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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Another fantastic sunrise this morning, we are so lucky to live where we do. Rainbows, sunrises, sunsets... we get the lot without any buildings blocking our view.

I'm glad you found the buttons, OHH. Nothing more annoying than knowing you have something and can't find it. Sparkly buttons are fun and add a bit of zing.

Jan, your green Thai curry sounds yummm... will have to give it a go.

OMG roma, how lucky were you to see the orcas. What a sight to see Smile Heart I've seen dolphins playing in the waves along Ocean Beach but never orca.

Yesterday I unpicked my rubbish sewing (which looked even worse a day later) and started again. I hope to finish it today as MrK has his optometrist appointment at Tauriko Crossing tomorrow. While in Tauranga, we can call into Gates Pa and buy some foam to finish it. I also worked a bit more on the runner. I'm roughly a quarter of the way along Big Grin

Time to get cracking and make the most of a fine day. Washing to hang out and a bed to strip.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Mild frost this morning now cloud rolling in.

Glad the buttons showed themselves OHH.

Third time lucky on your cushion KM

I am covering for sick volunteer this morning so no sorting today either my schedule has gone to heck.
 We went and looked at induction cooktop  and pyrolytic  ovens yesterday as the house  we moving to has ceramic and normal wall oven. DH muttered about the cost but I told him that I wasn't up to clean ovens the old way after having pyrolytic  oven for past few years also we long time dead may as well have some stuff we want . I have budgeted for it from the sale of some of our rimu furniture.

Got to remember to pick up our fruit and vege from co-op on way home  

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I read something on Instagram this morning that I absolutely loved - 'It isn't hoarding, if your shit is utterly cool!'

A nice bit of reassurance for the woman who opened a rather tall cupboard yesterday (looking for buttons) and immediately told herself 'no, not going there', lol... I have to get brave and tackle that one.
Good morning. 

Overcast ... I think the day will be ok.

Lol Mica, I like your thinking ... I've used something similar in the past with the over hesitant OH when it comes to parting with any $$ ... need to enjoy life! 

One of the houses in front of us had their car broken into last night.  Always a bit nerve wracking to hear those sh*ts are roaming close by in the wee, small hours. 

DS birthday  ... will catch up with him later ... where are the years going ... means we are getting older also  Big Grin

Enjoy the day all.
(28-05-2024, 08:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I read something on Instagram this morning that I absolutely loved - 'It isn't hoarding, if your shit is utterly cool!'

A nice bit of reassurance for the woman who opened a rather tall cupboard yesterday (looking for buttons) and immediately told herself 'no, not going there', lol... I have to get brave and tackle that one.

Similar thing happened to me - I KNOW there's a pair of earrings somewhere, which I'd put away carefully & I suspect they're in my top drawer.

One look at said drawer was enough to convince me I don't really need them,yet... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all 

The great sort out is revealing a few forgotten things.  Big Grin

One of our good friends has been in hospital  since Friday so we invited  her DH to join us for dinner last night.

I cleared out the bottom filing cabinet drawer  yesterday top one on my agenda this  morning.then its the sewing cave 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a bleak start to the day we have today, no sun so far Sad

Nothing like moving house to have that big clean out, mica. Good luck with deciding what goes and what stays in your sewing cave.

I finished sewing the cushion cover, it's far from perfect but it will work. Am glad it's finished lol. And I worked a bit more on the runner, slowly but surely heading for halfway.

Our new smart meter isn't smart at all. It's stopped sending the readings through to Genesis for some reason so we are back to doing our own readings until the technician can fix it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Here on the Shore we are supposed to be being assaulted by storm clouds, thunder, lightning and hailstones. And it is Wednesday. Scoot day. It is also calm, quiet, and sunny.

I hate it when I do not trust the weather. Still, there's always tomorrow!
Morning everyone

Sunny and calm here. a little wind but nothing like what they were talking about.. yet.

Staying indoors today. St Johns is coming to change the key in the lock box outside. Hope it stays fine for that. Will probably check the alarm while here.

Washing to fold and put away and Ill clear the breakfast bar. Recycles just dumped on it cos the clothes airer is sitting in front of the crate.

We moved the TV yesterday.. AND last night I managed to find the volume button on the remote. Its not a normal remote with nothing too obvious. But I can at least hear the tv properly Finally.

I also decided I hate being broken. I want to do a garage sale, so only have one person that could help. Ill get stuff close to the garage but will need her help with tables. This weekend would have been good. But I need more time.

Also decided I want to go to the Museum. The one person I know that would be able to navigate us there I no longer talk to. So Im going to put a call out later and see if anyone wants to go. Ill take the wheelchair, so I can spend all day there. Havent been there since I was about 18-19ish. so 40 years ish.

Tomorrow is looking like its going to be a narly day with the Budget and Protesters.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Love the Museum! It is like one of the family for me, it is such a familiar space. Even more so now my Dad has been added to the upstairs Roll of Honour, it was lovely saying hello to the great uncles up there but now even more special. They have made lots of changes to the spaces, you'll have fun exploring those!
Now Dark, windy, wet and thunder.

