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You can never have enough...
Yup, 1959, my Dad was taking the family Persian (white! Can you imagine?) in the car to the vet in the city for the snip operation, and the toad squeezed out the window while the car was stopped for the lights on Grafton Bridge. He then had to chase the creature down as it paraded down the balustrade, much to the delight of the other motorists... He always said he was tempted to leave it - the cat was a fiend for fighting - but it was my sisters cat and she was too young to be bereft of her first pet! That thing lived till 22...
Excellent news Mica, hope the move goes well.

Very cold yesterday so didn't do much & the walk wasn't much fun, although Madame Le Dog didn't mind. Youngest grasndson was looking at the sheet painting when he was here yesterday & asked me which was the hardest bit to do, so told him it was the badly drawn cat in the tree right at the top, because it meant I was right at the top of the stepladder which made it difficult to reach.
He didn't half go a funny colour! Told me to be careful so I pointed out that if I fell it would have been on carpet; but I bet he's gone & told the others now, dammit. I should have kept my big mouth shut.

(20-05-2024, 10:00 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yup, 1959, my Dad was taking the family Persian (white! Can you imagine?) in the car to the vet in the city for the snip operation, and the toad squeezed out the window while the car was stopped for the lights on Grafton Bridge. He then had to chase the creature down as it paraded down the balustrade, much to the delight of the other motorists... He always said he was tempted to leave it - the cat was a fiend for fighting - but it was my sisters cat and  she was too young to be bereft of her first pet! That thing lived till 22...

Oh dear - & there are people who claim animals don't have a personality! Big Grin Big Grin Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It has finally calmed down outside. Early this morning we had a huge thunder and lightning storm with the loudest thunder we have ever heard. Nothing quite like being woken by a huge clap of thunder lol. It's heading your way now, roma.

Grocery shopping today, if we didn't have to eat imagine how much $$$ we could save or spend on books, fabric, threads, yarns...

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Looks like rain soon.

Hope furry one not too upset with the thunder KM.

Still tucked up  been reading need to move soon.

Have to go into city this morning to meet with lawyer. 

Will pack my stuff for sewing retreat this afternoon 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have a neighbour sponsored trip to Pak&Save today, she suggested it at the weekend when we were whinging about the local vegie suppliers dropping their standards. Just lately we think the two sources are getting in a lower grade of fruit and veg as they compete with each other on price - the result being the shelf life has dropped considerably. My neighbour is convinced P&S has better stock because it has a much higher turnover, so we are going to test that theory.

There is also a Kings Garden Centre almost next door...
Morning everyone

Wet here, but I dont think we had any thunder. I didn't hear anything anyway lol.

Had a good day at the home yesterday, but poor old Keith was rather upset. He is in a chair most of the time and they weren't listening when he said his Bum is sore. Suspect he probably has bed sores, but they dont care.

The placemats remain, other than Colleens, she cut hers up lol.

They have a raffle for a memory blanket, so I took a ticket. I have one my mother did but sadly the moths that we never see got it.

Went to get in the car and the bloody battery was flat again. My mechanic came and saved the day, then took it to the garage and gave it a good charge. Seems I need to run it a bit more lol.. I think it came with a guarantee and I have until July, cos we got it around MrP's birthday in July last year. So It better behave. He even gave me a hug when I told him about MrP dying. Also pumped the Tyres up they were very low. oops.

So by the time I got home Im was very sore and tired. But I did cook my steak and wedges and totally enjoyed them, albeit it later than usual.

I have put physio off. Im too sore and swollen from sitting so long so the feet are up again.

Yes Kiwimade the stuff we could get if we didn't have to pay for food, power etc.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sun has come out after a lot of rain.  We got the wild wind KM but the thunder had worn itself out ... unless I didn't hear it, lol. Leaves and branches everywhere on the way to school plus upturned bins that were still out from yesterday. It's very warm. 

Damn Popeye, nothing like getting organised to go out and the car won't/ can't start! Sounds like you have an excellent mechanic.

Not too much planned with GD here. 

Enjoy the day all.
(21-05-2024, 08:29 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I have a neighbour sponsored trip to Pak&Save today, she suggested it at the weekend when we were whinging about the local vegie suppliers dropping their standards. Just lately we think the two sources are getting in a lower grade of fruit and veg as they compete with each other on price - the result being the shelf life has dropped considerably. My neighbour is convinced P&S has better stock because it has a much higher turnover, so we are going to test that theory.

