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You can never have enough...
My mother in law named all her china etc. But Oddly she put Davids Wife on stuff for my Hubby. Im guessing she knew when she did it that they wouldn't stay together for ever lol.. And everyone said when she did die that she had done the right thing lol.. So I got it.
Oddly tho no one got anything Until pop died, My Father in law. And I was the new Kid on the block and got what ever I wanted. But the thing that means the most to me is a pair of greenstone earrings, and the three tier sewing box. Which still contained her sewing stuff.. Also had a metal lipstick, which I still have.

And I got her hand written cookbook. Everyone said she would have loved me.. I just wish I could have met her.

Well I dont know what to think.. My dr said Im actually doing really well in my recovery.. He said eventually I will figure out the right amount of exercise and rest, but to talk to the physio about it too. I asked him about some more mental health help, so I have a phone consult, just dont remember if it was this week or next. And its at 8-30 lol.. So Ill have to be awake. I tend to sleep later when it cools down lol.

I've lost more weight. Now 56.2 kilos.. I was telling a long time friend from TM in TGA and bugger me Im 12 kilos lighter than she is.. This is doing the head in lol... In a good way lol... Im only 8.8 kilos from my own target now. I don't want to go way skinny.. Im only 5 kilos heavier than Dianne but she's way skinnier than me lol. My brain needs to get slimmer for me to realise it I think.

Grr Bloody super clinic. Send me my appointment. Then send me a text late today saying I need to be there 15 minutes earlier for an x-ray.. Could have said that Before I organised transport. Have phone them and left a message but will phone them tomorrow too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(06-05-2024, 05:44 PM)popeye333 Wrote: My mother in law named all her china etc. But Oddly she put Davids Wife on stuff for my Hubby. Im guessing she knew when she did it that they wouldn't stay together for ever lol.. And everyone said when she did die that she had done the right thing lol.. So I got it.
Oddly tho no one got anything Until pop died, My Father in law. And I was the new Kid on the block and got what ever I wanted. But the thing that means the most to me is a pair of greenstone earrings, and the three tier sewing box. Which still contained her sewing stuff.. Also had a metal lipstick, which I still have. 

And I got her hand written cookbook.  Everyone said she would have loved me.. I just wish I could have met her.

Well I dont know what to think.. My dr said Im actually doing really well in my recovery.. He said eventually I will figure out the right amount of exercise and rest, but to talk to the physio about it too. I asked him about some more mental health help, so I have a phone consult, just dont remember if it was this week or next. And its at 8-30 lol.. So Ill have to be awake. I tend to sleep later when it cools down lol.

I've lost more weight. Now 56.2 kilos.. I was telling a long time friend from TM in TGA and bugger me Im 12 kilos lighter than she is.. This is doing the head in lol... In a good way lol... Im only 8.8 kilos from my own target now. I don't want to go way skinny.. Im only 5 kilos heavier than Dianne but she's way skinnier than me lol. My brain needs to get slimmer for me to realise it I think.

Grr Bloody super clinic. Send me my appointment. Then send me a text late today saying I need to be there 15 minutes earlier for an x-ray.. Could have said that Before I organised transport. Have phone them and left a message but will phone them tomorrow too.

Bloody hell Popeye, well done with the weight loss! Wink

Hope the phone consultation goes well.

Doing the china cabinet was the easy part...far more yet to be done, dammit, including the workroom with all the art stuff & bits & pieces, & then I've still to sort out the little bit of jewellery.
Really don't want to but also don't want to leave it for DIL to have to do.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My mother-in-law named everything and you daren't say, I like that as your name would be on it quick smart. She also had a notebook with a page or two for everyone with lists. I have a notebook with lists of who wants what Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile I'll need a jacket while out and about today, rain is coming Smile

Congrats on the weight loss, popeye Smile Excellent!

That tray sound lovely, OHH. Nothing wrong with liking pretty things and it's amazing what you can find at the Sallies.

So, it's not just us thinking of sorting stuff before we fall off our perches. We had lunch with two of MrK's sisters yesterday and they all agreed they need to talk to their other sister about her end of life stuff. Her house is chokka with things and we have no idea who her lawyer is or even where she keeps her will. She'll get on the defensive and claim they are bullying her so it will have to done sensitively (counts me out, I'd just tell her straight lol). Seriously though, when they do this, I won't be there as it's between siblings.

