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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Happy New Year!

I didn't hear any fireworks last night but MrK said the family down the main road a bit were letting some off. The Furry One must be going deaf as he never heard them either. He was in la-la land, sleeping soundly and wagging his tail while having his doggy dreams. Was so funny to watch lol.

This morning we were both up early and MrK has made some rhubarb and courgette chutney (made up his recipe) while I finished the weeding. For once the westerly wind was useful by keeping the temperatures down so I could keep going. Now all I need is to buy some of that stretchy yarn stuff for tying up the dahlias as MrK used the last of it for the tomatoes. Bunnings seem to be the only one selling it. I thought I had lost the hostas I planted under the maple tree a while back, but nope, they were just buried under the weeds.

I found a NZ embroidery/quilting/sewing website called Plume Art & Stitch last night that sells silk embroidery threads. It's in Levin of all places. Sometimes smaller towns can beat the cities for stuff like this. The table runner I want to embroider for my sister-in-law will be pohutukawas and I thought silk thread would add a bit of glamour to it. They also sell Shasiko cloth and thread, something on my embroidery bucket list to do.

I hope 2024 brings us many happy hours doing what we love most with who we love the most. Happy New Year Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(01-01-2024, 08:49 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  Happy New Year!

I didn't hear any fireworks last night but MrK said the family down the main road a bit were letting some off.  The Furry One must be going deaf as he never heard them either.  He was in la-la land, sleeping soundly and wagging his tail while having his doggy dreams.  Was so funny to watch lol.

This morning we were both up early and MrK has made some rhubarb and courgette chutney (made up his recipe) while I finished the weeding.  For once the westerly wind was useful by keeping the temperatures down so I could keep going.  Now all I need is to buy some of that stretchy yarn stuff for tying up the dahlias as MrK used the last of it for the tomatoes.  Bunnings seem to be the only one selling it.  I thought I had lost the hostas I planted under the maple tree a while back, but nope, they were just buried under the weeds. 

I found a NZ embroidery/quilting/sewing website called Plume Art & Stitch last night that sells silk embroidery threads.  It's in Levin of all places.  Sometimes smaller towns can beat the cities for stuff like this.  The table runner I want to embroider for my sister-in-law will be pohutukawas and I thought silk thread would add a bit of glamour to it.  They also sell Shasiko cloth and thread, something on my embroidery bucket list to do.

I hope 2024 brings us many happy hours doing what we love most with who we love the most.  Happy New Year Heart
Plume Art and Stitch have some nice products - they often attend quilt exhibitions. The other source you might like I Busy Bee Quilt Shop they bought out Nancys Embroidery a while back and have a good selection of all types embroidery threads.

Cleaned and conditioned the leather  lounge  furniture  ( who needs to go to the gym) just waiting for it to all dry so I can apply the protector - then job done for another 3-4 months
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Happy New Year to all.

Woke up to a small tragedy this morning with the little tropical tank somehow killing all its animal inhabitants. It was fine on Saturday when I tested, routine cleaned, and fed but yesterday was very quiet, and this morning it was just not right somehow. So I checked chemistry and sure enough, disaster. A few hours later all tinies retrieved and sent to rest under the peach tree, and the tank cleaned and reset to start all over again. I wish I knew what caused it, but seeing it happened so fast I suspect a toxin - maybe from the Saturday water change? or maybe a heat surge, a mystery to be pondered upon. Plants are fine, so not a total loss, but sad nevertheless.

Now for a coffee, then to clean up this flat, what a mess, buckets and wet things, lol. Not the way to start a new year...
Thanks for that mica Smile I'll check them out.

Aww OHH, I am sorry about your little ones. Temperatures have been so fickle lately and could have disrupted the chemical balances.

We've shared some of our lettuce with our neighbour and they have also taken away the bigger branches that were chopped off our trees recently. Easy firewood for them and we no longer have a pile of branches to trip over. Speaking of tripping, I went flying in the garden today when I tripped over one of the marker pegs I use to remind me where dormant plants are over winter. No doubt tomorrow I will be a bit stiff, sore and bruised.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh bugger Hunni, not a good start. With luck though your guess about the toxins in water is right & it won't happen again.
That sounds sore,KM. I wacked my ribs a few weeks back & they still hurt if I do anything too arduous so I feel really sorry for anyone with a broken rib, it must hurt like hell.

I watched a DVD last night, The wind that shakes the barley, about Ireland after WW1, trying to break free from the British. Which just reaffirmed yet again what idiots we humans are.
I told Madame Le Dog she should be glad she's a dog since humans are clearly nuts & she just gave me one of her looks.

Did a bit more work on calendar stuff slow progress but getting there.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Happy New years...

Its a stunning day out now.. The humidity has dropped, and there's enough wind to make it comfortable.

