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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile I'm glad we're not going to the Field Days today, the weather is just awful out there.

Well done on the Lotto win, popeye Smile

Yesterday I took our friend to his monthly hospital appointment. We had no plans to go anywhere but his son couldn't take him. The traffic wasn't too bad until you saw it banked up at the airport turnoff.

MrK picks his new glasses up today and while in Tauranga, we will call into Animates to check out a furniture ramp for the Furry One. Over the last few weeks he hasn't been able to jump onto the bed. Some would say that's a good thing lol but he's old, and it's too late to change his habits now. MrK was going to build him one but decided against it.

Housework for me this morning and seeing as it's raining, I should be able to do some more on the runner.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning  all 
Raining here too but not heavy pity the poor people  at field  day.

Another op shop run o  way to meeting friends for lunch.
Just kitchen cupboards  to clean out and weed out stuff we no ,longer  use.

Too busy to miss my sewing. Gave 2xmore quilts away yesterday one to go.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Miserable out there.

Ill decide later if Im going to the home. Its slow work getting the walker in and out of the car, and I dont want to get the foam handles and other bits wet, or me.

Missy has days when she cant climb up onto my chair or bed. I've had a crate beside the bed for ages. But recently added a cardboard box fill of books beside my chair.

Had a good nights sleep last night, Yay. Was chilly tho. Had the long hottie, which Missy likes to lay down the length of too.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Very wet, wintery day. 

DS volunteered to do the school/ kindy drop off on his way to work ... phew. With a bit of luck the weather will have improved for pick up later. 

Welly DS and DIL2b having been weighing up their options.  His job is probably ok for the next year but now Australia is on their horizon. It will be a big call for her as very close to family. We wouldn't be that rapt either but it's tough on families, they realise how bad it must be for those worse off than themselves. Meanwhile DH was reading the immigrant stats yesterday ... the numbers are pouring in to NZ.  Very sad/worrying to see the brain drain.

Hearing of a lot of Covid around, including the Welly family for the first time. 

I need to get groceries and do some cooking for visitors tomorrow. Knitting has slowed,  have had a couple of books that have been hard to get my nose out of in the evenings.  

Stay safe on the road KM and warm and dry everyone.
It's tough seeing your family having to make the decision to move to Aussie, roma. It was hard seeing our son go but listening to him, he sounds so much happier and is loving his new lifestyle. And when all said and done, he had to think of what was best for him. He's single with no kids so much easier for him to move but he waited until he was sure MrK was OK healthwise before he left. I guess he is part of the latest stats.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It is immensely hard to be the one(s) left on this side of the Tasman, but I remind myself that this is how my parents felt back in the carless days when me'n him took off to Melbourne. And they never let me know, so while she knows I miss her, I deliberately keep that sadness to myself. And the fear of doing this old age thing alone. Just as well I am a tough old bird and rather practiced at surviving challenging times.

I had a dear friend arrive yesterday out of the blue with a paper bag containing a handful of delicious pearly buttons, big ones and teeny teeny ones, so I am guessing the skirt is getting a few more additions. But I need to find a decent button sewing needle, the one I was using was a lazy fetch from my tapestry collection and really is too blunt and too thick for those mini treasures. I'll need to get off butt and unearth the real sewing needles, lol. A good job for this wet silver day.
We keep the sadness to ourselves as well, OHH. No point heaping the guilt on them. Fantastic to have a friend drop off those treasures Smile I've done the housework, MrK is off to the butcher with the Furry One (yep, it's a thing lol) and I'm about to settle in with the runner for a bit.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yup, got to support our kids, whenever, whatever...

