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You can never have enough...
Ooooh pumpkin chairs, love that idea. Always wanted one of those Adirondacks, but I suspect they'd be too low for me. They are such classics though.

Mince pot on the stove, burbling away. Lots of pumpkin in there because it is a great thickener. Going to have a bowl of that for dinner and maybe do a pie with the rest tomorrow to see me through to Super Tuesday. I love lazy cooking...
(23-03-2024, 02:45 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I love the idea of denim blue cupboards Smile  This winter I plan to sand back the Adirondack chairs and paint them pumpkin orange.  I may have to take a piece of pumpkin into Resenes and tell them 'I want this colour' lol

We're trying to watch the sailing but there is a Hectors dolphin having a bit of fun in the bay, so racing has been postponed until the dolphin has gone.  Heart

I've done some stitching today thanks to the rain.  Smile

Dolphins 1
Humans 0.... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I was sifting through old photos yesterday and when you mentioned denim blue cupboards struck a memory cord - this photo is taken in my blue kitchen in Taupo - my granddaughter was holding her wedding her teddy bear Gracie was guest of honour in her old car seat - the dress is a very special dress I wore it on my first date a staff dinner with the old boy - he could not see the point of buying a suit or even hiring one so wore a suit he had worn to his sisters wedding when he was 16 - I didn’t appreciate it at the time but we often laughed about it - it was the era of leather jackets and stove pipe jeans so a suit was a complete waste of money. It was a lovely kitchen the splash back was glass and it reflected the lake but she had pulled the drapes
Hope Popeye is doing OK
The experts say tourism is keeping our credit rating safe I am glad they didn’t risk the dolphin but hope they bring the event back as it brings in a lot of overseas money
Neat shot Jan, seems to me denim blue kitchens are pretty easy to live with!
Hunni - it was a nice house - but unfortunately it was a leaky home
morning ladies Smile  There is a big black rain front hovering, but the sun is rising behind it and omg it looks gorgeous.  All that orange and black.

lol Lilith, that was our thinking as well. We were wondering if the dolphin's score of 1 should be shown on the scoreboard Tongue  There were some pretty grumpy spectators and sailors but too bad.  It's the risk you take, and it is the dolphin's playground.  Fingers crossed they can get some racing done today as it would be a sad loss if they took the racing elsewhere.

Great pic, Jan Smile  I saw a kitchen with sunshine yellow cupboards with crisp white handles and surrounds a few years ago and loved it.  MrK hated it lol.  And my sister-in-law almost bought a house with lilac cupboards.  They looked amazing as well.

OHH, we love those Adirondack chairs as they are so comfortable.  MrK has trouble getting in and out of seating, but he manages with these.  They were my Christmas present years ago and bought on TM.

Time to get cracking, still lots to do outside and we are once again, borrowing my friend's trailer.  I'm picking it up shortly and this time, we'll keep it until our son has finished with his flat.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(23-03-2024, 11:09 PM)JanW Wrote: Hunni - it was a nice house - but unfortunately it was a leaky home

In a mad moment recently I looked up some past homes and discovered to my horror that our first home in Pihanga St had approval to demolish. Then I went looking for my parents home in Kaka St, which was a gorgeous native timber John Scott mid century house, where I was married, and found someone had 'renovated' it, removing most of Scott's fingerprints, and painting the interior white. In both houses the gardens were also gone in favour of low maintenance deserts, the massive Westerland rose was no more. The only home untouched was the little house in Rimu St that I bought after becoming a widow, the one I painted a mad colour. Must've done an okay job too, it lasted, lol.

Doesn't pay to go back, even digitally.
Morning all
Light drizzle 

Agree OHO sometimes better to remember  how we left things.

Bloody cat bought in mouse and let it go  its now under  the fridge  grr..... Rolleyes
Not a good start one of the k9s decided to vomit at 5.50am why is it always on the carpet just near the tiles?

I suppose now I need to go get some mouse baits to slide under the fridge   the cat is sitting on guard  useless!

