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You can never have enough...
Morning  all 
Woken up to balmy 21 degrees.

KM the wolf is going look fabulous

Set my tablet alarm bl...ody thing was still  on NZ time .

Doing Kapunda  train and gondola  today.  Must say DGD1 is being very good while we travelling  and experienced  delays

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile No fog! That makes a change lol.

ohh nice, mica... 21 degrees!

Your friend is very lucky to have your cuttings, OHH. Mutabilis will look amazing along a fenceline and will definitely keep out neighbours! I saw that series 'Keeping Faith' while it was on Neon (we no longer watch Neon, thanks to the advertising and price increase) and it was great. MrK never saw it and I don't mind watching it again so it'
s back on the watch list.

Just can't get into the Olympics this time round for some reason. It could be I love my sleep to much Tongue

This morning it's a trip into town to pick MrK's 'script up as he still can't drive while on these new meds. They seem to be working though.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

Wet here, chilly but it could be worse.

Im enjoying the Olympics but hate seeing results come up for stuff I haven't been able to see like the diving. I hope we get to see the weight lifting and Track and field.

Will go see the ladies today. Then home to organize pick up for sales, and some local pick ups too.

Had my lawn mowed yesterday, a free cutting promotion. But I wont use them as I can pay the boys less.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's overcast and expecting rain later. 

Had a good day out yesterday celebrating GD's 5th birthday. She has a lot of cuzzies and plus her wee friends had a great time at a Gymnastics centre with 2 girls running activities. I'll call round with her presie later ... today her birthday. 

I agree Mutabalis a lovely/quite different rose ... I used to grow cuttings and distribute them around. Sometimes I miss my roses but my garden is quite different now. 

I've taken note of Keeping Faith as well ... looks good. 

No particular plan today. Ahh, the rain has arrived ... inside it will be. 

Stay warm and dry all.
Have a third attempt at a dental appointment this afternoon, so have all digits crossed that works out. I am getting a bit fed up with it dragging on, but we shall see.

My mutabilis came from a cutting a dear friend stole for me from her local graveyard, a wee story that has always appealed to my darker side. She is a great rose, an easy grower and very biddable to being pruned French style - with hedge clippers, lol. I have an old fuchsia planted alongside and the two get along rather nicely, but will look extra good this year as a wild digitalis has seeded beneath her. With luck the combination will be perfection. I popped some alyssum seedlings in around her feet yesterday to try and persuade the local grasses to stop popping up in her prickly skirt. Pulling those is no fun.
I love stories about how we 'acquired' our plants lol. It becomes part of our home's history. I've moved our fuschias, fingers crossed they have survived. Better to take a chance with moving than to have them squashed by the tree being felled. Bunnings have very good gloves for weeding and pruning roses. I'm thinking of treating myself to an elbow length pair for next year's pruning.

I've had a look around for the stabiliser you mentioned further up the thread, OHH. It doesn't say if you can draw on it so when in Hamilton tomorrow, I'll call into the Bernina shop and Spotlight to see it in person. If I can draw on it, it will be the perfect addition to my embroidery stuff and so useful. Thanks for the heads up on it Smile Sadly, I can't buy it locally.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have a double May bush in my backyard, grown from a cutting I acquired years ago from a yard which had a very low fence between the yard & the alley. Extremely glad I did as a few years later the house was sold & acquired by the local Dr, all plants ripped out & turned into mostly parking.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Not sure if the link will work - superb comment I thought about Trump from an unlikely source - open the article
Thanks for that Jan. If anyone knows a few things about politics and personalities Sir Bob does.
(29-07-2024, 02:29 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Thanks for that Jan. If anyone knows a few things about politics and personalities Sir Bob does.

Worth reading the comments section below Bob's post. Wayne Senior Fairbrother's is a beaut and definitely doesn't take any prisoners.
(29-07-2024, 02:36 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(29-07-2024, 02:29 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Thanks for that Jan. If anyone knows a few things about politics and personalities Sir Bob does.

Worth reading the comments section below Bob's post. Wayne Senior Fairbrother's is a beaut and definitely doesn't take any prisoners.

