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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Another stunning day today even if we did have a teeny bit of fog.

That's good news, popeye Smile and one less worry.

Not sure what I'm going to do today, I can't do any more in the garden with the tree damage until the tree has been taken out. And the rest of the garden can wait a day or two before I tackle any weeds and pruning.

Last evening a couple came to pick up some garden bricks I had advertised on FB Marketplace. Their surname was an unusual one and the same as MrK's three cousins. There aren't many people around with this name so we quizzed them lol and turns out he could be a cousin of MrK's! OMG the similarities this guy had with one of MrK's cousin was uncanny, worked for the same people, same interests and so on. We've passed on his details with his permission to a family member to be in contact. So exciting to think we have found a new family member especially as he is 'local' Heart

Today sometime, I need to write down and laminate a list of important phone numbers, insurance policy numbers etc. When the power went off, I wasted a lot of phone battery and data trying to find these details. Back to basics for this, I think.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Cooler here too.. Im loving it.

Negative Again.. Yayay... Think it was my nasal spray bottle.

Small world eh Kiwimade. We discovered two of MrP's relations when we moved here too.

Im going to go to Pukekohe and have a little wander around time. No rushing about just getting groceries. Not that I actually need much. More about just getting out of the house and getting some fresh air.

I wait now to do the next step of the funeral side of things. But am not thinking about it for now.

Spoke to Bobbie last night. she was good and bad. But I said I hoped to be there tomorrow, so she was pleased. She giggled when I said I came to see her and she was out on the boat. she enjoyed it which was good. And Im thinking the Music man will be there tomorrow too so it will be a shorter visit.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Nice sunshine but enjoying the cooler starts. 

Glad you are getting some things sorted Popeye. What a ridiculous situation though, if you still waiting to have Mr P's funeral. 

Amazing how those family genes
can be strong in long lost relatives KM! Instant recognition!

The beans I planted have doubled in height.  I have been covering them with an old sheet during the heat of the day  as they sure noticed it the first day and drooped badly! I've never grown them before at this stage ... be interesting to see the result ... if any!

Interesting times for you Mica, if you put your house on the market. I hope it goes well for you.  I hope it's a long while before we do that again as it will be downsize time for us. 

I made a nice blueberry bakewell slice yesterday ... using my blueberries. They are still going well. 

Today will need to get some groceries.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine but very windy lets hope that dies down

Good you got things sorted Popeye

Quietish day yesterday, walked the  k9s, my neighbour  popped over with tray salad greens, her DH is a gem and keeps us supplied, we had a good natter. Hospital visit went well and my new friend hopes to get home next week.

DD and DGD1 popped in after dinner last night DGD1 wanted to show be her new flash pink and purple sunnies that was her reward for getting into her car seat for 5 days without throwing  a wobbly. Oh the joys of 2.5 yr old exerting their personality lol.

Warehouse this morning out and about this afternoon .

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
That's good Popeye, one less thing to worry about.