An easy visit with MrP. He was having a wash when I got there. Which wore him out. But today there were mothers and baby Birds landing on the feeding station, it was wonderful to watch them feeding. The mother feeding the chick, but they also tried getting their own.

The girls were all in Good spirits. Colleen enjoyed her Holiday, and they went to Te Papa. She loved it, but agrees its soo big she needs to go back again.

Bobbie was 50/50 Ok. She did have some drink I took in.. They were all floored cos they were given hamburgers and chips for lunch. They weren't bad looking burgers either. The meat patties were big, fully covering the bun. Bobbie ate what she could.

David brought in a strawberry trifle but crossed with Ambrosia I think it was. But it had real strawberries.. It was light and yummy.

Im swinging my Dumb Blonde, Senior or simply stupid hat around. I Have always liked beer. Just one on a hot day, or after mowing the lawn.... Not for the alcohol. Just the taste... I NEVER gave it a thought that there could be zero alcohol ones.... Never entered my head lol... rest Home David said he had some people around last night and some were non drinkers so he gave them 0.0 alcohol beer. He told me the name and I promptly said I was going to get some on my way home lol.
Annie another resident needed a lift to the supermarket so I took her too. She had run out of cigarettes. So we sat outside so she could have one lol..
So I felt like a mischievous kid buying what looked like alcohol. Its been 20 years since I brought any lol

Oh Hunni not good re the babies. heat can affect them for sure.

Ouchies Kiwimade.. We dont tend to bounce very well as we age.

Think I need to turn the fan off, its quite cold
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A hot is on the cards, I suspect. Better get the lawn mowed shortly...sigh... again. ', hoping the binman will be early so I can empty some catcher loads into the bin. Both are chokker with convolvulus and other nasties.

I love a cold cider after working or being outside in the heat. There are some lovely ciders on the market now.

Last evening I finished my thrush! Couldn't believe it lol. Nothing like the motivation of a new project to make me move and get it finished. I'll take a pic later and post it Smile Once the lawn is finished, I'll wash it so it can be laced onto a board and framed. Now I can start putting my ideas for the Christmas table runner down on paper guilt free.

Happy crafting Smile


A bit rushed towards the finish, but better finished than perfect, I think Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very still and not too hot at present.

Oh Kiwimade she is beautiful. You are soo clever.. I've taken a photo to show MrP and the girls.

I've had 3 sales and feeling very positive about a few others too fingers crossed. Im going to be ruthless and if they dont sell after a couple of listings, the Oppie will benefit.

Hope to get at least the back of the lawn done today.. Once the pain meds kick in . And theres pollen about but the nose is clearing.
My friend who is raising her Grand daughter was saying last night the poor little button has got hayfever. Bad enough as an adult but she is only 15 months old. so that will no doubt be a lifetime thing. Good they can help her with it tho.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day

OhH sorry about your tank and babies
KM your thrush is just beautiful

Quilt sandwiched started  ditching still deciding  how I will quilt it no doubt that will  happen
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Thank you ladies Smile It's good to have him finished.

Omg I am sore lol. I've mowed the lawn and pottered about a bit, but yesterday's little trip has caught up with me. I should be fine tomorrow.

The Furry One is in his element as he has caught the two rats my traps and bait couldn't. Such a clever boy Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Always good to get a project finished KM, and that one is lovely. A nice quiet day ahead for me, to get over the cleaning frenzy of yesterday. Muscles got a great work out, just as well we are in a cool weather period after all that humidity. Watered last night, the pots dry out so fast, the tomatoes are doing well, big bunches that I hope will ripen nicely without any problems, and picking beans every day now. I had a gorgeous bean salad last night with cucumber, avocado, and green grapes. It was a pretty combination and lovely to eat.

Definitely worth doing again.
Its lovely without the humidity.

Very cool breeze blowing through.

Back done and I feel so good I did a patch of the front. but have moved the gear around and will do the rest later, perhaps after the cricket and or dinner.

Talking about beans Hunni. My sister in law is after red and white Lima beans. She's South Taranaki, Whanganui area and said she cant find them anywhere. I said I'd call Binn inn tomorrow and see if they have them. Her Hubby, my fave brother in law loves her home made bean salad or Pickle. Can't remember which one she said lol.

I did say that if she cant find them in the supermarkets perhaps they cant get here or come from countries at war. Not something I eat so wouldn't know lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Lovely work on the thrush KM, he's gorgeous.

Did the dreaded grocery shopping - nothing else there open till 10 so it was lovely, hardly anyone there. And very little traffic on the road either.
Picked the first runner beans the other day, no tomatoes near ready yet but the few spuds I planted are doing OK.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

Grey here, and very still.. Missed the weather so not sure what we will get.

I am decidedly creaky today ... but being that I did the whole lawn Im feeling rather proud of myself. And I totally loved my nice cold alcohol free beer straight after. it was much lighter than I used to drink but I did enjoy it.

