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You can never have enough...
(03-06-2024, 08:24 AM)Praktica Wrote: Bakelite...

Not just me, then... Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile What a beautiful sunrise we have this morning Smile

Not a lot planned, groceries and the usual shopping to do. I cleaned the inside windows earlier this morning so might tackle the outside. The Karcher on an extension pole makes short work of it.

I'll keep working on the runner, last night I pulled more threads and stitched more pohutukawa. It's looking quite Christmassy now.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Clear here so far.

Planning on doing the big cupboard today. I got quite a lot done yesterday. Was very pleased.

My knee well sort of locked last night. Massive pain on the inside. But I managed with a bit of swearing to get it working again.. Just a reminder that I should never have done it. Much better this morning tho thank goodness.

I listened to Luxon this morning. He's a dweeb. cant answer questions. Ill go back to ignoring him. He doesn't care about humans, only the bank account.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning  all 

Bit of a jolt last night 2 k9s lept  onto the bed it was a noisy nearthquake.

KM I was reunited with my hardanger stash yesterday I will be keeping it all Big Grin I was ruthless with all my other embroidery stuff all going to Mary Potter  this morning. Just got my threads and elastics to sort and xewing room  will be done. Phew. My quilting frame was loaded into my friends ute and now residing in Central North Island gone to a good home its like finding good homes for puppies lol..

Another op shop run this morning, couple packages to post  and treating myself to professional eyebrow tidy up

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I remember finding new homes for my looms and all the tools, it was hard. I still have the little tapestry frame and bobbins, but somehow other projects have filled the space. There is still my art cupboard to tackle, but the time isn't right yet. To everything there is a season...
I have succumbed to temptation and bought yarn... A wool/cotton mix 4ply and I'm thinking a long sleeveless vest to use on those in between days when an extra light layer is perfect. I am comforting myself with the knowledge that at least it isn't another scarf.
Sounds perfect for the in between days Hunni.

I've been in the garage again.. Amazing what one can find when doing other things.

I forgot we had a Gazebo. Still brand new and taped in the box. lol. I remember when we got it, we were going to outdoor markets. So we brought a table, gazebo and beach umbrella. Got there and they had tables and gazebos out already. I did use the Umbrella tho. So along with the table still taped in it box I have the gazebo too. Im leaving the latter in the Ill think about it box. As it doesn't take much room I might keep it. The table I am keeping as it folds up so can be handy at space saving in hopefully one day a smaller place.

OH I just got invited out for dinner. My friends 40th wedding anniversary today and they will come and pick me up. I remember the day so well. It was fun. I haven't been out for dinner at all up here so that's 20ish years. lol. out for lunch a couple of times tho. Told them Ill be on my best behavior, Hubby says well if you miss behave we will leave you there. Cheeky Bugger lol.. Ohh a chance to glam up a bit lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
An outing sounds good Popeye, just what's needed.

Went out into the garden intending to do a bit of raspberry pruning, & I did, I did. Its just that I also dug out some plants & put them in a large-ish pot for third eldest granddaughter next spring. It took far longer than I'd meant to be out there & I needed a wee sit down & a cuppa when I finally came in.
Apparently I'm not 25 any more...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have been leaf sweeping. Or raking. Huge piles, very satisfying. The mowing contractors will hate me, lol. And I got my 7th vax done but forget to get B12, so must do that tomorrow. If it isn't raining.

My Aramex courier has started calling me by name! Coming out of the supermarket I get hailed by a passing van and had to laugh. Between him and the NZPost driver, I obviously do way too much online shopping...

Fun though!
Chilly and very grey in the Bay this afternoon - my little inadequately insulated house is struggling to keep me warm - might have to dig the old boys thermals out - my wonky leg is especially feeling it’s age
I too received an unexpected invitation out Popeye -a wedding of two young family friends who both work in the timber industry so fittingly the invitation is very thin wood - it’s so them - outside the box
When we shifted to Oz I sold off all my cloth doll stuff I had collected over the years on trade me - I didn’t collect a huge amount of money but it was well sought after - the auctions were exciting .I kept one bin of the very best of my collection but none of my family are crafty so have told my niece when I pop my clogs to take everything as she is a crafter .Books are another story gave away heaps before we shifted - kept my favourites and ended up with another collection over there to get rid of
This kerfuffle over the drug funding struck a nerve with us - we all voted Labour in 2017 as Jacinda promised two year trials of the unfunded drugs and all families would be out of motels into a Kiwibuild house before the end of 2018.She kept neither promise - so breaking promises are nothing new - at the time we were fighting for my dying husbands drug to be made available to him - he had been receiving it free in Oz for 5 years - we returned home as his time was running out - we were shocked to find it hadn’t been approved by Pharmac despite it being in use in most countries overseas - took them six months to decide he could use it at a cost of $63,000 a month ! Australia were only paying the drug company $16,000 .It was interesting hearing Hipkins say today governments shouldn’t make promises regarding drugs - he obviously has a very short memory - at least Ayesha Verall has been honest and admitted there is a real problem with Pharmac
Those who think the funding of the drugs should have come before tax cuts can hop on a cancer sufferers give a little page and donate their tax cut to them .We were lucky we could downsize our house and sell everything we owned - it gave him 18 months of good quality life back home so will never regret it .while Pharmac were dithering I went twice to Oz to bring the drugs back which was illegal and that was something I would never want to do again .
Morning everyone

