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You can never have enough...
(19-02-2024, 02:59 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I remember that stage with my Mum. The staff would call me in to settle her. I understood the rage though, it must be terrifying to lose so much and not understand why.

Totally agree Hunni. 

My mum was different. it was the pain meds they were feeding her that made her mentally unwell..

Bobby even said today she would be better off in a  rest home. She thinks she owns the place she is in.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had a bit of rain this morning, fingers crossed we have more.

Demetia is a cruel disease, along with Parkinsons.

This morning I need to trim the lawn edges, they haven't been done for a while and one of my Albertine roses is flowering for the second time. It's supposed to flower once over six weeks... oh who knows now with climate change. I do know it needs a good trim back so I can mow without it attacking me. The mowing will have to wait until tomorrow as later this morning I'm taking our friend to his monthly Waikato Hospital appointment. But at least the edges will have been done.

MrK and I went to Hamilton yesterday with another load of scrap metal from his workshop and the garden shed for the scrap metal people. OMG how much stuff does he have lol. Then promptly spent the $$$ on lunch. I think we needed some time away from everything and lunch out was just what the doctor ordered.

I've finished the edging along the bottom of the runner and am working up the next side. In saying that, the cutting and weaving of the hardanger is still to go but can't be done until last.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
 It of moisture  overnight  still windy Sad

You are motoring KM love the cutting and pulling threads when hardanger  project is finished.

We had a busy day yesterday, DD spotted new build house up for sale nearby so we enquired, agent came appraised  our house etc, we will go to open home on Sunday  is bigger  and appliances better standard than those viewed in retirement village scary stuff this down sizing all I can see is $$$$ disappearing 

Off up coast this today for quilting group so a bit of stitching will take my mind of things for a while

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

We have had some rain too, but its clearing.

Bobbie is the first one I've known with dementia really. It is sad to see her declining. I have said to Colleen, I am lucky cos I can leave, where they can't. But I did manage to settle her down and gently told her I do not abide hitting anyone. I've never seen her so angry. But I think I did well in settling her down.

David goes to meetings about Dementia, I might ask if I can tag along.

I held her hand a lot yesterday and I think that was calming. And I cut her food for her so she did eat.

Home today, so I think Ill sort through some more stuff of MrP's. Am still creaky from Sunday. I actually brought a little massager from Briscoe's and it really helps. I've never had a massage before lol.

Must also have a look at this skirt of the dress I pulled apart the other day. Its such pretty fabric. I doubt its been washed, so possibly not worn either. It would even look nice simply framed. But I think I can get a cushion cover out of it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye - Bobby is so lucky to have you - has she no family at all - the home should give you a part time job giving the residents the extra care the staff just don’t have the time to do
After our beloved dog Stella died Rosemary planted this Lily plant in remembrance of Stella, after 6 months it put out two flowers, we like to think one for each of us.

Oh_hunnihunni, I asked before about a Rose we couldn't identify and you were helpful, how about this Lily bloom, do you know the name of it?

By the way so far no more buds on the Ancient Rose plant I asked about a few months ago which is actually quite close to the Lilly I am showing here.


It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
That's my favourite part of hardanger as well, mica Smile Kinda like my 'reward' for persevering with all those klosters!

The lawn I could mow has been mowed, the second Albertine somewhat tamed and edges done. It's clouding over so we may have more rain. Fingers crossed!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I think the most useful lesson I learnt from those dementia years was to not argue with my Mum no matter how fantastic the stories she told became. Those were reflections of her reality and challenging them, even carefully, only upset her by emphasising how unreal her world had become. Her reality was as real to her as mine was, or is to me.

Which might just be proof of the theory we really do create our own reality, lol.

Zwerty, I am not much good on lily identification, they are only a recent love in my garden. But I know I have had great advice and info from the NZ Bulbs people. They know their stuff, and might be able to tell you the name of your lovely lily. They have a farcebook page as well as a website...

I would welcome some rain up here, the hydrangeas are suffering despite my watering. We may have lost one of the oldest ones, it is looking increasingly sad. As I will be if I cannot grow those in a climate changed Auckland future. They are very close to my green heart...
zqwerty, could that be an Asian lily?

