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You can never have enough...
Morning Everyone.

Dark clouds and blue sky here, chilly too.

I did it again. Missed the last 10 minutes of GBSB.. I saw the rest cos I set phone alarms every 15 minutes. But missed the last one Dammit. I have a friend I can text tho.

I had a mixed day yesterday. The Home decided to change our Tables and put Laminated placemats with the ladies names on. And a label maker sign stuck to the table, saying not to change the layout.

Now the ladies feel like they are being treated like kindergarten kids.. I asked a friend do they have to sit in named places at Daycare. She said no.

So Dianne went on a wee trip to find that it was only in our dining room. So went to complain. And cos yesterday was pink shirt day they accused her of being a bully complaining about the seating arrangement. Absolutely rediculous..

They may think they have Won, but next Friday is Davids birthday celebration and we WILL be changing the tables so we can include his partner who lays in a lounge chair and wont be able to join in with the tables like they are.

Before we left we put a paper towel over the stupid sign, underneath the Plastic pink tablecloth, and then sat the fake plant over the top. And turned the placemats name down and mixed up.

Had to drop to their level. They are adults, they can sit where they want. And especially on a Friday there is 4 visitors for a start for 4 residents. We dont fit with the tables like they have them.

3 of us Visitors sat talking for ages, with Irene asleep in her chair lol.

Dianne looked at me and said "Welcome Back" lol.. it was just stupid the way they are carrying on. Its like none of those residents are allowed to sit where they want, and with who they want.

Oddly on my way in the Manager stopped and asked me how I was getting on with my knee. She had foot surgery at the start of the year so understood being stuck. It was nice but odd that she chose to come to me.

Im going to start more clearing out today. Well listing on FB just to get rid of stuff.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
omg popeye, that is petty behaviour by the rest home.

Photos please OHH, of your scarf, it sounds gorgeous.

I loved the way the painting canvas' were transformed. The winner was stunning although I loved loved loved the red dress. And (sorry popeye, spoiler alert) I loved the leather and lace dress. That was some sewing to sew all the points.

I'm MrK's labourer this morning, helping him with his timber.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(18-05-2024, 09:54 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: omg popeye, that is petty behaviour by the rest home.

Photos please OHH, of your scarf, it sounds gorgeous.

I loved the way the painting canvas' were transformed.  The winner was stunning although I loved loved loved the red dress.  And (sorry popeye, spoiler alert) I loved the leather and lace dress.  That was some sewing to sew all the points.

I'm MrK's labourer this morning, helping him with his timber.
I live in hope that Ill get to see a whole show before the final lol..

(18-05-2024, 09:54 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: omg popeye, that is petty behaviour by the rest home.

Photos please OHH, of your scarf, it sounds gorgeous.

I loved the way the painting canvas' were transformed.  The winner was stunning although I loved loved loved the red dress.  And (sorry popeye, spoiler alert) I loved the leather and lace dress.  That was some sewing to sew all the points.

I'm MrK's labourer this morning, helping him with his timber.
I live in hope that Ill get to see a whole show before the final lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Work in progress but not the best photo, on my sunny deck on this glorious day...
That scarf looks lovely Hunni, red is such a cheerful colour.

Youngest grandson has just visited to pick up his birthday loot; he & his partner are off to Bali next week, for his first break since finishing uni & starting work so they're looking forward to it, though the crowds there are slightly worrying.

Popeye, you really have to woinder at the mentality of those who decided to put place names out; how pathetic.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  No frost and no fog, just fabulous sunshine this morning so far Big Grin

Your scarf is gorgeous, OHH Smile  and I bet it will be lovely to wear.  Beautiful colour too.  The perfect knitting project for out on the deck.

Only the roses left to prune and it's too early in the season even for me, to do that.  I know what you mean, roma, about juggling green waste and timing it for bins to be emptied.  I still have a small pile to be binned and am trying to find space.  It will have to wait for another two weeks.