I have a long list of things to do today, including taking the car in for an oil and filter change. MrK used to do it but is finding it too hard to get back off the ground now. And the oil change people aren't that much more expensive than us buying the oil and filter ourselves and the time spent by MrK to do it. I also have some e-waste to dispose of as our transfer station doesn't deal with e-waste and will take it with me to Hamilton to safely dispose of there.

My sisters-in-law gave me a prezzie card for my birthday, just in time for the new rose season lol. I might add Wairere Garden Center to my long to-do list for today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

Another wet one here too..

I suppose Im lucky in one way. I dont have people to leave things to.. Well no kids at least.. Only thing I can think of is a few family photos that ill give to my older brother. they were actually mainly ones of my sister that my mother threw in the Bin.. never understood that..

So Thats part of the reason Im selling things. Might as well turn it into something I want to do from it. I have already told my friend Erin she is having the hand written cookbooks. I know she will treasure them as I do. For their age and that I have chosen her. I told her ages ago and she knows where they are.

I "Came Out" on FB last night. so will here.. I was 150 kilos at my heaviest.. and now 93.8.. I just need my head to catch up. Yesterday I wore one of the straight woolen dresses I got last year. and it fits even nicer now. I have 3. I love them lol. When hanging my clothes the other day I thought when did I become a clothes fiend lol.. I used to hate buying clothes, now I have a very full walk in wardrobe.. Need another cull I think.

Two of my sister friends are also losing weight.. Finally the right way, slowly, so I best hand them some of my big stuff or no one will get the wear out of them and Ill have to give to the oppy lol.

Have to ring Sky. My TV is out. grrr.

David is popping in later to do some errands for me.. On the weekend I found my breadmaker book. But I actually have next to no flour so he is going to get me some... he said should you be baking?, I said trust me the machine will be doing all the work lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny at present with a bit of breeze.

Wow Popeye, that is an impressive result. A new you and even better when your new knee has you properly on the go.  Well done you. 

Dog walk soon, followed by groceries. Need to do baking and might find time later to get back to the knitting which has had a few days off!

I shall probably do what my mum did and gradually hand out "stuff" to the family so not too much left to fight over,  lol!

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine here cold 10 degrees

I am impressed Popeye you should be proud of your success and that you can do the hard stuff

More cleaning out here this morning might get to sewing cave this afternoon.

Collecting DGD1 from daycare today so that means dinnernat ours for her luckily we are having spaghetti
Also need to remember to collect fruit and vege from co-op pick up at lunch  time.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Getting the new hip was the jump start for me to lose kilos, being able to move without that bad pain helps a lot. So now I am monitoring the change and that in itself helps the process by making me very aware of what is going in my mouth. I can't help but notice the physical change though, and the way my jeans are inclined to slide south. I shall have to add a bit of elastic to some waistbands to spare my blushes lol.

Yesterday I got fed up though with my hair and lopped four inches off. It does make putting it up much easier, lol! But I bet it's uneven...
(07-05-2024, 09:22 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Getting the new hip was the jump start for me to lose kilos, being able to move without that bad pain helps a lot. So now I am monitoring the change and that in itself helps the process by making me very aware of what is going in my mouth. I can't help but notice the physical change though, and the way my jeans are inclined to slide south. I shall have to add a bit of elastic to some waistbands to spare my blushes lol.

Yesterday I got fed up though with my hair and lopped four inches off. It does make putting it up much easier, lol! But I bet it's uneven...

Your hair is beautiful Hunni. I noticed yesterday just how long mine has got from its above the shoulders last year? I think it was. Its grown heaps.. Just wish it was thick.. but that wont ever happen now lol. 

I might try my jeans on and see how lose they are lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(07-05-2024, 09:22 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Getting the new hip was the jump start for me to lose kilos, being able to move without that bad pain helps a lot. So now I am monitoring the change and that in itself helps the process by making me very aware of what is going in my mouth. I can't help but notice the physical change though, and the way my jeans are inclined to slide south. I shall have to add a bit of elastic to some waistbands to spare my blushes lol.

