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You can never have enough...
I watched David Arttenborough too KM. Meerkats are so gorgeous, but as we learned last night, also capable of being ruthless. Its understandable but still sad.

Eldest granddaughet called in this morning, her eldest still has a cast where he managed to break his arm at school but now its adorned with everyone's signature. I've no idea where she gets her energy - two kids,partner, volunteering with the school footy team,plus she's started doing study with a view to becoming a social worker eventually, preferably working with kids.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Gidday all
Overcast windy

Completed my gym session without too much groaning lol 
Been to Greytown for lunch and been bra shopping so have 2 pretties to add to the collection

Back home having a nice cuppa and melting moment not sure what to tackle next
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Living up to my Name of a complex Patient.

Need to stop the Warfarin after Saturdays last dose, Need an INR test before 10 am on Sunday.. No labs open unless I go all the way to Middlemore. Cant do that at short notice.

So we skip Sundays test.. yes I will worry. They are looking to see if home visit is possible , but they doubt it.

Asked could they please send the Script to the Chemist, for the clexane, so I can pick it up no later than Noon on Saturday when my chemist shuts.. Well I think its 12-30 or 1pm. But I wasn't telling them that.

Ohh they haven't sent that yet??? Nooooo.... We will get onto it..

I am so Blardy pleased I rang today.... twice, cos I rang this morning too...

Finally Sorted... I do wonder sometimes how many surgeries etc. get totally stuffed up cos people aren't chasing things up.

And seriously We shouldn't be having to chase them up.

But I learnt years ago when I was meant to be put on the Do it in a week urgent list and it wasn't. And the receptionist got the sack for not doing it.

Now I will sleep better
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye I do wonder sometimes if the could organise a bun fight in a bakery lol
Glad that you are onto it
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(13-03-2024, 03:58 PM)Mica Wrote: Popeye I do wonder sometimes if the could organise a bun fight in a bakery lol
Glad that you are onto it

Or as MrP used to say  ' A piss up in a brewery" lol.

And thinking about it all, My last dose of warfarin is Saturday Night. So a blood test on the Sunday is a waste of time anyway. 

Monday yes I can go to the lab..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yuck to clexane lol. I stopped rivaroxiban three days before, then went onto a double dose for a week when I got home, and that worked out fine. Avoiding the tummy jabs, lol. One thing I was really impressed by though was the updated anaesthesia regime. No hangover, no vomiting, just absolute magic. So different from all the previous ortho ops. Oh, and I dreamed while under, wonderful dreams. Almost worth going back under lol...
morning ladies Smile  A cloudy and foggy start to the day but that's fine as it makes it easier when pruning and tidying up the garden after the summer months.

MrK had the same regime, popeye.  Clexane jabs to his tummy and stop the day he had surgery.  He received a text from our GP around 7.00pm last evening telling him his INR was exactly where it should be.  It always takes him a couple of weeks to bounce back after surgery, but our GP is new, and this was his first surgery with her.  It certainly put her into a tail spin, that's for sure lol.  Edited to add, they checked his INR before surgery with this nifty little hand held gadget.  Pricked his finger like you do a diabetes test.  The results were instant too.  Not like back in the day where they had to send blood to the lab and wait for the results.

The fence repair has been done, still waiting for the tree trunk grinding.  It feels like this whole house repair thing is just grinding on and on.  One of my sisters-in-law is suggesting we plant a copper beech tree in its place... ummm...that's a very big no from us.  We are not replacing one big tree with another. 

Yesterday I twisted my ankle in one of the holes in the lawn, it's not too bad and I should be able to hobble about for a bit.  And here's me telling MrK to be careful on the lawn lol.

Washing machine is beeping, the Furry One and I will go and hang out the washing and do our 'rounds' of the garden.  He will race around madly, and I will hobble lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet again Yay.

Yeah its a mission when having surgery. I wish I could stop the warfarin but I need it for life cos my mechanical heart valve.
I dont mind doing the clexane shots since I did insulin for years. Needles are a lot longer tho. But post the tummy surgery there's not a lot of feeling there anyway lol

I had one of those testers Kiwimade. They gave it to me when I had my heart surgery. But the test strips back then, 2006 were $25 each for adults. Not sure what they are these days.. but I gave it to a wee little man who had had 4 heart surgery's, saves him having to go to the Labs and having big bloods. He's 11 this year .

I like the whole epidural side of things. Only a little sleepy meds needed.. but I dont really need it. All the background noise, talking and machines lull me to sleep anyway. But yeah the recovery is way easier for sure.

Shopping today and then Im picking up a tv from Maureen, for my bedroom. It will mean I can simply shut the lounge out in winter and not have to heat a huge area.

Think I might back the car over and do it that way.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Cloudy start not sure what the forecast  is for today

My morning on warehouse and grocery shop this afternoon. Lots of stuff on my list as lots pantry items  have run out.
Finished hand  stitching  the binding on the bigger  crumb quilt last night  will start on smaller  one tonight.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Some rain overnight, overcast and mild now.

Life has resumed with Mr R home day before yesterday. A whole different way of operating with him coming home with mobility aids plus a catheter on board ... hopefully that part will be resolved before too long. Hopefully the pathology test result is positive.

It sounds like you have everything in hand Popeye for your surgery ... forward planning sure pays off. You need to make things as easy as possible once home again.

This time next year KM you won't know your garden, I'm sure.

Coffee over better get the groceries away and washing out on a rack.