MrK is making a 'picture frame' from an old mahogany bedhead he was given.  The walls in our 1950's home are all crooked which meant the smart meter has spaces between where the wall was cut and where the meter was fitted.  MrK decided to frame the meter with timber and will finish it today.  I must admit, the dark mahogany is stunning.  

It can't be cold outside, the Furry One is up and about.  He was outside quite a bit last night, hopefully on the trail of that rat.

More stitching today and I'll cut out the pieces for MrK's outdoor cushion.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Mild day haven't been out yet

Beautiful scarf that you are creating OHH .

Re potted my terrainium   bowl yesterday it looks much better with new pristine  white gravel.
Cut out another project for my sewing retreat slowly making progress.

Not sure what I will tackle today need to do some housework and k9s need a walk

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunshine and not as cold a morning as was forecast!

The scarf is beautiful OHH ... you will enjoy wearing it. 

Hope to get outside later for some more garden catch up.  A walk will feature at some stage ... good rehab for Mr R.

The machine has beeped ... another load to hang out. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

The sun is up. its cool this morning.

Beautiful scarf Hunni. It looks like red clouds.

The Home is petty and childish. But Friday will be the problem. We will move the tables so Davids Partner Campbell will be at the table, he lays in a lounge chair. And we will need room. And if they try and stop us There will be problems.

General tidying up today and a load of washing to hang.

I tried the little porkies sausages last night. There was 12 not 16,but still good value and they were yummy. I've been wanting decent sausages for ages, so Im pleased they have worked out.

Might get a wee bit of weed spraying done later. The edges of the concrete at least. The fence lines will have to wait till Im more stable on uneven ground. since its going to be fine.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye, having place names at the table sounds like the next level up from sitting at the same place EVERY meal! Sit somewhere else at your peril as my mum found out when she first became a resident! Those old biddies guarded their patch like rottweilers, lol! She was at a table of men (3) for most of her time there,  far less territorial and more friendly!
lol roma, rottweilers! Vultures and now rotties lol. To be fair, all the rotties I have known have been lovely dogs.

Murphy's Law strikes again. Over 150 cotton reels stashed away and not one of them the right green for the cushion. And the same goes for the zip. Not big or strong enough for what I need. Might be a visit to David's Emporium next week.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Any excuse km, any excuse, lol! I have two huge jars of cotton reels, and every time a winner, the colour I need is either at the bottom, or not there at all. Has to be another Murphy's Law I suspect.
Morning all
Its still dark there is a frost

Up early this morning lots to do.
Had lovely meal with bubbles last night to celebrate sale house unconditional Cool

Gym and errands this morning meeting this afternoon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We also have a light frost along with rain clouds.

Congratulations on the sale of your home, mica Smile A new stage of your life is heading your way Smile

MrK's headphones work a treat. He had his woodworking you tube clips on yesterday afternoon, and I didn't hear a thing. It did make me laugh listening to all of his comments as he was watching though. Took him a while to figure out I had no idea what he was talking about lol. Our grandson does this as well when wearing headphones, now we know where our grandie gets it from lol.

Today MrK has his stitches out, his wrist is healing amazingly well. While he has that done, I'll drop more stuff off at the op shop and buy some vanilla essence. MrK has asked for a steamed pud and custard for his birthday tomorrow and I need the vanilla for the custard.

I'll be doing a bit more cutting on the runner today, one of my favourite parts.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning, it's cloudy outside and I've turned the heating on. We're in for rain.

Congratulations Mica, exciting times ahead. I used to regularly find my feline in a box, lol ... he knew 'something' was going on with all the packing! We have a photo of him where he was found on top of the packed goods in the covered hire trailer ... he was not going to be left behind!

Will get things done this morning as minding GD this afternoon while mum gets organised for a few work days in Welly. Will help out DS over the next few days while mum away. 

The plan is to get back to the knitting once I've measured it on GD. The weather later is going to be conducive to handcraft, I'm picking. 