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have a photo of Pansy, the siamese with the sweetest soul, sitting poised and attentive by my fridge at the horrible flat in Beachhaven. I had no idea why till days later I found the rats nest in the courtyard mere steps from my kitchen door.
I had French doors in my bedroom of my previous house - my old boy used to nag incessantly about me leaving them open late in the autumn - said rats from the creek might decide my bedroom would be a nice warm spot .Shortly after he died I rang Robie thought I could hear chewing in the wall - grape vine scraping on house he said - chewing continued right by my ear - he came with arms full of rat poison and mouse traps laughing that if a rat was in the house my staffi would deal to it .A week later he dragged this out from under my bed with a packet of half eaten blood pressure pills - my staffi slept on the bed while the rat was setting up house in the base of my bed and food gathering out if my bedside cabinet
omgg Jan, that just gives me the willies! I hate rats, luckily the Furry One loves the chase and kill. I have done as much as I can in the garden. Now I wait for the sparkies to do their thing with the digger and then I can work out what needs 'doing' in that corner. My Westerland has a gorgeous bud growing on it Heart I can't wait for her to fill in the fenceline. Blackberry Nip hasn't been bothered at all by the move Big Grin

It's a stunning day out there today, so different to yesterday where we turned the heat pump on as it was so cold.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
OMG Jan sometime staff should be sacked.
Our current boy k9s are a bit useless too one is excellent if he sights a rodent. Now a couple of our girls were relentless would wait for however long it took in one case she could hardly stay awake but she got it 3 am when it ventured out from its hiding place. I just wish the jolly felines would just kill them outright
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I am so tempted to buy a Westerland and put it on our long fenceline...

I am being very proactive today. My deck chairs were showing their age so I have put them out for the inorganic collection. Briscoes have some chairs on sale that might do, fingers crossed they are still available when super goes in tomorrow night, if not, a few months without deck chairs won't kill me. And it does make the tiny space look so much bigger, lol! Easier to sweep too with autumn leaf fall about to start at any moment...
Me too KM, really not keen on rats at all.

I seem to have got myself into a bit of trouble. Approximately 100 years ago (or so it seems) I had the brilliant idea of getting both my parents to each make a recording about their lives, because their was the generation which lived through the great depression & WW2. They weren't that keen but they eventually did one each & they were definitely interesting.
Eldest grandson had them changed from tapes to whatever the hell it is now ( no clue but he's put it on my computer) & he listened to them both & also enjoyed them & found them interesting.
And now, he wants me to do one.
So far I've tried pointing out that they lived through very interesting times -"You lived through the 60s & 70s Gran"
No one wants to hear my awful voice."Your great grandkids will'
But I can't , I haven't got a tape recorder any more. Whereupon he pointed out the thingamajig on me phone which records & showed me how it works.
He also said that he doesn't care if I give him Jesus T shirts for every birthday, but I'm damn well doing it.

Today he,his two siblings & two of their partners (honorary grandkids) & i,plus youngest great grandson went out to lunch.

And the cunning,devious little toad (he's a 6 footer but I can still can call him little) told that lot about the recordings & how Gran should to do one.
So now his sister who's good at organising knows, & I'd bet my boots on her having by now told her also good at organising cousin,who will no doubt tell the rest of the little sweetie darlings...I'm doomed.

I think its called being hoist by your own petard. I really don't know where my parents are now - but I bet they're laughing their socks off!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol Lilith... your goose is cooked!

Great sailing by the Black Foils to win this round of GP Sailing Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Not keen on Russell Coutts. Definitely not keen on Coutts in a bad mood.
Yep, I think I've haddit KM - they'll all remember it now.

I think the endangered dolphins are preferable - & far more to be valued - than an arrogant & angry thwarted Russell Coutts.

Saving the Hectors Dolphins is of far more importance than a boat race.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yup. Me too. Petulant little man.
morning ladies Smile It's too dark to see what's happening outside Smile

I stopped liking Russell Coutts when he buggered off overseas after all the support NZ gave him. He's an arrogant twat who thinks sailing is above conservation. I read it was calving season for the dolphins, not sure if this is right or not. But, you choose to sail in a marine reserve, and these are the consequences. Especially after last year where the powers that be refused to stop the sailing and show their GPS data after dolphins were spotted in the area. Just what did they expect would happen this year? A repeat performance, I don't think so.

I'm heading to Hamilton shortly to help our son, he's borrowing the vacuum cleaner amongst other bits and bobs. Oh, and mum, do you have any oven cleaner and steelo pads? Yes, and no, I won't be cleaning your oven lol. No doubt I'll be roped in for more lol. I might as well bring any recycling he has back home as I'll be taking ours to the transfer center tomorrow (they are shut today).

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Bright overcast and windy

DD and her wee family came over yesterday afternoon with nibbles and meat to BBQ. Its becoming  a ritual Sunday dinner here spa bath for them the off home to put DGD1 to bed.

Housework  then some documents to review  this morning not sure what I will get up  to  this  afternoon. 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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