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You can never have enough...
morning (just!) ladies Smile It's still nippy from the frost this morning.

We were up at 3.30am and left for the airport at 4.00am. Had time for son's check in, breakfast, then heard the boarding call. Lots of tears from me (still tearing up) and son as we hugged goodbye. I know it's the right thing for him to do but dam, it's hard to let him go. We were home by 9.00am Big Grin Not doing much today, we're all knackered. It's been a full on few weeks and we think a day off will do us good.

Happy Easter Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Kiwimade - know the feeling I think it was worse when the grandkids were boarding the plane as well - 4 year old granddaughter was sobbing because we weren’t coming with them - mind you when the first one went off to Uni I was a cot case .once he gets settled keep your eye out for cheap air fares
Sunny day today but a definite nip in the breeze - said I wasn’t going to get involved with any of the motel dramas but the owner gave me a call about a Mum who needs help with sorting out her supposed debt with Winz - it is stopping her getting a rental as her once perfect credit score is ruined - she is a really good Mum whose young husband died of a brain tumour - hopefully for her kids sake I can help as they are living in hell there are now so many gang members and HD bracelet wearers in adjacent units - dealing drugs and recruiting the kids to be like the supermarkets 14 year old repeat offender
Maybe Popeye has stayed in a while because she has nobody at home - when I was wacked they kept me in an extra night because I lived alone .I have since had a visit from the team of not sure who they are to assess whether I am coping evidently there is plenty of help to keep me in my own home .Some of their questions were interesting - when was the last time I cried - how many times had I called my family because I was nervous in the night over the last month - who makes my bed - what did I cook the day before - it was in the middle of my sauce making effort so I think they got the message - but it’s good to know they are there
Just been given a big bag of feijoa - thinking about doing some relish
morning ladies Smile Typical Waikato, lol, lots of fog!

omg yes, Jan lol, cheap airfares will definitely be on the radar! Son texted us from Melbourne and then again last night when he arrived in Perth.

Today the beds can be stripped, sheets washed and hung out. I also want to trim the lawn edges, cut back some more dahlias and fill the wheelie bins with un-compostable garden waste ready to be emptied tomorrow. If my friend is home, we'll return her trailer. There is always something that needs doing.

Yesterday our daughter and I sat and embroidered together for a while. It was lovely to have that time with her sharing something we both love. I'm almost at the end of one side of the runner and have six more triangles to do on the other side to reach the end. It's been a marathon lol.

Time to get moving, it's nice and quiet being the only one up and about so far.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I should have sent a care package to Perth with your son km, to my daughter and the grandkids! Lovely city, I am sure he will enjoy life there. The beaches are incredible, I love seeing the photos she sends.

I am going to empty a couple of kitchen drawers today and sand them down ready for their first coat of paint as a rest run. I have some sharp white left over by the contractors from another flat's remodel so a bit of that will go on nicely before I invest in the denim. Or a sage, or...

Picking colours is hard. This project may turn out to be multichoice, lol. Or stripes!
Morning all
Overcast and cool

Seems like we are all gainfully occupied this weekend  Big Grin
Finished my top toille and it will be wearable  going to wash some bolied wool I bought last year to make DG1 a vest will trace off a pattern in her size today. DH will be finishing off the painting  at DD place.

Might continue my drawer purge and sort out summer tops after I have done the vacuuming  and had a shower . 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile no fog this morning! Just sunshine.

I saw on FB popeye was pretty sore the first day and determined to get walking. They probably are keeping her in longer as she has no one at home.

This morning I'll find a way of washing our son's riding jacket and pants before I list them for sale. They are going to take a few days to dry. Pretty much brand new gear too, here's hoping he gets a good price. We spoke to him yesterday and he had slept for 10 hours. Today he sorts out his new phone, a new tax number and all those legal requirements needed to work. And sunglasses lol. He reckons Perth residents don't know the word 'cloud' lol as it is so bright there. No cicada noises but lots of frogs ribbiting lol.

