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Winston booed at Waitangi
It was never going to go down well.

"Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand Winston Peters has been met with boos from the crowd after telling them to "stop the crap".

"You tell me whoever said we're getting rid of the Treaty of Waitangi? Stop the crap," Peters said.

While Peters is being booed, he mentioned Dame Whina Cooper asking the crowd "when she was marching, where were you?" 

"If you think separatism and division is going to take us to 2040, you're dreaming. Let me tell you sunshine, I used to go to a marae where they had tikanga and respect and not you shouting. Get some manners."

The crowd has told Peters to "e noho" (sit down) after he remarked "get an education!" 


"When asked why his speech did not focus enough on the treaty, Luxon said the speech was designed to talk about the vision for New Zealand by 2040 and what needs to happen to achieve the vision or start the vision by next term. 

"We should be very proud of the treaty as part of our past, present and future. It's something we're going to continue to work at." 

Speaking to media, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said the Government is not supporting the treaty principles bill beyond the first reading. 

"There is no support, no commitment, no intention to take it beyond that. . . It's been the long-standing commitment of The National Party not to pursue a referdum at all. I appreciate its a different position from the ACT Party and part of that is as a condition of the coalition government, that's what we've agreed to do."


"Crowd try to sing down Seymour 

Seymour is refusing to end his speech as a number of the crowd sing “whakarongo e noho”.

This has been going on for some time. 

“You can sing and you can sing and yet you are not going to end an idea by singing anymore than you will with a gun,” he said.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Awwww, how sad. C'mon boys, listen to the people. For a change.
Tame Iti at Waitangi - far more effective than anything else so far. Just beautiful visually, looks slightly Buddhist I think.

(05-02-2024, 04:46 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Awwww, how sad. C'mon boys, listen to the people. For a change.

It would make a change, wouldn't it. And a refreshing one, given that their job is supposed to be doing what voters want. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
What's up with Winston that they dont like? I thought the maori would be attacking Seymour, not Winston.
Hopefully it blows over and this division can be done away with.
I expect Winston knows how to handle these situations better than Seymour.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
(05-02-2024, 08:00 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: What's up with Winston that they dont like? I thought the maori would be attacking Seymour, not Winston.
Hopefully it blows over and this division can be done away with.
I expect Winston knows how to handle these situations better than Seymour.
When Winston leads his speech with comments to the effect he hasn't got much time to be there and has other appointments to be at, and then launches into a very aggressive spiel including shouting down hecklers is it any wonder he got the response he did?

He thinks rude = strength. It doesn't. Quite the opposite these days.
(05-02-2024, 08:00 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: What's up with Winston that they dont like? I thought the maori would be attacking Seymour, not Winston.
Hopefully it blows over and this division can be done away with.
I expect Winston knows how to handle these situations better than Seymour.

Yes, I think Winston's experience gives him the history and background to handle it but I'm sure Seymour will learn. The things that everyone needs to remember are that there is no attack on the treaty happening, just a desire to quite rightly define and reset how it is applied in a modern world that no one could begin to have dreamed of in 1840. And that it's really only a few activists screaming for the sake of screaming because they are worried that their gravy train might get derailed. The shame will be if they sway too many other people along the way and cause more hardship than we already have. Now is a good time to question the status quo while 2/3 government party leaders are Maori and can look at how we should move forward so that everyone receives agreed entitlements fairly and equitably.
(06-02-2024, 12:49 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(05-02-2024, 08:00 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: What's up with Winston that they dont like? I thought the maori would be attacking Seymour, not Winston.
Hopefully it blows over and this division can be done away with.
I expect Winston knows how to handle these situations better than Seymour.

Yes, I think Winston's experience gives him the history and background to handle it but I'm sure Seymour will learn. The things that everyone needs to remember are that there is no attack on the treaty happening, just a desire to quite rightly define and reset how it is applied in a modern world that no one could begin to have dreamed of in 1840. And that it's really only a few activists screaming for the sake of screaming because they are worried that their gravy train might get derailed. The shame will be if they sway too many other people along the way and cause more hardship than we already have. Now is a good time to question the status quo while 2/3 government party leaders are Maori and can look at how we should move forward so that everyone receives agreed entitlements fairly and equitably.

I strongly disagree with that 'gravy train' comment; but it is a popular stragety of the right to make that claim. Its certainly true that some iwi have done better than others but that in no way equates to a  'gravy train.'

More hardship than we presently have  is far more likely to be the result of this far right govt, Neoliberal govt. As to Winston, he appears to only serve the interests of Winston while pretending otherwise for whoever will have him.

I do think though, that anyone airing their views should be allowed to speak freely & those who disagree can air their views once the speaker has finished; shouting people down & not allowing them to speak isn't democracy.