Going to 30 here today they say & that fire on the hills is still going so gave back lawn an early mow, just the bits which have grown so didn't take too long.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon very warm here - just made another brew of your sauce Kiwimade - the plums were very black so it’s made a great brew - put it in some of those dark green beer bottles with the stopper was hard to see how full it was until it spilt
Popeye - not sure how accurate this is - did Mr P do compulsory military training back in the day - a lady who used to walk at the dog park received assistance for funeral costs from the RSA - he had never been to war but she claimed his training qualified him - have no idea if this is correct but if it is applicable woukd be a help .Can’t believe you can’t get the money from Winz even if they took it back at a $1 a week
Our fantastic headmasters wife managed to raise enough funds for uniforms and stationery for 320 kids who wouldn’t have been returning to school - she is a superb fundraiser there were very few companies she approached for donations turned her down .I paid $29 dollars for my lucky number 29 and won a Ninja juicer from Briscoes - the warranty is valid so will give it to my granddaughter for her birthday
Robie has met the 14 year old who is waging war on his business - instead of the police coming when security caught him again trying to steal one of the night cleaners cars Robie came - he hasn’t been to school since Covid - had no wifi so got behind when the lessons were online - lives with his grandfather who doesn’t care - in fact the overriding impression Robie got is nobody cares - a judge put him into the iwi justice system last year so the police can’t do anything but he is prospecting for the gangs who he says do care - said he loved sport when he was going to school so Robie got one of the young blokes he has working for him who has been in jail to contact the kid about touch rugby but he didn’t turn up - poor kid
The rats in the supermarket is puzzling as there are regular checks by the clip board brigade from Wgtn - you have to show all your paperwork of the regular checks and procedures of your cleaners .
It doesn’t seem like a year ago Gabrielle hit - the year has flown - still amazing that our part of the district missed it completely except for the loss of power and all communications for a week which was nothing compared to what others were experiencing .One of Robies staff who was crouching below a cabinet that a bullet passed through is still on stress leave - she was a young vibrant happy go lucky Indian checkout operator - she is one of many whose lives will never be the same - my sister is doolalley doesn’t realise how lucky she is - but others have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps as my Mum would say and are getting in with it
KM, your post reminded me of meeting a long lost relative many years ago. She was descended form the first marriage of my great grandfather, while I was from his second. I was doing a bit of family tree research at the time - long before computers so all done by post. She lived in Wellington so we arranged a meeting next time I went up to visit a friend there since they were in the same suburb.

Once I found the street I walked down it & with ten seconds I'd recognised her - the same height as me & with the same black rings around the eyes, which is how we knew exactly where they came from - that Welsh Grandad/Great Grandad ancestor. We got on really well & remained in touch by letter until her death some years later.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
One of my great uncles disappeared during the Great War, and my grandfather, the youngest of the boys was devastated by his loss. As soon as he had the opportunity as a young adult he attempted to trace him but had no luck, even in England and in France. Right up until his death he had all these unanswered questions. Decades later .I googled my grandfathers name one night, playing on my laptop, and up popped a message from a ancestry tracing website asking for any relatives to please contact the writer. So I did, with my Mum's permission. Turned out this Australian woman was the very elderly adopted daughter of an Ozzie real estate agent who had died some years before, with his estate falling into the hands of another family member, who left everything to this woman on their death. Among the family papers were some revealing her adopted father had another identity. He was our missing great uncle who had apparently gone awol from his battalion, made his way to England, then to Australia as a working seaman, all under false papers, and established a completely new life, only being honest with a very few trusted supporters, who kept his secret for years even from his most immediate Australian family.

And there he was, just across the Tasman, and never made contact with his bereft parents or young brother, so close and yet so very distant. I guess he had his reasons.

Families are interesting things.
morning ladies Smile It looks so pretty outside with just a touch of mist over the paddocks.

Families can be weird and ours is no exception lol. Both my sister and one of my sisters-in-law are prime examples. But then again, they may both include me in the Weird Family Member List lol.

Housework for me today, I'm thinking the woolen blankets on our bed could use a wash while the weather is good. I might do one a day over the next few days. And the coverlet definitely needs a wash but that is so big and heavy it needs to be washed either in the bath or taken into the laundromat.

The invoice for the emergency electrical repairs has been sent to us and quickly forwarded to the insurance assessor. This claim is getting bigger and bigger. We'll hear from the assessor today about where we stand insurance wise. The claim is too big for her to approve straight away and has to go to AMI. But she said the quotes are well within what she expected. I'm glad she expected it as we certainly didn't lol. It's way more than we thought. Once again, thank goodness we have insurance. I've grumbled about paying it each month but by golly, it's great when you need it.

Mica, what a huge change both you and MrM are planning. Hopefully when you are looking you will find the perfect home that suits both of your needs.