We're hoping the sparkies will be back today, am well and truly over how this is dragging on.

The last of the dahlias will be pruned back today. They are so pretty against the garage, creamy yellow flowers with red stems and leaves and knee high. The bees love them. I started off with three tubers and now have the full length of the garage planted with them.

I'm thinking another week and the runner's edging will be finished. Then the fun bits can start Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Drizzly rain

Thanks fir Popeye update KM. You have been motoring with your hardanger.  I love it when you get to the cutting threads stage too.

Traced off and cut out wee vest for DGD1 denim outer fleecy lining need to get a zip.
I haven't been receiving emails over the weekend so next job is to sit on phone and get that sorted. Then we are off to buy new frypan the old one is loosing its surface.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Cloudy but expecting another summery day. 

Hopefully Popeye is able to become mobile enough in the next few days to get back home.  Revovery is faster in your own space for sure.

Mr R has physio this morning so I'll go to the library to return an overdue book, get a couple more and do a couple of other jobs while out.  The rest of the day will go with the flow.

Baby cardi going well, half way through 2nd front. Good to have knitting on the go again in front of the TV at night.  We enjoyed the final of Mr Bates vs the Post Office last night.

Enjoy the day all.
Dahlias have been cut back along with an Albertine rose which is coming out. I don't need two of the them and I have enough climbers trying to take over the world. I've even mowed the front berm.

The easiest way to wash son's riding jacket and pants was in the bath. Two jackets, pants and an inner are drip drying on the line and clothes airer. Fingers crossed those rain clouds come to nothing today.

The sparkies are finishing the job tomorrow and the chippie arrives Monday. We should be all sorted by next week Big Grin Two months, exactly.

Time for a shower then a trip into town to drop off some of ours and son's stuff to the op shop and his towels (also washed and dried Tongue ) to the vet. There are some soft plastics I can drop off at Woollies and buy some more milk while there.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good to know that Popeye's doing OK, cheers for the update KM.
Got a bit more done on sheet painting yesterday, slow though as it all needs an undercoat & then have to wait for it to dry.

This morning was dreaded shopping & noticed that Q shop is about to close which explains all the half price stuff over the last week or so - its similar to the cheap $2 type shops but slightly better quality & wider variety. A pity as it had far more art & craft stuff,which despite being a cheaper variety was quite useful & I've had some fabric paint from there which has been useful & not bad quality. I may venture around there later & see what's still available & if there's anything I might find useful.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile More fog!

The sparkies arrive this morning and it's a mad dash to do the washing and dishes before the power goes off for the day. No power = no water here. MrK is filling a container with water so we can at least have a cuppa using the camp cooker.

The plan for today is to finish mowing the lawn and move a large dahlia to where Blackberry Nip was. There are two more fuschias that need moving as they will be squashed when the next tree comes down.

I saw on FB popeye has been given a new exercise to help her knee.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I look forward to seeing her back and hearing all the gory details, lol. Every time my knee twinges I tell it to pull its head in because we are so not going there. Hips are bad enough and there is a limit to my stoicism.

Gorgeous morning out there, definitely a Devonport day for me, and I have two shopping bags of discards for the hospice shop, so it will be a worthwhile scoot. I am going to pop in to New World and see if he has any of those cheap lamb legs left, and maybe score a discounted Easter egg or two as a reward to myself for surviving the dreaded holiday.

And I might just get a flu jab if there is no queue at my favourite chemist...
morning all
crisp start weak sun at moment

Action packed day OHH - the Warehouse had very cheap easter chocolates noted while passing through to buy another hand soap pump container,

Picked up our fruit and vege from local co-op allways interesting to see what we get yesterdays was bunch bananas, 8 royal gala apples, container of rubu kiwifruit, whole pumpkin, 4 carrots huge bunch of celery and 5 big potatoes all for $15.

