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You can never have enough...
The cat is lovley work, Popeye, well done.

A lucky escape fot the little fishies Hunni; I suspect your hunch is probably right.

Going to be hot again here, 22 already so pleased I did a tiny bit outside earlier.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The heat got to me today, upset tummy and weird head. Great reminder to hydrate hydrate hydrate. Our bodies just can't do the temperature regulation thing some days. Wish I could find a hat but I am blessed with one of those giant skulls...

Roll on evening, I have gardening boxes to tick.
I also think you were right Hunni re the fish. Gut instincts first in my book too.

I was thinking earlier you will be enjoying the hard work Kiwimade. Wise about getting out early. Your farmer bloke sounds like a genuine guy making things easier all around.

I've had a hell of a morning with Winz. But slowly getting things sorted out and catching them out in telling me different things.

And I've spoken to the rest home people that "Should" be sorted on Monday.

Then I decided after dropped out phone calls etc that I needed to do something to take my mind of it all. And distract myself.
So I made my apron. And I Love it. One problem tho lol.. Having always guessed straps and ties, it Appears I need to start guessing smaller lol.. I will show the girls on Friday then Ill shorten them. Tie able at the neck and waist.

Even put a pocket on. Took my mind back to the sewing factories I worked in. I could put 360 plus pockets on in a day. Always earnt bonuses when doing pockets lol.. But I also liked challenges at times too.. but Don't get me started about Blind hemming.. I could do it but wont say I enjoyed it lol. And even tho collars took me a while to achieve, and countless times the boss asked if I wanted a change I said No... Which means I can still do them now lol

Then I came online to check something to discover I've won a 4 week subscription to the herald. So That will be nice. Im finally getting my TV Guides each week now lol

Not uncomfortably hot here. Only one fan on. I have to say not having to make a phone call at 6-15 pm means my meal times work to when Im hungry. of which I seldom am. Ill have a sandwich later , Maybe lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The heat got to me the first day we started clearing the tree. Dizzy, light headed, faint, the whole kaboodle. And it was my own fault for not drinking water as we worked.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Not just me then, thanks KM. I feel better now, lol. Might copy you and get up early to finish off the raised gardens, got to put the scoria in, then the mesh, then mix up the soil. And pick more peaches. The neighbours are starting to hover hopefully, I feel a bit like that chicken in the nursery story. They're never there when there's work to be done, but come harvest time and there they are! Typical, lol...
morning ladies Smile A nice foggy start to the day, perfect for the work we have to do this morning.

OHH, I find early starts for gardening the best way to get things done. The evenings are still too hot for me to work outside.

Your pinny sounds great, popeye Smile Well done. And that was a nice win with the Herald.

Still too dark to be outside so I'll get those inside things done for now.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Not too bad here temp wise, there are dark clouds about.

Yeo I've always done things in the mornings. Started when the Cardiologists told me Everyone in the world should have a siesta in the early afternoon. Its Much better for their health. To recharge the battery so to speak. not necessarily sleeping, but an hour sitting quietly resting.

Three of my jobs started at 6am or earlier, so I was finished by 3pm. It worked well for me.

Hope to get a bit of shopping done today. But Ill see. I dont urgently need anything. So I might leave it for the weekend.

Need another sewing Job I think.. will see what inspires me

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny and expecting a hot day. 

Will get outside soon to pick blueberries and cut back dahlias before it really heats up. I seem to have accumulated pots of honey (thanks to small scale bee keeping family) so will hunt out some recipes to use some up in baking. 

Completed a cute knitted mouse GD wanted and will start something for new niece for the winter. Good to have some knitting on the go. 

Cuppa finished, better get outside. 

Enjoy the day.
Kettle's on for a cuppa, our neighbour has been over to inspect the pile he will take away and how much more there is. I'm thinking we can knock this out by Sunday Smile Already you can see more lawn and MrK is mowing the leaves as we make space just to keep things tidy. I'll take some more photos shortly, always nice to be able to see what has been done. With so much, you can easily not see what has been achieved. My little chainsaw is going great guns, I know how to put the chain back on when it comes off now Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
And I have destroyed my To Do list with roses pruned, bog sage evicted, and the two raised garden beds set up and half filled. Got to get more potting mix next week to finish them off ready to plant. Might get some compost too, potting mix seems to drain awfully fast and these aren't really that deep. I am going to have fun planting them though, I am going to overplant and really mix things up with flowers and edibles. I must find some freckle face miniature violas, they always look good in a vegie patch. And start some sweet peas to climb out of them...

