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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Still dark cold and raining. 
Early start k9 wanted  out 5.30am and I couldn't get back to sleep.
Not good news about poorly  k9 looks like liver tumour involving the gall bladder. So doing more tests and repeating the blood work next week. Then decisions made re Massey and ultrasound guided needle biopsy..
A bit of pressure  as we going on holiday end of month he booked in kennels DD would usually  cared for k9s but we holidaying together so we can babysit DGD1 while her parents go diving and hiking. 

Bought few thing yesterday  mat for front door, mirror  for living area, garage shelving(more some assembly required)
Bought shower caddy from Warehiuse which was as useless as tits on a bull  so took that back now have nice stainless  steel caddy that hangs over the glass
Hope to get tv up on wall today and put DH desk together slowly getting things sorted 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a frost we have this morning! It's a real doozy. Even a water pipe was frozen. The sun is out defrosting everything making the little waxeyes happy they can drink their sugar water again.

I am so sorry to hear about your pooch, mica. What an awful decision to make. Boy, they break our hearts, don't they. But on the flip side, give so much love and joy.

MrK has physio again today. The exercises he has been doing certainly have helped, even if he is grumbling about his body falling apart.

We'll be interested as well, OHH, as to how good that strawberry soil mix is. I do wonder if it's a bit of a 'have' buying these 'special' soil mixes. A few years ago MrK built a wooden tower and bolted it to the fence. The strawberries are off the ground and away from slugs and snails.

Did you start your embroidery kit, roma? How are you getting on?

Time to get cracking. Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

Crisp here too. I put the heater on for the furry one. She is about 4 inches away from it lol.

Sorry to hear re your furry one Mica. Kiwimade is right. We get soo much joy and its hard to make decisions re their future when medically challenged.

MrP never understood when ever we moved that we had to have a budget for all those "extra" things you need, when moving into a new house. In this house it was lightbulbs and plugs.. Why would people strip those from the houses.. Although I suspect they were LongLife bulbs and with the cost of them they took them.

Shopping today. And its going to be a marathon, so Ill be pacing myself.. Just need to check spotlight online for their price of their long hotties. Best price soo far is crackerjacks.

We grew strawberries in guttering that we hung on the fence. It was a lovely way to not have to bend over to pick. And easy enough to hang bird netting over them too.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Weird isn't it, and here's me going round and replacing lightbulbs and plugs with spares left in laundry cupboards BEFORE I moved out. A habit my Mum had and passed on to me.

It seems the best companions for strawberries are onions, of all things, so I shall pop in a punnet of spring onions and put a marigold seeding in the middle. Not as pretty as I imagined but sometimes effective is better than decorative. And if that mix doesn't produce an abundance, I shall be mentioning to Tui on farcebook, they are very responsive on their page, lol. I am going to tent the pot to keep the birds and the neighbours off, and have stacked the filled pot on top on an upturned empty one to raise it up. If the slippery beasts decide it is worth visiting I shall try that new recipe for a no beer trap I saw on instagram - sugar, water, and a bit of yeast. I'm thinking it is the yeast and sugar that mimics the beer effect on the hungry ones. And not as dangerous to my furry friends or the birds as those pellets.
Good morning. 

Lovely sunshine but a big surprise on the school run this morning to see lots of white grass! Picking it would have been very white inland!

Vege soup on the go to help combat the cold bugs in the family currently. A day here with GD ... we will make pikelets later for afternoon tea when the GS's are here.

Yes KM, I have the pattern traced out onto the fabric and watched quite a bit of the tutorial. I know most of the stitches but have picked up quite a few tips. I shall thread the needle and get started this evening. The GD jacket will be spruced up in no time,  lol! A nice birthday surprise ... I hope.

Sorry about your K9 Mica. It is a hard decision for sure, in the end we decided not to prolong an obvious outcome. The tiny cardboard box I collected yesterday with gold coloured name plaque a sad reminder of our girl  Sad 

Nearly time for coffee and milo for DG.

Enjoy the day all.
Court today - the mongrel who put the boot into me surely will go to prison today - if he gets Home detention again I shall chain myself to the courthouse or something equally dramatic !
We always made sure the lightbulbs were working before we moved as well and some loo paper in the loo. And if we knew the new residents were from out of town, some useful phone numbers for electrician etc and the dates the rubbish was collected. One place we moved into was filthy and the loo had to be scrubbed before use.

Fingers crossed for the outcome you want at court, Jan.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good luck Jan. I had to attend court as a police witness quite a few years ago.  Our door was forced open and house "done over" while I was at work. A traumatic experience, made worse by having to read my statement facing the lowlife with gang facial markings. He got off on a "technicality" ... the judge apologised to us afterward. His file was nearly an inch thick and he had another court appearance the next week  Sad
Thats what I do too Kiwimade.

Light bulbs, toilet paper. A letter with rubbish days, and in the case of here on the phone number front the Phone number for the library. Cos its not called a library here. or it wasn't when we got here. It was under Bookinopolis. Had to ask friends for the number.

Wow Jan fingers crossed for you.

Managed to get all my errands done. Went to get out of the car at home and the outside of my knee is complaining badly. Had done well to do what I did tho.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Fingers and toes crossed for you Jan.

Yes always loo paper, appliance manuals, rubbish collection day and neighbour contact details

Been waiting g for handyperson to arrive put tv up hate waiting . We struck problem assembling  the desk notlike we haven't had a bit of assembling practice over past week. Phoned shop and they hope to send someone out to look at our dilemma
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Hope it goes well, Jan.

