowing a few friendly people who used sufficent compliments to pat her.
Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We're in for a humid, sticky day today.

lol, Lilith. Gotta love our dogs. I wonder where she learned the door opening trick. I blame the cat!

Today, I might dig a little convolvulus out and unwind it from the lilies. It's a really nasty weed. MrK needs a good, all purpose fertiliser for the pumpkins and courgettes. We ate our first courgette of the season the other day and have baby pumpkins on the vines. Last evening we watched Country Calendar and loved the wool 'pots' for new plants. A very clever idea for the unsaleable wool. And such a hard working young couple. I hope everything works out for them.

And I need to try and change our friend's hospital appointment for him, it could be a bit tricky being so close to Christmas. Can only ask.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Warm and wet here too.. Ideal for the grass of course.

I blame the cat as well lol.. Not saying Dogs are dumb, infact Id say the opposite. Watch the cat, then do the deed then accuse the cat lol

My lettuces are doing well. Strangely tho, one planter full is doing better than the others.. Which is actually good cos Ill be able to eat them spread out a little lol

I knitted while World on fore was on. Put it down with about 2 minutes of the show left and I think I missed it lol. I think a car drove away but not sure who was in it lol. But it leaves a lot of opportunity for another series.

Off to the home for Campbells Birthday. I do hope he can join us. he has Covid. But his Partner David will take in a little present I have and some cake if he cant come out.

MrP's home is reviewing things this morning. He's starting to get a bit ratty now. So Hopefully it wont be too much longer. Norty but I have enjoyed the break and tension free week.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
More rain
Glad that you have had a nice week looking after yourself Popeye.

Second day with sore throat so have pulled the covid tests to do once I finish my cuppa.
Will need to join  meeting this afternoon remotely.

Quiet day yesterday did a bit of crocheting, tried the compression glove I bought on Saturday and I think it will help my thumb pain when I knit. 
OHH how are your babies?

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Surprisingly still alive thank you Mica! The parents are not eating them, which is unusual for fish. They are mere specks still, but I can make out their shapes now so definitely growing. Against the black back panel it is easier because these fish have glowing neon blue eyes, so I look for the teeny lights in the water lol. I think there are about a dozen in there that I can count which usually means at least double that.

All three tanks, even the very new week old one are doing really well. Setting them up the natural tank style is obviously the way to stabilise them quickly, but I'll keep testing, just in case! More plants on my wishlist this week, red leafed ones this time... They are keeping me well occupied during this rehab period.

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