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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile And we have another foggy start to the day...

They kept that one very quiet, didn't they Jan. I don't even think our son knew about it and he worked for Genesis. We have a $50 credit for re-signing with Genesis and I'm going to approach AMI about paying the $230 technician's fee Genesis will be charging us for the smart meter. After all, the meter was fitted because of the tree. We have scored a six hour power shout we can use now or save up to two years. We can also stack the power shouts and don't have to use all the hours in one go. We're saving them for those constant wet winter days when we need the drier.

Today the Furry One has his six monthly check up with the vet. She can't prescribe more of his meds without the checkup. He'll be a happy boy as he loves the vet and more importantly, the ride in the car. What is it with dogs in cars lol.

I'm still pottering around the garden. There are a few plants left for pruning and a few weeds to pull. I've found a place for the new begonias to go instead of living in pots but the tree we are planning to have felled has to go first as they will be at the end of the garden. For my birthday this year (it's a 'zero' birthday) the family are chipping in to buy a water feature for the garden and it's going where the tree is now. It's four tall koru on a concrete base representing our two kids and two grandkids. Because it's a shady area, I thought maiden hair ferns (with their lovely koru shapes) would look lovely around its base and soften the look of the concrete. It's a mid to long term plan and something nice to aim for.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another fine day nippy start

Goodness they don't tell you about this stuff JanW thanks for the heads up.

Had fun ,viewing the apartment  yesterday very spacious 3 good sized bedrooms  had a good sized price tag too 
 Not good time to be selling around here so guess we are stuck here for a while. DH would still like a bit of grass  and a wee garden.

Sorted half my wardrobe in the afternoon will do the other half today reacquainted  myself with clothes I had forgotten  I had the old out of sight out of mind thing.
Volunteer  morning so need to move soon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A fine start today.

Thankfully my back has released.. God I was a mess yesterday.

Had a visit from one of the daughters from the home and her grand daughter.. Then a friend brought some fish and chips around for my dinner.

I ended up ringing the drs, late in the day. My leg is 4 inches larger than the good one. and the dressing is tight as. They wanted me to go to Pukekohe A & E, I said I cant, I couldn't even get to a car let alone sit in it.
They were worried it could be a clot.

Rang again this morning, cos all I need is a district nurse to pop in and check it. and replace the dressing if needed. Clots cause pain not numbness... I think.. Anyway I rang again this morning. She wasn't happy that I couldn't go in. And once again asked for a nurse. Reckons if she cant get one it will have to be a phone consult. What the **** can they see or do over the phone. So if the drs does ring Ill simply say I didn't agree to a consult so wont be paying for one.

House inspection today.. ohh well I thought it was tomorrow. but at least it will be done and dusted.

The Koru sounds lovely Kiwimade.. yep Im one year shy of you. A lovely ornament to last for many years

HAve a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Beautiful day in the Bay again
I have been claiming since the scheme began in 2022 - nearly forgot this year but whoever it is who sends out those emails reminding you to switch power companies had a prompt to remind me. Not sure why Megan Woods didn’t promote the scheme after all the power companies were the ones who gained so much when the rebates were taken away not only from the low users but also all businesses - the removal of the rebate from the bread companies cost us all all 8c a loaf - added 80k a month to the supermarket power account when he lost 25% prompt payment discount so overall we didn’t only get an increase in power costs but the price of everything went up that was manufactured or sold went up
Most of us are probably old enough to remember a time when govt owned electricity (MED, as it was called) & everyone could afford to keep warm...

Note to self : Do NOT go into library to fill in a few minutes prior to blood test appointment! TWO more books dammit! And I know what's going to happen too; Murphy's law will kick in so that the two books on hold will arrive before I'm anywhere near finished reading them.

Youngest granddaughter will be 21 later next month & her dad reminded me about his sovereign necklace which I'm looking after & which he wants to give her. I know its somewhere with some other jewellery but not altogether sure exactly where so will have to mount an expedition into the contents of wardrobe...oh joy.

Madame Le Cat's training programmes continues; clearly she's read The Hobbit (& probably Lord of the rings as well) & for some time now, she's been having Second Breakfast - half her actual breakfast once she returns from a foray outside - & has let it be known that she prefers that Second Breakfast is to include a drink of milk to be poured over the biscuits she favours.