It's a pretty good sauce recipe, isn't it Jan Smile An oldie but a goodie. That poor kid. But then again, the offer of a hand up was there for him to take but I guess the gangs are just too tempting. Fingers crossed the young guy your son has asked to help will get through to him.

Those rats and mice in Woollies just has me shuddering. But Pak n Save in Hamilton have had sparrows flying in the shop as they come in through the back. To be fair, I haven't seen any for ages.

We picked the last of our plums yesterday. Now to work our way through the grapes, figs and blueberries. I'll be giving away bunches of grapes but there is no way we are sharing the figs and blueberries Tongue I'm going to buy some blue vein cheese to have with the figs. It's one of our favourite ways to eat them.

Almost finished the first quarter of the runner edging. I get the impression this is going to take a while Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
omg I've just done 'the garden rounds' with the Furry One and Claude Monet has new leaves starting to form. Completely smashed by the tree, left for almost a week in the heat with no water until the branches were removed, dug out, left in a bucket of water and worm wee for almost two days, replanted and starts growing again Big Grin Amazing!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very Still out.

I sure you will find the right place Mica. I actually wish Maureen and Patch would consider downsizing. Neither of them can do any yard work etc. he is still in hospital and there is no way she can look after his daily needs. I know they want to remain but its not practical. She rang last night and said the hospital had recommended him going to the same place MrP was in. Which at least is closer. I offered to help get her there.

I had a lovely day out shopping. treated myself to two new dresses. Down from $75 to $40. Which I thought was awesome. I also got some nice soaps and lip balm for my ladies, to thank them for being so supportive for me. Didn't think that David would like that so I got a toy for his dog Bella lol.. It looks terribly rude so it will give us a laugh for sure.

David rang yesterday. News from the carers and some residents is that they are moving Bobbie on. I knew it was coming. Of course they haven't told me. The one who gets her what she needs, makes her clothes etc. So Im going to speak to the Manager this morning. I simply want to know if Bobbie has been told yet, cos its going to make her Happy and Sad, especially if its too far for me to visit. I just want her Happy and Safe. There is a community home in Pukekohe which is a locked community but people love it there. They are safe. There's gardens and a cafe etc all within the fences etc.

So Im off to do my bloods and go see them all..

Gosh its sad to hear about that boy. I think there's a huge need for more Buddy systems. Im assuming since he is with his grandfather, that his parents aren't of much use. So sad really

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have a friend, she's 62 and raising her 11 year old special needs grandson. Since knowing her I have absolutely no criticism of grandparents - especially solos, who take on this role. As she says, there was no one else...
Good morning. 

Sunny and going to be a nice day. 

Lol, it's not easy to kill a rose KM. They seem to respond to a severe prune better than if you just let them be. 

Yep agree, most families have the "weirdos" in their midst ... ours included.

Sad story about the 14 yo, so many others like him out there with useless family support and stretched outside support.

Quite a few weeks ago I planted some Rengarenga (Rocky Lily) seeds I purchased online into seed mix soil ... 1 emerged fairly soon and I thought that was it. Over the last few weeks 1 at a time has been appearing ... now up to 10, lol. Hopefully I end up with enough to underplant in the garden ... attractive with their glossy leaves and long stems of tiny white flowers.  It pays to be patient sometimes!

No particular plan for the day. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Overcast at moment

Plants are resilient in all your hand I am sure they look at me and die. Hence DH is the gardener and I have fun choosing plants .

Sad tale JanW intervention possibly a bit too late sadly.

Housework, food hunting this morning the hope to sandwich scrappy cot quilt and get it quilted. It is a bit ugly  but often they shine once quilted. 

Had to pick up DGD1 yesterday both mum and dad held up at work this is one of the reasons when we downsize we want to stay local so that we can help while we are able.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Yes he probably did have his reasons Hunni - strange,bizarre creatures we humans are sometimes. Things which were then known as battle fatigue or shell shock we now know a little more about & call them PTSD these days.

