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You can never have enough...
Beautiful day in the Bay - still a bit of a nip in the air out of the sun- have just been to farewell one of my granddaughters off on a school trip to Europe - they have fundraised for 4 years so it was great to see them finally get going - she has promised to go to a patisserie in Paris and have the fanciest cake and think of me
Yesterday was diabolical - remanded in custody for sentencing - police opposed bail - he was sentenced 18 months ago to Home detention in Auckland for various offences including 8 assaults - was arrested 3 times while on Home detention again for assaults on elderly people but was bailed each time supposedly on 24 hour surveillance- he skipped his monitoring came to Napier moved into emergency accommodation- it was hard to hear the prosecutor read out his Napier offences I wasn’t the first and I wasn’t the last - he has a name for what he does he calls it polar bear hunting -his aim he told the police was to send old white pakeha ladies or men into hibernation - he likes to meet his victims head on lifts his elbow like a chicken wing knocks the polar bear backwards to crack their head or in my case and others come up from behind and kick behind the knees - I didn’t go down and crack my head the edge of my open car door cut my leg to the bone but my head did not hit the ground. I came off a lot better off than others who cracked their heads on the pavement - he had numerous burglary charges as well -he sat there smirking - if they let him out there is no doubt he will offend again - I thought he hit me because I was unloading food at the motel for the old girl who was cooking for the kids but it was because I stopped dying my hair to cover the grey!
Polar bear hunting? Hmmm, I hope one of the bears in jail deals to him. There are a few inmates with ethics regarding those who harm the young, the old, and the vulnerable. Weak arse predator going after those who cannot threaten him. Typical bully.

With luck the court will see...
That's awful Jan, bad enough that it happened to you (or anyone) but also had to endure all of what came after.

He doesn't sound sane; normal people just don't behave in this way - we sorely need more secure hospitals for people like that. The old style asylums were horrific but far more up to date hospitals are needed for those who can't safely be allowed to come & go as they please.

I hope all his victims have sufficient help & are able to go out as they please rather than being too terrfied too, there's no good reason they shouldn't overcome what happened because someone so very unbalanced shoudn't be allowed to have what he'd see as a 'win.'
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Wow it was white here this morning. Worst frost I've seen in the 20 years I've been back here

That sucks Jan and Im putting that politely...

They should tattoo his face and neck with it. So people can see what he has done. Yes he would probably wear it proudly, but at least its a warning for the public. But sadly you dont see them from behind.

Had a lovely time with the ladies. Always do really. Now that we aren't herded like sheep by David.

Went well at the Drs. Halved my metformin dose, for diabetes. Yay. And asked about iron and I've nearly run out of my warfarin 1mg... Took 3 phone calls this afternoon to sort that out cos he forgot lol.

Also took the bull by the horns and asked him to refer me to the general surgeon to get my Wings, Corners, dog ears, what ever you like to call them, the sides of my spare tyre they didn't take off, which now with the weight loss looks even worse, removed.
Im actually thinking of changing Drs cos I cant hear this one. And have to remind him several times each visit. I said I know it will take a long time, but I want to be in the system. After what happened with the last surgery there, Im prepared. And a hell of a lot healthier than I was then.

Do you ever get the feeling you have to look something up online.. And it provides you with the answer you want. ?

For some reason while I was waiting at the Drs, I just thought I had to look up and see if the ex was dead yet.. I did and he isn't.. Yay.. I dont often wish death on anyone. But that rapist deserved it. Looks like it was from a stroke and I do hope he suffered. But Now I know that A= I will never see him again and B= all other women are safe too.

I got a packet of chocolate fingers to celebrate. I took them to the home.. Gave the ladies one each and then asked that they did the One Finger salute with their biscuits before the scoffed it. And told them why.. Old Keith who is often down there, then asked if he could too. But he also did the 1 finger salute for me.. I dont have to worry about any of my friends in that town now... and Ohh man I hope he suffered.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We came close to a frost, but it is still chilly.