I'm sure its no coincidence that her name rhymes with bossy...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(18-04-2024, 11:20 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Most of us are probably old enough to remember a time when govt owned electricity (MED, as it was called) & everyone could afford to keep warm...

Note to self : Do NOT go into library to fill in a few minutes prior to blood test appointment! TWO more books dammit!  And I know what's going to happen too; Murphy's law will kick in so that the  two books on hold will arrive before I'm anywhere near finished reading them.

Youngest granddaughter will be 21 later next month & her dad reminded me about his sovereign necklace which I'm looking after & which he wants to give her. I know its somewhere with some other jewellery but not altogether sure exactly where so will have to mount an expedition into the contents of wardrobe...oh joy.

Madame Le Cat's training programmes continues; clearly she's read The Hobbit (& probably Lord of the rings as well) & for some time now, she's been having Second Breakfast - half her actual breakfast once she returns from a foray outside - & has let it be known that she prefers that Second Breakfast is to include a drink of milk to be poured over the biscuits she favours.

I'm sure its no coincidence that her name rhymes with bossy...
We still own Transpower which is the transmission and we still own 51% of Genesis Meridian Contact and Mercury - so a big portion of the profit on our power costs go back to the government- our low user rebate was taken when we were first given the winter heating payment for part of the year but we lost our rebate for the entire year  - so it was just a give with one hand and take with another except it increased food costs as well -that’s why I have claimed the $110 annually .
(18-04-2024, 12:38 PM)JanW Wrote:
(18-04-2024, 11:20 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Most of us are probably old enough to remember a time when govt owned electricity (MED, as it was called) & everyone could afford to keep warm...

Note to self : Do NOT go into library to fill in a few minutes prior to blood test appointment! TWO more books dammit!  And I know what's going to happen too; Murphy's law will kick in so that the  two books on hold will arrive before I'm anywhere near finished reading them.

Youngest granddaughter will be 21 later next month & her dad reminded me about his sovereign necklace which I'm looking after & which he wants to give her. I know its somewhere with some other jewellery but not altogether sure exactly where so will have to mount an expedition into the contents of wardrobe...oh joy.

Madame Le Cat's training programmes continues; clearly she's read The Hobbit (& probably Lord of the rings as well) & for some time now, she's been having Second Breakfast - half her actual breakfast once she returns from a foray outside - & has let it be known that she prefers that Second Breakfast is to include a drink of milk to be poured over the biscuits she favours.

I'm sure its no coincidence that her name rhymes with bossy...
We still own Transpower which is the transmission and we still own 51% of Genesis Meridian Contact and Mercury - so a big portion of the profit on our power costs go back to the government- our low user rebate was taken when we were first given the winter heating payment for part of the year but we lost our rebate for the entire year  - so it was just a give with one hand and take with another except it increased food costs as well -that’s why I have claimed the $110 annually .

And wouldn't it be a thing of wonder if govt (any & all of them) was to instead,lower electricity prices for consumers...

I'm really not too sure how but the sheet painting has somehow  now got two rabbits & a turtle..
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The low user rebate is slowly being removed over time as there are areas in NZ that pay a huge daily rate due to their geography. The idea is that the cost is spread out 'fairly' to all. I get that but I do miss the low user charges.

I've just had the enormous pleasure of telling a scammer to f**k off and learn to spell. So very satisfying. Now to celebrate with a whiskey... wait... it is late enough in the afternoon for a whiskey isn't it? Oh well buggar it... Somewhere in the world it's 5 o'clock!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It is never the wrong time for a whiskey. Ten past wine o'clock too, but I got a bit delayed with stitchery. And Mark Knofler has a new album out so that was up loud on youtube. Goes well with a needle and thread.

I have sent off my email to my new provider, so we shall see what happens. If anything. The apologised this month for failing to charge me correctly since December and lumbering me with a huge usage bill this month, so they'll be aware things are a bit tight this month. But we shall see...