And I have my knitting, cat curled up at my side, lol!
Grey drizzly day in the Bay but have had a fantastic morning - my motel Mum has shifted into her house - her late husbands Uni/rugby mates have done all the landscaping including a trampoline and garden sheds with new bikes - all their stuff had to be sold to qualify for emergency housing - so those kids are over the moon - she knows she can go to the social supermarket whenever she needs to .Her in-laws are not happy she used his KiwiSaver to enable her to buy the house - he wanted her to keep it to pay for the girls weddings - too bad
When my son was offered his dream job in Oz getting a fully computerised sawmill running - he did a sawmill apprenticeship then a computer degree - his father told him to do the apprenticeship first as it was no good just doing the job on a computer screen which turned out to be bang on -I was initially devastated but never let on - the salary was eye watering but more importantly it was his dream job .We had built a beautiful house overlooking the lake at Acacia Bay which turned out to be a leaky home - we decided to cut our losses sell it for enough to cover the mortgage and go to Oz he could earn big money and I took my QS job with me - with hindsight was a brilliant decision as the treatment for his disease was way ahead over there - the population is so huge it was quite a common disease .We all came home as his disease progressed except one grandaughter who had already established a physio clinic - when kiwi Uni lecturers decided to remain online lecturing after Covid abated two more of them went back to Oz to complete their degrees - the third one stayed as she had a brilliant part time job working for a cleaning contractor who cleaned Jacinda’s official residence .We all chuckle when the media bring up Luxon claiming an allowance rather than living in the official residence - my grandaughter was one of 10 Uni students working for the contractor doing various duties - she was a housemaid earned 42k a year - the contractor must have been being paid a million a year -but she had a lot of family living there so at times my grandaughter was very busy - she reckoned she was underpaid after Clarke had a party .I am sure she will go as soon as she qualifies .My other sons children not sure - the son is at uni the daughter still at school - all you can hope is that they are happy.Just hope they all stay in Sydney - Perth is so much more expensive
I had a lot of leeks given to me so last night didn’t have a clue what I fancied - so made a quick green curry - curry paste and coconut milk - thinly sliced a pile of leeks - steamed a piece of fish I found in the freezer - dumped it all in the curry sauce - I used to love my Mums leeks in white sauce - wish she had been here to try my concoction last night she would have been impressed
The shoplifting is dropping right off -instead of 10 a day it’s now 10 a week - the facial recognition camera identifies the trespassed offender entering the store - police are immediately informed as it is an offence to go into the store - the security camera follows the offender - it takes them about 4 mins to gather up $1000 meat - they leave the store if the police haven’t made it to catch them on site they use the rego to go to the home address - last week they followed one shoplifter home - his house was full of stolen stuff from all over town plus firearms including a replica machine gun PLUS 2.5 million dollars worth of meth .
It will be interesting to see if the privacy commissioner stops the use of the cameras.
Off to make a coffee - fancy a big fat cream filled something or other - oh well will have to make do with my ginger nut
Love it when tech proves useful!

And I agree about the medical support in Oz, my daughter would be in a lot more trouble with her MS here, she's better served in Perth.
My Sister was the only one of five of us who didn't move to Aussie.

Not that you can say I lived there. I knew as soon as I got there I wouldn't stay. I have 7 nieces and nephews in our side of the family, only 3 of them born here.

I dont blame anyone for choosing to go there tho. I dare say its changed since I was there too.

But I totally understand being unsettled and having Itchy feet. I was born with them. Being back here for 20 years is the longest I've lived in one town.

Had a nice time with the girls until David arrived. He's really not understanding its him who is upsetting the apple cart. He got up in a huff cos we ended up having 2 conversations going at once and he didn't like it and he said he was leaving.

Then I said my usual Drive carefully and have a good day. Well he jumped down my throat.. he yelled do you think Im a bad driver, so I said No, your a bloody good driver, its the other idiots on the road you have to be worried about. I also said I tell everyone to Drive carefully, your lucky I dont ask you to let me know your home, after long trips, which I do with most of my friends. Especially single ones.
Once he left two of the good staff came up to me and said they were shocked at his behavior , and he should be grateful someone cares.

Since getting home I've looked up Alcoholic Dementia, and there is such a thing. And its Him to a T. I think he knows that too and is scared. But there's no use talking to him cos he would either get upset or angry. Hard tho, cos we do care. We actually wish he would find himself another Man. He loves Cam, that will never change, but he needs some loving.
Im brave enough to say it to him, but would hate to lose him as a friend just as much.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning  all 

Agree re things medical across the ditch

Kitchen sort today last room, so next week it will be boxing up stuff.

Have some knitting on the go,just sleeves to go . Jersey  for DGD2

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Wow, we had some wind and rain yesterday. Driving over the Kaimai Ranges was a slow process. And still idiots thought it was OK to overtake and drive without lights on. Coming home just out of Te Poi it rained so hard I couldn't see the truck in front of us. We only knew it was there as we had followed it down the Kaimais. Ended up at 60kph and even then, slowed to 40 in some spots. Was very glad to be home.

This morning there is a 'citrus swap' in town where you can take your excess citrus fruit and swap it for another. I'll take our lemons in and hopefully swap for mandarins or grapefruit. While in town I'll vacuum the car out at the car wash, they have a good cleaning system and saves dragging out the old Telus and extension cords.

More work on the runner this afternoon, I find if I set little targets, it is less daunting and achievable.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Fine and calm after yesterday's deluge. I thought of you over the Kaimais KM! As it was I was drenched from my rain jacket down after getting caught at school pick up ... of course!

Will nip out for groceries shortly, will include fresh bread to go with the soup. 

Son and family looking at even further afield ... partner is English. Good opportunities there as well. I will definitely be letting my feelings known!

Just sleeves for me to knit also.  I might have a go at some embroidery next. GD has a cute (2nd hand) denim jacket that she won't wear. I'm wondering if some little embroidered characters might help! Especially if unicorns, kittens or mermaids!

Better move. 

Enjoy the day all.
And a few antique buttons?

I must confess I reach for my embroidered denim jacket far more often than the untouched one - which is currently hanging on the wardrobe door as I decide between donating it, or embellishing it...