Missy Looked at me and said Ohh Thunder and went back to sleep lol.

Unplugging the comp. Dont want it to fry
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The museum is a great place to explore! We took the grandies a couple of years ago to see the T-Rex and omg it had changed so much. But that's the thing about museums, the evolve over time as we do.

Big black clouds coming over here as well and we have to go to Tauranga. Am not looking forward to driving over the Kaimai Ranges in a storm. Slow and steady will do, thank goodness there are plenty of passing bays/lanes for others to pass us.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It all arrived. In short bursts between sunny breaks. Hail, and lots of leaves... I am glad I stayed home.
(29-05-2024, 01:52 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It all arrived. In short bursts between sunny breaks. Hail, and lots of leaves... I am glad I stayed home.

We are in a sunny spell. but its certainly been from Bad to good. 

Unfortunately for the St Johns Lady it hosed down when she went out to test the new box. 

Spark is changing everything to the 4G system so St Johns have to change al[l their alarms. 

But all sorted now.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I just caught a few drops as I was biking back from the Dr, really cold but rain eased again. I went in to the mall while waiting for my prescritption & got myself one of their thermal tops & a pair of thermal tights so will see how they do in the really cold weather. They're only synthetic so will be surprised if they're brlliantly useful. Hower, there's only one way to find out.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Wow, that was some storm and we are very very grateful our tree is down. There is no doubt it would have fallen last night with that wind.

We were in Tauranga yesterday for MrK's optometrist appointment and then decided to have our lunch along Ocean Beach Rd. We had a quick look at Pilots Bay as we had read about the oil spill and OMG, we haven't seen the water so rough there for years. And yet along Ocean Beach, it was calm. We beat the rain home but driving over the Kaimais, I was fighting the wind to keep the car on the road.

MrK bought some thermals from Postie Plus, they were synthetic as well but are nice and thick. He says they are warm Smile Mind you, he wears a ton of layers Tongue

Today I want to move our bed and vacuum in behind it as spiders have set up camp there. There will be a bit of swearing as the mattress is heavy. And we have to be home as we have sold another fishing rod which will be collected this morning.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cool this morning but lovely sun shining in. 

Out and about with various jobs and appointments yesterday including visiting a couple of Op Shops for buttons ... no luck for what I wanted though. Today will get things done at home and hopefully back to the knitting. 

I've just read how an Auckland family's plea (to the Council) to chop down a giant Eucalyptus in a nearby park had fallen on deaf ears for a couple of years. Yesterday they were lucky to survive it falling on their house and car  Angry

Off now to finish the vege soup I have on the go.

Enjoy the day all.
It is watery sun out there and cool, so is good day to do housework, and the bed needs stripping, always a massive task squeezed as it is into an alcove that doesn't leave a lot of walking round room. Still, it is always a good job jobbed as my father used to say. I am looking forward to those sunshiney days we are promised for next week though. I miss summer already...
Morning everyone

Wow it was good last night. Thunder lightening and hail. Missy recognised it then curled up and went to sleep. Im glad it doesn't upset her.
Her mummy was wise tho. After I got the candles out, I filled the hottie so she was on my lap and in my arms all night.

The sun is out but still a little windy.

I scored the bargain of the century late yesterday. I have been getting the restless legs again. And laying on my bed on the sore knee isn't the most comfortable thing to do, so I started to wonder if a weighted blanket would help. Did some price comparisons online. Kmart was the cheapest at just shy of $50. Then thought Ill look on TM.. Managed to grab a $190 version, for $30. They used it once and didn't like it. It was a gift.. So brought and paid for. And considering its 9 kilos the post was only $7-50. She is sending it today, so if I dont get it tomorrow it will be here Monday, she is in Auckland too.

Flu shot and my annual diabetes check today. And then ill pop in for a few groceries. Really only need drink, milk and cat food.

One day sale at new World, and 15 cents off at gull.

The ham hock is on. Thought I might as well get the pot on early. I will grab leeks and carrots when out. I love making soup but dont eat it.

Had texts from David yesterday. He was drunk. Very annoyed at the women having multiple conversations, without finishing others.. I told him women can have many conversations at once. he is the one who can only concentrate on one at a time. And he is going to have to get used to it.

Dianne said he told her not to come too close he has eaten some highly peppered meat so his breath wasn't good. But she is also a non drinker and can pick it up quickly. Sad really. he needs to give himself a break.. Apparently next Wednesday its 35 years since Annie stopped drinking so we are celebrating. Maybe the conversations might hit home for him.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I read that article as well, roma. They were very lucky. The council say they had decided to take the tree out last week... well, the tree is 'out' now and more than likely at twice the price as a controlled fell. They need a crane to remove the tree from their car, hope they have good insurance! And we thought our tree was expensive.

Our bedroom has been de-spidered and all the furniture pulled out and vacuumed behind. The mattress has been turned and fresh sheets put on the bed. Am feeling oh so virtuous lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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