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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile What a beautiful day it's going to be today Smile

Yesterday MrK had his eye appointment at Waikato and his sight is improving except for the double vison he gets when watching TV. When he did the eye tests, he could read the letters better than me without my glasses on! Now we wait to see another eye specialist who specialises in eye muscles as they think that could be causing the double vision. But overall, they were very happy with progress. Needless to say, we tried to do the shopping, got some done but MrK can't walk very far and there was quite a list of places we needed to go. So, we came home after lunch and I'm going back to Hamilton this morning to finish what we couldn't yesterday.

I remember those streets in Taupo Smile We were raised in Turangi and Mum used to go to Taupo for groceries once a month. I also don't like the new bits around the lake frontage. Taupo has become a frustrating place to drive through.

Coffee is finished, time to get cracking before the day is too hot to water the plants.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Looks like its going to be a very bright day.. Sort of chilly this morning tho.

Shopping today. I'm taking MrP's phone back to see if they can figure the stupid thing out. And show me how to put it right if he manages to do it again.

Then Ill be looking everywhere for Lima Beans for my sister in law.. She cant get them down the line . And Binn Inn told me yesterday they havent had any for a while.

OMG I knew a while ago that she would ask me to live with her when our Brother Husbands die.. And she did last night. She has it in her head that she will be able to get a mortgage, Shes 74 this year. And it would work well if I moved in and helped pay it.. We do have a lot in common... But when they have stayed just a week I'm always mentally exhausted.. Thankfully I had a reason ready. I said Im living with Me first,,, yes I am now but Im still running after MrP and Bobbie..
So that's kept her happy for now... it wont happen lol She doesn't cope without having someone to run after, more dominate lol.. She also cannot function without a man so I'd be kicked to the kerb when she finds one lol

Have a wonderful Day everyone... I have dodged a bullet lol

Funny we all have a connection to Taupo lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Gorgeous morning, not expected to be too hot.  It feels good to be alive after the events of the past few days!

Today will catch up on jobs round here as energy levels return. I see lines of handprints at 1 yo height on most of the windows  Big Grin They can wait a bit longer!

There is rhubarb ready and tomatoes to pick.  The potatoes will last another week. I wish I'd planted beans ... maybe not too late for us yet. The dahlias are in full bloom and a good show of zinnias.

Nice for you to be able to plan your future Popeye.

Enjoy the day all.
The best thing they have done at Taupo is make the bypass road. No longer sitting for absolutely ages trying to turn right at the end of the Napier Taupo Rd.
 I have very seldom bothered to go into Taupo since that road was opened just shoot right past. I guess it has affected some businesses but made travel easier.
I agree Venetian re the new bypass, it's probably the reason I haven't been to Taupo in years and wasn't aware of all the changes that are obviously not going down well!

We lived nearby in Reporoa in the 80's so knew Taupo well back then.
Morning all
Overcast  and windy.

Been a while since we have driven central Nth Is, in past easier to fly to Auckland  if we needed to be up that end. Having said that a road trip to Auckland  might be on the cards later this month.

Finished quilt not  sure I like how I have quilted but  guess  the baby recipient won't care.

Not sure what to do today have a big document that needs to be presented in a different template format before code review later this year. Why did I volunteer  to do this I don't know.

I listened to audio book while quilting g the past few days Sisters of the Rising Sun by Heather Morris got 2.5 hours left so good excuse to be in the sewing room.
Feline left a present for me yesterday a blo...dy rat!!! Sad she goes to the stream across the road  argh 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Venetian - the by pass was first started way before I left Taupo - the passing through traffic being diverted was welcomed by the residents but this re development is a different kettle of fish it’s not a few businesses whose takings will be down its the rate payers who will foot the bill - Taupo relies on tourism to keep places like the AC Baths operating - there are many Taupo residents who love seeing the crowds at the AC baths during the holidays as the first thing that will go again is residents concessions- one example all the rest homes bring their residents up by the bus load to soak their old bones in the mineral water of the private pools .The council just win an award for their underground pumping station education centre which is open to the public - but you can’t get a park anywhere near it which means families have to cross the main highway
The Lava Glass place at Wairakei was fantastic - Kiwimade you would love their gardens - which they have won an award for but the cafe was horrendously expensive - we were glad we didn’t have the kids with us
Heading home tomorrow - this is a lovely part of Taupo
(04-01-2024, 12:03 PM)JanW Wrote: Venetian - the by pass was first started way before I left Taupo - the passing through traffic being diverted was welcomed by the residents but this re development is a different kettle of fish it’s not a few businesses whose takings will be down its the rate payers who will foot the bill - Taupo relies on tourism to keep places like the AC Baths operating - there are many Taupo residents who love seeing the crowds at the AC baths during the holidays as the first thing that will go again is residents concessions- one example all the rest homes bring their residents up by the bus load to soak their old  bones in the mineral water of the private pools .The council just win an award for their underground pumping station education centre which is open to the public - but you can’t get a park anywhere near it which means families have to cross the main highway
The Lava Glass place at Wairakei was fantastic - Kiwimade you would love their gardens - which they have won an award for but the cafe was horrendously expensive - we were glad we didn’t have the kids with us
Heading home tomorrow - this is a lovely part of Taupo