Ohh Jan, what an ars**ole of a person. How on earth can anyone think like that beggars belief. There has to be a special place in hell for people like that. Or in popeye's case, living hell.

Not sure what we are doing today, one thing I do know will be done and that's top the bird feeders up lol.

I have cut all along one side of the runner, so one whole side is completely finished. I guesstimate there is arounf another two weeks of stitching to go.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's cold and the sun is trying to come out from behind the clouds. 

What an ordeal Jan, I feel for you as it brings back bad memories.  The lowlife who came into  my life included aggravated robbery amongst his "portfolio" of offences. It took me a long time to get over the fact I missed him by half an hour (he'd turned off our power and the stove clock told me when), let alone the fact of our home being violated. The cop told me he would have done his ransacking and thieving in 5 minutes ... these types methodical and experienced!

We have a few jobs to do and I might persuade DH to drive past Spotlight so I can duck in and get some corduory to make a couple of skirts for GD birthday.

The embroidery sampler is underway and it is a lot of fun, even though the regular needle threading ability seems to have diminished somewhat  Cool

Time to get the washing out and make tracks.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Its wet here, so not so cold.

My friends grand daughters sports got cancelled last night, so we wont be catching up today. but since its the holidays she will try and make time to visit. I thought she was still living way up north, but she's actually only 20 minutes away lol.

Spoke over Facebook last night with my twin brother, it was cool to catch up. Even spoke to my niece for the first time. He is moving, again. Only about 20 minutes away, but smack in-between both daughters and living with his son and partner. lol

So today will be a lazy day, although i might end up moving some more stuff to the storage room for the sale.

Snuggled up with Madam so not moving for a while. The bread is on, so yummy fresh bread for lunch.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Clear skies haven't ventured out but I am picking it is nippy

Hugs Jan having to relive your trauma cant have been easy. 

Had to take mail for previous occupant  to main building so k9s and I explored and found where the recycling bins are. 
Took car load of cardboard to local waste management  recycling place, have the moving company  cartons  ready for them to collect. Friend popped in for visit after lunch yesterday bought an orchid stem very pretty, hard to get it to play nice in vase - needed the marbles that I gave to DGS Rolleyes

DS and his family had short visit on their way home from shopping DGD2 loves playing  tuggy with the younger k9.. 

Validates us moving local and not up the coast kids can still visit easily and we can help them out too .

Need to do the morning scoop poop run then walk k9s.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another frost but rain is threatening. The sunrise was pretty impressive. I've been out and refilled the sugar water jar. I measured it out yesterday and it holds a liter so at least a liter of sugar water a day is being drunk by the waxeyes.

The ground is rock solid with frost so any ideas I had of pulling a few weeds has gone out the window.

I made a plum and apple crumble the other night using our plums and some muesli for the topping with a bit of brown sugar, cinnamon, a touch of flour and melted butter. Decadent and delicious with homemade custard and cream. Got the two thumbs up from MrK. It's so good having the excess fruit in the freezer.

More work on the runner hopefully today. I can see the end now Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunshine ... probably a frost earlier, it's still very cold.

Wow KM, those waxeyes are visiting the right garden  Smile I have blueberries, rhubarb and feijoas in the freezer and there is a bag of sliced nectarines. It's been a while since I made crumble ... that would hit the spot one of these nights!

A catch up day today after being out and about yesterday. The embroidery sampler is nearly done.  Just one more tutorial to check out, to complete the last stitches. One corduory skirt completed, the other cut out and ready to go.  A nice change to be at the sewing machine.

Better get the washing out,  another lot to do. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning  all 
Fine day but of cloud about.

Slow day tyesterday waiting for DS to come put wheels on some garage shelving g that I plan on putting in a wee alcove  off the garage. Plan is to pull shelving out so can get to stuff stored at far end.
Once that is done I  an xoft out my sewing space  really missing my sewing therapy it keeps me sane. 

