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You can never have enough...
Last anti trump I promise but I couldn’t resist
I am starting to become addicted to US news pieces on youtube, as I puddle around at home it is my background voice. Boy, I am learning a lot. I am still very glad I'm not a US citizen...
Love it Jan lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(30-07-2024, 05:14 PM)Jan Wrote: Last anti trump I promise but I couldn’t resist

Feel free to add more, Jan! Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

Foggy here again..But Who Cares.. WE HAVE GOLD..!!!!! Took the women to do it lol.!!!!

Just happened to wake up in time to see the two final games, and Im pleased Aussie missed out lol.

Off to the girls and painting today.

Lets hope the medals keep coming in now... So much more to see..

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Fog and black clouds... not a good sign for getting out into the garden.

lmao Jan, love it! That is very clever. Since they have taken the midday news off TV1, MrK has Al Jazeera as his news fix and boy, do we get a different perspective on the world. American politics is fascinating to watch if you love politics.

I've used that waste canvas/aida fabric before, OHH and you have to be careful with how tight you pull your stitches. As my long and short stitches are very firm, and tend to cross over each other, it's hard to pull the threads out but it works great for cross stitch where you use the holes of the aida cloth for each stitch. I had a look at the wash away product and it might just do the trick. I think I could draw (or trace) my design onto it and there is no sticky glue at the back. It's $11 a meter but you don't have to buy a meter, can buy the length you need. While in the Bernina shop, I showed the woman a photo of the jacket as I was trying to explain (English second language for her) what I needed. She showed me a denim jacket with a machine embroidered tiger on the back but there was no depth of colour or texture in the stitches. I think I'll stick with hand embroidery.

We're not going anywhere today thank goodness. Will be nice to stay at home, especially as the weather is going to be rubbish.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Beautiful clear, blue sky with sun.  We so appreciate these winter days in the BOP after 60 years living in the Waikato and Central Plateau  Smile

Yay for a gold win ... well done Sevens.

Keep the Trump comedy links coming Jan ... it is hard to believe that vile man is adored by so many.

Groceries and hair appt today after a fun day with GD yesterday. It's been a while since I've thumbed through books in the Library's children section! Need to find time for some baking.

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
There is a reason embroiderers were the most highly paid and valued artists during the renaissance, back then they appreciated the beauty of applied stitchery. Needle painting is an extraordinary skill to build and develop, machines cannot compete. It's like the difference between real couture and fast fashion. Mind you, in the real couture houses they know embroidery, lol...
That's true, OHH Smile you only have to see highly embroidered gowns designed by top designers. I drool at the embroidery and skill involved. The Royal Society of Needlework have an awesome website with a great 'bank' of stitches as well as lots of historical photos. They showed how the garments worn at the King's coronation were kept tip top and other historical stuff. Well worth a good look around.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
And then there's that degree programme...

Just imagine if we had one of those here!
The addiction to pearlies on denim continues! This is the jacket I desleeved...

One thing though, the brass buttons have oxidised and developed a white cloudiness, I suspect through the previous owner washing the garment in a heavy wash powder process. Does anyone have any hints as to how I can restore their shine? Before I get out the cotton buds and the Brasso...
Do you have an Aunt Daisy cookbook HUnni? She has tips in the back. She might have an idea in there.

Otherwise Id say brasso or perhaps even lemon juice?
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Lemon juice is working especially with a dab of baking soda. The trick is keeping the button separated from the denim, but it is working! Thanks popeye...
(31-07-2024, 05:21 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Lemon juice is working especially with a dab of baking soda. The trick is keeping the button separated from the denim, but it is working! Thanks popeye...

Awesome. I was going to say baking soda but erred on the gentle side. 

Glad they will be smiling bright again
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Those look brilliant. And I'd have said a paste of baking soda & water.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Fog and rain... oh yay.

I love your jacket, OHH Smile What a brilliant idea to take the sleeves out and the pearlies look lovely. I remember mum using baking soda and brown vinegar to shine the copper bottoms of the pots and they came up great.

A silver in the men's triathlon, not to be sneezed at for sure. There's a lovely photo of Wilde and Yee sitting at the end of the race and Wilde has his arm around Yee's shoulder in congratulations. Both men had given their all.

We don't have a lot planned for the day, will take it as it comes. I would love to get out and weed but will see how the weather pans out. The tete-a-tete daffs are beginning to flower Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's raining steadily, best to stay inside!

DD calling in soon ... in the NI for a few days break. Then I need to go to the library for a signature witness (JP). Will grab a few more groceries.

Nice to see the spring flowers arriving for sure KM.

The jacket looks great OHH.

Haven't done any handcraft the last few days ... have been trying to finish a WASGIJ the GC started so I can return it to Hamilton next week! Addictive ... each time I think "that'll do,  pack it away" I find another piece ... or 2  Big Grin

Stay warm and dry all.
Morning everyone

Grey here. dont know if there was fog.

I slept 7 hours solid in my bed last night WOOHOO lol woke up sore, but came out to the chair and watched a little of the men's gymnastics and went back to sleep with Madam in my arms.

Glad its shopping day and I dont have to rush myself lol

Dianne is doing me a favour today. Getting my drinks from Pak n save. I need very little of anything else so it didn't make sense to go over. But she is. We are getting so excited about our shopping trip on Tuesday lol.

Im taking some of my diamond paintings up to the home tomorrow, and a new one so we can show the Other Dianne what they are like. She has a steady hand so might enjoy them.

Yesterday Dianne had another paint by numbers but the numbers were so dark that they would show through the water based paints, so I suggested we copy it, then I sat and used twink to black out the numbers, and copied it again. And it worked. Amazing how Less busy it looked without all the numbers. And we have kept the originals so you can still check the numbers or paint it what ever colours you want.

They need more twink if they want me to do more tho. Which Im happy to do lol

Yay on the Silver... We are doing well.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Wohoooo, sunshine!

Our rowers are on a roll with medals adding to the medal haul overnight. If you are watching the rowing and see the closeups of our rowers rowing, the cameras were fitted by MrK's nephew. He fits them in racing cars and any sporting event where we get up close and personal.

I have a list of things to do today including taking the recycling to the transfer station and soft plastics to woollies. I'll remember the dead batteries this time, our transfer station has a place for them to be recycled now.

I finished the wolf's face and started the top of his head last night. Just not sure of this bit. I'll have another look later but suspect my original idea is better. Should never have changed my mind.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Grey but fine here.

The cameras and filming with technology is soo much better these days. Makes the viewing way better eh

Off to the home today. With a selection of my diamond painting.

Then home for hopefully some pick ups on some more tools I sold yesterday.

Must do my bloods too. I think its due lol.

Helped my friend order some diamond paintings from Temu last night. Easier to spend other peoples money lol. But shes going to have to be busy to get them done for Christmas and birthday presents. She was buying for everyone else and I found one that was perfect for her so I added it into the order lol. Hopefully she will be up from Taranaki not long after they arrive.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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