I agree Popeye - that kid needed help rather than punishment. I think that more using Celai Lashlie's methods of helping & supporting mums would do far more to help in the long term, rather than the bashbash approach favoured by some govts.

I hope it all goes well with Bobbie's move & you can still visit sometimes.

Managed to get a pair of Minecraft socks for the eldest great grandsons on special so put them away for xmas - apparently minecraft is some type of game.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well I braved it and spoke to the manager.

She said the mental health guy Conrad had spoken to Bobbie. He will discuss it with his team and they will go from there. I suggested that when they do give her the news that perhaps I could be there with her, and she actually agreed. And then I asked if she could sit with us for Lunch. Which she did and she behaved. Not that I have ever seen her misbehave.

But the Manager will keep me up to date. I said Im the closest she has to family and we all care about her. She doesn't have any idea where she might end up but we will work with it. I said if I cant travel, I will at least be able to phone her.

Lunch went well and we enjoyed the watermelon. I sent the rest home with Dianne for her Grandies. Colleen was nasty again. Getting quite concerned at the way she speaks to people, particularly Anne and Bobbie. Anne got up and left, but I caught her later on.

They all loved their gifts, and certainly gave David heaps about the dog toy I got him lol. Got a couple of cardies from the Oppy this morning, one red and one purple.

Bobbie is in a wheelchair now. and she was sleeping when I found her. Shes fading, so I kind of hope she doesnt get sent away, that she stays and simply slips away.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have once cool start to the day, perfect for watering the vegies.

Bobby's story is such a sad one, popeye. Hopefully she will simply slip away peacefully.

lol Lilith, yes, Minefield is a computer game. Our grandkids play it Smile

The insurance assessor emailed yesterday with a spread sheet of repair costs and all that needs doing now is for AMI to formally approve the claim and deposit the $$$ so we can get on with repairs. It's been two weeks today and we're pretty impressed with how quickly the tradies got here and sent off their quotes. And our assessor was a very practical lady and quick to get things done too. The only thing we have to pay for is the removal of the remainder of the tree and the policy excess. A small price to pay considering how much AMI is paying.

I've almost finished the first quarter of edging on the runner. The next three quarters should be quicker as I can use this part as a guide. These hot afternoons are perfect for stitching Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Clear as here too, I suspect it will be hot later.

I agree Kiwimade, if she didn't have me or David she would be totally alone in a building of strangers. In the last year, no 6 months she has gone downhill big time. We can only hope that they decide to keep her here a while longer. The more frail she gets the less likely she is to hit out.. I hope.

I will get some of Maureens lawn done today. Maybe later tonight.

Proof of how warm it is. I washed some nice thick new towels last night, hung them on the airer in the lounge about 6-30pm. Shut the doors at 7-45, turned them over and they are bone dry this morning. Lovely and thick too.. I decided bugger it, I have nice new towels and if I dont use them I never will.

So Ill box up the odd kitchen stuff, towels and other linen and advertise it free on FB. Someone will take it away. I still have new white and red towels too. But Ill use them later.. say 5 years lol.

Arghhh weetbix isnt a cut on steamed pudding, Ill make one later lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morni g all
Woke up to steady rain the lawn and garden will appreciate it.

KM sounds like you are making good progress with your runner I don't have any hand work at the moment.
Hope Bobby is kept safe and happy Popeye.

Well we looked over the local retirement village and there was a 3 bedroom villa just completed very nice except the things like hob and oven very basic(cheap) pets allowed which is nice too. We won't  moving the price is too rich for us so we will be staying here for a while and just keep a watch on properties. We both physically well but you know we getting older and DH has Parkinsons so he won't be able to look after the garden etc forever. 

Quilting for me today always hard when I don't really like it so all over quilting should be able to complete today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Popeye, your vet will take the old towels and any old blankets. Our vet is extremely grateful when I rock in with the Furry One and a pile of towels. They scored our old woolen blankets too and use them to keep the dogs warm after surgery. I didn't know dogs can't regulate their temperature while recovering.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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