Sold a set of books yesterday! Bit of a shock seeing sales on TM are abysmal at the moment, but seems I came across another Nick Bantock fan - in Wellington - so nice to know my beloved set of signed first editions will be going to an appreciative home. Almost makes up for the rotten con artist who ripped me off a treat a week or so back with a very carefully photographed piece that arrived damaged and dirty. Still, those fools are few and far between, and karma will deal, and she's getting that parcel back this week along with some very straightforward feedback. Be interesting to see if she refunds, lol...

During the rain yesterday as I knitted I came across a youtube piece from a UK brain surgeon who was talking about the latest research on the way the brain operates in the dream state which was utterly fascinating. He also spoke about how they have measured the electrical activity of the brain at the end of life which seems to indicate that in those last few minutes after the heart stops, the final beat pushes blood up the carotids to the brain and there is a burst of electrical action that lasts a full minute or two. He suggests that explains the oft reported 'life flashes before my eyes' experience of near death episodes, and further, he suggests we have the evolved comfort and peace of the dream state at those last moments - which reflects my experience of being with dying loved ones. A rather lovely thought, that we do not end, we simply sink into an endless dream. Anyway, I have reserved his latest book, so will see if he writes as well as he speaks.

Stunning looking man too, which doesn't hurt, lol... Rahul Jandial if anyone is interested.
Morning everyone

The sun is trying its best this morning.

We had a massive heavy, well heavy isn't the right word, Powerful driven rain yesterday when at the home. We thought it was hail it was so loud. It over did our talking.

Only once I've actually not wanted to drive cos of weather. Was one night in Taranaki and the rain was terrible. We both got soaked but there was no way I was driving any further. I nearly stopped on the Kaimai's when I hit black frost. But MrP's driving had worsened by then and I stuck with it, knowing my driving was better.

We are having a slow morning. But I dont mind.. First job is to take my nail polish off, Im going to do with Pearl frosted next. One of my fave colours and I've had it for years..

I've decided Im going to email David, giving him a gentle piece of my mind. Explaining how I am and he will just have to get used to it. He ruined a perfectly good day yesterday.

Hopefully back in the garage too, now I've sold a few things I can spread it out better for the garage sale. And Ill put my new cooker away too.
Ill list my retro Tupperware bowls too.. They will make a little bit of money. Which is always helpful.

Im a bit annoyed with money. Its just like you get a bit extra and something else messes it up. I want to save but its simply not happening. And Im not being silly with it. But Im not the only one.

Oh I had the sausages last night.. Sooooo Good. Hawkes Bay Sausages. I got Pork. There was actually 7 in the tray, so $9-34 was a good price. Found the butcher online and they do online shopping so I've saved it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's a good idea OHH. I have a container of buttons and a lot are single and cute ... I could let her choose. GD is only 4.5 and already aware of what her peers (might) say, hence she thinks the jacket might be negatively commented on (lol it's perfectly fashionable as it is). I've been trying to encourage her to not worry about anyone else and she can wear what she wants. Easier said than done!

An interesting article for sure. I will look up the surgeon.
I'll look up that surgeon as well, it sounds really interesting.

Embellished denim jackets are 'in'... well they are in the embroidery group I belong to. I'm sorely tempted to buy myself a jacket and embroider something on it. I could do the kingfisher again or design something else. It's sad that at 4.5 years old, your grandie is aware of what others think of her clothes. Our granddaughter is 11 this year and doesn't give a hoot what others think of her clothes or her. I think she thinks of herself as the 'trendsetter' lol. I might ask our daughter if she would like an embroidered jacket for her birthday, she can decide what she wants on it. Then I'm sure her brother will want something similar Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Might have to start wearing a denim shirt My sister in law sent me. Its has beading and embroidery on it. Handy when you dont want too many thick clothes going to the rest homes.

I ducked over to Pukekohe and finally got a new clothes airer. A Much stronger one. Down from $90 to $54.. Gotta Love Briscoes sales.

And Madam is happy. I got her fave bikkies. Usually $9 a packet, but NW had two packs for $12. Ours didn't have her flavour.

Time for my games and some listings.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Embellishing our clothes is such fun - and visible mending is certainly a 'thing', and not just because it is a sustainable eco sensitive way to extend the life of a garment. I spent this morning darning a black merino cardy that is so useful but grew three holes by magic. It now co ordinates rather well with the denims it usually pairs with seeing the nearest wool happened to be several tones of denim blue. And it was very pleasurable sitting here in the sun, randomly plying my needle through that fine black merino with one of hgtv's home shows on the screen.

And I am now quite happy to wear my ' altered' wardrobe pieces out in public - occasionally it sparks conversation, most of the time it is ignored, but I do know I am seeing more examples on other people, so maybe it is catching. If it is, considering what our addiction to fast fashion is costing the planet - that's a good thing!

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