Enjoy the day all.
A copper beech would be a dream tree in my world, they were one of my grandmothers favourites. She usually had a branch or two in a vase with a preserving solution to keep her happy through the Winter. But yes, they grow into massive trees. We had a native beech at the gate at the Taupo house, but some bastard slaughtered it long after I left, it was huge and much loved. There is something in my soul that responds to really big trees, the ones we live with here on the reserve are a big part of our lives. And boy, it isn't until I look at photos of the way they were a dozen years ago that their growth really comes home. Losing them would be a tragedy. But then, they aren't close enough to the buildings to be a threat...
In our past life we too had all the lovely big English trees ... great shade for the farm stock but of course a lot of work when planting, having to fence around to protect them. Copper beeches are spectacular. Lived and learnt about trees too close to the house ... moreso the leaves that fell in the gutters!
That's great news roma, it will be so much easier having MrR  home.  And all the gadgets you can use now will make his life easier as well.  Fingers and everything crossed for good path results.

We had a copper beech when we lived in town and loved it.  We saw some old photos of our area going back years and years and there was a whole row of them, including ours.  Ours was the last one Sad  We haven't been back to our old house to see if it is still there.

I'm trying not to be too smug but inside I'm cheering lol. The camellia I've wanted gone for years as it was crowded in and not doing so well, caught a bug of some sort and was dying.  MrK made the executive decision to cut it out.  I didn't need to be asked twice lol and it is gone.  The little hand saw did the job quickly too.  Now if the cherry tree could do something along those lines...  I love cherry trees, but this one is scraggly and has been planted in the wrong place.

Time to put my foot up and have some lunch.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
A trip out for a bit of shopping this morning resulted in me finding a very interesting label. In the warehouse, some clothing was marked in big letters on the labels ' investing in Better Cotton' - that sounds interesting I thought so had a closer look.
In much smaller letters, the label said;

Paragraph one: By choosing our cotton products, you're supporting our investment in Better Cotton's mission.

Paragraph two: This product is sourced via a system of mass balance and therefore may not contain Better Cotton.

Possible passersby may have wondered why the crazy lady was having fits of laughter!

Had to look it up when I got home, found this:

"GENEVA - The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) has revealed that its controversial 'mass balance' system could eventually be replaced with full traceability following concerns over its failure to uncover forced labour issues in China.
An independent task force, which recently reviewed the BCI's 'decent work' practices following concerns over the organisation's role in the Xingjiang region of China, singled out mass balance for criticism."

Its probably a good idea in principle, but needs tweaking quite a lot.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
"Xingjiang region of China" fairly sure that is the region where the Chinese are genociding the Turkic Uyghur people. Herding them into concentration camps and thus forming them into work groups and destroying their cohesiveness and culture, it's been going on for years. I wouldn't be buying that cotton, it's probably from slave labour.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(14-03-2024, 02:58 PM)zqwerty Wrote: "Xingjiang region of China"  fairly sure that is the region where the Chinese are genociding the Turkic Uyghur people.  Herding them into concentration camps and thus forming them into work groups and destroying their cohesiveness and culture, it's been going on for years.  I wouldn't be buying that cotton, it's probably from slave labour.

That doesn't sound too good - why the devil can't we humans just live & let live fgs.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It is bucketing down outside Big Grin

ohhh that's not good, zqwerty. I'll keep an eye out for the brand and make sure we don't buy it. There's always some who have to have more and more and more at the expense of other's rights and freedoms.

We've decided to plant another tree when the grinding is done as there is a huge space with little privacy now. I spotted a gorgeous tree in town and tracked its name down to the Wedding Cake Tree. It's deciduous, variegated and the branches are like layers so the sun can filter through. And it has small, creamy white flowers. You're right roma, in a years' time, the garden will be back. A year is nothing in the life of a garden lol.

Housework today then some stitching. Tomorrow we'll borrow a trailer and get rid of yesterday's garden waste.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

Wet here..

I slept in which is unusual. And only awake about a minute before the hospital rang. Checking I had all the gear I need for post surgery.. Of which I do. Didn't know Id still be wearing stockings tho. If I have trouble one of my girls will help Im sure.

Bloods, and pick up my pills etc before I go up and see the girls.

Irene is on palliative care now. Feeling very sad about that. And I wonder how much of it is down to their lack of care when she needed it. Dianne spoke to the nurse that I overheard last Monday and she is denying everything. B*tch, excuse my French. I hope she ends up with a nurse like her when she is old.

I managed to get the Tv home. It is a little bit smaller than my lounge one, but thats good cos I might not have managed to be able to lift it if it was any bigger lol..

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Overcast windy and cool expecting rain later today
KM that wedding cake tree looks very pretty.

Enjoy your new TV Popeye you and Missy will be able to snuggle up to watch it

We were going plant shopping this morning instead we are minding DD big k9 DSIL cropped him off at 8.30 we have him for next 5 hours . The cat is hiding in her enclosure.

I ordered a pattern  on Wed afternoon it was at our door yesterday at 9.30 pretty impressed with that. Might play with that this afternoon. Plan o  using my tried and true  tshirt pattern and add the design features so that I don't have to  fan around  with fitting and the enevitable pattern alterations. Plan on using some of my merino stash.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(14-03-2024, 06:05 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(14-03-2024, 02:58 PM)zqwerty Wrote: "Xingjiang region of China"  fairly sure that is the region where the Chinese are genociding the Turkic Uyghur people.  Herding them into concentration camps and thus forming them into work groups and destroying their cohesiveness and culture, it's been going on for years.  I wouldn't be buying that cotton, it's probably from slave labour.

That doesn't sound too good - why the devil can't we humans just live & let live fgs.

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