Yesterday I got fed up though with my hair and lopped four inches off. It does make putting it up much easier, lol! But I bet it's uneven...

I cut my own hair, I use a method I got from a youtube clip. You put it in a ponytail at the nape of your  neck, then another tie/scrunchie at a bit below where you want the length, then cut at the length you want & trim any bits after removing ties/rubber bands/whatever. It mostly works OK, although being me I manage to muck it up once in a while. Rolleyes Big Grin

Very cold, down to zero last night so clipped the duvets together - Madame Le Cat was not pleased as I had to move her off the bed to do it - but seemed very happy with the extra warmth so she appears to have forgiven the human.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Tatty cat has discovered the benefits of the hot water bottle. No matter where I hide it she finds it. I think I am going to have to pull out the long thin one, that way we can both have our toes on it!

I am having fun today, giving away fishes - my Endlers have been way too fertile so I am rehoming most of the population. It will only be a few months and I will have to do it again. Maybe I need to buy in a monster to gobble up some of the babies, lol...
Im a Happy Lassie.

My cleaner used to work for Sky for 9 years.. So she checked the tv and box out.. Thankfully she did. It was the ariel had gotten loose on the back.. Goodness knows how, but she said to always check that.. My TV swivels and I often turn it around when Im in the kitchen, so it could be that. if she hadn't told me I would have had to pay for the sky man to do it lol.. And no I dont know her name.. yet another one.. but I told her I wanted her in future if possible.. She speaks good English to and is happy to do what ever I want lol.

I think the itchies on my leg are Shingles.. both sides of my wound. Just at the itchy stage. Ill wait one more day before phoning the Drs. He barely even glanced yesterday. But Im also using Calamine lotion so they weren't clear. I had to Dr Google pictures, cos when I had them last time I couldn't see them very well. I think if I phone now they will want me to go back. So Ill wait one more day. Early so I could catch the delivery from the chemist tomorrow night.

Doesn't surprise me Im very run down.

Yep Shingles. Ohh joy.. at least the pain meds are taking care of them early.. I dont do things by halves
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(07-05-2024, 03:03 PM)popeye333 Wrote: I think the itchies on my leg are Shingles.. both sides of my wound. Just at the itchy stage. Ill wait one more day before phoning the Drs. He barely even glanced yesterday. But Im also using Calamine lotion so they weren't clear. I had to Dr Google pictures, cos when I had them last time I couldn't see them very well.  I think if I phone now they will want me to go back. So Ill wait one more day. Early so I could catch the delivery from the chemist tomorrow night.

Doesn't surprise me Im very run down.
I'm at a similar post-surgery stage as you following a knee joint replacement op. I used rose hip oil to aid the healing of the incision which was irritated for a while. My surgeon put that, calf pain and lower leg swelling down to disruption of nerves, lymph drainage and general surgery trauma which he regarded as fairly normal.

So far as foot/calf swelling is concerned the surgeon's recommendation of elevation ("toes higher than your heart" in the words of my orthopaedic nurse sister), and icing (frozen pack wrapped in a towel) this is sound advice for assisting your body to deal with the trauma it has been through. The failure cases my sister has recounted where patients have done too little or too much following surgery are enough to convince me to take the advice of the professionals.
These ops are huge assaults - we need to take recovery seriously and try to relax into the process. Heal first, rebuild fitness later, and rest a lot. You hear that popeye? Rest is the best gift you can give yourself. Rest and good food...
morning ladies Smile Another frost this morning but, boy, we're in for a stunner of a day.

This morning I'm going into town to buy some rat bait and pick my necklace up from the jeweler. An odd combination of things to go into town for lol.

There's some sound advice here about recovery times following instructions. MrK has his carpel tunnel done tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what he does.

I have more basting threads on the runner to mark out where the center 'box' is going as my sister-in-law has asked the pohutukawa flowers run along the sides and leave the center free (suits me!)