(06-02-2024, 09:22 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: He thinks rude = strength. It doesn't. Quite the opposite these days.

And really, you'd think he might have learnt that by now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(06-02-2024, 12:49 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(05-02-2024, 08:00 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: What's up with Winston that they dont like? I thought the maori would be attacking Seymour, not Winston.
Hopefully it blows over and this division can be done away with.
I expect Winston knows how to handle these situations better than Seymour.

Yes, I think Winston's experience gives him the history and background to handle it but I'm sure Seymour will learn. The things that everyone needs to remember are that there is no attack on the treaty happening, just a desire to quite rightly define and reset how it is applied in a modern world that no one could begin to have dreamed of in 1840. And that it's really only a few activists screaming for the sake of screaming because they are worried that their gravy train might get derailed. The shame will be if they sway too many other people along the way and cause more hardship than we already have. Now is a good time to question the status quo while 2/3 government party leaders are Maori and can look at how we should move forward so that everyone receives agreed entitlements fairly and equitably.
I expect you'll be equally scathing about the new government's intention to reenergise the speculator and landlord gravy train?
I do have other cameras!
(06-02-2024, 02:35 PM)Praktica Wrote:
(06-02-2024, 12:49 PM)SueDonim Wrote: Yes, I think Winston's experience gives him the history and background to handle it but I'm sure Seymour will learn. The things that everyone needs to remember are that there is no attack on the treaty happening, just a desire to quite rightly define and reset how it is applied in a modern world that no one could begin to have dreamed of in 1840. And that it's really only a few activists screaming for the sake of screaming because they are worried that their gravy train might get derailed. The shame will be if they sway too many other people along the way and cause more hardship than we already have. Now is a good time to question the status quo while 2/3 government party leaders are Maori and can look at how we should move forward so that everyone receives agreed entitlements fairly and equitably.
I expect you'll be equally scathing about the new government's intention to reenergise the speculator and landlord gravy train?

Oh, don't talk so daft!! Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(06-02-2024, 02:35 PM)Praktica Wrote:
(06-02-2024, 12:49 PM)SueDonim Wrote: Yes, I think Winston's experience gives him the history and background to handle it but I'm sure Seymour will learn. The things that everyone needs to remember are that there is no attack on the treaty happening, just a desire to quite rightly define and reset how it is applied in a modern world that no one could begin to have dreamed of in 1840. And that it's really only a few activists screaming for the sake of screaming because they are worried that their gravy train might get derailed. The shame will be if they sway too many other people along the way and cause more hardship than we already have. Now is a good time to question the status quo while 2/3 government party leaders are Maori and can look at how we should move forward so that everyone receives agreed entitlements fairly and equitably.
I expect you'll be equally scathing about the new government's intention to reenergise the speculator and landlord gravy train?

I have always been most scathing about the implementation of the so-called "bright-line" crap because it was so totally unnecessary. As is the capital gains tax that always gets mentioned in the same sentence - so I have saved you the bother. The bottom line is that we have ALWAYS had income tax rules that mean that any transaction where an item was bought for re-sale is subject to income tax. So all speculators should have ALWAYS been charged income tax when they make a profit. It just seems that those trading in property benefitted from previous governments' failure to apply the tax rules that were always there. And of course the whole point of speculators is the fact that while many might make money - sometimes large amounts - when the markets are right, they can never predict the moment the markets will turn so there are always a lot who get hurt as well. Sometimes very badly. That's the risk of speculation and trading and one reason we chose to stick to investment. Buy, hold and provide a service to the customers (tenants) who need the service to be provided. Keep working for the first 20-25 years to cover the losses and hope that in the next year or two we can hang up the hammer, as it were, with enough income to be comfortable in retirement and enjoy some reward for the decades of working up to 60 hours a week.

As far as landlord rules go, I do hope to see reversal of some of the silly stuff that has had no benefit to anyone and has caused droves of landlords to exit the business, which is a large part of the housing shortage and high rents we are currently seeing. You can hardly call anything a gravy train when the only business that can't claim legitimate expenses to stay in business is one where the customers are people who are often - not always - hard up. The sooner they sort the interest deductibility issues the better. There is certainly no gravy train for landlords.
(06-02-2024, 07:07 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(05-02-2024, 08:00 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: What's up with Winston that they dont like? I thought the maori would be attacking Seymour, not Winston.
Hopefully it blows over and this division can be done away with.
I expect Winston knows how to handle these situations better than Seymour.
When Winston leads his speech with comments to the effect he hasn't got much time to be there and has other appointments to be at, and then launches into a very aggressive spiel including shouting down hecklers is it any wonder he got the response he did?

I thought he did a good job at shutting them down.
Besides, if he doesnt support the treaty principals bill, why do they hate him?
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.

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