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You can never have enough...
Watering last night was a challenge. All three gardeners doing their thing on their patches with the one hose reel and different taps. Still need to sort out one set of connectors, seems every tap is different, but we'll get there in the end. That reel cart does mean tidier hoses if nothing else, but oh village politics can be complicated over the tiniest of things.

Makes me grateful to be an introvert and not dependent on being sociable, lol.
Lawn is mowed, the garden along the roadside weeded and I've sprayed very carefully around the new hydrangeas out on the main road. OMG roma, the pink one you gave me is the most gorgeous deep pink, thank you so much. It's far too hot and sticky to be out there now.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Woohooo The Hospital just rang.

Oddly I had a feeling this morning. Pre op check Feb 9th..... Bring it on
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Excellent! 2024 is your year!
(28-12-2023, 11:41 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Excellent! 2024 is your year!

Thanks Hunni... Oddly I said to MrP this morning I needed to restock Missys food. Cos I used it over the last month to keep it fresh. 

So that was on the agenda for tomorrow.

Only one other thing could make me happy and then my life will change. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Have you had this kind of op before popeye?
(28-12-2023, 12:51 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Have you had this kind of op before popeye?

No not at all Hunni.. Never even broken a bone.

Had open heart surgery, gall bladder, hernia repair and abdominoplasty, a gullet from the throat, tonsils and ganglion removal. 

So the only Bone part was the sternum being cut through. 

I have used my time wisely I think,  in trying to strengthen the muscles, cos Man I discovered I had thighs and hamstrings not being able to push myself on and off seats and the toilet when I had my heart done lol

So I am open to Any suggestions anyone has..

One thing I have Learned tho is, Do what they tell you to do.. Cos they know best..

My friends father thought he knew best when he had his hip done and never walked properly again. Stubborn git he was lol

Ohh amazing what you can find when you look. This is my Orthopedic Dr.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
awesome news, popeye Smile My sister has to do those exercises to strengthen her leg muscles too.

There has been a nasty accident around Te Poi and the Kaimai Range road is closed. We had at least half a dozen police cars screaming by our home and when in town, there were more heading out to the accident. The detours will be huge.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yup, do as you're told is the best advice I can tell you, that and be well prepared for managing at home. That and just go with the restrictions post surgery brings. It is not easy, the knee surgery. Rehab is challenging. Hip is much easier so take all the help you can get. And the good drugs lol...

But attitude is the biggest thing, and your's is right up there.

But oh, being able to sleep through the night is so wonderful!
I had a semi knee joint implant done 15 years ago and it's still holding its own which is great going according to my orthopaedic nurse sister.

They'll have you up and about with 12 hours of surgery to make sure the area stays flexible. Plenty of pain meds and I had mine done with an epidural so didn't have the GA after effects to deal with. Push button morphine did the trick except for when the night nurse forgot to check and rouse me every 2 hours so got behind on the morphine and woke with pretty full on pain. Second night was Oxycontin which I refuse to take ever again. Put me in a real dark place mentally. I tolerate opiates well but they obviously got the recipe wrong on the synthetic version.

Out of hospital at week's end. Southern Cross as ACC were paying. Slept downstairs for a week or two (can't recall exactly) as not brave enough to navigate stairs with winders mid way. Daily walk to the mail box (~300m) got easier and easier with physio to keep me on the right track. Back to a desk job (surveyor) in about 2 1/2 months and game to ride my motorcycle to work by month 3.

Expect swelling, possibly fluid build up in the foot on that side (due to lymphatic disruption) and probably a permanent numb area below your knee cap. My surgeon warned me about the nerve severing than is pretty much unavoidable, and my foot still swells more than the other with hot weather and inactivity.

My other knee is in bad shape again after PRP (stem cell) treatment 6 years back and hoping my ortho guy okays another PRP round in the next few months as I don't really want to get it done surgically, especially as ACC have refused to front up on this one.
Yes, ops like these usually involve permanent nerve damage and a change to lymphatic drainage. I have one leg seriously altered and am quite used to having to raise it to get the swelling down to a reasonable level. And buying shoes one size up to accommodate, lol. Boots in winter make me almost a matching set, which is one reason I love them.

I am very sensitive to opiates, especially morphine and have always avoided Tramadol after a really nasty experience with it. But the clever buggers have made a slow release form which I found utterly fantastic for post op pain relief with no side effects whatsoever. I stopped it at ten days post op and really noticed a difference lol, but fortunately was well into recovery by then. I think it was called Tramal, but ask your anaesthetic team, it might suit you.
Reading all the experiences of surgery & pain relief makes me extremely glad not to have had anything similar. One semi erious illness years ago & a tubal ligation even longer ago are all I've had to deal with.
I suspect its possibly due to having had everything that was going back when I was a kid; I was very popular whenever I had something like measles because parents would bring their kids to play, hoping they'd get it & they could get it over - much frowned upon these days though.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good morning. Steady rain so it's looking like an inside day after being able to get outside each day. Miss 1 yo is ensuring we have early starts to the day!

Yesterday was nice and relaxed, good food and  with all our family together plus one.  It was such a relief to be at 21degrees and not 27 like the previous few days. Nice to be able to eat outside under the shade.

I'll have to look for the pink hydrangea KM when we go past on the 8th for GH back appt. I have 2 pink ones and I'm happy to see our back neighbour's has grown tall over the fence and it's blue, right behind one of mine!

