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You can never have enough...
(13-05-2024, 07:17 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  it's nice to have a tad warmer start to the day even if it does mean rain. Over the last few frosty mornings I have been smug thinking how I beat the frosts with the weeding.  The ground is becoming quite cold now.

Today might be a sewing day, hand or machine, it doesn't matter.  Might even be daring and do both.  I have the fabric for MrK's gardening cushion so no excuses not to sew it.  

I took some pics of the runner, there is still a lot of stitching to go.  At least it's pretty straight forward now.  The hardanger is very plain as my sister-in-law has a gorgeous wooden table and I want that to shine through. There is also soooo much hardanger to do (over 4 meters counting both sides and the ends), I just want to get it done without fuss.  And she prefers things not to be too 'fancy'.

Happy crafting Smile
That is excessively beautiful, I will never call what I do 'embroidery' again, lol.  What a treasure you are making Mrs K! Heart
Morning everyone

Yes warmer this morning, the sun is out tho.

What time are people seeing the Beautiful Night lights? I looked last night but considering I am not even sure which way is south here, I couldn't see anything.

Beautiful work Kiwimade.. Absolutely stunning. Are you keeping a record of how many hours its taking to do?

I enjoyed tidying the back patio yesterday, but my friend didn't turn up.. I do get slightly annoyed when people say they will come and get something I am giving them, and then dont arrive.

The afternoon had a bit of not excitement but happening.. Maureen's Daughter text and asked if I could check on her. she and her Brother in Australia had been trying to phone her but she wasn't answering the phone. So I Galloped over.. ( not really lol) and knocked on the door.. Jack the dog went nuts, and he kept going to where I know Maureen sits.. I gave her time to come to the door as she is on a walker.. in the end I rang them ambulance. Who then rang the police and fire brigade.

I also tried ringing Rowan on the other side cos I wasn't sure if he might have a key. The ambulance arrived and cos I used 111 they dont get the code to undo the lockbox which contains a key, so they can get in.. Rather odd if you ask me.. Anyway I told them what had happened and Maureen opened the door.. She had been talking to the other son on the phone and ignoring Jacks barking. So the Ambulance left and I went in.. Then Cheryl the Daughter arrived.. Turns out not only is Maureen going blind but she's going deaf and didn't hear me knocking.. I didn't use the bell.

Just so pleased she was ok.. but I suspect she would have got a telling off after I left.. And now I know I need to use the bell. But She needs to listen to her dog. he was barking soo differently more insistent than normal. Cos there is a glass panel beside the door so he could see me so knows me.

Jess who lives 2 doors over from me came to check and took jack out of the way. She also brought me a rubbish bag and was going to take that down to the road for me.. A driveway of 5 houses... The one between Jess and I saw the ambulance when he came to pick up his annoying little dog with no training at all. And he ran. For a man who is meant to have a bad back he moved fast. They are not into having a friendly connection for the safety of everyone.

Spoke to MrP's Eldest Brother last night. He sounded sooo very well, no coughing etc. he's always had a lot of lung problems. He was 84 yesterday.

No plans for today apart from making a shopping list. And the Lab should be here at some stage to do my bloods.

Jess offered to help in any way she can yesterday, so I might see if she will either take me to the supermarket or will do some shopping for me, I want to get this soup made for the girls and then visit with it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thank you ladies Smile  I must admit, I am very happy with this.  No roma, no special tool for doing the cutting.  I use the blunt end of a tapestry needle to pick out the linen threads and my embroidery scissors have a small, curved tip on the end of the bottom blade to also help me pick up individual pieces of thread.  Heaven help me if I ever loose these scissors, I haven't seen another pair like them for years.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
KM, I have a tiny pair of nail scissors with a curved end, very sharp, vicious little things. They live in my sewing box for just that thread snipping purpose. Check with your chemist, they may have or can get you a pair as back up. They weren't expensive...
I never thought of asking at the chemist, thanks for that OHH Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Those are gorgeous KM, well done. Smile
Looked outside last night but unable to see any lights; perhaps you have to be on higher ground or I looked at the wrong time.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Suns out and the light frost we had overnight is starting to melt away.

Thank you for your kind comment, Lilth Smile The weather people are saying there will be more solar flares, but not this far north again. You may see them again in the South Island.

Today I'm going to drag our unwanted old coffee table out to the back of the garden and put the pots with the spring bulbs on it. I need a place to keep the pots when the bulbs have finished flowering and think this should work. The table won't last very long outside, but at least this way it will have another purpose and give me time to think of a more permanent plan. It's just four legs and a top and plants can grow under and around it.

