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You can never have enough...
It is a special kind of mental illness, destroying someone else's garden. One of our ailing neighbours did it recently when off her meds. Very hurtful bit of destructiveness.
Morning all
Sunny but nip in the air.

Senseless  destruction demoralising for those that tend the plants.
Fingers crossed that your guttering is in place  this week  KM.

Spent  the day with  sewing group always  fun and inspirational. My Elna press has been  rehomed. 
Today have meeting in afternoon need to get legal advice re selling  and buying abodesthis morning.It maybe possibility  that we have private buyer interested in our house. So need to find a valuer that is acceptable  to both parties. The roller coaster ride begins
So no sewing for me today DGD1 liked the pjs I made her last week she chose the fabric  she wore them home last night.

Hard workout at gym this morning and fact haven't been sleeping well  -the old monkey of whirling mind takes over so I am  weary.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Damp out, and a little cooler.

The mother and the children need a proper telling off. and charges for those old enough.. I hate senseless destruction and especially when it is there for those who really need it.

Had a short saddy last night. I was tired and sore. And then I thought but wait a minute you are still doing everything you did before, minus the lawn. So no wonder you are Tired and sore.. And the biggest pain is the pinched spine and hip... So I need to let myself off a bit.

So Today Im going to start my paint by numbers.. Painting has never been my thing, well why would you when you married a painter lol. And I didn't have the patience when I was young.

So instead of watching the washing dry, Ill watch the paint dry instead lol. Probably end up a total mess. But Ill give it a shot. Its a beach scene with a few people on it.

Not sure if anyone is turning up today. But they will have to wait for me if Im painting lol

Missy's carer came around yesterday and emptied the litter bucket and took the rubbish down to the road for me. She is going to come back during the week for lunch and have a good catch up. Seems I missed a change of women for one of her sons, and they are now pregnant. And I need to hear more about her recent trip to Rarotonga.

She tried dragon fruit while there and said they were lovely. Something I've seen and been tempted to try but at $5+ a pop I wasn't keen on wasting my money.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The Men’s Shed built beautiful mushrooms and Fairy Houses at one of the local parks ready for the school holidays - the vandals went in and wrecked them the night before the holidays started - so disgusting on all levels - the old boys had got so much pleasure building them and the children were about to get so much enjoyment .They managed to get the mushrooms out of the creek - will try and upload some photos as they were beautiful
The Kapiti men's shed is selling big red metal poppies. I am seriously tempted.

Painting by numbers is just like my stitching a needlepoint kit, very good relaxation, the brain can be put on standby.
Take it slowly Popeye & don't be too hard on yourself.

Eldest granddaughter & her two wee ones just called in so got the boys to see what they could find in the sheet painting. The flying elephant was fairly obvious & then they spotted the UFO & hot air balloon but it took them a minute or two to find the two bunnies & the turtle.
The nine or so cats took them a bit longer but they got there, so they had fun with it & I'd had fun painting it so good all round.

Sunny here but the wind's cold out there, not many people about when I ventured out earlier.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile What a gorgeous sunrise we had this morning!

Go easy on yourself, popeye. Easy to say, I know.

The gutters are going up today Big Grin Almost there with the repairs. He's also going to check out our tomo which we are pretty sure is an old soak hole. Once he's agreed with us, we will take our neighbour's offer of tractor loads of sand to fill it. Nothing is ever going to be built there so it should be OK.

I'm enjoying my 'stitching' time in the late afternoon, especially while the sun is streaming in.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another sunny day we had rain late afternoon but not very wetting .

Taking DGS into cbd to visit the children's library taking the train in so no faffing about looking for park

Not sure what I will do this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Nice day out there even if cooler. 

Great way to get into CBD Mica. We enjoyed the experience and convenience staying with son. 

Busy out and about yesterday including library ... couldn't read another page of the book I was reading so had to renew. Not often I abandon a book,  lol. Today have dog grooming and a parcel to post. The new pattern has arrived, I shall finish the vest I'm knitting first!

Nice for you to get out of the house the other day Popeye. Sometimes a change of scene is all that is needed for a boost.

Had better get a move on.