There is also a Kings Garden Centre almost next door...

I'm sure you won't be tempted at all.

Much.... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin

Tipping down here so waited a while in hopes of it stopping but it was still going an hour later so decided it was likely to continue all day & went & did groceries anyway. I did get quite wet both going & coming back but naturally about ten minutes after getting home,it slowed to a drizzle. Of course it damn well did - Murphys law!

Coming out of supermarket there was a chap next to me & I heard him say' Its alright son' so naturally looked at him.

He was holding a teddy bear & grinning so of course I said 'best behaved kid ever', whereupon he replied 'At least he didn't want chocolate this time!"
I couldn't help laughing - he was catching up to his partner further down the mall

Brightened the day considerably. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The trouble with P&S is the bargains. Even with my list firmly clutched I overspent by thirty dollars. A size 22 chook for $7.99 - not only too big to go in my freezer but that is so many meals for such a teeny price - so it can defrost in the fridge and I'll roast it for the weekend.. And double ups aplenty because each purchase saves two or three dollars on the local NW. So I have extra toothbrushes, extra deodorant, extra fluffy coffee sachets on top of some really good vegie and fruit buys.

And cat food for a month. Life is good...
It’s going to be a long night so thought I would duck in here and catch up on all the posts to pass the time .My adopted 13 year old grandson had a huge op today on his spine - recovery is a bit slower than expected but they have assured his Mum and Dad everything went really well - he is in a private hospital so his support dog Honey the best golden retriever in the world is waiting patiently under his bed .The mongrel who broke just about every bone in his body and stubbed his cigarettes out on his torso has a lot to answer for - then the family members who took him after Starship worked their magic didn’t take him to any of his specialist appointments between 4 and 9 so he has been badly let down - this is his 9th operation - my DIL has worked on his case from day 1 and he haunted her - he is one of the children the bill that hopefully goes through parliament will protect as he is a part Māori and his new Mum and Dad since he was 9 are pakeha but the opposition think he should go back to the whanau who never protect3d him from day 1 .
One thing the op has taken the worry about the weather off the radar - Robie has spent 5 million dollars cyclone proofing the supermarket so his generators will have the capacity to light the parking lot up so the gangs will not keep the staff locked in overnight while the rival gangs have a gun fight in the car park
My motel Mum will be in her house in two weeks - it’s a beautiful unit - really high spec as my brother was building it as a spec with retirees in mind .He has turned the garage into a rumpus room for her and built a carport - it’s a quiet area so her car should be safe .She will be able to sell it when she gets a bit of equity and buy a 3 bedroom - it has a bathroom and ensuite - my brother has a very good reputation so it will hold its value .He built some lovely homes for Kiwibuild
Watched a really good movie on Netflix - Colin Firth in the same genre as the Bexley Girls - can’t remember the title now - it’s popped out - something like Operation Meatball - superb acting
I have mastered my new cooker -made yoghurt scones today in it - brilliant .My grandaughter brought me a big chunky of chocolate cake she had made with a can of Diet Coke - one of those 4 ingredient beat in a bowl - delicious only problem I ate it all at once
Might go to bed and listen to the rain on the roof - really miss the old boy on nights like this
Morning all 
Southerly storm blowing here still tucked but not for much longe

Hope you got lots threads cut KM
JanW the ew house sound lovely.

Another sleepless  nights been awake since 2.30 argh....!

Busy day for me today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a stunning sunrise we have this morning!

The Furry One coped with the thunder the other night jammed in between us in bed. Whenever he feels frightened or sick he comes to us. Never had a dog do that before, usually they hide like my sister-in-law's dog who spent the night and half the day hidden under her bed Sad

I didn't get to do any embroidery yesterday as it was MrK's birthday. By the time I bought and unpacked groceries (those double ups, OHH! lol) and a zip, it was time for lunch. We did a bit of shopping for MrK as he needed new thermal t shirts, he had his blood test, went out for lunch, so it was late by the time we got home. And today he has a Waikato Hospital appointment.

Our daughter phoned for mrK's birthday and while talking with her, she said our grandson is missing us and wants to stay next school holidays. Then in the next breath, she said he's missing the Furry One more lol. We have always known exactly where we stand in the pecking order of things! I think this boy needs a dog Tongue

Yesterday I was stung by a wasp. OMG you forget how much they sting! Thank goodness for vinegar. It was on the washing basket and stung me as I grabbed it to bring the washing in. My finger is still a bit tender this morning.

