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Another Putin opponent dies
What a coincidence...again... Dodgy

"Alexei Navalny: The final weeks and death of Russia’s leading Putin critic

The Russian opposition leader died at a prison inside the Arctic Circle where he was serving a 19-year sentence.

The facility, often called the “Polar Wolf” jail, is officially known as the IK-3 penal colony and is located at Kharp in the Yamal-Nenets region, about 1900km northeast of Moscow.
His death was announced by Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service, which said the 47-year-old lost consciousness on Friday after taking a walk in the prison where he was moved last December, and when for several weeks his friends did not know where he was.

After his collapse – just one day after he appeared in court and was making jokes – an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him for more than half an hour, officials at Labytnang City Hospital told Russian state-run media RIA Novosti.

“The doctors who arrived at the scene continued the resuscitation measures that the prison’s doctors had already provided,” RIA quoted an official as saying.
“They carried them out for more than half an hour. However, the patient died. The ambulance team reached the prison in less than seven minutes, and doctors reached the patient two minutes later.”
The Russian prison service said Navalny “felt unwell after a walk” and “almost immediately” lost consciousness. It said it was investigating his “sudden death”.

For some time his supporters and family declined to believe the news, pointing out there had been earlier such reports that proved false.
His long-time chief of staff, Leonid Volkov, wrote on Twitter: “We have no reason to believe state propaganda. If this is true, then not ‘Navalny died’, but ‘Putin killed Navalny’ and only that. But I don’t trust them one penny.”
The Kremlin said Vladimir Putin had been informed.

It later emerged that he was being held in a place where the temperatures drop as low as -30C.
He was often held in solitary confinement – more than 300 days in total, according to his supporters – and last month his spokesperson said he had been sent again to a so-called “punishment cell” for 10 days for “incorrectly introducing himself” to a guard.
Navalny later said: “The idea that Putin was pleased enough that he had put me in a barracks in the Far North that they would stop throwing me in solitary confinement was ... naive.”
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I'm hoping here that it backfires.
Looks like there are a ton of rallies being held by his supporters.
Over 300 arrested apparently.
(18-02-2024, 09:30 AM)nzoomed Wrote: I'm hoping here that it backfires.
Looks like there are a ton of rallies being held by his supporters.
Over 300 arrested apparently.

Its happening around the world according to Al Jazeera. It must truly suck to be Russian just now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It's only a matter of time before Putin is dethroned.
My main concern is if someone worse replaces him.
Good news is there is a massive resistance movement in Russia.
The liberty legion of Russia has been responsible for a few attacks and then there are other partisan attacks on the power grid, rail and other infrastructure that are too far away from Ukraine to have been any of their drones.
He rules by terror. It is a brave one who challenges him.
(18-02-2024, 12:37 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: He rules by terror. It is a brave one who challenges him.

The only comfort is that even Putin can't live forever.

 But any possible  replacement will need to be checked very carefully.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Rumor has it that Putin has health issues too, but I dont know how reliable any of that is, but could be a factor if he is behaving irrational.
Navalny's body found.

"The bruised body of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, has been found in a hospital morgue in the Arctic, two days after he died in a nearby prison.
A paramedic told Russian opposition media that there were bruises on Navalny’s head and chest when his body was brought into the Salekhard District Clinical Hospital.
“Such injuries, described by those that saw them, appear from seizures,” the unnamed paramedic told the exiled Novaya Gazeta newspaper.
“The person convulses, they try to restrain him, and bruises appear. They also said that he also had a bruise on his chest. That is, they still tried to resuscitate him, and he died, most likely, from cardiac arrest.”

Navalny’s mother failed to find his body at the morgue in Salekhard on Saturday and his colleagues at the Anti-Corruption Foundation accused the Russian authorities of a cover-up.
Reporters said no autopsy had yet been performed. They also said that two unscheduled flights from Moscow had landed on Saturday at Salekhard, possibly with autopsy specialists.
Navalny was Vladimir Putin’s most serious opponent. Western leaders have accused the Kremlin of murdering him. He was facing three decades in prison on various charges and had been transferred to IK-3 shortly before Christmas.

David Lammy, the shadow UK foreign secretary, said on Sunday that Putin should face war crimes charges for the death of Navalny.
“I’d like to see Putin in front of that special tribunal, held to account for all of his crimes, not just in Ukraine, but as we are seeing just in the last 48 hours in Russia as well,” he told the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg programme on Sunday."

(19-02-2024, 10:31 AM)nzoomed Wrote: Rumor has it that Putin has health issues too, but I dont know how reliable any of that is, but could be a factor if he is behaving irrational.

I find myself wishing that Trump would piss Putin off to the same extent..... Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
"The mother of Russia's top opposition leader Alexei Navalny said this morning that she has seen her son's body and that she is resisting strong pressure by authorities to agree to a secret burial outside the public eye.
Speaking in a video statement from the Arctic city of Salekhard, Lyudmila Navalnaya said investigators have allowed her to see her son's body in the city morgue.
She said she reaffirmed the demand to give Navalny's body to her and protested what she described as authorities trying to force her to agree to a secret burial.
"They are blackmailing me, they are setting conditions where, when and how my son should be buried," she said.
"They want it to do it secretly without a mourning ceremony."

Navalny's mother has filed a lawsuit at a court in Salekhard contesting officials' refusal to release her son's body.
A closed-door hearing has been scheduled for next month.

Earlier this week, she appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to release her son's remains so that she could bury him with dignity.
Navalny's death has deprived the Russian opposition of its best-known and most inspiring politician less than a month before an election that is all but certain to give Putin another six years in power."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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