I found the removal of the prompt payment discount incomprehensible. Why punish those of us who actually budget? Seemed totally illogical to me...
It was a feijoa gin for me - well a couple to be exact had visitors arrive unexpectedly - they have the worst kids I think I have ever met - it’s a wonder they come here I told them straight I don’t appreciate them jumping on my lounge suite
Hope you get the rebate Hunni - if you were getting the rebate your entitled to it - it’s not coming out of the govt pockets it’s coming from the power company .It was really stupid taking the rebates off companies the price of meat increased especially and Fonterra products as they have huge power accounts their power bill went up 25% - of course the supermarkets got the blame .
When my summer beans finished I emptied the pot and bought the two raised garden beds to go in that spot. I set them up, and planted them with the autumn seedlings and because there was a little bit of space left I popped in four blue lake bean seeds just as an experiment. With all the warm days we've been enjoying they did really well and I picked my first handful for dinner last night. Succession planting - what a treat!

Still getting some feijoas, the massive trim left a few behind and lots on the ground so when I collected the last of the crab apples I picked up half a dozen really big ones. One feijoa is the size of my hand, absolutely massive. It is going under my cereal brunch topped with homemade yoghurt. I'm going to miss them when they're finished!

Like you Jan, I have little patience for poor parenting, but these days I have to remember it is a long time since I was a parent, and it was so much simpler then. Discipline was a thing we just did, these days it is much more complicated. I must confess though, watching my daughter raise her two is best done from an enormous distance. I can laugh at her grumbling, and restrain my bossy self from giving advice when it is on Instagram. I'd probably find it a lot harder to hold my tongue if those two hellions were jumping on my furniture!
morning ladies Smile We have more fog...

lol Jan, I would have said the same, worse probably! And yes, I have giggles as well when watching parenting from afar.

Housework today and hopefully the new gutters arrive and are installed. The plumber is also going to help us map out where all the pipes are under our lawn.

The Furry One is on antibiotics , an ear rinse as well as his epilepsy meds. He started shaking his head late Wednesday afternoon, just in time for his Thursday morning appointment. Turns out he has another ear infection, but we've caught it early. We have never owned a dog with so many health issues. Just as well we love him!

Fingers crossed I can do more on the runner today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny now after some early showers.

No qualms here about correcting unacceptable behaviour from kids if it involves me, my possessions or home! It can be hard to hold your tongue at other times though!

I hope you have been referred to a Public Health Nurse Popeye so they can check you out. 

Those raised vege gardens sound great OHH ... especially if you can keep them producing.

Lol, yes just as well we love our money hungry pets!

Not sure what I'll get up to today ... might start with getting vege soup on the go for the weekend.

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Wet here. Not cold tho.

I have the physio and bloods coming today and possibly both Dianne and David later.

Passed the inspection yesterday. I do enjoy seeing Eden every 3 or so months. Shes a lovely young woman with a wise head on her shoulders. Makes a change for a 21 year old.

Madam Missy is still being a caring nurse but was a ball of cheek this morning.. she has calmed down now and back between my feet.

Im looking forward to the exercises, so long as they dont have me doing anything that will hurt my back cos its still quite niggly.. Im totally over it all.

Hunni I wonder if you can help re online grocery shopping. I dont think I have registered before. It will be New World.. Do they have minimum shopping amounts? and what are delivery costs likely to be? I really have no idea.. Oh and do they take long to deliver?

The Nurse said yesterday you can make sure they dont do substitutions, which I will have to do when it comes to Madams food.

Couldn't find continental gravies online. Im wondering if they have stopped doing them.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
another fine day

Popeye when you log on to do your online shopping it will come up with delivery times for you to select, I dont know what the delivery fee is for New world I think  $ 13 -15  what I pay for Countdown
I am not adverse to chastising ill behaved children in my home either JanW.

Been earlier start for us DH had his 6 monthly melanoma follow up check - did the blood screens on way home. he is currently walking the k9s.