Better get cracking, the day will gone before we know it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny and calm.

Ouch KM those stings knock the breath from you with the intensity at the time!

Jan a lot happening around you ... glad the boy is in good care with his faithful dog on hand and the mum having good times to look forward to. 

Mica you will be glad to be moved and sleep restored! 

Not a lot planned today ... a few jobs out and about.  Our internet is down so hopefully restored when I come home. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

The sun is up and its certainly not cold.

We missed the storm totally. Missy acknowledges thunder but isn't scared by it.

Ouch Kiwimade years since I was stung, and the last one was on my earlobe. And yes it hurt, my neck and face swelled. had to drive to get antihistamines, so My friend came from town to help me drive, she looked one way I looked the other lol. She didn't have her license at that stage lol.

Yesterday was a right off. Bit of a flat battery day I think. And My leg was soo sore and swollen. Its gone down again thank goodness.

Ive decided to pop over to Pukekohe today. I can juggle money around. Ill only go to Pak n Save and reduced to clear. Its more to give the car a run. Thankfully I have plenty of petrol.

Means I can rest the leg tomorrow and make the Carrot Cake for Friday. Another recipe Ive been using since I was about 18. I dont normally like microwave baking, but this cake has carrots, pineapple and cinnamon and mixed spice so it tastes wonderful. With cream cheese icing and chopped walnuts and orange rind on top.

Ill use my sumo grater thingee for the carrots, for the first time.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Slept like a log last night thanks to all my exercise yesterday. Couldn't quite understand why I was so muscle sore till I added up the days activities! A lot of walking round on very hard surfaces in shoes with very little give underfoot, I shall go back to my pretty little red boots for todays outing, thank you weather gods for the sun creeping up my quilts.

Haven't had a wasp sting for years, but I did walk into one of my bees a while back, and got a fat lip out of the encounter, honey shortcircuited that process though, it works beautifully as an antivenom.

One of the little red pears from yesterday's P&S adventure was a bit bruised so I part peeled it and popped it in the old whisk to hang in the peach tree and sure enough this morning the little wax eyes are feasting. Nice to share the bounty! I do love watching them...
We love sharing our fruit with the birds as well, OHH. The grapevine usually has more grapes than we can eat or give away, so we leave some for the birds. We had a bumper crop of figs this season so left some and our resident blackbird had a real feast lol. He would pick them off the tree and eat the figs off the ground. I didn't know they liked figs Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
We have a huge old fig tree with the upper reaches being too high for us to easily harvest so our strategy is to leave those ones for the birds so that they don't ruin the lower ones. Works for the most part.

The competition for fruit on all our trees is something we're happy to live with though will strip pick plums, apples or apricots to limit scavengers where needed. Live and let live is fine except for the bloody Rosellas! They're kept in line with my slug gun.
2024 Great British Sewing Bee aired in UK last night linky link to watch
Hard to belive this is season 10
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Ooooh Rosella feathers! Did I say that out loud? But they are beautiful...

Such a glorious day today, chocolate brownie for lunch, Narrowneck Beach in the afternoon, soup on the stove, and another fabulous vintage score on Trademe. Oh my life is so blessed, lol!
morning ladies Smile Another glorious sunrise this morning, the colours are amazing.

Thanks for the link, mica Big Grin I can't believe it's 10 years either.

Our fig tree is in a pot, harm_less, as we don't have the space for a massive tree. This year we topped the soil up with compost and omg lol, the figs just grew like crazy. We've seen rosellas once or twice over the years we have lived here, and they were having a good old munch on the neighbour's apple tree. And we also strip the plum trees, some fruit we don't share lol. Although in saying that, the birds did get the plums that fell onto the ground. We don't spray and rely on the birds to eat the bugs. By encouraging them, they stay - a win-win for both sides.

My hand is still itchy from the wasp sting and a bit red, but the swelling has gone down. Amazing how one little insect can cause such discomfort lol.

The lawn needs mowing again today, MrK wants the bit with the fallen leaves put into the empty(ish) compost bin. I'll do that shortly before it rains.

And more cutting and stitching this afternoon. So far, I'm about a quarter of the way through it. Can't wait to finish as this is what I want to try next Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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