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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Fog, fog and more fog... sigh

I hope HRF (Her Royal Furriness) visit to the vet went well for puss and your wallet, OHH.

Good on Lulu Sun, I haven't been this excited about Wimbledon for years lol.

I've just been reading the government is looking at putting tolls on the seven roads of national importance and that includes the new roundabout at Pairere I use at least once, maybe twice a week. They will soon have us all locked into our own districts at this rate! You can expect freight to go up as one trucking firm said it will cost each truck at least an extra $5 a day. With a number of trucks and daily freight, it all adds up.

I have finished stitching all the pohutukawa on the runner Big Grin Big Grin Now it's cutting and weaving 10 more peaks and the end bit. I am hoping to have it finished before my sister-in-law's next visit so she can take it home. Will be very pleased to see the back of it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely sunshine ... but cold. 

What a machine ... go Lulu.

I'm in two minds with tolling new roads ... if that's what it will take to keep the roads usable, then I guess it has to be user pays. On the other hand,  those toll charges do add up,  we have 2 in my neck of the woods! My SIL reminded me the Hamilton Gardens charging starts in a couple of months ... must get in a visit there first.  

Appointment this morning and will get some groceries while out. 

Have finished the other wee skirt. A good sewing session in a while. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning  all 
Very  risp start  to the day not a cloud to be seen.

Hope your feline friend behaves herself while in transit OHH.

Not much planned for today, having my foot xrayed this afternoon and need to look for new walking shoes not my fav  thing to do.  Think I will put DH on k9 walking duty while I vacuum and wash the kitchen floor.
Still waiting for DS to put garage shelving together might have to say I am going to do it that will make him appear  Big Grin

Can't set up my sewing space until get storage for other stuff sorted very frustrating.

Sounds like you on home run KM cant wait to see finished product.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Our Dianne is Sick, which is rare for her.

So even tho I nearly chickened out I will go in on Daughter Duty. Will grab a tomato for Irene while I'm getting some yoghurt. She loves tomato, we have to peel it for her tho.

It would be far to easy for Bugs to spread and we dont want Irene getting sick.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Went out to do laundry - our shared machines are in a separate building - and came back to an empty cat bed... I am hoping she has gone to find a sun spot, having had a good breakfast, but that means the vet visit is postponed until she reappears. I'm hoping she is on the mend, she certainly was talking back and full of purrs again before I took the washing basket out, so fingers all crossed...
Good afternoon from a glorious sunny day in the Bay - school kids and their Mums will be love being able to get out and about
Have just eaten a number of tamarillo and was looking at the amount of yellow flesh left inside the skins so thought I would offer them to the birds - was like a feeding frenzy - hope I haven’t made them ill but they have picked the skins clean .This year has been a good season for the growers - oranges should be better priced this year for those not lucky enough to have a tree - the crops are good .Glut of cauliflower as well - I should make some pickle -
My Malaysian neighbour came over on Friday night with a meal for me - she had seen my boys here all dressed up to pick me up for court - she is used to seeing Robie in his PaknSave uniform or them both in tee shirts etc - she thought we were off to a funeral ! Boy it was HOT - I like chilli and curry but it was next level - but nice of her -
Hope your cat has avoided a trip to the vet Hunni - hopefully she has damaged herself somehow and it will heal it’s when a dirty old Tom cat with a mouth full of bacteria chomps on another cat there are problems.My little Manx thought he was so tough and kept fighting with this huge Tabby in Taupo - came off second best every time- damn near bankrupted me - was much better when he was contained in Oz .
Tolling the roads will be welcome to those transporting stuff around the country - we have the highest transportation costs in the OECD most of it caused by trucks being held up on congested roads or reduced speed limits .Napier Taupo road is a perfect example of unintended consequences - the govt dropped the speed limit so now if a truck gets held up coming out of Auckland which often happens they run out of legal hours to be behind the wheel - half way to Napier in the early hours of the morning when there is often not another vehicle around.Another driver has to be driven up to bring the truck to Napier to get the load there be opening time - that’s three drivers involved in that last part of the trip - it all adds to the cost when there is no need to have trucks crawling along the Rangitaiki plains in the early hours of the morning
Just picked a big bunch of jonquil - spring has sprung under my lemon tree
Not only do we have Lulu lighting up the world at Wimbledon the kiwi U17 basketball boys are into the finals of the World Cup - the best we have ever done previously was 12th 22 years ago - no doubt the USA basketball scouts will be looking at the young kiwis in a different light .Pleased the French election has gone relatively smoothly would’ve been tough if there was rioting during the Olympics
I remember years ago when we were on holiday with the kids, we went out to a Thai restaurant and they asked if we wanted 'Thai hot' or 'Kiwi hot' lol. The kids had kiwi hot and mrK and I Thai hot. And OMG it was hot lol. Delicious though. They took the kids out to the kitchen to show them how to use a wok and cook Smile and spoiled the kids rotten.