Yum steamed pud, it's been years since a I've had any.  Can it be made without having a proper steam bowl with a lid?

Better move. 

Stay warm and dry.
Morning everyone

Cloudy here but not wet as yet.

Yes Roma I use a metal mixing bowl and two layers of baking paper, tied with string. I used to use elastic. And I reuse the baking paper too.

Congrats Mica on the sale. With a time for adjustment Im sure you will enjoy your new abode.

Yesterday my Neighbours twin boys came and asked if they could mow my lawn. They had done Maureen's. So I said yes but give me a price. I suggested they look at the length out the back. Too shy to give me a price so I said I have $50 is that a good amount. They were blown away. They used Dads tools. A weed eater as well. I resisted temptation to tell them they had run out of petrol, I let them figure it out themselves. Was talking to their dad later, They want "cooler" phones (They are 13) lol and so their parents suggested they earn the money.

What they dont know is that when they have enough for one phone, the parents will buy the other.

But they tamed the dam thing back for me. It had been getting me down in the last week or so. I knew it was getting beyond me. I will get them to mow it a couple more times before I go back to it.

I love it when kids start doing odd jobs and learn about working, and earning. And they will appreciate their phones more, that's for sure.

Popped over to Maureen's last night for her birthday, 92. Her son was still with her. We realized Jack wasn't about so the son went to find him. And he had managed to jump a fence and got stuck in a wee fenced off area. He came in looking very sad and hid behind Maureen's chair for a while. Came home with a beautiful looking piece of chocolate cake. A shop one so very little flavour.. Odd tho cos even I know Maureen doesn't like chocolate. But then it didn't really taste of anything anyway lol.

Ill go see the girls today, hopefully the pettiness has stopped. But David is away, his Mum had another fall. So we can sign his card etc without him being there.

Depending on how I feel. I might stop into the oppy. Its months since I was there. And the winter clothes are out. Ill also see what I can get Bobbie too.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes! Butter paper tied with string over the old Crown Lynn beehive bowl was the way my Mum did hers. Funny thing, I recently scored a stainless steel pudding bowl with clippy lid from Ruth Pretty catering via Trademe - ten dollars plus post. I am just holding off till winter sets in to do my first pudding in it - seeing I broke the ancient CL bowl last winter! Seemed the perfect time to indulge in the metal version, but I didn't want aluminium because of the potential neuro damage thing. I think Pretty is downsizing because apparently they have a few of these ready to be adopted!

As for cats and trailers one of ours went to the dump on our trailer years ago, and the dump was miles away from home. At least, that was the explanation we finally worked out when a very footsore skinny worn out Balinese turned up at the front door three weeks later after going awol one weekend...

Bloody cats!
OMG OHH ... he made his way home ... clever boy! Burmese are notorious for getting in vehicles as well ... fortunately my boy managed to always get out in time after an explore session!

That's the steamed pud bowl I remember ... metal with a clip on lid. Will definitely have a go when it's colder, now I know there's a way ... thanks.
(20-05-2024, 09:20 AM)Roma Wrote: OMG OHH ... he made his way home ... clever boy! Burmese are notorious for getting in vehicles as well ... fortunately my boy managed to always get out in time after an explore session!

That's the steamed pud bowl I remember ... metal with a clip on lid. Will definitely have a go when it's colder, now I know there's a way ... thanks.

I have a metal one with the clip on lid. But the recipe I use ( An Aunts recipe) is too big for the bowl I have. lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have two glass bowls I bought at the supermarket that can take the heat. I love them and see them often on cooking shows (so feel pretty trendy lol). They aren't flash, just plain glass but boy, do they get a lot of use. Perfect size for the two of us. I use them when making steam puds and tie baking paper and tin foil over the top with a pleat to allow expansion.

Blimmen cats lol. I was returning home from visiting a friend years ago when her cat shot over my shoulder and out of the car window while I was driving. Gave me a heck of a fright and lucky for the cat there were no oncoming cars and she landed safely and took off home. Couldn't believe it lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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