Looks cloudy out. not terribly warm.

Had a lovely time out for dinner last night. Only one of the bridal party didn't attend. David, yes another one did well . He organized a cake for the night. A very yummy fruit cake with traditional icing. Very long time since I have had royal icing so he gave me a corner lol He managed to do it without my friend knowing..

Managed a little stumble outside the restaurant, there's a stupid incline in that particular block in town and I forgot.

Physio today, Im thinking I dont know that I will need her much now. Im to the stage of wandering off without aids, inside at least.

Got more done in the garage yesterday. I just need to arrange it now for a garage sale.

Will probably go up to see the ladies after physio I think.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have another gorgeous sunrise this morning, I pity the drivers heading east though with the sun strike about to kick in.

Smuggling the drugs into NZ must have been scary, Jan. But I do get why you did it. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I think though, there are some promises that should never be made.

Good on you, OHH Smile Who can resist lovely wool? And those pieces of in between clothing are very useful.

lol mica, good to hear you have kept your hardanger stuff. When you are settled into your new home, there might be time to pick up the needle and thread again. It's hard to sell/give away some items and you do wonder if they will be looked after.

Yesterday MrK was back to the doctor with a pain in his back. It turns out he has pulled one of his core muscles and needs physio. He managed to get a physio appointment for this week as there have been lots of cancellations due to covid. While we are in town for that, we will have our covid jabs.

Today the plan is to mow the lawn, it's back to mowing fortnightly now. I don't need to rake any leaves as the wind and the neighbour's kids have done it pretty much for us. The outside windows and pruning the roses didn't get done and they have been added to 'the list' and will be done over time.

Hope you enjoyed your dinner out, popeye Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The sun is out but it's cold. 

You are right Jan ... incoming Governments are good at breaking promises.  Here's hoping these life-saving drugs can be funded ... and soon. 

Keep up with the physio Popeye until they say you are ready to be discharged ... the exercises change as you progress. Glad you enjoyed dinner out. 

It sounds like you are making good progress with the reduction of possessions Mica. I hope you don't have too much storage space where you are going! My problem after a major cull before moving Big Grin

Happy knitting OHH ... so good to have it on the go during the colder months. 

Hope to get outside later ... my afternoon taken up with GD minding yesterday. I want to do some baking this morning,  DH appreciates a muffin in his lunch box.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning  all 
Clear skies  but it was pitch black at 6am when k9 whinged for breakfast 

Hope Mr K back /core gets sorted 
Sounds like you are progressing well Popeye

Back from gym  breakfast and shower then back to the sorting 2 storage areas today one shouldn't be too bad suitcases and back packs. Not sure about under the stairs cupboard as that is DH domain there will be lots of stuff we never needed to keep Rolleyes

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
It took me so many years to give up the rancour I felt after learning my husband died because the usual services - including the chopper flown by a friend of his, were all devoted to an incident on the other side of Rotorua that happened at the same time. Life isn't fair, and sometimes it seems to be a whole lot more unfair for some than others.

Last evening I peeled a wind fallen orange, sliced the top off it to open the segments and popped it in the whisk in the peach tree. This morning I can tell from the chirping and the bouncing movements outside my window that the little birds have found it and are enjoying it. Lots of flashes of gold feathers so I suspect it is the finches, but would have to get up and go put the contacts in to be sure - and I am too cosy yet to be bothered doing that!

Weather looks okay though, silver skies as predicted so I will get moving soon to tidy up before heading back down to Devonport, I feel a carrot cake and tea lunch is in store...
Life changing unexpected events are so hard to recover from, my commiserations.