We have a new loo. The plumbers have been and gone and wow, what a difference having a higher loo makes to the knees.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I must admit my high seat loo after the hip op was a godsend, returning to the low one was a trial. But I got used to it pretty quickly, though there are times I am very grateful for the towel rail on one side and the shower frame on the other. Upsidaisy woman!

I like hot, but not as hot as my dh used to have his. He liked the double burn of a good spiced meal. As we age we lose sensitivity, and I remember slowly increasing the spices for family meals as my Mum aged to encourage her to eat. Once in care it was bland pap again and she just faded away at the same rate she lost language, which was soul destroying to watch. But mass produced food can get like that...

Cat has surfaced, we shall try to do the vet thing tomorrow unless she makes a miracle recovery overnight. Till then, all doors and windows remain firmly closed, lol.
Cats have a instinctive ability to detect vet visits and make themselves scarce at the crucial time. Be sure to get your moggy checked out by the vet as their healing processes can all too easily seal in an infection making it a potentially much worse. Been there, done that Sad 

Home now after a weekend away and our 2 are doing their best to convince us that the neighbour has starved them since Friday. The food consumption over the period says otherwise so 'must do better' is the answer. But at least the logfire is there to be enjoyed again, eh guys?
You would all have grinned at me this evening, as dusk approached and no cat returned. Under the bed I thought, that being her usual hidey hole. So I moved the storage boxes, then shifted pillows and moved the mattress and couldn't spot anything furry through the slats (note to self - vack under there!), then went back to start returning pillows that I'd stacked on a chair only to spot a tortie tail sticking out from under that chair.

Little shit, less than a foot from the cat bed, and probably been there all day, grrrr...

So I had a wine to celebrate. And yes, vet tomorrow, she is definitely not her bossy self.
morning ladies Smile What a stunning sunrise we have this morning, all golds and pale pinks.

lol OHH, our furry friends just know when it's time to visit the vet. Our boy goes regularly thanks to his epilepsy and loves it. He has the obligatory pee on the plant in the vet's garden and reads the pee-mail before we go in. The poor plant may be tussock and tough, but doesn't stand a chance with all the dogs lol. I hope HRF is able to get to the vet today.

The bird feeder is once again, empty and the waxeyes are waiting for their food. As soon as I take food out there is mad chatter amongst them. Almost like here she is, get ready to eat lol. The garden is really noisy with all the bird life and we love it. I had to make more bird puddings yesterday, ran out of sultanas so they will have to do without. But they have apples to munch on and sugar water so plenty of that sweetness they love.

I am going to tackle the lawn today. It's grown so much even with the frosts.

The new loo takes a bit of getting used to but it's great. We will have to replace the vinyl as the old loo had a bigger base. But that is for later down the track as there is a water pump and a loo to pay for first. And it will give us time to think whether to have the rimu floor polished or have new vinyl laid.

More stitching later today. Didn't get much done yesterday as the tradies were here.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cloudy and quite cold ... I've turned the heating on. 

Pets are indeed very perceptive. It was always a challenge to act "normal" before a vet visit.  I used to get the cat cage out, door open and into the car the night before to get the "rattle" noises out of the way! The k9 had to be carried in to the vets ...  no way would she walk in that direction despite the treats given!

Groceries this morning ... I haven't got there yet and the fridge is showing it!

One last embroidery tutorial to watch and I can finish what I'm doing. It's been so rewarding and the result looks good. Now to put what I've learned to good use. 

Better get going. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning  all 
Clear skies going to be lovely day

Felines are so clever at hiding themselves away especially  when  not well. 
I off to vet with feline for her annual checkup and vax and the poorly k9 for follow up bloods.