Enjoy the day all.
I did that this week too Roma. Three quarters through the second book in the trilogy and realised I'd become very bored with the characters and really didn't care what happened to them, so it's going back tomorrow, lol. Life is too short for that kind of reading...
Morning everyone

A beautiful chilly start here too.. I have my cardy on lol.

Cleaner is meant to be here later. So Ill put a pudding on, and she can do the dishes. Ill make sure I point out the tea towels so she can dry them too. She didn't last time.

David and Dianne visited yesterday. Bringing my drink David had picked up. They brought me up to date with what is happening with Bobbie. They have replaced the carpet in her room with lino. She is peeing on the floor, and goes into other peoples rooms and does the same. Sooo sad. ..BUT

David ticked me off last night. Trying to tell me what I should be doing about it, or he will. I told him to pull his horns in, cos neither of us are family, so actually have no rights. He Tried saying she was incontinent, I said she's not, she knows what she is doing, but its her dementia.. For someone who thinks he knows it all about dementia he is so wrong on this front... Tried to tell me to email the Manager, I said I will phone her in the morning. A night time email wouldn't make anything happen any sooner.
Then he text this morning and said he would leave it up to me, but I should go see her sooner rather than later.. So he got a reply saying I will arrange when I need to see her, in my time, no one else's. If he takes offence then tough. I dont tell him what to do with his partner.

As it turns out the Manager is busy doing Stock take but she will phone when done. And as someone who used to do stock taking for shops and business's I know how much time that takes.

I enjoyed painting yesterday. And have found my patience for it, which is a good thing. Ill do more later. I might get another one at some stage. Goodness knows what sort of prices they are. I haven't looked in years. This one is an Anko brand which is Kmart.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think you are right popeye, you are not family and now you have no connection beyond friendship you risk being seen as interfering. It is immensely difficult sometimes to step aside, but there comes a time when it is the right thing to do. Especially when you have your own health and stress levels to consider.
(22-04-2024, 10:23 AM)JanW Wrote: The Men’s Shed built beautiful mushrooms and Fairy Houses at one of the local parks ready for the school holidays - the vandals went in and wrecked them the night before the holidays started - so disgusting on all levels - the old boys had got so much pleasure building them and the children were about to get so much enjoyment .They managed to get the mushrooms out of the creek - will try and upload some photos as they were beautiful

Photos of the beautiful work the men’s shed did

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Saw this glorious peony pop up on my farcebook page and thought of you popeye! Boy, paint by numbers have improved out of sight since I did one as a child!
Mens xhed work cute JanW can't understand the destroyer mentality.
Wow OHH agree with you paint by numbers definitely  better than what I remember  from my  childhood too.
You look after you Popeye you can be a concerned friend  

Had lovely morning with DGS we figured the last time he on train he would have been 2yr he is 6yr now. Concerned there were no seat belts.
He found Anh Do ninja kid books and couple other authors he likes. Only wanted to take 2 books then proceeded to sit and start reading. We managed to ventually extract him from  library  and went to cafe for lunch. DH left us for an appt and we went back by train he said it he liked that it was just us two very sweet and wants to do it again.
Had to tour his garden  when I dropped him off  he is growing lots of herbs and has planted  an assortment of plants for winter veges. DS has just messaged me to say DGS has  finished reading one book already lol thats 192 pages I guess he takes after me .

Must admit to being bit tired
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Wow that is beautiful HunnI only had a quick look and turned the comp off before I lost time.

I spoke to the Manager. I really cant believe how good she is being. Apparently cos Bobbie has no family, it has to go to court. with her lawyer, the rest home and Mental health. Rare enough that this home or manager hasn't had to do it before. So she's not sure on how long it will take etc. But she said she will keep me informed.

I asked about our Birthday Lunch and she has approved Bobbie being able to join us. If Colleen doesn't like it then she can leave. We will keep Bobbie away from her. The manager said Bobbie is always better in the mornings.

I then said I would ring and talk to Bobbie and she said she would have us transferred, so they paid for that call not me. And she was good.. quite chatty. and Happy.

Then David rang this afternoon and put the phone on speaker so there was David, Bobbie and Annie, Ive missed her too so we had fun.

