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You can never have enough...
Another dull day in the bay - cooling down rapidly with a slight drizzle - summer has been delayed
Fish are certainly interesting and very calming to watch but we never had any luck with them surviving inside - the kids grew up having regular fish burials
It’s 19 years today since Robie became a PaknSave -so much has happened good and bad over the years - 23 of his original staff are still there .
My babies - the blue glowing things...
An odd day

MrPs home still in lock down this morning. So I went up to the other one. All was fine until just before lunch and MrPs head Nurse rang to say his organs are struggling again. And that he is swelling up.. They cant do anything more medically so its only time.. but Goodnews they were now Covid free in their room and I could go and see him.

So after a wee panic and hugs I pulled myself together and we carried on. RH David walked in, took one look at me and hugged me and said what's wrong. Guess I still look like a frog when I've been crying lol. But we went ahead and had a nice lunch, once they sorted out Irenes lunch. Then had chocolate cake with icing and another with whipped cream and strawberries.
Then Young Peters Partner arrived.. Us gals aren't silly tho, we figured something was Up cos Peter had the shirt he got for His Birthday on. Gavin is different to how I expected him to be. But He joined in. And Peter asked us to pause for a second, so that he could thank me properly for the cake. he speaks very quietly and I struggle to hear him. But it was lovely.
We went around to Campbells Room window to sing him Happy birthday and I could see that he had some cake and cream. Cant wait for him to get over the Covid.

We have decided to do Christmas on Dec 18th. Asked David to bring the Bubbles, alcohol free, and Dianne is going to give me some money to help with the cost of the baking I have done. I said to her to tell her Hubby he has to come in for shortbread, which he loves lol.

Stopped in to see MrP, he is huge up to just under his chest. Its bubbled out. To the point I am not sure the shirt Bobbie got him will fit. He was a little grumpy but came around once the head nurse came in and told him what was happening, the Dr had told him but he didn't fully understand. I still think it will be Christmas Day when it happens.

And to top it off My cousin rang too while I was there. She's making phone calls rather than sending Cards. She has cancer and its only time. She is going to do the paper work to be able to be assisted in dying. There's a lot of red tape. And it takes 6 months in Aussie. She is leaving her body to science too which is awesome.

So needless to say.. I'm weary with a headache and sore. But I've opted to take a morphine tablet later, now that I've finally eaten.

I have to ring Bobbie cos she got really upset too.

but first Im going to have a few games of cards
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Those tiny things, light blue? They'll no doubt grow Hunni & won't there be too many, or do they not grow very big?

I suspect you're right Popeye, & if the cat & dog team up, then I'm doomed! Might have to give them the push & get a nice tame dragon instead..Smile

Rushing to finish the final painting for great grandson, I mucked it up when the damn thing froze & I hadn't done a save. That'll teach me!

Which I definitely recall saying the last time it happened & I had to do the same work all over again...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yup, they'll grow and have to be rehomed. Fortunately free fish find homes rather easily, lol!
morning ladies Smile Another wet day by the looks of it.

I'm sorry to hear about MrP, popeye. I hope for his sake it all happens quickly. Take care of yourself. Great you can visit now though. The party sounds lovely in spite of everything happening around you.

I have this vision of little blue dots darting around the fishbowl, OHH. Like living, moving Christmas lights Heart

We had thunder yesterday and usually the Furry One is a blithering mess but omg, nothing! Not a shake or whine. We couldn't believe it and now wonder if he is going deaf.

This Christmas our son is coming home for a few days which will be awesome. He has plans with MrK to change the oil on his motorbike and do a general maintenance check. They like doing that sort of thing together. There has been a change of plans for Christmas and one of my sisters-in-law will be hosting it as our daughter and the grandkids won't be here as it's the other grandparents turn this year, and they will be with us next Christmas. So, a quietish day I think unless there are any family arguments. Tongue

Time to get cracking if I'm to avoid any protesters on the expressway on the way to Hamilton.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Damp here again.. Oddly MrP said yesterday there was some thunder, I never heard a thing lol.

I agree, the faster it happens for him the better. He looks like he has a swimming ring under his shirt its that big around his tummy. It wasn't there last time I saw him. so its happening fairly fast.

Hope your trip goes well Kiwimade. Maybe the weather will stop a few from going out.

Im going to look at Bobbies dress later. Its soo bright and cheerful. It has a built in lining that Ill try and save to stay as a petticoat.

I might get some decorations out for the coffee table. But Ill see what my knee is doing. I'm always bad on a Tuesday, too much sitting lol

I have to ring Bobbie today, I was meant to ring last night but flaked out in the chair. These 6am Starts that Madame is keeping me too are certainly wearing me out by the end of the day lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Overcast and there has been some rain. 

Busy weekend with family and yesterday with the GC to look after. Last night another "tummy bug" session with the K9 so off to the vet today.  Feeling bleary eyed!

Mr P is in the best place Popeye, make sure to look after yourself. 

Lol, I agree KM with the moving, blue Xmas lights.  They sound rather cute OHH.

Nothing planned, I do need groceries at some stage. 

Have a good day all.
Morning all
Dull overcast day

Sorry about MrP Popeye .
OHH your tank looks cool love the mobile xmas blue lights Big Grin

Not up to much been running below par, having a quiet day today it includes a  cream donut at gluten free cafe I am sure that it will be a great pick me up.
Need to vacuum  and clean my sewi g machines before  I start any more projects 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I can't get over how bright those tiny creatures are. Nature sure is full of miracles along with the challenges she brings us.