I might need more of these leggy planters!
oooohhh OHH, you need some bamboo to make into tripods Tongue

Our neighbour has been over and taken so much away, I'm going to buy his a pressie card as a thank you.  More to do but it's only one corner Big Grin  Boy, we have done a lot in three mornings!

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have bamboos but my favourite garden stakes are the aluminium struts broken off old style tv aerials. They are long enough, strong enough, but being tubes easy to shape and bend as well. And unobtrusive. If you know any aerial guys, they are usually happy to hand them over!

Behind the planters is my skeletal Med. Echium, on its last legs now, but it does make a lovely framework to grow trailing plants up and over for as long as it lasts. Under that is a truly gorgeous white hydrangea, so I really hope the skeleton stays because digging it out would wreck my hydrangea lol.
Wow Kiwimade that's alot of work... So pleased its been fine for you too. The Furry one looks worn out... Poor boy needs a break from all the excitement lol

Never thought about tv ariels being handy garden stakes.. Good Thinking Hunni.

I've done about 100 winks this morning. Said to Missy I felt tired and promptly missed two shows i thought Id watch lol.. oops. Oh well Im not run off my feet with jobs at the mo. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Evening  all
Fine day but overcast now.

Wow KM you have been working like trojans I am very impressed.
Glad your  sewing yielded  a nice apron Popeye

I have had busy day full morning at the warehouse. Some low life tried to Jimmy the key gizmo they didn't get in but the casing has some interesting divits. Finished quilting the quilt so next step binding.

DH has been filling poo bags with blackberries over the past few days  hile walking the k9s 3 2l ice-cream containers so far not to mention blackberries and ice-cream with chocolate shell for dessert Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I see the furry one's had a busy day as foredog supervising the humans, KM. I bet you're glad to have it done, that was a very big tree.

Weird day here, drizzle on & off but not enough to do any good, then warmed up & then drizzled again & cooled down. Haven't don e much apart from a timy bit of weeding between showers.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
There is still a bit to do, Lilith, and I am hoping I can pile it all up tomorrow morning. MrK helps but I find it frustrating with him telling me how to do it and dithering around with the little chainsaw. I would rather just get stuck in and get it done but he feels he has to help. I suspect there is a bit of guilt that he can't do as much as he used to. Once the last of the branches have been cleared, the arborist can chop the tree down. Clearing it ourselves has saved us around about $1000 so worth the effort.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Overcast today. .

Kiwimade you will be right re MrK feeling like he cant Pull his weight now. MrP was exactly the same. We become masters at giving them something useful to do even tho we could do it faster and often better.

Im off to the home a bit later. Cant wait to see everyone but I need to see what all the tensions are about. Hopefully I can get to the bottom of it all. Ill take my latest pinny to show them and the original I used to cut the pattern off. Well I didn't actually cut a pattern off I just used it as the pattern. Must do that lol.

If the lawns are wet Ive decided to work in MrP's wardrobe, and also start in the garage. We have an inorganic collection coming up in May so I need to get some sorted before my knee opp. One week till the Pre-op today.

Cant wait for petrol to be cheaper up here.

Have an awesome day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Overcast but expect it will be hot. Pleased to have got a bit done outside already. 

A mammoth cleanup KM. Good the rest of the tree is going ... those forked trees are trouble sooner or later. The only one happy about the whole event was The Furry One  Smile

Not a lot planned, yesterday I picked enough blueberries to freeze and I see plenty of tomatoes to also pick and freeze.

You will be glad to be back out in the land of the living Popeye!

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine warm

Done the grocery shopping. Out to lunch with friends, going to a cafe that take unemployed people and trains them up to work in cafes  we sussed it out few weeks ago good food and nice atmosphere.
Have hired new lawyers difference is day and night expect the job to be completed in no time. Old firm just sent thanks for telling us know we're fired email  - frustrated about the wasted time. Never mind onwards and upwards  as they say.

 Pleased with quilt just got to decide wsther I put white binding or us some of the bright batik left over strips.
DH likes it

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
That's probably it, KM - we all reach a point where we have to admit that we can't quite manage to do as much as we once could.

Another strangely warm & cool day with drizzle again so decided to do a few errands, picked up Madame le Dog's flea treatment stuff from vet & they gave her a little present, a soft toy buzzy bee, to do with Pet Refuge. She sniffed it but doesn't seem at all impressed but I've put it in her crate so we'll see how it goes.
I suspect that she'd rather chew a bit of wood.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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