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Proper way to show the world how WE feel about Russia and Putin, irregardless of Trum
From Reddit:

Proper way to show the world how WE feel about Russia and Putin, irregardless of Trump's views.

Full link for comments as well:
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
I think Putin knows how we feel. He just doesn't give a flying monkey. Which is another indication of just how insane he and his ilk are. But the real worry is that people as sick as he is actually get into positions of power because they have supporters who enable it.
(20-02-2024, 08:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I think Putin knows how we feel. He just doesn't give a flying monkey. Which is another indication of just how insane he and his ilk are. But the real worry is that people as sick as he is actually get into positions of power because they have supporters who enable it.

And those people wouldn't have any supporters to speak of, if our entire world just had a reasonably good education for every last one of us...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I wondered how Putin became the person he is so had a wander arounf the net & found this.

"How Vladimir Putin’s childhood is affecting us all

Examine Vladimir Putin’s childhood and you will see an eerie parallel to the atrocities playing out in Ukraine today. His life is a stark example of how childhood adversity is the root cause of most social, economic and mental health issues, as well as violence and chronic disease, as the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences demonstrates.
And while we can’t change the Russian president, we can encourage and educate people not to create more Putins by recognizing how childhood adversity impacts us throughout our lives and by integrating solutions into our healthcare, education, justice and economic systems.
Born in 1952 Leningrad, Putin was a street kid in a city devastated by a horrific, three-year siege by the Nazis during WWII, a genocide described as the world’s most destructive siege of a city. Most of the population of three million people died, one million starving to death. Putin’s father was badly injured in the war, his mother nearly died of starvation. 

His father worked in a factory; his mother did odd jobs she could find. A small child, whose two older siblings are believed to have been lost to war and disease, Putin was left to fend for himself, severely bullied by other children.
With his parents struggling to survive, they were absent or too traumatized to be attentive to their son. There’s no mention of other family members: no grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Kindness and affection didn’t seem to have been part of the child Putin’s world.

But the damage that led to his current behavior was done. It produced a machismo man, distrustful and unpredictable, and who cultivates disinformation to advance his own agenda at any cost. 

In her essay, “The Ignorance or How We Produce the Evil,” psychologist Alice Miller wrote: “Children who are given love, respect, understanding, kindness and warmth will naturally develop different characteristics from those who experience neglect, contempt, violence or abuse and never have anyone they can turn to for kindness and affection. Such absence of trust and love is a common denominator….All the childhood histories of serial killers and dictators I have examined showed them without exception to have been the victims of extreme cruelty, although they themselves steadfastly denied this.”

Research shows that early abuse and neglect damages an infant’s developing brain. If a child suffers abuse and neglect for years without intervention, the consequences can be dire."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
So his deep seated long standing person grievance against of Nazis has morphed into a focussed campaign against opposing political factions in neighbouring nations using Nazi-ism as the reason for doing so. Twisted logic.
Russia seems to have their fair share of Nazis, perhaps Putin should be focusing on them on his own soil?
(21-02-2024, 02:03 PM)nzoomed Wrote: Russia seems to have their fair share of Nazis, perhaps Putin should be focusing on them on his own soil?

Ah yes, that much loved 'ethnic purity'....
Big Grin Big Grin Rolleyes

"Strange but true.

By Bill Sones & Rich Sones,Ph D
Q. Aren't we humans all one big family - & not just metaphorically speaking?
A.If you trace your family tree back just 30 generations, & assume 25 years for a generation, your ancestry over this 750 years encompasses first two parents,then four grandparents, eight great-grandparents,16 great-great-grandparents,32 great-great-great-grandparents,64,128,256,512,1024,2048....finally,1,073,741,824 people!
But 750 years ago it was the 13th century & there were fewer than a billion people in the world. Which means that, more recently than a scant 30 generations ago, your Mother's & Father's gene lines were merged, with ancestors common to both.
Follow your lineage back 50 generations & the number of common parental ancestors grows enormous. In fact, estimates Guy Murchie in The Seven Mysteries of Life; the entire human species can be encompassed "within the scope of 50th cousinhood."
If this estimate is correct, it would mean that your own ancestors include not only some whites, some blacks, some Chinese & some Arabs," but...Malays, Latins , Eskimos & every other possible ancestor who lived on Earth around AD 700. It is virtually certain, therefore, that you are a direct descendant of Muhammad & every fertile predecessor of his, including Krishna, Confucius, Abraham, Buddha, Caesar, Ishmael & Judas Iscariot."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(21-02-2024, 03:26 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(21-02-2024, 02:03 PM)nzoomed Wrote: Russia seems to have their fair share of Nazis, perhaps Putin should be focusing on them on his own soil?

Ah yes, that much loved 'ethnic purity'....
Big Grin Big Grin Rolleyes

"Strange but true.

By Bill Sones & Rich Sones,Ph D
Q. Aren't we humans all one big family - & not just metaphorically speaking?
A.If you trace your family tree back just 30 generations, & assume 25 years for a generation, your ancestry over this 750 years encompasses first two parents,then four grandparents, eight great-grandparents,16 great-great-grandparents,32 great-great-great-grandparents,64,128,256,512,1024,2048....finally,1,073,741,824 people!
But 750 years ago it was the 13th century & there were fewer than a billion people in the world. Which means that, more recently than a scant 30 generations ago, your Mother's & Father's gene lines were merged, with ancestors common to both.
Follow your lineage back 50 generations & the number of common parental ancestors grows enormous. In fact, estimates Guy Murchie in The Seven Mysteries of Life; the entire human species can be encompassed "within the scope of 50th cousinhood."
If this estimate is correct, it would mean that your own ancestors include not only some whites, some blacks, some Chinese & some Arabs," but...Malays, Latins , Eskimos & every other possible ancestor who lived on Earth around AD 700. It is virtually certain, therefore, that you are a direct descendant of Muhammad & every fertile predecessor of his, including Krishna, Confucius, Abraham, Buddha, Caesar, Ishmael & Judas Iscariot."
This blog post goes into a lot more detail on the mathematical implications of family trees and has some cool pictures to explain the concepts:
(21-02-2024, 05:12 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(21-02-2024, 03:26 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Ah yes, that much loved 'ethnic purity'....
Big Grin Big Grin Rolleyes

"Strange but true.

By Bill Sones & Rich Sones,Ph D
Q. Aren't we humans all one big family - & not just metaphorically speaking?
A.If you trace your family tree back just 30 generations, & assume 25 years for a generation, your ancestry over this 750 years encompasses first two parents,then four grandparents, eight great-grandparents,16 great-great-grandparents,32 great-great-great-grandparents,64,128,256,512,1024,2048....finally,1,073,741,824 people!
But 750 years ago it was the 13th century & there were fewer than a billion people in the world. Which means that, more recently than a scant 30 generations ago, your Mother's & Father's gene lines were merged, with ancestors common to both.
Follow your lineage back 50 generations & the number of common parental ancestors grows enormous. In fact, estimates Guy Murchie in The Seven Mysteries of Life; the entire human species can be encompassed "within the scope of 50th cousinhood."
If this estimate is correct, it would mean that your own ancestors include not only some whites, some blacks, some Chinese & some Arabs," but...Malays, Latins , Eskimos & every other possible ancestor who lived on Earth around AD 700. It is virtually certain, therefore, that you are a direct descendant of Muhammad & every fertile predecessor of his, including Krishna, Confucius, Abraham, Buddha, Caesar, Ishmael & Judas Iscariot."
This blog post goes into a lot more detail on the mathematical implications of family trees and has some cool pictures to explain the concepts:

That was really interesting, cheers for posting Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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