I didnt do much yesterday - had a nana nap in the afternoon after busy morning in the warehouse  tired due to only 4 hours sleep the night before did get the other hald of my wardrobe sorted and culled a few things just the wardobe shelves and bedside draws to go.

we had delicious lamb shanks last night for dinner there was lots of gravy left over so have added more stock and few veges to turn it into a soup for tonight s tea.always good to get a bonus meal even better that the shanks were a score at half price  Big Grin

Off later this morning to meet friends for coffee, 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I stick to free delivery months so I cheat a little, lol, but the fees depend on how much you buy. The link is here...

You book a delivery slot when you have made your list up and before you put card details in. New World then checks your credit by putting through a dollar charge - reversed later, and then they keep you informed by email about progress. You can edit your order up to twelve hours before thepicker starts putting it together. Definitely do it popeye, and make sure you add a few spoils. The more you spend the cheaper it gets to deliver, lol. Once you get used to the website it is a piece of cake. One thing though, some things won't be delivered, so you still have to rely on instore purchasing for things like Kapiti minis, worse luck...
(19-04-2024, 08:34 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Wet here. Not cold tho.

I have the physio and bloods coming today and possibly both Dianne and David later.

Passed the inspection yesterday. I do enjoy seeing Eden every 3 or so months. Shes a lovely young woman with a wise head on her shoulders. Makes a change for a 21 year old.

Madam Missy is still being a caring nurse but was a ball of cheek this morning.. she has calmed down now and back between my feet.

Im looking forward to the exercises, so long as  they dont have me doing anything that will hurt my back cos its still quite niggly.. Im totally over it all.

Hunni I wonder if you can help re online grocery shopping. I dont think I have registered before. It will be New World.. Do they have minimum shopping amounts? and what are delivery costs likely to be? I really have no idea.. Oh and do they take long to deliver?

The Nurse said yesterday you can make sure they dont do substitutions, which I will have to do when it comes to Madams food.

Couldn't find continental gravies online. Im wondering if they have stopped doing them.

Have a fab day all
Popeye you can put a shoppers note on Missys food NO substitution
Thank you everyone.

I wont be buying ice creams, its a rare treat for me.

Right first I'm off to order a sumo slicer grater, a friend is going halves since they have 2 for the price of one. I simply dont use my kitchen whizz these days, as it lives in the garage. And I dont do half the things I used to d for MrP in it now. So one of these sumo slicer things will be good enough. And I still have a smaller one to chop nuts in.

Then Ill have a go at ordering online..

If anyone is still around.. when its a multi buy such as 2 bottles of drink for $4 do you order by the two's or buy the number you want?

Oh both the physio and Blood ladies have been. The physio said Im actually doing really well considering Im doing most things myself.

She also thinks I should have a hospital bed. She asked me to show her how I sleep in the chair and shes not happy with it.. So Ill leave things up to her. I reallt dont know what to do.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh for goodness sakes.

I go through, put the order into a list. It wont tell me how to have it delivered Only Click and Collect..

Yeah wonderful for someone who cant get there..

Ring the shop, use the extension for the Online section.. Nah I dont know how to do it, Ill have to get my manager to ring you Tomorrow.. Told them not to bother.

Gotta love departments that dont know how to do what they are the department for.. Wonderfull Not
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(19-04-2024, 03:38 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Oh for goodness sakes.

I go through, put the order into a list. It wont tell me how to have it delivered Only Click and Collect..

Yeah wonderful for someone who cant get there..

Ring the shop, use the extension for the Online section.. Nah I dont know how to do it, Ill have to get my manager to ring you Tomorrow.. Told them not to bother.

Gotta love departments that dont know how to do what they are the department for.. Wonderfull Not
If your store does delivery to your address it will give you the option to book a slot to click and collect or a time for your delivery - do you have another New World closer to you than the one you are ordering from - it won’t give you the choice if you are out of their area .Does The warehouse have what you need they only charge $5 delivery - once you get the hang of it it will be very useful for you

(19-04-2024, 03:38 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Oh for goodness sakes.

I go through, put the order into a list. It wont tell me how to have it delivered Only Click and Collect..

Yeah wonderful for someone who cant get there..

Ring the shop, use the extension for the Online section.. Nah I dont know how to do it, Ill have to get my manager to ring you Tomorrow.. Told them not to bother.

Gotta love departments that dont know how to do what they are the department for.. Wonderfull Not
This is the screen where you choose delivery

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