I might see if I can sneak up on Friday. The manager even asked if I can walk, and I said I can some, but that my wheelchair was there anyway.

Just found out that a 1 year old girl was run over by her father in a driveway not too far from me. Sadly its a street of many driveways and a lot of shared ones. She died, so its going to be a mess of a time for that family.

Im doped up. The bloody housekeeper is useless. Didn't bother to even go on the left side of my bed or vacuum the bathroom or clean it.. Once again didn't dry the dishes. I put the tea towels on the bench for her, she just stacked the dishes all around them. Water ran down the cupboards onto the tile floors, making it dangerous. So I sent photos to the company. Went out to get tea sorted to find dishes , mainly cutlery etc. that she hadn't done, yet had put the dish brush into the container. So I sent another photo. Ill ring them tomorrow.

I will ask the physio lady who to ring at the hospital to get them to change companies, cos this lot is useless. So Im sore from having to dry and put them all away as well as mop up the cupboards and floor.

Right Ill have a quick squizz on FB then have a quiet night
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile I've caved and turned the heat pump on this morning. The fog seems to be extra thick and still cars are going by without lights on.

Buggar, popeye. I would definitely complain about the cleaning lady, that's not good enough. It's very sad about Bobbie and going to court could take some time.

Omg the paint by numbers have changed! Beats the little pictures we had as kids hands down! Now all the advertising I have on FB are paint by numbers and hot water cylinders lol.

A private sale is the way to go, mica, if you can. No real estate fees. Our home was a private sale and it saved us thousands.

The gutters are up and the plumber is coming back this afternoon to touch up some paint. And MrK has phoned the sparky about the TV ariel. The plumber found roughly how wide the old soak hole is and agreed it hasn't been used in years. We need to dig the softer edges back to firm ground before any sand can be dumped into it. MrK said he can do it, but I suspect it will be me.

The lawn needs mowing again, usually this time of year I am mowing once a fortnight but not this year. I've potted up all the plants I want to save in the garden where the tree is being removed and divided the polyanthus. The begonias I scored from the council and the tiny cyclamen will eventually be planted out in this garden. The next 'big' thing to do is break up the mulch from the tree. It's setting rock hard. I've dug it over to help break it up, but it needs digging again. A couple of good frosts should help too.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Chilly here, and so much for my early start. Someone decided she would like an extra snuggle time with mummy. lol.

I suspect it could take a while court wise. But one never knows. I've actually decided to take Bobbies birthday present with me next week. A lovely snuggly scarf and necklace, a Scottish Thistle. In case I dont get to see her.

Physio this morning, and I plan on getting her to help me contact this useless company. More so I want to know who to contact and get it changed to another company.
I was shattered by the time I dried all the dishes, put them away, wiped down the cupboards and did what I could to the floor.

Dianne's Hubby wants something off Temu, but they are worried about being scammed etc. And they dont want to spend $30. the minimum. So I've said we can share an order. Ill have a look on there for Paint by Numbers and see what they have.. Bound to have pictures to do.. yeah its funny how we then get adverts for what we have looked for. I had one add come with that Very Peonie picture that you put up Hunni. lol

Wow the Kleva sharp Sumo slicer thingee arrived yesterday. 4 days from ordering. I haven't used it but its a nice strong looking thing. And if the suction foot is as good as the Kleva sharp knife sharpeners then Ill be happy. Best knife sharpeners I've ever had. I picked a new one up at a garage sale a few years ago, still in the original packaging for a couple of dollars. So I have a spare lol.. Very happy with the companies service.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes, the artificial intelligences watch everything we do these days, nowhere online is private anymore. After all, this is where they heard us talk about paint by numbers lol! But it is only machine intelligence... unless we get up to no good!!!
Morning all
Fine mild temps bit of a breeze 

Been  out sever al bags for op shop first tranche  I suspect there will be some seconds and thirds.

We called into Mitre 10 to suspend out garage type shelving. I will need a few sistema  50l containers to store my quilting fabric too. My mind is whirling with all that we need sort and to do.

Popeye the cleaner person sounds lazy do you have copy of what she has been instructed to do what you have been told and what her employers have told her might not be the same.

DH making chicken soup for lunch need some comfort food Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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