MrK's carpal tunnel wound is healing quickly, and he has a lot more movement in his hand now. I haven't heard any complaints about tingling and soreness so all must be good.

More stitching for me this afternoon, I've started setting small goals to keep me motivated and to ensure it is finished before Christmas.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Coolish again here but its overcast.

I did the same with a table on wheels we had Kiwimade. It didn't last long but did its job for a while.

And yesterday I moved it and some timber I had pots sitting on through the house to the pile for the inorganic. I had to go up and down a step on both sides of the house so my knee got a good workout. But I did feel pleased at doing it myself lol. So its all out there now. Well apart from one small bin of stuff and a tyre which cant go in the pile. Ill get those to Davids next skip bin.

I think the Physio will be here this morning. And the cleaner later. Ill put a pudding on in-between, although I might give that a break cos Im eating weetbix again and enjoying them lol.

I will phone the Invacare people and they can come and get the walker they gave me in hospital. I've been using my old one the last few days. I have been getting callouses from the handles of the new one too. So I've been piling on the hand cream to try and soften them again. And Im not a fan of hand creams etc. lol.

My Lilies are still looking lovely. 12 days in so good value if I was to buy them lol.. But having to surround the vase on the breakfast bar hardly makes them look nice. lol. Missy likes flowers unfortunately lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Fine day

Like hearing about everyone's gardening ventures  my inner gardener  lives through watching DH and you ladies Big Grin

Productive meeting yesterday, as luck would have it we were being reviewed/audited so 3rd party witness to the hijinx of  out side parties trying to influence the decisions of a committee fulfilling legislative  requirement  makes for interesting times.

More sorting today took 2 bags of my quilting  scraps to guild meeting last night it was like watching vultures  picking over a carcass  I will have a few more to supply  at least  the fabric is not being wasted.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Love the coffee table stories, the one under my huge succulent basket must be made of sterner stuff. It has been out in the weather since a neighbour discarded it three years ago and is still going strong. Very handy too seeing there is an outdoor chair on either side so coffee mugs have a place to rest.

The kalanchoe cuttings in the basket are looking happy too, so all'n all it is a great addition to our communal outdoor space.
So I'm not daft in taking the coffee table into the garden lol. Good to know others have done something similar. MrK says if it doesn't work out, he will cut it up for the firewood and give it to the young mum across the road.

Always good to have an 'outsider' witness those hijinx, mica. It must be hard to fulfill the legal obligations when others don't see it that way. I love your description of the ladies and your fabric scraps. You must have good quality scraps lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That was such a lovely mental image, Mica - vultures picking oiver fabric seems very apt! Smile

Did the dreaded groceries, luckily it being colder meant not too many people about so was able to get it done early - unlike last week when there were more people than usual, & I'm not really keen on lots of people. Have managed a bit in the garden, weeding the little patch by the shed to let the eau de cologne mint have a chance of recovring from the weeds.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's bucketing down with rain this morning but boy, we need the rain.

I have this mental image of ladies looking similar to vultures with their very long, painted fingernails flicking through the fabric arguing over who gets what lol. I'm sure that wasn't the case, but the mind plays these games lol.

I see on Stuff Lisette Reymer will be joining the new TV3/Stuff news team. We love her journalism so very happy she still has a job. And my favourite rugby reporter Ollie will be there too.

Today we will both nut out a formal complaint to Waikato Hospital about MrK's carpal tunnel treatment. 18 months of waiting and finding twice, he wasn't on the list when he should have been, test results not being given to him and when he did finally receive the results, even the doctor said the results weren't recorded correctly and didn't make sense. And then there was no communication at all about stopping his warfarin (we had to chase it up) before he finally had surgery. Usually, the anesthetist phones and tells him along with a follow up e mail.

Yesterday MrK phoned me while out. For most of us that is no biggie lol, but he used his smart phone without help. We have progress!

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Rain glorious rain. It's been a long while here. 

Mr R home, happy and doing well. Another couple of weeks off work in time for winter with a freezing day yesterday and heavy rain today. 

Lol, at the virtual image of vultures at the scrap pile Mica. You've given everyone a laugh. 

An indoors day ... there's always housework if I'm stuck for something to do Big Grin

Stay warm and dry all.
morning all
overcast mild expecting rain soon

lots little jobs completed yesterday, visited our new house with tape measure to sort out where items of furniture will go, approved the dog fence that they propose and the flooring and door insulation for the sewing room (garage) all more loot lol. We are able to take our 2 dogs and cat so all good.
today is the great quilting fabric sort and pack up
enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Sun and rain here.. I pity the people doing the inorganic pick ups today.