It's so easy to become bitter about things in general, I know I have fallen into that mode for long periods before trying to pull myself back to a normal frame of mind with only some success which varies over time.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
I am well over what happened but find it very difficult reading all the vitriol over National not keeping their promise when the promise was previously made but as Ayesha Verall alluded to the problem is with Pharmac not the government - what a pity we are so tribal - Pharmac waste millions of dollars that could be spent on needed drugs - instead repeating testing that has been done elsewhere and in some cases there are years of data available on the safety of its use .We had 18 really good months back home thanks to the drug - that was 7 years ago and nothing has changed - let’s hope Paula Bennett gets stuck in at Pharmac and sort out both purchasing and supply - we hear of drug companies giving huge bribes overseas foolish to think it hasn’t happened here .Even if National had given Pharmac the money they haven’t yet tested the majority of the drugs and as many specialists have said some of them have already been replaced with better drugs .Unfortunately instead of the spotlight going on why we are years behind making drugs available the spotlight is on a broken promise - what happened to us over 7 years ago is still happening - as I previously said we were lucky we could afford to buy the drugs even if I had to smuggle them in initially while Pharmac procrastinated and then we paid a huge amount of money which I don’t regret - it’s interesting my post was taken as bitterness or regret - it was just cold hard facts whereas a lot of political comment is often just tribal politics - actually thinking about it same really for school lunches
Last night I watched Someone else's country; a documentary about the imposing of Neo liberalism here. I hadn't seen it for years & it was a stark reminder of those days when Labour, with neither consultation nor warnning, imposed Neoliberalism on this country.
And when voters finally removed them from office in came a National govt which proceeded to carry on with more of the same, again without a hint they intended to do that, & at an equally fast pace, so as to allow no time for any means of preventing it.

And we now have far weaker unions, far fewer workers rights, health virtually privatised & so out of reach for anyone on low incomes to some extent,& education starved of funding. Our THIRD charity hospital is due to open soon...
Unless we come to our senses, I shudder to think of the world our great grandkiods will be living in.

And they wonder why people find it hard to trust politicians.

Cold out but have ventured out with eldest granddaughter over to Kmart & lots shops nearby; its a very good thing I took her with me (apart from her being my chaffeur) since I'd have had no clue what to get her two boys. Minecraft apparently, & Pokemon, Pikachu, & spiderman. So eventually I got them a hoodie each, one Spiderman & one Pikachu. So that's something for their Xmas gifts.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have been officially discharged from Physio.. Well she will ring next week. But It does feel good. Im at the Wandering off point and realising Im not hanging on to anything.. Its 11 weeks tomorrow.

So I went up and saw the girls. We had fun then David arrived.. He will never learn.. He wants to make complaints again, I said how many times does one have to go to the Ministry of Health, and still things slip back into the old ways. I need to find my book so I can show him my documents and conversations.

Going to do my games.. gotta stretch the brain for its exercises for the day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(05-06-2024, 12:30 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Last night I watched Someone else's country; a documentary about the imposing of Neo liberalism here. I hadn't seen it for years & it was a stark reminder of those days when Labour, with neither consultation nor warnning, imposed Neoliberalism on this country.
And when voters finally removed them from office in came a National govt which proceeded to carry on with more of the same, again without a hint they intended to do that, & at an equally fast pace, so as to allow no time for any means of preventing it.

And we now have far weaker unions, far fewer workers rights, health virtually privatised & so out of reach for anyone on low incomes to some extent,& education starved of funding. Our THIRD charity hospital is due to open soon...
Unless we come to our senses, I shudder to think of the world our great grandkiods will be living in.

And they wonder why people find it hard to trust politicians.

Cold out but have ventured out with eldest granddaughter over to Kmart & lots shops nearby; its a very good thing I took her with me (apart from her being my chaffeur) since I'd have had no clue what to get her two boys. Minecraft apparently, & Pokemon, Pikachu, & spiderman. So eventually I got them a hoodie each, one Spiderman & one Pikachu. So that's something for their Xmas gifts.

The last one I trusted Lilith was Norman Kirk ! But we get what we deserve - on many occasions they are not held to account based on fact but on political tribalism .I am hoping my great grandkids will be well educated well grounded like my grandkids are proving to be - one of my grandaughter played netball for the school Saturday morning - went to work at her part time weekend job for four hours then played club hockey - I am not worried about her making her way in the world - another one the law student spent hours and hours helping my motel Mum sort out her mess with Winz and found the pathway to buy her house - not worried about her either - unfortunately the other two went to Oz  to finish their degrees and they won’t come home - my one and only grandson not so sure he is at Uni I think to play rugby and go surfing !

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