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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

A frost here too, which is rare in my little secluded pocket of earth.

Wow Kiwimade it hasn't been you year. But at least its getting it all done and dusted.

Yes they were talking about bird counts and whales on breakfast yesterday. Pretty sure you wont see too many whales tho lol.

Woke up at 4am with massive pain on the inside of my knee. Its swollen and sore on the outside as well. So had meds and deep heat. When I got out of the car here yesterday it hurt, but I hadn't banged it on anything.. Its enough to make me not go to the home today. It obviously needs resting.

I had a fair bit planned for the weekend so may have to trim the list. But I will get the crockpot out later and cook some creamed rice. Its yummy for breakfast with peaches. And I hope to cooked tea, since last night I had weetbix lol

Hope your day went well Mica.. Just take your time unpacking. Easier said than done tho. It took me 6 weeks to unpack when we moved here. I was knackered and got no help from him Indoors.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

I had a relapse following my knee surgery when I got out of my Laziboy and a sharp pain in the outer side of my knee made me see stars. Extremely sore for a few days to the point that I wasn't still able to get sock and shoe on by myself on the effected leg.

When I asked the surgeon about it he said that he makes perforations in the 'band' that connects the knee to the thigh as part of the surgery. This is to allow it to release as the healing process occurs. By 'release' he meant tears slightly which explained the pain I experienced.

Wise to give it a rest as you suggest and if still bothering you next week get onto the surgeon about it. Swelling is the body's natural protection strategy but definitely worth keeping an eye on it as swelling wasn't particularly present in my case.
(28-06-2024, 10:27 AM)harm_less Wrote: @popeye333,

I had a relapse following my knee surgery when I got out of my Laziboy and a sharp pain in the outer side of my knee made me see stars. Extremely sore for a few days to the point that I wasn't still able to get sock and shoe on by myself on the effected leg.

When I asked the surgeon about it he said that he makes perforations in the 'band' that connects the knee to the thigh as part of the surgery. This is to allow it to release as the healing process occurs. By 'release' he meant tears slightly which explained the pain I experienced.

Wise to give it a rest as you suggest and if still bothering you next week get onto the surgeon about it. Swelling is the body's natural protection strategy but definitely worth keeping an eye on it as swelling wasn't particularly present in my case.

Thanks Harmless. Well explained.

When I got out of the car when I got home yesterday Something happened, but cos I hadn't banged it or done anything it had me puzzled for sure. There was some sort of Clicking but not really clicking when I was moving it last night to try and get rid of the restless legs. I wonder if the rigorous movements Im doing to get rid of that is not good for the joint. 
I have an appointment booked for my GP on Friday so will see what he says.  

I have a good Nurse.. A Furry one who is also creaky today , but she makes me sit, so she can sit on the hot water bottle too. Madam Missy I call her. She seems to know when Im sore and makes me rest.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Nice to have advice from someone who has 'been there', popeye Smile

Legacy is now firmly part of the garden and Graeme Thomas has been given a second chance in the same spot. There is new growth so maybe being a very young rose, it will survive after all.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Waxeyes are such cheeky mites. Ours sit and watch when I refill the whisk, they don't move away, they just sit and watch, then descend on the fresh fruit.

It is a real joy to watch them.
Fine day

Move went well started  loading truck 8.30 and finishe at our new place e 3.30, two trip as small truck.
Started unpacking g kitchen yesterday went out god thai for tea then back to unpacking. Finally,ly finished unpacking the kitchen don't want to do that again in a hurry .
Bathroom stuff next. Just assembled the cordless vacuum so that we can use it tomorrow once it is fully charged.

Friends feeding us tonight so don't need to worry about cooking. Back to old house tomorrow to do final clean then carpet cleaner comes Monday  morning . New occupants moving  in on Tuesday.
Funny without the k9s pick them up tomorrow morning I am sure that they  have had  fun at the kennels.
Got WiFi connected waiting to get tv on wall next week the will connect to Sky.

Popeye hope your knee improves with rest

Enjoy you day all
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Hunni I think my grandson who sent me the lady reading with her cat has outdone himself again - what message is he trying to send me I wonder

This photo is my brothers taken from his front deck - some old photos have surfaced on Facebook of the sea being so high back at the turn of the century and in the 30s - but of course back then people hadn’t built on the beach - it is a beautiful place to live .He is a very caring sibling every morning my sister and I get a message from him asking how his very elderly sisters are this morning - the buggar is only six years younger than me - he sends us a photo either of the sunrise over the sea or the moon from the night before - it’s always nice to wake up to -
Love your grandsons choice of image Jan! Smile

I'm in the process of making a hanging thingamy which eventually will hang outside somewhere ( probably off the clothesline) so I can fill the central piece with sugar water for the native birds, not sure if they'll come or not but if not then the immigrant birds might like it - they usually finish off the birdball fairly quickly whenever I put one out for them.