I will keep you in my thoughts popeye, it is a very stressful time, and not made easier by the season.
Popeye, I hope it goes as quickly & painlessly as is possible for Mr P & take it easy on yourself, don't try to do too much - just enough to keep yourself busy, but not to the point where you're exhausted.

Those little blues will surely find new homes easily then Hunni.
Have done the dreaded groceries & once Madame Le Dog has had her walk, I'll tackle the final painting, I really want it fniished this week if possible but need to go out later in the week so we'll see.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thanks everyone

He was quite chirpy this morning. I admit to it being easier to talk on the phone. But Ill be there tomorrow.

I've been deconstructing Bobbies Dress. Its home made but been made very well. it had pleats across the front. And a side zip. The band that was in the dress I will cut in half lengthwise, attach some of the petticoat fabric to make a new waistband with elastic. And the pockets will stay.

Im an Offender at large. lol. Managed to bring one od the homes dessert spoons home in my forks lol.. I will take it back on Friday. I Talked to Bobbie she didn't sleep well either. But Is better for knowing what was happening. And I told her Id take her dress back on Friday.

When did they start playing this stupid sound during the cricket? Sort of a drone. It just about drove me potty on Sunday and its going to make it a long game today.

Love the wee fish Hunni. Our X grandies have several tanks of fish. I cant be bothered with the cleaning lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I set the tanks up so they need no cleaning popeye, because I'm lazy, lol. The plants do it all for me... Just the occasional wipe down of the glass is all I do!
(05-12-2023, 02:07 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I set the tanks up so they need no cleaning popeye, because I'm lazy, lol. The plants do it all for me... Just the occasional wipe down of the glass is all I do!

Thats Handy lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another wet day, I wonder when summer will appear.

Why not be 'lazy' OHH when nature does a perfectly fine job for you Tongue

The results of MrK's punch biopsy came back yesterday and it's a melanoma. He has an appointment with our doctor straight after Christmas. If there is a waiting list (and I suspect there will be) we'll pay for it to be removed. But we'll talk to the doctor about it first. I am so pleased he had it checked, I knew it looked a little odd and different. And being in the middle of his shoulder blades, he couldn't see it.

The protestors in Hamilton were well behaved, standing on corners waving and so on. I was one of many who tooted to them wishing them well. I think David Seymour is wrong when he says they don't know what democracy is. This was democracy in action, in its simplest form. We are so lucky to live in a country where we can do this.

While in Hamilton I called into Waikato Hospital and changed our friend's appointment time. There was no response from my answer phone message so direct action was needed!

Today I need to pick up all the dead cabbage tree leaves as they don't rot down as well as other leaves and get tangled in the mower blade. They do make good fire starters though so they will be bundled them up and given to our friend who will use them next winter. And the lavatera is enormous. We have never had one grow this big before. MrK suggested I give it a 'light prune' Tongue Any excuse to use one of my new garden toys lol.

If the weather really turns to custard, I can work on the thrush a bit more Big Grin I am almost at the finish line.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is out on one day and the grey clouds out the back. Was a cooler night tho, I added another layer just after 4am.

They could be quite quick Kiwimade. Im glad you noticed it and got onto it quickly.

I was pleased that yesterdays protests went so well. I've often thought a cool calm manner will get the point across much better than a lot of attitude. I couldn't understand their signs tho.

Yukka leaves do the same Kiwimade. annoying things. At the last house there was a nasty cabbage tree in the council garden next to our place. The lawn man spent ages picking them up before he could mow. I took bag fulls to the council, after many complaints. And accidents.
The Tree started dying, not sure if it was natural or perhaps someone helped it. something Ill never know but we didn't miss the tree, just the Tui's that loved it.

Got the date for the house inspection. The 14th. I dont have to do much cos Ive been keeping it tidy. Normal housework before hand will keep it fine

Off to see MrP this morning. Then Ill come home, put a pudding on and sew Bobbies skirt.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast day

Well someone put the wrong date in for the donut run it wasn't  yesterday but today.  Donut will be enjoyed all the more for the wait

Looking after DGD1 picking her up from daycare. DSIL receives his doctorate at today's graduation ceremony  Cool

Nothing planned for today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Congratulations on your SIL's doctorate, that's an awful lot of work to celebrate.

Cabbage tree leaves picked up and some convolvulus weeded. It was also a good morning to spread some general fertiliser around the roses and other shrubs.

The sun is coming out, I might be able to hang the washing out.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Donut yummy Big Grin and a great catch up with friend.

Seeking advise from rose experts here.  we have friends who will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks.
I am considering buying the Golden Wedding rose as a present. My friend is an avid gardener. Opinions? Also who are good sources  so far I have found the rose at South Pacific Roses and  Wairere Nursery on my first dive on Google. I must say I do like the photos of the bloom.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have dealt with both South Pacific Roses and Wairere and they are both good to deal with. Wairere is my favourite of the two as it is near us, in Gordonton and I can do the pick up. Tasman Bay may also stock it. Golden Wedding is a great 'doer' and has lovely yellow flowers with dark green leaves. What a lovely idea for a gift and as a gardener, I know it would be appreciated. Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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