Great news Popeye ... fingers crossed you have that new knee in no time. 

Better get breakfast done and dusted. 

Enjoy the day all.
morning ladies Smile More rain! At least the humidity has gone.

SH29 reopened around 7.00pm last evening, some travelers had to do an extra 100 kilometers to get to their destination. Sadly, it was a fatal accident.

The only surgery I've had is a ligament replacement on my ankle and was in a cast for 12 weeks and that was done privately through ACC. I think MrK makes up for both of us though Tongue

We've figured out why MrK has been feeling so blahh over the past few months, it was his sleeping tablets. He stopped taking them and bingo, a happy MrK again. Our doctor is delighted. She said if he was sleeping ok without them she would take them off his list of medications. She also was amazed he just stopped with no side effects. And added it's always a tricky thing when older people take sleeping tablets. If they become addicted, then they are often just left to keep taking them. She's really happy MrK won't be taking them as she said if he is half asleep going to the loo in the middle of the night, he is more likely to fall and break a hip and then we have real problems.

I'm tempted to weed in the rain, the convolvulus has gone nuts with this rain and humidity and is strangling the salvias and other taller plants.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning

Wet here. not overly hot. So far.

Thanks for all the info. I learnt with the heart stuff that I really wasn't prepared. So made a point of it this time. Apparently knee surgery is near the top of the list for the recovery. I know My sister in law who had hers done earlier in the year really suffered. She didnt do any exercises to strengthen her muscles. And No prep when it came to the house either.
I will swap out the stuff in the fridge freezer, for the frozen meals I made. I have Missy's baby sitter organized and I know I have at least 3 people that will help with transport if needed. I will make sure I book for the Lab [people to come here for my INR tests.

Yesterday was probably one of my worst days pain wise. It was nasty. So I took a morphine shot at 6pm.. But then realised I wanted to see the second part of the Programme about Freddie Mercury. I managed to stay awake and was then too awake so took a sleeping pill. But Ive slept well and the pain is back to its normal level.

Tramadol gives me Nasty dreams. And morphine shots make me throw up. So I think we will stay with what Im on now. I have my walker, which I must put my name on and take MrPs off. As much as I have hated the wait, at least Ive had plenty of time to be prepared.

Bloods then MrP this morning. Ohh and the supermarket. Then Ill try to get hold of Maureen again.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning  all
Raining and windy

Woohoo Popeye 2024 going to be your year  good to forward plan too

Had nice day yesterday  BBQ picnic in local park for DGS birthday. Love that a lot of local parks have BBQ to use.

Food hunt this morning, pick up k9 meds and take down Xmas decorations

K9s might get a walk if the rain lets up

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I had to travel a bit yesterday to find an open Labtests and the tech was a Russian woman with a very definite personality and a mass of fake blonde hair. The needle hurt which is unusual for these tests and this morning I have this weird looking purple nipple, lol, in my elbow. Can't wait for life to return to normal non festive holiday mode, my usual local Labtest tech is superb with sharp things!

A silver day here so I won't be going far, but maybe a library run tomorrow, if the weather improves. I am in one of those Bad Book ruts we readers seem to fall into every now and then. Just grateful for tv streaming!
Housework done, Christmas tree down (always take it down for our daughter's birthday) and some pretty carnations have replaced some weeds. It's the perfect day for weeding, the ground is lovely and soft from the rain. My sister-in-law had some gorgeous yellow petunias called the Bees Knees, a real vibrant and cheerful yellow. I might copy her lol and buy some for the last of the empty pots.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I woke to rain on the roof at 6.30 which I hadn’t heard for a while - didn’t last long but supposedly will be back this evening - temp forecast 29 so it’s going to be unpleasant
I agree Kiwimade about the sleeping pills - when Mum went into the rest home it was protocol to give them sleeping pills - she had always been a night owl needing very little sleep so when the pills started to stupify her all hell broke loose -
Popeye good news re your op - just as well you are prepared - I have never felt so useless as I did with my recent leg injury - home support was hard to work with - my shower lady came to put the protection over my bandage at 11.30 so I could shower - then the one allocated to give me my tea and put me to bed came at 3.30 - suffice to say I became very needy and the family stepped up - the hardest thing to get used to was how weak my leg became no way could I swing it up into my bed .I took the tramadol for the first few days then stopped - when I read all the side effects frightened the living daylights out of me - but I am ridiculously averse to popping pills
Made some apricot jam yesterday - it’s lovely - wish I had more apricots
Family on holiday in Stewart Island have Covid - they are renting a chalet in the bush so luckily are still able to go hiking - which is what they intended to do - thank goodness they are not staying in a hotel or motel - they said there was a man coughing on the small plane that flew them from Invercargill so he is getting the blame
My groceries just arrived - pleasantly surprised to see a smoked chicken breast - haven’t had one for ages
I will say it again - slow releasle Tramadol is different. This cheap drunk had NO unpleasant side effects from it, which surprised the hell out of me.

One of the things about being aged is pain can cause changes to blood pressure that contribute to things like falls, so it is important to respond to pain in sensible ways. And putting up with it is not necessarily a good thing. Talk to your doctors and take their advice. We heal faster if we can sleep better, and be more comfortable.

Lecture over.

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