Need to move and take k9s for walk

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Chilly but no frost. We had several showers yesterday.

I had a ball in the sewing room yesterday. The dining table is cleared. As is the sewing table.. Now I have all the selling stuff in the one room.

Hung all my clothes, Man I have soo many clothes. Time for another cull I think. I know there are brand new with tag tops at the end of one row. That are probably all too big. So Ill get those out and add them to the knickers that are def way too big and some shirts I got MrP that he never wore, and they still have tags too.

Will have a tidy up in the kitchen later. Think the fryer and cooker can go back in the cupboard now. It was handy not having to get them out when I couldn't bend well enough.

I totally enjoyed Grease last night. Then Slept, in my chair but only one pit stop, till 9am !!!! I never sleep that late. but Man I feel good lol.

Glad the Abs won. For Razors Sake lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The cat has injured herself somehow, and disappeared under the bed. It didn't help that a neighbour had a gathering last night and let off a few incredibly loud fireworks that scared the poop out of both of us, but I am hoping as the day warms up she reappears for some food. I certainly can't get down to haul her out so we shall see. I think it is a paw, maybe a sting yesterday while I was out, or maybe something else, it certainly isn't a major internal, because I went over her when she came out to have dinner. If she's eating, I'm not too worried, but will see when she reappears. Always a worry when our fur friends aren't having a good day...
Fingers crossed she is ok Hunni.

Years ago my Millie cat put herself to bed, Wouldn't even get up for food.

I made an appointment for the vets.. finally managed to check her over properly before the appointment. Turned out to be a 4 mm yes 4mm cut under her arm..

The toad.. once I had finally seen it she decided she was ok and got up as if nothing had happened.. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Herself has appeared to eat and sun herself, and give me a chance to check out the leg, and sure enough there's a deep bite wound between the ligaments. Looks clean so far, but it will be a vet visit to make sure.

First time she gets to ride in the scooter caboose designed for fat cats, lol...
Yes, cat fang puncture wounds can be nasty! 

Have you looked at the claws as well, sometimes they hook them on something and it tears (a bit) at the base ... usually see blood.

Good luck for the vet visit.
Hope her furriness is OK & the vet isn't wildly expensive Hunni. And the scooter ride meets with her approval.

Some years ago I had a cat which got what seemd to be a cold or cat flu & mum suggested giving him brandy & milk in an eyedropper. I had no brandy but she did so I wrapped him in a towel & duly gave him a bit of brandy with milk from the eyedropper.

He recovered quickly. But I swear that damned cat used to go round the neighbourhood cats & get them to hit him so he got the brandy & milk treatment. He had slightly mangled ears by the time I ran out of brandy..
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
That would probably appeal to herself, she is a damned nuisance if I have chocolate in any form whatsoever...

Weird like for a cat!
(07-07-2024, 04:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: That would probably appeal to herself, she is a damned nuisance if I have chocolate in any form whatsoever...

Weird like for a cat!

My Madam forgets that she is a feline. 

Her likes are  Potato chips, either chicken or Salt and Vinegar.. never plain. 

Eta Cheese balls. 

Home made popcorn.

Strawberry Jam. 

Orange and lemon juice..

Vegemite of course. 


Thankfully she doesn't like  chocolate or Bananas..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good Morning everyone

Yay for Lulu Sun.. Shes through to the next round..!!!!!

Chilly here but the sun is trying to come up.

I was thinking of going to the Drs, re my swollen gums, but with saline and bonjella I think Im winning the war.

Ohh I do hope they block Starbucks and Burger King in Tirau. It simply doesn't need those sorts of places. I did see they had subway, which I would have added to the keep out list. Its a quaint little town that should stay that way. Its not that far to other towns for commercial giants to be in.

Off to see the girls today. Think Ill stop and get some yoghurt for my lunch lol. No one will notice the pain i have lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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