OHH, I know how you feel, things are changing in our garden as well. At times it doesn't know whether it's Arthur or Martha!

Kettle's boiled, time for an early cuppa before a shower and picking our friend up.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Just chopped up my regular pineapple purchase, and discovered seeds...

Oh boy. A new challenge, lol...
Yes Hunni I've learnt to just agree with what ever Bobbie says..

She did shock me yesterday, cos I hadn't seen her angry side, but I managed to calm her down.

But when she started to say I wasn't allowed to leave yesterday, I was a little scared, but a carer came straight to her and she said she would take her back to her room. I left knowing full well I had to. Or it would have escalated.

Thankfully hardening my heart with MrP is having a pay off when it comes to Bobbie.

I Think they are growing pineapples between here and Pukekohe. I must look online. I know there was someone near on Country calendar I think it was.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another warm day but we are heading into autum, my favourite season.

I remember that episode of Country Calendar, it was somewhere further north and those pineapples looked delicious. A few years ago, I did a garden ramble thing with my sisters-in-law in Tauranga and walked through a garden with tropical fruit and there was a huge bunch of bananas growing. Could be worth a shot, OHH Smile you never know what can grow here now.

The chap from Livewire Rural is coming today to see if we have 'line of sight' to their tower. If we do, then we're having a dish put on the roof for our internet. No more dealing with two hour waits for Spark to answer their phone only to be cut off and have to start again. No more text messages saying it will be four months before they can fix our internet and no more idiots who have no idea what they are talking about when you finally do reach a person. Fingers crossed we have the line of sight. Must also text and tell the chap that our part of the road is closed but to tell the worker guarding the cones that he is going to our road, and they will let him through.

I'm going to phone AMI this morning as we have two invoices for our emergency repair that should have been paid yesterday (20th). AMI have them but I'd like to know where we stand and if we should find the money to pay them and then we are reimbursed. I hate thinking these payments are going to be late when both companies came out quickly to help us.

MrK plans to repair our outdoor table soon. It needs new timber slats and he said it shouldn't take him long to do. He also wants to get in around our water tank and tidy up. It's another 'dumping ground' of his stuff. He's trying to get stuff done before he has his surgery as he won't be able to do much for a little while until the skin graft heals.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
kiwimade64, yes having looked up Asian Lily on google images I must say you could be correct, so thanks for the input, cheers.

It's confusing though with so many different colour choices, but the shape is very similar to the ones I have posted above.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Good morning. 

Sunny after a cooler start.

Google tells me pineapple belongs to the bromeliad family, a new fun fact for me.  Those grow well here  Smile

Mr R has been having a tidy up as well before his surgery. Movement is good for him at the moment so it will be enforced 'slowdown' post surgery.

Grocery shopping soon, a glimpse at the supermarket carpark after the K9 groom and getting library books yesterday, had me drive straight home! Baking later and maybe a look at what yarn I have on hand. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine day clear skies nippy start, getting darker 6am too.

Zqwerty pretty flower, my son has app on his phone that is useful ID plants fun to play with when we are out walking.

OHH my aunty who lives in New Plymouth has had a pineapple growing in her glasshouse for several years if memory serves me right I think she grew it from a pineapple top.

Been to gym trainer was mean but it is for my own good. Anyway I have earned the cream donut that I will be eating later this morning. Third time lucky in setting up day to meet up at glutenfree bakery in Petone.

Had a nice day at quilting guild meeting finished stitching a binding down on cot quilt so I can donate that tomorrow.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Yes, we used to chop the tops when pineapples came with leaves, but these days - no leaves! They made great house plants for us penniless student teacher green thumbs, lol. Growing from seed is a lengthy and risky business, but I think it would be rather fun to try so I have started a few off by first soaking them overnight in a wee pot floated in one of my aquariums so they can swell and develop a mucus coat. Then they go into a seed pot to wait for germination in a nice warm humid place. Plenty of those around here at the moment. My neighbour has massive banana trees in his mad garden, like me he likes to give everything a go, especially freebies! He has a young damson on the fenceline which I seriously envy. Only four fruits, which won't make many jars, but I have hope for future seasons! One year he handed me one of his bananas fresh from the tree, boy they taste very different that way - like any store bought fruit we just do not know what the fresh version tastes like until we grow it at home.