KM first thing we noticed  at new house higher toilets, had to get wee step DH uses  when washing the car for DGD1 to use to get on to toilet she fiercely independent don't know where  she gets that from  Big Grin

Bought some proper sports walking shoes yesterday my podiatrist  had emailed my requirements  had choice of 3 all from my POV ugly but that is my vain old lady voice but argh... they are not flattering  I have skinny  ankles so they look like  big blocks. Still my rational voice argues this will help with my foot pain when walking the k9s or any walk Greater than 50m Rolleyes . The shop bloke is going to try and obtain a casual white shoe that might be a bit more fashionable. Its bad enough that my foot drop restricts a lot of styles but I like pretty comfy shoes

Moan over

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Chilly here but grey skies.

I kept the loo lifters that we got for MrP. They help me with my hamstrings. Like you Hunni in the toilet in my en-suite I have a windowsill and shower to grab to get up. If I use the other one I take the walker in with me.

Animals are very good at sensing vet visits. Thankfully as Madam never goes outside injuries dont tend to happen.

Was nice being on Daughter Duty yesterday. Dianne was still grotty last night.

A couple of phone calls today and Ill do my dishes and that's it for me.

I guess at the mo tho, Im stuck being held down by my Furry guard cat, nurse and basic Boss lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
In the continuing story of the feline, I got woken at 4am for cuddles and head butts and attention was required for a good half hour. We finally got back to sleep and when I woke up again I was greeted by demands for breakfast... Normality returns I thought. But no, as she came back from demolishing a petite delight she paused for a stretch as I watched and halfway through lapsed into a wobbly hissing fit, so something is not right, no matter how she might try to disguise it.

A puzzle for the vet to sort out at 3.15 tomorrow, just as well the weather is looking good.
yup, sounds like a vet visit is in order, OHH.

Just heard Kate Bush 'Wuthering Heights' on the radio... omg I had forgotten how much I enjoyed her music. Not to everyone's taste I know, but I love it. Must dig out the CD Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(09-07-2024, 10:39 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: yup, sounds like a vet visit is in order, OHH.

Just heard Kate Bush 'Wuthering Heights' on the radio... omg I had forgotten how much I enjoyed her music.  Not to everyone's taste I know, but I love it.  Must dig out the CD Tongue

I heard it recently too Kiwimade and totally enjoyed it. 

That reminds me I need to set the blu-ray player up so I can play some of my music, not just in the car lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Mica, paint those ugly shoes. Just undercoat with white & then paint whatever you like on them (then spray with fixative) so that they look better.

I think I may still have a Kate Bush LP somewhere unless I gave it away with the others.

Freezing first thing but the sun's out so didn't freeze too much doing dreaded shopping, remembered to get a 1 litre bottle of milk so I can get the birdfeeder/sugar water thingy finished eventually.
Second eldest great grandson is about to turn 5 - I haven't the least idea where those years went, just whooshed past while I wasn't looking.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I was looking for something else and came across my childhood writing cpmpendium, you know those leather zipped things with straps to hold a pad and envelopes. I was given it before we were taken 'home' to Scotland to meet my grandparents when I was seven. It was full of strange photos and keepsakes, some of which have lost their emotional weight and could be disposed of, but some that hadn't. Including a report card from 5BSc when my home room teacher at Epsom Girls was Mrs Gluckman, Sir Peter's Mum, who was very polite about my inability to deal with maths, but I came first in English. I am keeping that to send to Perth, my grand daughter has the same challenge and my grandson the same love of words. Funny how genes express themselves...
(09-07-2024, 12:23 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was looking for something else and came across my childhood writing cpmpendium, you know those leather zipped things with straps to hold a pad and envelopes. I was given it before  we were taken 'home' to Scotland to meet my grandparents when I was seven. It was full of strange photos and keepsakes, some of which have lost their emotional weight and could be disposed of, but some that hadn't. Including a report card from 5BSc when my home room teacher at Epsom Girls was Mrs Gluckman, Sir Peter's Mum, who was very polite about my inability to deal with maths, but I came first in English. I am keeping that to send to Perth, my grand daughter has the same challenge and my grandson the same love of words. Funny how genes express themselves...

That's something of a coincidence - I was always reasonably good at English & rubbish at maths.  I suspect now that I have discalculia.  It wasn't at all unusual for me to get a zero in maths tests.

I stumbled across a few old primary school reports a couple of weeks back & in one the teacher claimed an essay I wrote was one of the best she'd seen - I have no idea what the hell it was & there was no clue in the report. Big Grin Rolleyes

It might be worth your granddaughter being tested for discalculia, there's more awareness of it these days
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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