And hope it goes well for your canine too Mica; its always so very hard when they get to the end of their lives.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
One of my life Unforgettable Experiences, was witness in the Supreme Court for a very grisly murder trial. I was there because I had opened a bank account for this accused, and he robbed the deceased after killing him, so the police needed me to be questioned. Not something I ever wanted to repeat, and didn't, until the Coroners Hearing for my beloved. That was even worse in many ways. Nope, courts are best avoided wherever possible.

Interesting Mica about the gall bladder involvement. I have serious gallstones and have been told they need to come out, but know of three people who have had that op, and each has gone on to develop associated cancers, so am reluctant to say yes until it is unavoidable. That and replacing my first artificial hip go on the Denial List, lol, because I am a complete wimp. So I have fingers crossed for your furry one, it is an awful pain to deal with...

On the good news front I have one month left before my scooter battery loan from Winz is paid off, so to celebrate I scored a cheap Samsung smart phone, recent model, rarely used, and at a bargain cheeky offer price - and the seller is throwing in home delivery tonight! I shall be up late playing with it, I can see it now. Such a relief after all those months with the tiddly dumb phone, cannot wait!
Morning everyone

Brrr it's chilly, I have the heater on. Slippers hat and madam is on the newly heated hottie lol.

Off to the dr's this morning, chemist then the Home. Steal their heat for a few hours lol.

Apparently David turned up on Wednesday, said hello to Dianne and Irene and carried on. He really has a mood on lol.

Hunni you will love having a more up to date phone. Don't forget to write your numbers down, before you transfer and delete incase you get a number out of place.

Gall stones are nasty. I have mine in a jar. friends who have had babies and gall stones say they would rather have another baby than have their gall stones. My opp went well , in and out the same day. but Unlucky for me, one had gone past the gall bladder and got stuck further down. They used the camera grabber thing to get it out. Thus going through the sight where they took the gall bladder out.. Felt like Id been run over by a bus and spent a week in hospital.... I did manage to book a Tupperware party while I was in there tho lol...

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another doozy of a frost this morning. Love it!

I've never had gallstones, but MrK has had kidney stones. He was in a lot of pain at the time and needed some pretty heavy medication.

Housework for me today, yesterday the washing was dry outside on the airer under a north facing window. That surprised me as the days temp only got to 12. Will try that again today.

We got the bill for the new pump yesterday, $400 more than planned. Hate it when that happens. The budget will be jiggled for a few pays.

Well done on your new phone, OHH Smile I also write the contacts list out just in case it doesn't transfer over properly. You won't know yourself now.

The waxeyes are stomping their feet wanting their food toped up. Bossy as well as greedy Heart We love watching their antics and I can get quite close now, especially if I have food Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning  all 
Very nippy outside cozy indoors

Spent day waiting for handyman who was a no show

Appointment this morning got call yesterday to ask if I could come today rather than late next month  so thats all good.
Going tondrop DH off on my way so he can look after DGS and DGD2 while parents  at parent/teacher interview.

Food hunt on my way home.

Bloke has arrived to fix the bit of dog proofing  the section they missed a bit under trellis by clothes  line total k9 escape  magnet.

Have fun with your new phone OHH

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Spent a lot of time last night convincing various sites that my log in from a different device was completely legit, and yes, I wrote down the right numbers before hitting factory reset on the Nokia. I am giving that to my friend for her grandson to carry. Being a dumb phone it will give them both the comfort of knowing they can reach each other without offering the temptation of the internet. Better than just ditching the thing seeing it works fine - for those with the patience and decent eyesight!

Learning - or rather relearning the ways of the smart phone was challenging though, so many apps these days, and they are bigger but skinnier, I shall definitely need to find a cover, it is a slippery beast for aging fingers to hold. Purple I think, or lime green, lol...

Edit: I got an email last night from another friend who had just picked up the latest issue of Selvedge magazine, a Brit textile art publication, and she was excited to tell me it had pages of an article on pearlies. Somehow I have unconsciously picked up on the old trend at the same time as some other stitchers, the universe is a permeable place for good ideas it seems!
Oh_hunnihunni, what is the model that you have? Mine is a Samsung Galaxy AO5, I got it about 3 months ago on a special at the Warehouse. One of the most annoying things I found was how to get it to multiple sound for texts and calls not just stop after one alert!!!!
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
A04, I wanted the 5, but this one was such a bargain it seemed sensible. No one has called or texted me yet so I cannot tell if my notification choices are the right ones. I guess Samsung expects us to be wearing these things at all times, lol. They are in for a shock! Fortunately my friends are completely used to me ignoring notifications and getting back to them hours after they tried to reach me, I respond to emails much faster...

I haven't even looked at it today. Mind you, it is so chilly in here I haven't moved very much at all, neither has the fur beast pinning me to the quilts!
Talking to a friend down south last week we realised that it's 28 years since we learned computers together! NO clue where those years went, & things have changed so much since then, too.
Freezing here, frost still around but Madame Le Cat insisted on going outside & has found herself a spot in the sun. I think the trip to the library can wait till this afternoon, might be slightly warmer by then.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The sun is so lovely, warm on my knees. Clear sky, it will be cold again tonight, but the weekend is looking good weather wise. Small blessings!

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