I'd completely forgotten about Matariki & had to venture to the dreaded mall for a repeat prescription. Managed to get another little jewellery case for another granddaughter's birthday while i was there & they have another over at another mall which they'll hang onto till I go over Monday to get it. That'll be one for each granddaughter. so a start on their birthdays for next time.
The lawn has grown thanks to rain almost every day last week & really I should be mowing it, but its freezing out & I'm knackered anyway so it can wait.

I did suggest that Madame le Dog might like to mow it, but she just gave me one of her looks, snorted & went to sleep...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My chemist texted me regarding a meds refill, did I want it made up... So I sent back the required Yes and half an hour later there's a knock on the door and a lovely girl handed me the package! First time that's happened, though I did speak with the pharmacist about vaccines this week and in the process told him my age, so maybe he thinks I am in need of special treatment, lol...

Jan, I am pleased to see you using your signals when haring around on your bike. That 'boy' needs to see one from you about very fast, very big motorbikes. Maybe a Ducati would suit you, and red leathers to match...

Pruned mutabilis back, made a pot of cuttings and added some stalks of the rampant purple salvia. My friend who begged them from me might regret that one, but it is a great filler. And in the process pulled some stray grass seedlings to reveal hyacinth bulbs showing strong leaves, and my fridge chilled tulips are also up, surrounded by tiny white alyssum seedlings. With luck they should match up.

And my favourite Frenchmen at the cycle shop who look after my tyres have given up the struggle and moved on, sadly. I got to say thank you as they took the signage down, such lovely men, it was never a problem no matter when I showed up. So I'm going to get a little handheld compressor this week from Bunnings along with another garden box on legs. I'm thinking I might try strawberries again, be easier in one of those planters, and Awapuni have a nice strawberry package so I might treat myself....

But buggeration on the tyre thing.
I too received a text from the chemist last week about my repeats which had a few days to go - was invited to text yes - about an hour later they were delivered .Suits me was no charge

My grandson is a great kid - which I suppose some might think because he is my grandson I would say but it would have been very easy for him to turn out a brat - he literally grew up in the supermarket the bottom drawer of my DILs desk in her office was his bassinet then they started a crèche in the conference room so staff kids and him had a private kindi - my DIL has a masters degree in early child education - he is extremely gifted at sport - we have a video of him swimming at school - he had finished his 4th leg and the second kid was just turning for his last length - he said sorry to the 2nd kid as he finished - my husband used to say to him no good being the best if nobody likes you .He is doing very well at environmental science at Uni - spends a lot of time surfing and running which he tells me is study - since he was 15 he has worked school holidays either on building sites with my brother who is a hard task master or at the supermarket- has no loans and paid for his car. I wish my father had lived long enough to know him .He is kind and giving like his Dad and I couldn’t ask for more
We are lucky with our grandchildren...

And our chemists!
(28-06-2024, 04:57 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My chemist texted me regarding a meds refill, did I want it made up... So I sent back the required Yes and half an hour later there's a knock on the door and a lovely girl handed me the package! First time that's happened, though I did speak with the pharmacist about vaccines this week and in the process told him my age, so maybe he thinks I am in need of special treatment, lol...

Jan, I am pleased to see you using your signals when haring around on your bike. That 'boy' needs to see one from you about very fast, very big motorbikes. Maybe a Ducati would suit you, and red leathers to match...

Pruned mutabilis back, made a pot of cuttings and added some stalks of the rampant purple salvia. My friend who begged them from me might regret that one, but it is a great filler. And in the process pulled some stray grass seedlings to reveal hyacinth bulbs showing strong leaves, and my fridge chilled tulips are also up, surrounded by tiny white alyssum seedlings. With luck they should match up.

And my favourite Frenchmen at the cycle shop who look after my tyres have given up the struggle and moved on, sadly. I got to say thank you as they took the signage down, such lovely men, it was never a problem no matter when I showed up. So I'm going to get a little handheld compressor this week from Bunnings along with another garden box on legs. I'm thinking I might try strawberries again, be easier in one of those planters, and Awapuni have a nice strawberry package so I might treat myself....

But buggeration on the tyre thing.

Seriously, you had  Frenchmen at your local cycle shop, completely failed to add them to your collection & let them get away??! Rolleyes Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have duly rested today. The Furry Nurse makes sure of it..

I Suspect she just likes the body heat tho lol.. Yes its still sore but not as bad as this morning.

Your right Kiwimade, what Harmless said made a lot of sense. People who have been through it know more than the drs for sure.

I did make a pot of creamed rice in the crockpot for my breakfasts, yummy warmed with peaches. And I have the bread maker out and set up to make bread in the morning.

Talking about chemists I suspect ill get a text tomorrow too. I might ask to have it delivered. Saves trying to get the knee in the car. Usually costs $5. Im in credit so wont notice it.