Off to see MrP. Their phones were messing up all day yesterday, so I got them to ask if he had any drink left and tell him that Id be there this morning. I really need to take his phone back to spark and see if they can sort it out.

Had another sale last night. Its been a good week. All wrapped and ready for the courier tomorrow.

I haven't knitted for about a week and my fingers are telling me so..

I joined a couple of groups on FB. A crochet one and another that upcycles fabrics. Ohh the work some people are doing is wonderful. Both for the eyes and environment.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny and not expected to be too hot. 

Love the finished thrush KM ... you are so talented. 

Back in the land of the living here with 4/5 of us succumbing to the nasty gastro bug. DH might have had a lucky escape. A wasted holiday for son and family after getting it from a visit to "friends". They go back home today. I shall blob until energy levels return.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Sunny day

Roma gastro bugs are the worst .
Popeye glad you have had some successful sales.

Experimented with quilting the quilt its ok but won't repeat it if I use this pattern again just got the borders to do to complete the quilting .

Been to gym, next stop vacuuming before a shower while DH walks the k9s

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Spending a couple of days in Kinloch - just me and one of my nieces who needed a few days away from her family to put the final touches to a big case she is involved in early in the new year - she is a crown prosecutor- had a laugh when her family dropped her off - they say out of the mouths of babies cones the truth - her 5 year old told me she was lending me her Mum to drive me to Taupo before they dig me in the dirt - took me a wee minute or two to realise she was signalling she thought I was past it! Actually my car needed a decent run - first time I have been over the Taupo Road since the 80km speed limit was placed on the road including the Rangateiki plains - kilometres of straight road no pot holes with wide shoulders so of course nobody sticks to 80km except my driver who happened to be a lawyer so wouldn’t break the law .When we finally got to Taupo it was completely gridlocked - which is normal for Taupo in the holidays but the problem has been compounded by the $60 million Covid money that was spent on redeveloping the city centre - Hunni do you remember all the eateries along the front of the lakefront at the end of the Main Street - the one way traffic now goes right past their shop fronts and their out door seating is across the road - the staff have to bring your coffee or meal through the traffic - stopping on the lakefront when passing through to have a coffee or a sandwich was extremely popular but there is no longer any parking .So we decided to head up Kaimanawa Street to bypass the town and head down Spa Road - which you may remember Hunni were both wide well used streets but now they have put traffic lights where two lanes have to merge into one with no turning lanes .No wonder the locals are complaining - we finally made it out to Kinloch and have stayed put - we won’t be spending any money in the town
The neighbour popped over with a side of smoked trout - which was lovely - I found a bag of Orzo pasta in the pantry - must be at least 4 years old but made a lovely orzo trout salad - orzo makes a lovely salad it’s like flat grains of rice - cheap as chips - soaks up a dressing like French dressing
Kiwimade the thrush is stunning - another lovely family heirloom
Heading out to the glass blowing place this afternoon - I find it absolutely fascinating watching him work - better check before we leave he is open
My son and his family loved their holiday on Stewart Island even though they had Covid - said it was a real chance to unwind and leave the world behind
Have just watched Poldark again - it’s just as beautiful and enjoyable as it was 20 years ago
Wow Jan I can totally understand how the locals would feel.

Typical of Taupo council, do what they want, for the tourist's, forgetting that the locals who provide the service to the Tourists need to be able to manage with the traffic too.

One of my Primary school friends is moving to Taupo on the 10th. Thankfully they are both teachers and both got Jobs. I warned her to stock up on merino lol. She grew up in Thames and then lived in Tauranga, so will notice the tempo either in the winter or when its windy lol.

MrP was in a surprisingly cheeky mood, which was nice.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh those were the days Jan! Lovely to hear those so familiar street names... I made the mistake of looking up our old house on Pihanga St, such a garden I had there, and lo and behold so many of the reno changes we had made still there, but in among the google links was one to a council permit issued to demolish the house. That brought me to tears, old griefs do not need much to resurface. I won't look it up again, that house deserved a better ending.

Back from the village with two Phillipa Gregory's, a Val MacDiamid, and a sci fic writer new to me, that should keep me quiet. That and the last bits to renew my back garden hose set up so me and anext but one neighbour can do our watering with a little less effort. Our harvests are slightly offset so we can share vegies and watering both gardens at one time seems logical.

Those and a few bits and pieces so I can sort out a minor algal bloom in the cold water tank saw me tick just about everything off the list, so it was a very productive trip for the week...
Hunni - I spent a lot of time at 58 Tonga Street - that was a beautiful two story house with a wonderful garden but unfortunately the neighbourhood has become very rough and so the lady I knew who is now elderly has had to surround herself with security doors and cameras - she tried to sell it but couldn’t - it’s a real pity - beautiful house built out of native timbers .If town isn’t gridlocked will try and get to see her .The town has spread in all directions - went for a drive down to Huka Falls there are so many houses down that way now - it used to be foggy all day

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