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You can never have enough...
I didn't know you could have a photo on your gold card either. Thanks for that, popeye. It will be worth thinking about if/when MrK decides to give up driving.

I trolled the internet for a girls size 14 denim jacket and got fed up with Temu hogging the internet. K Mart had one, but they couldn't find our address to make the delivery in spite of us living on a main road and we are well and truly on google maps. In the end I went into town and found the perfect jacket being sold on behalf at our local photography shop. They sell vintage, designer and good quality second hand clothes. It was a reasonable price and I feel smug not adding to the landfill Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I feel a bit smug too km, most of my wardrobe is second hand these days, by choice. Price, and fabric are my qualifiers, but I still get sucked in by things that turn out to be pure polyester and feel like plastic. They look so good in the pic, but the reality...

Denim though, that's usually pretty safe. And it softens with a bit of age, lol!

Oh, and popeye, we have an AA just round the corner from Winz, lol, so that makes it very doable!
Good afternoon - where has the morning gone - funny old day here patches or grey and blue skies -I brought two bruised pineapple home from the supermarket - they had been dropped during of& loading so not fit to be sold or given to food rescue so left them to ripen fully and this morning cut them and put out for the wax eyes - they cleaned them out so quickly - should’ve taken a photo - have told the veggie bloke not to put them in the pig bin should it happen again - so much natural sweet juice shouldn’t go to waste no doubt the pigs enjoy them I suppose
My niece in the US is sure Joe Biden will retire this weekend and there is strong rumours that Michelle Obama will stand - hope she does she will beat Trump for sure
Had a beautiful rhubarb slice given to me last evening by my neighbour - I just happened to mention a family who I hadn’t seen for years was coming for a meal so she offered to turn my rhubarb into a desert - cheesecake and rhubarb - absolutely divine - have the recipe - looks very simple will put it up if anybody is interested
How interesting that Michelle Obama is being put forward as a possibility Jan! I hadn't heard that one ... won't that make sensational news!

That rhubarb slice does look divine ... would appreciate the recipe for sure.

Good score KM re the jacket, now you can start your next project.

It's always good to get tips in here. Who knew about the Goldcard photo option.
I saw a recipe on instagram that I am going to try this summer. You pop the rind, top, and core of a pineapple into a jar along with sugars and spices, top up with good water (filtered, distilled, or rain) and close up. Put in a dark cupboard for a week or two then decant and chill, use as a base for summer drinks. My drunken fruit recipes are similar except for the liquid used - vodka instead of water, and they are divine, so I have to try this one, lol...

If Obama stands my faith in America will return. She is one of those inspirational leaders I actually respect. And there aren't many of those...
Awesome Hunni... yeah Kiwimade its a handy thing to have... It was nice that shop keepers didn't believe I was on the pension. I must have look far to young lol..

But I think from memory it was free. And these days passports dont last long either.

Now Michelle Obama would be perfect, and she's been there done that. And I'm sure Barrak would support her like she did he.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Michelle Obama would be brilliant, or at the very least a better alternative than what's on offer but a news report I read earlier says she doesn;'t want the job.

I too had no idea you could a photo put on your gold card so that's worth remembering in case I need it.

Slighty stressful incident here this morning, Madame Le Cat disappeared; I could hear her meowing from what sounded like under the house lots of rustling noises as if she was trying to get out & couldn't. Went outside near a gap under the house & called her but no response so came in again & more of the frantic rustling & meowing again. Back out I went, tried another spot & called her but same result. And Madame Le Dog decided to help by barking,yay..
Came back in & thought about calling the fire brigade since there's no way I could get under there but decided to leave it a while in the hope she may manage to get out herself - she'd be sure to be hungry sooner or later.

It was only about 5 minutes later that I could hear this really loud rustling sound, quite a bit of meowing & scratching at something which sounded almost like some kind of fabric tearing...& then the little sod appeared!
She'd only managed to somehow get herself INTO the dog's chair;its quite old & tatty & had a small hole in the seat - which is now quite a bit larger, her furriness having been exploring in between the springs. Bloody cat.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I tried to find it but can't - the picture of the tabby stretched across the back of an upholstered chair, head out one side, back paws and tail out the other, held in a sling by the cover. It was very funny...

But they do get themselves into weird places. Nosy little beasts...
OMG You two..

I have very vivid pictures in my head now lol.

Lilith I reckon the Dog was annoyed his chair was being handled by said cat lol.

Sadly for Missy she has a very quiet meow. To the point that I only hear it if I see her mouth moving. So she doesn't tend to not be tooo nosy. But has spent time in the wardrobe in the dark cos she slipped in without me noticing.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(19-07-2024, 04:40 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I tried to find it but can't - the picture of the tabby stretched across the back of an upholstered chair, head out one side,  back paws and tail out the other, held in a sling by the cover. It was very funny...

But they do get themselves into weird places. Nosy little beasts...