Love that you have such a good relationship with your grandson Jan.. Love the photos too. Id be teaching the younger brother a thing or two about respecting his elders lol.. In a fiendishly funny way of course lol. But it is lovely that he thinks of his sisters in that way.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(28-06-2024, 07:14 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(28-06-2024, 04:57 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My chemist texted me regarding a meds refill, did I want it made up... So I sent back the required Yes and half an hour later there's a knock on the door and a lovely girl handed me the package! First time that's happened, though I did speak with the pharmacist about vaccines this week and in the process told him my age, so maybe he thinks I am in need of special treatment, lol...

Jan, I am pleased to see you using your signals when haring around on your bike. That 'boy' needs to see one from you about very fast, very big motorbikes. Maybe a Ducati would suit you, and red leathers to match...

Pruned mutabilis back, made a pot of cuttings and added some stalks of the rampant purple salvia. My friend who begged them from me might regret that one, but it is a great filler. And in the process pulled some stray grass seedlings to reveal hyacinth bulbs showing strong leaves, and my fridge chilled tulips are also up, surrounded by tiny white alyssum seedlings. With luck they should match up.

And my favourite Frenchmen at the cycle shop who look after my tyres have given up the struggle and moved on, sadly. I got to say thank you as they took the signage down, such lovely men, it was never a problem no matter when I showed up. So I'm going to get a little handheld compressor this week from Bunnings along with another garden box on legs. I'm thinking I might try strawberries again, be easier in one of those planters, and Awapuni have a nice strawberry package so I might treat myself....

But buggeration on the tyre thing.

Seriously, you had  Frenchmen at your local cycle shop, completely failed to add them to your collection & let them get away??! Rolleyes Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
Trust me, I gave them my best efforts...

Oh they were lovely. Rolleyes Shy Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Typical Waikato, fog, fog, and more fog.

lmao Lilith, I know, right? How could she let them escape? Buggarrr, OHH lol. I bet you will miss them though.

Great to hear your move went well, mica. The K9s will be in for a surprise when they leave the kennels lol. No doubt there will be lots of sniffing and exploring.

I love that pic, Jan Smile Your grandson has a knack for finding them lol.

Today I'll be loading the boot of the car with more of our old bricks for my sister-in-law. MrK has cut some wooden garden stakes, and we will take them all to her tomorrow. The pile of bricks has almost gone, I think her next visit to us will finish them off. Can't wait to see her garden steps finished.

I just read on Stuff there was a stabbing in our town. The police have caught him, and he will appear in court next week.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Still tucked up in bed so not sure what kind weather awaits me 

Lol loved the picture Jan

Off to do clean old house after breakfast, then there will be some furniture assembly  this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

It's cold but the sun is shining.

Lovely day yesterday for Matariki and home made pizzas done in the pizza oven for lunch hit the right spot. A Kereru flew over while we were outside adding to the entertainment Smile

It's a bu@@er when services that we use are no longer there, sadly more and more of them moving on.

Good that the move over and done with Mica.  New start for you and the pets once you have settled in.

Haha Jan, those pictures with a message are great.

Nothing planned today ... hopefully can get outside for some weeding.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

A beautiful day here. Love sunny days in winter.

It will feel more like Home once your pets are back Mica.

I've put the bread on, later than planned since the Nurse wouldn't let me get up early. Bossy Mare. The knee has gone down a little thank goodness. But still sore on the inside of it.

Ill phone the chemist and see if my script was actually sent to them on Thursday. I wont be happy if it wasn't.

I have several things I want to do. Not all at once. But I think I should finally finish MrP's wardrobe. Its just stuff not clothes. Then I can take a load to the oppy. Then I could put stuff for the garage sale in there, making it easier to work in the sewing room.
I've decided to have a massive cull of wool. I have rediculous amounts. I wont get rid of all. But there's plenty of colours that I got for making blankets and toys. And with that out of the craft room I can organise it better and get rid of the dining suite too. It will make it a far nicer place to work in. I might even bring the folding table in and set it up for a cutting table.

So a sort of potter about day, working around maybe a trip to the chemist, the bread finishing and the pain.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It is chilly. I got up, got dressed, made tea, and returned to the quilts, just for a bit longer... Watery sun out there, which bodes well for a bit of outdoor stuff, I have a couple of leftover big pots that are finished and need emptying onto the garden before scrubbing and storing. Yesterday I did one and unearthed a big kumara and several babies, then thinking I'd recycle the babies by tossing them under the hedge, lost the big one as well in the process. Stupid woman, you have two hands... Still, it will be fun watching that space for signs of kumara life! I am going to add pumpkin seeds as well, and judiciously skirt prune the feijoas so we can get the fallen fruit more easily. And harvest any punkins that eventuate! I do like a bit of guerilla gardening...

Very still too, might be a good day to do the first copper spray on the peach trees. We shall see...
It's still here too which doesn't help move the fog. The car is loaded with bricks, not too many as it makes the car heavy and harder to drive. MrK is about to freeze some broccoli that hasn't been eaten and I've also done the ironing. A productive start to the day Smile

Once my fingers have thawed out, I might start culling the gardening and cook books for the book fair.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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