Glad you are reporting it Kiwimade. I had an extra gullet in my throat and was meant to have urgent surgery within a week. But the receptionist or person who wrote up notes etc didn't do her job, I phone on day 7 and wasn't even on the list. She lost her job and I had my surgery 3 days later.. Was well before I was on warfarin thank goodness. At Waikato.

MrK has got the hang of his new phone by the sounds of it.

My "View" of the fabric grabbers would be like the Shoppers in America on the Black Friday sales etc. Or a larger group on the sewing Bee for the transitional section lol.

I guess Im too polite, Id wait till everyone was finished lol.

Had a good busy day yesterday, The med lab came, the physio, my cleaner and My friend for Lunch. and I totally forgot she was vegetarian.. Well I thought she still ate meat occasionally and didn't know she had stopped completely. So instead of soup and toast she had tea and Toast lol.. But we are going to repeat the "Play Date" as we have so much to catch up on lol.

My Lillies are starting to look a little sad now. But they have been cut for 10 days so I think that's pretty good. And from my chair they still look good lol.

Im going shopping tomorrow.. I was thinking about going today but not with the rain if Im slow at doing things. And putting bags and a walker into the car would be slow lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Weather looked fine when I finally got up this morning, even a tad warm for my choice of layers, but it has cooled and the clouds are coming over so maybe I'm staying home. Bit risky to scoot in the rain, those electronics do not like water!

I scored another pair of Ziera boots on TM last week, for $1 plus post. They arrived this morning and as I suspected ten minutes of tlc with my leather conditioner and polish and they look wonderful. Thank you, soldier Dad for drumming the rules of leather care into me! Just little red ankle boots but with laces and zips I can adjust them to suit my different sized ankles. I have Ziera boots that are over twenty years old and still going strong, so I knew these were a bargain. And a woman needs red boots. Three pairs isn't really THAT excessive, is it?
(15-05-2024, 10:30 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Weather looked fine when I finally got up this morning, even a tad warm for my choice of layers, but it has cooled and the clouds are coming over so maybe I'm staying home. Bit risky to scoot in the rain, those electronics do not like water!

I scored another pair of Ziera boots on TM last week, for $1 plus post. They arrived this morning and as I suspected ten minutes of tlc with my leather conditioner and polish and they look wonderful. Thank you, soldier Dad for drumming the rules of leather care into me! Just little red ankle boots but with laces and zips I can adjust them to suit my different sized ankles. I have Ziera boots that are over twenty years old and still going strong, so I knew these were a bargain. And a woman needs red boots. Three pairs isn't really THAT excessive, is it?

Not excessive at all Hunni. Just being prepared. 

When I was waiting at the Super clinic last week a lady came in wearing a beautiful Red Winter coat. Something I have always wanted.  But Always put off cos of my size. And to be honest Id actually forgotten. But maybe now is the time to start looking, or for Next winter perhaps as I have another 9 kilos I want to lose first.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Three RED pairs, popeye. Then there are the other colours... I have a small boot addiction! Or a large one, depending on how judgy someone might be. These little ones are rather nice though and the weather has cleared so I can go show them off, lol...

I am coat hunting too - and have my eyes on a couple of listings. Next week with luck! The right colour to go with the boot collection...
(15-05-2024, 10:30 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Weather looked fine when I finally got up this morning, even a tad warm for my choice of layers, but it has cooled and the clouds are coming over so maybe I'm staying home. Bit risky to scoot in the rain, those electronics do not like water!

I scored another pair of Ziera boots on TM last week, for $1 plus post. They arrived this morning and as I suspected ten minutes of tlc with my leather conditioner and polish and they look wonderful. Thank you, soldier Dad for drumming the rules of leather care into me! Just little red ankle boots but with laces and zips I can adjust them to suit my different sized ankles. I have Ziera boots that are over twenty years old and still going strong, so I knew these were a bargain. And a woman needs red boots. Three pairs isn't really THAT excessive, is it?

No, not at all. not when you have around 8 pairs & possibly more, slightly scared to count again! Rolleyes

Had to go out again this morning & coming back, a woman was coming towards me pushing a push chair. I thought nothing of it until she got closer & what I'd thought was a baby proved to bea dog! A small highland terrier type dog, & I just had to say 'That's a dog's life!'

Which reminded me of an incident years ago. There was a man taking a really lovely dog for a walk, & when passing them I couldn't help myself, & said to the dog 'hello gorgeous' - whereupon the man said hello! - which made both of us crack up laughing. Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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