I know the one you mean,saw it the other day, hilarious cat! Rolleyes Big Grin

If only Madame Le Cat had been so considerate as to find her way into the back of the chair,I might have spotted the litttle toad - but no, she had to go into the seat base.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile More rain, the garden needs it so I'm happy.

lol, cats are so nosey and get themselves in and out of trouble very well.

Jan, I also heard Michelle Obama's name bandied about as standing for the top job. I think she would be a fantastic choice. The pressure is on Biden to step down even more so now Trump has 'found' God. Good grief, that man couldn't even hold a Bible up the right way. And still people fall for it.

I've made some more bird puddings this morning, they just need to harden in the freezer before I put more out.

The IT outage has caused quite a few problems around the world. It would seem NZ and Aussie had it first and it went from there. At least it wasn't a cyber-attack and was a relatively easy fix even if it was inconvenient.

Once I've done all the usual morning stuff, I'll keep tacking the picture of the wolf to granddaughter's jacket. I tried using the heat transfer pencil, but it refused to show up on parts of the jacket. Luckily tracing paper is light and easy to stitch to fabric and can be torn away once I've finished.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Wet and gloomy out there  ... looking to be an inside day. 

What a surprise Lilith to see the feline emerging from the chair! At least it explained the preceding miaowing and scratching. Cats are so good at getting into the darndest of predicaments!

Will have a good go at finishing the cardi today, nothing much else planned.

Stay warm and dry all.
Morning  all 
Gloomy and heavy rain here too.

Got pumpkin soup on the go .
Turned heating on in sewi g cave plan to fix up my swimwear and sort box with extension cards and odds and sods.

Knitting another fish and chip vest with left over wool from DGD2 Jersey

Expecting g DD to visit this morning too.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wet here, the grass is loving it. Not a breath of wind tho

The IT mess wouldn't let me connect to my wi-fi on my phone last night. But worked on the mobile data. But all good this morning.

trump is selling bibles Kiwimade. Wrapped flash and all. Logan Church ( TV One reporter) brought one. Id have left it sealed but he unwrapped it for TV.

I might go up to the recycle center later. I have some tinned food to put in the kai cupboard. And Ill have a nosey around.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(20-07-2024, 08:01 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  More rain, the garden needs it so I'm happy.

lol, cats are so nosey and get themselves in and out of trouble very well. 

Jan, I also heard Michelle Obama's name bandied about as standing for the top job.  I think she would be a fantastic choice.  The pressure is on Biden to step down even more so now Trump has 'found' God.  Good grief, that man couldn't even hold a Bible up the right way.  And still people fall for it.

I've made some more bird puddings this morning, they just need to harden in the freezer before I put more out.

The IT outage has caused quite a few problems around the world.  It would seem NZ and Aussie had it first and it went from there.  At least it wasn't a cyber-attack and was a relatively easy fix even if it was inconvenient.

Once I've done all the usual morning stuff, I'll keep tacking the picture of the wolf to granddaughter's jacket.  I tried using the heat transfer pencil, but it refused to show up on parts of the jacket.  Luckily tracing paper is light and easy to stitch to fabric and can be torn away once I've finished. 

Happy crafting Smile

Have you ever used 'washaway' fabric km? You can draw on it, apply it to your base and then stitch through it, it is very fine, and it literally melts in warm water and disappears. Very handy stuff. A bit like a stabilising fabric...
I've never used it, OHH but some of the ladies in the embroidery FB page I belong to have. If it's that sticky stuff, there have been numerous posts how to get the glue off needles as they stitch and some saying it doesn't wash away as well as they expected. I might buy a small amount and find out for myself, anything to cut back on the tacking! Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Sad but happy news. Sadly Maureen died overnight. Her carer found her this morning.

Sad for family and Neighbours, she didn't really have friends.

But Im happy for her, She is with her "Patch" now.

We will have a neighbourhood gathering, I know Jess has taken it really hard. But in the end after talking to her she understood that She will be with her man now and happy. Jess agreed.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning  all 
Overcast as daylight is emerging.

Sad time Popeye but what a peaceful way. 

Off up the line today  sewing group  so fun day ahead.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile There are a few clouds today, but we are hopeful we can have a break in the weather.

What a lovely way to go, popeye. Sad there is no family, but nice neighbours and friends can remember her.

My sister-in-law is visiting today and will no doubt bring her dalmation and border collie cross for the Furry One to boss around. I will have to put the Furry One's toys away as they like to destroy toys and the Furry One is well past that stage of his life. She can take the runner home with her as well as a boot load of old bricks. Only a few more boot loads and they should all be gone.

Yesterday must have been extra chilly for the waxeyes as they polished off a large grapefruit and two liters of sugar water.

Time to get cracking Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The sun has been out but now clouds are appearing. Yet more rain expected later.

A peaceful end Popeye.

Will take the day as it comes.  An Open Home to look at later for son and DIL. Won't hold my breath that they may return this way again though. 

Sleeves third way through. 

Enjoy the day all.

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