I love glass. Must put this place on my To Do list one day. Maybe even on my move.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladiesSmile It's foggy this morning!

There's a glass place in Rotorua as well, on Fairy Springs Rd as you come into town from the north. It's stunning watching the glass blower create something so gorgeous from something so fluid.

Taupo is where we stop for a cuppa on the way to Whanganui, but I suspect we will stop elsewhere after our last visit. We may even just take the thermos and stop at a layby somewhere.

Eeekkk popeye, that was a narrow 'escape' lol. Our daughter's partner suggested once to me when MrK passes away I move to Whanganui, that was a no thanks from me. I love them all dearly but have a life here. I know they have good intentions.

I have a few calendulas to plant before the fog lifts and the day becomes hot so better get cracking.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Grey out but I dont think it will rain for a while.

I know Kiwimade. Im glad I was able to tell her firmly, Im doing for me before anything else. I have to admit I can't do Whanganui. For one I cant breathe well there. Or couldn't in the time that I've stayed there. Asthma type symptoms for some reason.. I actually dont know why Cindy doesn't go there. She has a sister there. Although she does "look" down on her cos she drinks and Cindy doesn't lol..

Well he managed to mess the Blardy phone up again.. Im tempted to take it off him and just put up with the limits of using theirs. All he had to do was press one button and leave the rest alone. I couldn't even hear him speaking. he must be holding it with his finger over the speaker or something. I suspect it might end up a bit nasty this morning.

Will go see the girls after I see him. It will cheer me up. And I have a few things for Bobbie..

The shopping I did yesterday was more for both of them and Missy. only 4 items for me lol..

Bloods first so I better drink lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunshine but rain forecast later this afternoon.  Might save on the watering if it eventuates. 

Feel good today and will venture out for groceries soon. Caught up on all the laundry and now could do with some baking to have on hand.  GH has nearly finished the Xmas cake on his own which no one else has been able to eat!

Lol Popeye, man fingers!

Hope to get out and have a garden tidy up later.  The finished sweet peas to tackle first ... they sure gain some height!

Cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day.
Housework done and washing bought in just in time as it has started to rain Smile Saves us having to water the garden.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
In the dog house - got half way home and couldn’t remember if I set the alarms so we had to return to Kinloch but I had - my driver has left me sitting for about 10mins no doubt she is cooling herself down not wanting to give me an earful would be not wanting to upset me ! Going to be a quick quiet trip home methinks !
Playing with the tanks as it gently rains outside. The sad one is taking its time to reestablish, but it will happen. The plants are doing very well, but I'm not risking fish for a while yet. And I made a climbing pole for my heart leaf philodendrons out of some ancient coir fibre and repotted the several cuttings into just the one pot, unwinding their exuberant growth was a test of my wool untangling skills, but it looks so much better than multiple pots . One of those 'on the To Do list' projects ticked off.