"He makes Nixon look trustworthy & George W look smart!"   Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(29-07-2024, 09:34 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Have a third attempt at a dental appointment this afternoon, so have all digits crossed that works out.  I am getting a bit fed up with it dragging on, but we shall see.

More antibiotics. Back to check next week. Heavy sigh...
Buggar your tooth problem continuing Hunni
The thing I like about Sir Bob is doesn’t matter what side of politics it is - if he thinks you are rubbish he says it
Agreed Jan.. Straight up is what I like.

Oh Hunni that sucks.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's bad luck Hunni, but probably can't be helped.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile There are some very big black clouds out there!

Ohh buggar, OHH, that's all you need.

Good article, Jan Smile Bob Jones is very straight forward in his opinions.

I had to unpick two hours worth of stitching last evening and was so brassed off. My own fault for not making sure the wolf's muzzle was even on both sides. Both eyes are done though, and it's like he's staring at me whenever I pick the jacket up.

Grocery shopping today and a visit to the Bernina and Spotlight shops. I have a list of threads I need, and I want to find out about the Wash Away product.

We watched the new Guy Ritchie movie last night, 'The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare' and loved it. It's based on a true story using documents unclassified in 2016. The guy who acted as Jack Reacher in the series (not that twit in the movies) was in it and he was great. I love it when they bring up photos of the real people in the story and tell you what happened to them afterwards before the credits. Kinda fills in the blanks.

The binman has just been so had better go and bring the bin in before it rains.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast and expect more rain. Hopefully it will wash the irritating pine pollen away ... it's thick in the air (and on the ground).

What a drawn out 'pain' OHH. Literally nothing you can do but wait.  I hate to think what it would be like at our dentist, for a needy appt ... we are advised to make our annual appt check a year in advance!

I have GD today ... with a break this morning so I can have a scheduled punch biopsy on my neck.  Hopefully later we can get to the library  ... but first I have to read the last chapter in my book  Cool

Still waiting for our first NZ Olympic medal ... it will happen, but the competition is strong.

Got to love the way Sir Bob says it like it is,  excellent responses as well.

Better move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

The sun is out but its very wet underfoot.

A quiet day for me. I have to drop off some wool and pick up my pills.

I realised I haven't seen a single medal ceremony. I dont care if its not our country, but it would be nice to see some.

Shock Horror yesterday we were allowed to attend the residents meeting. Normally we haven't been allowed. Mind you 4 of "Our Family" were sitting behind the manager and Head Social person. And two in front. I think if we had all been sitting in front of them I certainly wouldn't have been allowed to stay as I dont have family there.

But they were good and we got a few things sorted out. And they finally showed the residents how their meals are sorted out. But they listened to us too.

Dianne and I are having our Girlee day out next Tuesday.. Yay cant wait lol.

Oh Hunni I do hope your Dentist gets well quickly for you.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
An instagram post just reminded me off another technique we can use for stitching onto denim, using waste canvas. That gives us a grid to work on as well as a surface to draw onto, and it can be removed when the piece is finished - albeit painfully slowly pulling all those threads. Mind you, one of us is rather experienced at doing that!

I haven't been stitching for a while, beyond covering the raw edge of my desleeved jacket become vest - which btw I am super happy with! The arthritis in my fingers is getting in the way so I am limiting stitchery to extend that joy, but meanwhile I am destroying a rather lovely handful of op shop interior design books a friend found for me, full of gloriously photographed images and some really clever text. I have missed my book making, all that ripping and cutting and glue stickiness, so prepping a couple of these for transformation is satisfying that need rather well. And using solidly made abandoned books is a great way to get round the need to heavy stitch layers together through spines, saving my fingers! And I get to enjoy the beautiful images made by people who have such great eyes for the perfect photograph, before I rip them up to make something new. And often incomprehensible.

I think it might be an addiction...
Did the dreaded groceries fairly swiftly & managed to avoid most of the rain. Madame le cat had stayed outsde & was there waiting with an accusing look when I got home; I pointed out that I HAD called her more than once before I left but that apparently makes no difference. It is entirely my fault that it rained & that she got very slightly wet...

Did the undercoat for the little dragon on the sheet painting so may get it finished over the next day or so if it keeps raining - that'll be a surprise for the wee boys next time but its fairly easy to see so won't take them long to spot it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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