My radishes are up and the last crop of beans too. With luck and climate change I will be enjoying those in a few short warm weeks. Meantime I have the last of the peaches to keep me smiling. What a gift that tree has been, next job is to reshape it for next season - so my treat for next weeks spend up is a new pair of secateurs and some decent loppers so I can give the biceps a work out!
Morning everyone

Slept in, which is unusual for me.

Yes Jan Bobbie has no one here. She moved to NZ in 1965, and gradually brought all her family over. She had one brother and Sister. The Brother died, and her Sister returned to Scotland but has also passed away. And she doesn't have any friends. Oddly MrP was the same, re no friends.

She will be happy today, one of the singers is going in and she adores his singing.

I measured the fabric out, its actually stretchy which I didn't know you could get in Corduroy. I could get two smaller cushions, but Id have to buy inners. So since I already have some inners Ill make one larger one. It doesn't match anything I have, so I will sell it. But the fabric was too good to leave it in the freebee bin.

I need to go pick up a letter and get milk. But I think Ill do some time in the garage first. I need to have a garage sale and would like to get it sorted before my knee is done.

When we were kids we used to have Feijoas, grapes, peaches, nectarines and guavas all growing, plus the vege garden.. They tasted way better than anything we buy these days. I remember for some reason dad planted Turnips in the vege garden, the whole garden. Mum wasn't impressed, but we would just go pick one and eat it straight away. Was yumm.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thanks for that info Mica but I have a very old iPhone 5 and I don't think it would run that app very well, lol.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
my Mums pineapple she grew from a seed she smuggled in 40 years ago from her first trip to Queensland - she was a chronic seed smuggler in her early days - her loot from Norfolk Island was particularly impressive - my father used to go berserk he was a well known business man and his wife smuggling making the headlines would not have been good - the first pineapple was harvested for my Dads 60th birthday so we all knew the date of the original harvest .Unfortunately my sister who was hit by Gabrielle had the pineapple and Mums bananas and neither survived .A Thai family used to take a banana flower and in return used to bring her beautiful Thai meals .The bananas were delicious
Robie has had two product complaints plastered over Facebook - chicken bone in a hot cross bun - it was actually lemon peel - fly in vacuum packed chicken packed by the supplier - vacuum pack wasn’t broken when it passed under the pricing and checking scanner -electronic fly zappers were working so complete mystery how fly was in the fridge and the vacuum pack was broken - makes you wonder if the rats are being deliberately released down south
Just heard about Afiso Collins - a good man gone far too soon
I agree. A good, educated, and committed man taken far too soon.

My pineapple seeds have formed a mucus coat so I shall proceed with the next stage. My favourite barista gave me a clear plastic cup with a domed lid, perfect to keep the humidity high for the seed. I took some poached peaches to a friend and scored two beautiful fat bathmats from her linen cupboard sort out. She wanted to give me the matching towels, but there is just me, and I have ample on the shelf. Then as I got close to home I spotted a pine dining chair on the verge, free to a good home, perfect height and solid to have by my raised planters for those days when my spine won't let me stand long enough to play in the dirt. I am tempted to sand and paint it some mad colour but my two noisiest neighbours are horrified at the thought of me painting timber. It's pine, not mahogany, lol. But we shall see.

And I came home to a power and broadband bill from my new supplier, Pulse Energy. Power $32, unlimited Bb $72, that's including gst. I know prices are going up 1st of April, but those rates are considerably better than my old ones with Electric Kiwi. With my fortnightly autopayment of $65 I can see me being in credit for a few months yet. Handy for winter heat pump use, I won't be reluctant to keep the cockles warm if I feel the need. I am not keen on their website layout though, I enjoyed being able to monitor ongoing use and costs, but can't have everything I guess.

All'n all, a good day. And now it is wine time... Happy Hunni!

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