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My darling ruined his carpel tunnels using a pickaxe on a timber line and had both done at Rotorua hospital on a Friday morning before driving himself home to Taupo late that afternoon under the influence of good painkillers. They wore off before he could get a script for replacements but we sorted that and 24 hours late that man was weedeating the front lawn edges...

There is simply no telling some people!

But like joint replacements, it is a fantastic bit of surgery. Once the first few days are over and done.

I hope that rat bait is for the rats km, and not 'just in case', lol...
Good morning.

It's cool outside but the sun is warming the house up nicely.

Good advice been given with the care needed for after surgery recovery. Mr R is on top of the world with no debilitating pain (or meds) any more. He can cope with the price paid as a result of permanent nerve damage in his lower leg.

A few things to do out today and then see if I can tackle the "wrap" knitting technique with the aid of the Youtube link for instruction, lol! A first for me!

Cuppa finished. Now to get the washing out in the cold.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

No frost, we seldom get them here, the sun is up , will be a beautiful day.

Yes Im learning to rest. Im only doing what I need to like getting food from the kitchen etc. The rash has spread and super itchy.. Thankfully the Good Old Calamine lotion helps a lot.

A few years ago I was super lazy, but things changed.. And since I know Im still losing weight then I need to be happy with my lot for now.

Men can be naughty. Apparently when MrP was fixed, he went straight back to work. Climbing ladders etc. Which I believe cos he went out chain sawing logs the day after he had a groin hernia repair. He was tough and or stupid lol. I know one guy who took 3 weeks off work after the same hernia repair. Obviously had a very low pain threshold.

Must upload some pictures of the red Lilies, they are such a deep red colour. The yellow are nearly opening. Don't know if I upset David last night. I mentioned about them opening and he had planned for me to have the red and Irene the yellow. I said we decided to have both each.. oops.. I think we must have swapped them after he left... there doesn't appear to be any scent which is good for my nose.

More painting later. I did some of the tiny wee bit yesterday, a super fine brush. And on the bigger bits I "cut in" like MrP used to when painting walls lol.. Makes it way easier lol.

Hope all goes well for MrKs op tomorrow Kiwimade. frustration will be high for that. Not being able to hold things etc for a while.

Have a fab day everyone

Meant to say, Did anyone see the rediculous dresses worn at I think an Oscars type thing in America.. One of them needed 8 people to help straighten the dress after each step. It was Massive.

People with too much money trying to outdo each other.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Our first frost going to be a good day sunny no wind.

Lost my creative mojo this sorting out stuff taking up time and head space still  it won't last for ever.
We in negotiations  re house price so looks ,like we definitely  moving which is good becauseI have sort moved in new house in my head  Big Grin
Got 4th load for the op shop spread down hallway.

So ladies you know what I will be doing today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
In the words of my surgeon in his pre-op pep talk, "the first few weeks are pretty shit to be honest" which is pretty accurate based on my 2 knee ops to date (semi on RHS 16 years ago, LHS full joint recently).

The rate of recovery (bounce back) very much relates to the patients level of fitness and existing health factors from what I've seen. Of the 3 knees done by my surgeon on the same day the physio who cleared me for leaving hospital commented that I was up and mobile (crutches, walking frame) within 12 hours whereas the others were struggling with nausea and/or pain tolerances. To be fair I'm mid 60s and actively managing 7 acres with livestock and maintenance work on a regular basis and my qualified nutritionist partner keeps my diet on track. Excess weight and/or existing health issues would definitely be challenges following what is considered to be one of the more complex and painful common surgeries.

The follow up physio's advice has been to use my body's pain levels be a guide to how far to push his exercise regime as overdoing will require a day or two's inactivity to recover which is counterproductive overall and potentially damaging. One 'interesting' experience was sudden extreme pain from the outer side of my knee that happened as I awkwardly got up from my Laziboy a couple of weeks back which had me seeing stars and prevented my from putting socks and shoes on for the best part of a week. According to my surgeon he puts small cuts in the band that runs up the outside of the thigh as this can tighten as part of the recovery process and those cuts act as perforations that can release as required. The pain I experienced was most probably one of those perforations parting slightly. Enough to serve as a warning against overdoing things and compromising the surgeons good work, and the cost of the procedure.

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