You might temember the turbo oven that blew all the electrics - I have repurposed the big glass bowl into an indoor pond aquarium, with a simple desk lamp and a grow bulb, and have planted it up with cuttings. It looks interesting and the Tatty cat is highly intrigued. I think she considers it an extra large water bowl, lol. It is around 12 litres, so could take a handful of minnows, maybe some of the babies, but we will see. I am hoping the plants do so well they spill out of the top, the terrestrial form of aquatic plants is often very different to the underwater version, and then there are mini waterlilies. One of those would be fun...
Finally remembered to lift the garlic this morning first thing. Not much this year because I planted too much last time, & later than it should be but then I was late planting it too & they look OK. Pumpkin plamts look & one tiny tomato on one of the vine tomato plants so looking hopeful.
More work on calendar stuff, 3 finished & working on two more, then have to decide which to send & had the reminder email yesterday which always makes me nervous & want to hurry up more but the deadline isn't till the 20th so should make it OK.

Madame Le Cat appears to believe that she shoulf be fed at 3 pm...she's got Buckley's chance but persists in meowing outside the door. Ever hopeful.
Every morning I throw the ball around the backyard for Madame Le Dog & Madame Le Cat has taken to lurking under the cherry tree & the rushing out to try & ambush the dog when she goes to get it. She'll get trampled underfoot if she isn't careful.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile What a gorgeous sunrise we are having this morning. Just a bit of mist for the sun to poke through.

omg Jan, that is something I would do lol. I forgot to turn the iron off once but thank goodness it turns itself off after a while of not being used.

What a great use of the turbo oven, OHH Smile

lol Lilith, your cat has a death wish, either that or she wants to be a dog.

MrK picked our garlic on the 29th (our daughter's birthday). He thought the crop was going to be disappointing but nope, it's looking good. He finally got the chillis planted a couple of days ago and was late putting in the cucumbers. I spotted some tomatoes on the bench he had picked too.

Today I'm going to have a lazy(ish) day. The gardens are all weeded and the housework is done. It's been a busy few weeks and I'd like a day off Big Grin I thought I'd have a tutu with some new hardanger stitches as this Christmas runner is going to be partly hardanger and part embroidered pohutukawa. I have to do the maths to work out how to fit it all in evenly and I'll do that today as well.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

We have had rain overnight, but back to the sun one side and grey clouds out the back lol.

Kiwimade I showed everyone your Thrush yesterday. they All loved him and when I explained that you "winged" it they were blown away. Thrushes are RH Davids Mothers fave birds.

Woohoo have had more sales overnight.. Been a good week.

Housework for me today. Floors, washing and putting some clothes away.

Apparently they had a hard job the other day Getting Bobbies clothes to wash. And of course now she thinks they have stolen it all. Why they took the blue cardy away I dont know, since I had already washed it. But she was cold yesterday. Shouldn't expect any better from that place tho.

Poor rest Home David had to stop everyone. We were having several conversations at once, which Im sure you will agree, women are good at. he got lost and promptly told he's a man that's why he couldn't keep up lol. he took it well tho lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
aww thank you, popeye Smile  I'm glad they enjoyed seeing it.  I've washed and ironed the thrush and now it is ready to be laced onto a board before framing.  But first I have to buy a board, the $2 Shop has artists boards which do the trick.  And I'm recycling an old photo frame we had.  There is still a shelf of old frames in the cupboard lol but they will either be used or eventually donated to the Op Shop.   

MrK no longer has to have one of the drops in his eye, we're down to one lot of drops now for his eye so the unopened old bottles can be returned while I'm in town.  It seems such an expensive waste returning unopened medication only to have it disposed of.  All those $$$$ gone when someone else could use them for free.

I had to laugh at RH David asking everyone to stop chatting lol.  MrK puts his hand up  to speak like a kid in the classroom when my sisters-in-law and I get together lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely and sunny.  Still waiting for the rain though .. expected to be thunder showers! Not a welcome birthday gift for 13 yo K9 if they happen!

Finished knitting a cute teddy bear hat for a newborn for the winter. A good use of oddment yarn. 

No plan for the day but there is always something to do in the garden. My parsley is currently self seeding so there will be a million plants before long! Will catch up with family later.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Raining and temperature  drop had to dig out my jeans and a warmer cardi.

Liltih your feline has spirit at least she is not boring

Played with my half square  triangles  yesterday and sort of winging  a pattern as I go will contai up today  

DS invited us over for BBQ last night I made the pav in slow cooker made a 4eggs one turned out pretty good crinchie  bottom  and sides and rest marshmallowjust how I like it. So will make another  this way

You know it not nice outdoors when k9s do t ask  for their  walk

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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