Got zip so could finish the wee lined vest for DGD1 turned out very cute.
Dinner at friends place last night which was very yummy pulled lamb we took dessert GF apple and blackberry crumble with whipped cream

Need to go food hunting this morning - the list is long. cat need more food too so trip to vets on way home.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Another lovely day looming.

Lol OHH, nothing like listening to 'other people's' surgery details. Hopefully Popeye is making good progress ... she will be keen to get home to her pusscat.

Great deal Mica, I've been wondering about trying out the Wonky Box delivery. Definitely don't mind odd shaped veg/fruit if it's fresh.

Good job when the power all sorted KM. We had a pole right next to our house when we first came to town ... good to have it out of sight and out of mind.

Coffee soon then will do some housework that has been put off for long enough. Another lot of feijoas stewed for our cereal. The family have been taking bags full as well.

Enjoy the day all.
morning ladies Smile It looks like we are in for some rain, the garden will love it.

The power is reconnected, and the overhead cable is down and added to the scrap metal pile. It took all day to fit the new meter and power gradually came on room by room from 4.00pm. It looks so much better outside not having the internet and power cable overhead. There is a little bit of painting to do where the old switchboard came out but nothing drastic. The rest of the house repairs start on Monday, fingers crossed.

Yesterday I moved a huge dahlia and the two fuchsias. I'm surprised the fuchsias survived, there was buggar all roots on them thanks to the tree dominating the garden.

Our son has found a permanent flat and moved in on Tuesday. He's flatting with two Brits and an Irishman. Should be a fun flat lol. Almost sounds like the beginning of a joke, two Brits, an Irishman and a kiwi walk into a bar... He certainly sounds happy with his decision to move.

Today the plan is to burn the paper rubbish and some garden waste and finish weeding the corner of the garden I was working in yesterday. The incinerator needs emptying into the compost bin first.

When it finally rains, I'll work on the runner.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast bit of wind expecting rain  this afternoon it rained yesterday afternoon but garden and lawn needs more.

DH has had couple feeds from mushrooms that sprouted on our middle lawn he said they were very tasty 

I pottered yesterday achieved grocery hunt. Bought the ingredients to make gluten free lollycake I just want to see if it is possible  Big Grin
My morning in the warehouse sign times number requests from social workers and midwives  up.
Might go to movies this afternoon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We've had a bit of rain but so much for the early morning thunder storms!

yummmm mica, mushrooms! I've found one lonely mushroom on the lawn so far, usually we find a few more. I suspect all the tractor and trailer activity we have had on the lawn has played a part in that.

My brother from my birth family was in touch last evening much to my surprise. Nothing like finding you have a sister who is older than you when you think you are the oldest lol. It has taken a while for him to get his head around it all. I've had a lifetime to think about it, but he hasn't had that luxury.

The garden has been tamed, sort of lol. I can't prune anymore until more plants start dying back so I guess it will be housework today. Later I'll work a bit more on the runner. Almost there with the edging, five more triangles to go and then half of the bottom bit and the worst will be over.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Heavy rain overnight.

Hope your birth brother contacting you is a nice surprise .
We enjoyed the movie yesterday Wicked little letters good British cast.

Our plans fir today have been thwarted we are k9 sitting DD big boy they have a sewage leak at their place so have people in to fix it. We only have him for the morning but we had planned to go plant hunting the silver spears that we have in pots 3 out 5 have decided to die need to find something more robust.

Not sure what to do this morning might potter in kitchen then go down to sewing  cave  

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
It was a lovely surprise, mica Smile We have spoken on the phone before and are slowly building something of a relationship. It's tricky navigating these waters!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast and have had a bit of drizzle. Very warm. 

A surprise for you KM ... I wonder if my adopted niece will ever get such a call.  She has had a great upbringing and in contact with her birth mum and family, nothing from her birth father side.

That movie looks a good one Mica, look forward to watching it one day. 

No plan today ... though I do need to have a weeding session.  Onto the sleeves of the cardi ... I always knit 2 at once. 

Enjoy the day all.

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